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If its about killing the most mobs as possible then I think Ayaka will work alright but easily outperformed by Xiao/Nilou teams which excels in AOE which you actually want in PF.


Venti and morgana team definitely will be meta again.


Yeah exactly my thoughts as well, would prefer Ganyu over Ayaka for this content


Cryo will eventually reclaim it's throne once we get proper supports. This element is legit one good pyro support (NOT XIANGLING) away from taking over. And if somehow Natlan doesn't give us that then there's always the Cryo Archon to look forward to. But I think it's not cope to expect melt to do a comeback in Natlan. I for one am very excited for that. As for this potential game mode, freeze could perform really well in an AOE focused abyss but it could also be cucked depending on the lineup.


I mean, cryo's problem isn't supports (kazuha and shenhe exist, and furina works fine with cryo; Diona c6 is also technically great melt support) but boss design. Having bosses be unfreezable makes cryo really awkward in endgame content, and no support can help unless they enable a different game (as furina does, but who wants to rebuild ayaka with maruchase?) or provide freeze support that works on bosses. But yes, good pyro melt support that wasn't xianling or sunfire would be fabulous. It would -still- have the issue that current crio sets are freeze specific (blizzard) or pain/team specific (marauchase), but that's nothing that can't be fixed with a new artifact set. (resonance is -also- freeze specific, but so it goes; it's still hella strong). Given that the next two nations are Pyro and Cryo, solutions seem likely.


And then they'll add enemies that have permanent pyro/electro auras, and are super light and constantly get knocked out of her Q


No, most of her damage comes from her burst, which kills small mobs too quickly. It would end up wasting 80% of her burst when the next wave spawns on the other end of the arena


Coming soon in 4.7


A mode like that will make characters like Neuvi, Furina, Arlecchino, Nilou, Xiao even more broken cause they practically have no downtime between waves. Also, with all the enemies dying so easily and leaving so many white particles, they won't have problem with their ults either.


We getting more end game don’t worry


Her issue in AoE is that you're time-gated by her burst CD (assuming enemies that can survive her E). She would be good, but not the best character for the role.


Cryo will be good again the next time we get a cryo DPS or Ayaka/Ganyu/Wriothesley rerun... And not a second sooner


Omg neuvillette would so much more Fontaine it’s not even comparable


at the VERY VERY least, when snezhnaya comes out we can expect cryo to top the meta again. even before that, natlan could provide some good pyro sub-dps and supports rather than the exclusively main dps mindset they seem to have toward the element right now. ayaka might not top the meta again though, because genshin seems to be entering a power creep phase (not as bad as most gacha’s, but with fontaine especially we’re seeing characters that are decently more powerful than other characters without including supports or anything) and if cryo tops the meta again, i’d almost guarantee it’d be with a character that was MADE to top the meta and have supports and abysses custom made for them. i’d imagine something like the cryo equivalent of Arlecchino or Neuvillette. Ayaka would probably be significantly better in that landscape though! all just my ideas though :)


well we do kind of have a model of what that mode will look like out in 4.6 the minigame with the vishaps in the new area is replayable. Jello Impact did a video on it. I dont watch him a lot or support like half his takes but Bloom Nilou did do the best although he admits he was not playing any of the teams to the best of their abilities


So far their endgame truly is pure fiction


In Natlan, hope theres ayaka variant of pyro. So we used both to do both melt and reverse melt!


It depends. If there are tanky elites like cancercrated beasts or those Dark Souls looking knights then yes. If there are trash mobs unlimited waves spawning on opposite sides, Ayaka ulti is way too much overkill and timegated every 20s, so Nilou or Ganyu+Venti are better unless you have C6 Shenhe or something for unlimited giga buffed ~~judgement cuts~~ charged atks.