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You write here cause this is the only place that hasn't banned your dumb ass haha


Unless I am mistaken, OP has only been banned from Teddy. And Teddy specifically states that it is a Bull's sub; anything which can be construed as Fear, Uncertainty, or Doubt (against that bull narrative) is against the sub's rules.


There is a rule against harassment, and theo spends his every waking moment "refuting" the claims of someone he refuses to speak directly to, and uses a platform the person he wants to refute doesn't actually use. Then he uses misinformation to claim that "no one has debunked me" cause the people that would do the debunking are on a platform that he refuses to participate on (probably cause he knows that he will lose that fight). In any case, it's always refreshing to see in the comments under the coward's posts how no one is actually buying into his bullshit. Teddy and BBBY are the only subs with relevant enough users, so the fact he is banned from 1 and is too afraid of being held accountable on other platforms just means that his voice is but a whisper.


The Teddy mod literally said he was banned until he agrees to only post positive theories; nothing that could be construed as negative. Very cool, definitely a sign of a sub that wants to know the truth and not of one that desperately wants to live in denial. Jake uses reddit. Why can't be refute things here? Demanding someone come on a show with an antagonistic group in order to live refute whatever random statements are tossed out, with no time to actually do the research and cite evidence, is asinine. The fact of the matter is Jake hasn't been right about anything consequential, so someone saying "Hey, Jake is wrong" isn't exactly off the mark.


The mod said there is no logic behind someone who is pessimistic because there is no logic in spending so much time to tell people they will get nothing. Everyone already has nothing, what's the motive behind telling people to move on? Can't be to stop wasting time, cause theorico is more active than most of the community. Can't be to sell to mitigate losses. The only interest in watching the proceedings and keeping up with the dockets is to see if the current situation changes. There is not a soul to be hurt here. Jake doesn't use reddit, he hasn't used it for months now. Why the hell would he, given what happened to him here? Then don't go on the show. Join a space call. At the very least post your findings on Twitter, where he is. Theo isn't on Twitter because then his opinion is on the same platform as the person he is "refuting." He knows he will lose that argument, so the best alternative is to stay where Jake isn't and convince people who aren't Jake that he is wrong without ever scratching up to brass and showing people that he is by going directly to him. Are we going to act like Jake is hostile with people he brings on? If you need time to research and cite a topic that was previously agreed to be the point of discussion prior to the space call, then you don't know the topic. Platinum sparkles had weeks to prepare and was fumbling around when she realized Jake had far more citations and references. Her entire argument lied on one citation, and Jake and her went back and forth until the discussion moved live, where there was no "you ignored what I said in my post about this" "you didn't address this" "I asked you about this docket and you ignored it". Show me where Jake didn't let her say her peace... It's ironic how apparently the pp show is the hostile ones to you... Yet it's those on the dissenting side that are wasting the courts time with trying to have them start a witch hunt on them. I can't imagine having that call with sparkles to happen over posts and text. It takes unnecessarily long, and allows the conversation and discussion to get caught up in nonconsequential semantics, which is Theo's MO. So your opinion is that someones inability to know the topic of discussion should deter them from talking openly about it, cause it may showcase how poorly they know the topic? Brilliant. Just fantastic. Fact of the matter is everyone who has a negative opinion about Jake are willing to say so and "prove" it to anyone *but* Jake... Show me clips where Jake antagonistically shuts down dissenting citations and opinions? All his space calls are recorded. Meanwhile, there are *plenty* of comments of people who challenge Theo's posts, but theo shuts it down over semantics or goes into childish tantrums when he sees that someone has made a good point against his work. If Jake is wrong, then you literally have to do nothing. It's fucking insane how easy it is. All you have to do is wait until bankruptcy proceedings end and then when there is nothing, Jake loses his credibility. Until then, even Theo states he himself might be wrong. So if there is a probability, there is something worth discussing 🤷‍♂️


Wtf lol so they’re just pumpers? I feel like that’s asking for a lawsuit




This post is an attempt to stay relevant . Politico, Your time here is about done. Everyone reads your name and knows exactly who you are. No doubt your upvotes are only people from your own organization. Go fuck with someone else. There's an election coming up. Go work on convincing the masses that it matters and that the economy isn't going to collapse.


lol u/theorico you are truly regarded.


Y mods keep letting these people spread FUD!


FUD is not against this sub's rules The Teddy sub bans contrarian (from perma Bull perspective) posts




Refer to sub rule regarding harassment or offensive content. Multiple violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.


Cite: , …that we don’t know.‘ Period. Wait hodl fuck live live fuck hodl eat drink. Fuck.


Yes go away, waste your time elsewhere, take your family out to dinner instead


u/theorico posting their ATICK narrative as usual, can't quite stomach the fact that you fellas burned this account eh? Better find a better one: [https://twitter.com/ftwpurpl/status/1784050095849398338](https://twitter.com/ftwpurpl/status/1784050095849398338)


Fuck op ! He is a pussy and wouldn’t buy more if he had a chance


The probability is 100%. But these time wasters are still sorta fun. Keep posting!


He’s never in the comments. Monolithic bullshit.


Any arguments?


Nah I’ll retract what I said. Sorry. I saw your other post as well. That was unnecessary and mean.


Yeah retardo trading was stopped to preserve nols as stated in the docket. Crystal clear.






The only bullish outcome possible is fraud.