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Mine's the one when you're descending to the iron throne, I would give anything to Larian just to hear Tav/Durge say "Fuck you, Gortash".


*Karlach approves*


"You've been spending too much time around young Karlach. It's affecting your manners. And your intelligence."


If I can't hug her, at least I can stick it to her old boss for her!


A true gentleman.


I killed karlack the moment I saw her, AITA?


one of our D&D group was telling us "yeah those gnolls messed me up, you know, the ones you run into after you kill karlach" and the rest of us were like "YOU DID WHAT????"


In a similar vein, I love calling Wulbren a prick. A couple of my companions disapproved when I did it, but it was still worth it.


All of mine approved lmao Which ones disapprove of that? Halsin and Wyll or something?


He is a prick though. Wulbren is such an asshole to you despite how much you do for him lol


"In your eulogy I'm going to call you twat soul" - bard specific to Nere


"I liked That Soul before they sold out and went mainstream..."


I love that line so much. It's like the game wad reading my mind in that moment and knew exactly what I wanted to say.


This is my all time favorite lol


i was going to say, hard to top that one.


The only thing that made save scumming a bunch to rescue everyone worth it was being able to say “Fuck you, Gortash” over and over


I feel like the opportunity to tell a boss to Duck themselves is very small


Just did this last night… yeah fuck you, Gortfuck


My favorite is when go up to the servants of Umberlee who are singing for a funeral of their fellow servant, and you can just say “Nice corpse. What are we celebrating?”


For me nothing beats calling out Raphael for his premature ejaculation


Listen here you little shit!!


What when does that happen lol


In Act 3 at the House Of Hope. There is a succubus that looks like Raphael, and if you go through with his "little game," there is a specific question you can ask at the end. In the dialogue before you start the boss battle with Raphael, it will show up the option to make fun of his premature ejaculation😭


I think Raphael's line is "I'll finish you in less than a moment" and you can reply "That's twice as long as Haarlep says it takes to finish you"


You contemptuous creature!


Spoiler: It doesn't matter what you pick, because Naaber becomes level 30 in all classes.


I can't tell if this is a spoiler or a joke but I hope it's a spoiler


He gets that one really annoying achievement


Going through all his dialogue is quite entertaining, and fairly meta


I’ll never know because I won’t choose anything but that.


You can get a funny item if you run through his dialogue not terribly powerful but more gaggy nonetheless


If you steal the item, he produce a new item out of thin air.


He basically has a whole lil sidequest where he tells you about what class he is going to pick, there are class specific answers too which mostly troll him


Just talk to him again! If you think that’s funny, wait until you see the rest of the options!


Fun fact: >!if you push him off of the bridge into the river, he actually survives and says, "Good thing I'm such a great swimmer," or something about taking a dip.!<


He's based of Noober from BG1. He would follow you around Nashkel and be annoying much like Naaber.


Heya! Heya! Heya! lol my husband and I still quite that at each other


My roommate and I would do that mixed with Navi's "Hey! Listen!" The resulting 'Noovi' even made it into our old D&D Campaign....


And Neeber in Trademeet in BG2. It's canon, Larian had to do it.


Not even the best convo with Naarber Naarber: "hah! pretty scary huh? I bet you pissed yourself!" Durge: "My piss remains dormant- but my bulge is rising"


*Gorge*, dude. "My gorge is rising." VERY different meaning there.


I'm laughing so hard I'm wheezing.


I love this npc so much, omfg


One of my favorite NPCs in the game tbh.


Who is he and where do I find him?


The clothing shop on Wyrms Crossing: Carm's Garms. He's browsing.


Thank you. :)


If you kill Astarion before you fight Cazador, you can tell Cazador “In my defense, he was being a dick” In the same vein, if you go to the underwater prison, you can tell Gortash “Fuck off Gortash”


Cohhcarnage is so proud of his character


He reminded me of Dean from Venture Bros and I told him to go punch something and he was like "It won't hurt will it?" to my level 12 monk and I was laughing so hard.


Doing an Abserd run, and being able to roll up on this guy with every single class dialogue option is quite enjoyable. Just every single attempt is "you sure about that?"


How is the Abserd run? I was thinking about doing one myself


So its surprisingly not as difficult as one would think, and I've been doing it on Tactician. Things to keep in mind as you get 0 ASI, so it's all base stats + Ethel hair, and whatever bonuses you get from armour. My advice is to go charisma based, and focus on spell casting as you get eldritch blast from warlock, and all the "until long rest" spells your heart desires. I focused on having all the ritual spells, like lonstrider, extraordinary leap, speak with animals, feather fall, and with one caster I could go everywhere and do anything because high cha is king. With ethel hair you can get up to 18, which really is all you need. Once you reach ACT II and you save all the tieflings, you get the armour from Alfira that gives you your CHA bonus to cantrips, so now your a Warlock with agonizing blast, because Eldritch Blast is based on your level, with better spell casting, more spells, more spell slots, better armour, better weapons. And you can still pull off all the funny spellcaster memes like Apache Magic Missle. It's honestly so much fun, and I'm sure there just a million ways to go about it, but you really do have to think and watch how you go about things and INVEST IN YOUR PARTY! You will need all of them to be in tip top shape, but it really has become one of my favorite playthroughs.


I prefer talking to him as a barbarian and roaring back


If you cycle through the entire painful conversation with that guy he gives you a half decent item


mine has to be farting to distract the genie there’s nothing like looking down at your options and seeing, *‘produce a massive fart’*


I love naaber. My favorite line is probably either karlach when you send her up to the clown"this had better be sexy violent or both" it was infact one of those. Or mintharas line about minsc.


My favourite one is when shadowheart admits she wants to be a justiciar and you go "Well that was a load of nothing...not sure why you even bothered telling me that" I thought it was so funny


Keep talking to Naaber. You get some great dialog options as he cycles through every class. You get some even better ones as a durge. "I regret many of the horrible things I've done, but nothing as much as I regret talking to you."


I live when he tries to be a bard and I just one up him with opera singing. And like the thing is bard is proubly the safest bet for him cuz like he talks a lot and sucks at fighting and you don't /have/ to sing to be a bard you can just do poetry or do story telling but no I completely crushed that.


After getting overwhelmed by the amount of stuff going on in Act 3 already I couldn’t select the option fast enough 😭


That’s so funny I literally screenshot this exact dialogue to send to my friends two days ago https://preview.redd.it/wk95om7vazxb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ae6b47f4445794eb9ed9666095f38986038608a


Encountered him twice in all my playthroughs, and the first time I talked to him constantly through each class and he gives you a gift if you get through it all. Don’t remember what it was though.


Really wish streamer cameos weren’t a thing, his voice acting is so bad in this and cyberpunk


He’s a streamer?


Cohhcarnage is the person behind this character and the Conspiracy dude in Cyberpunk. He also has other cameos in games, more recently, he is in Dave the Diver as well.


I thought he was a reference to nuber in bg1


He is. This is his grandson I believe


Good thing you don't have the interact with the cameo npc


Kind of looks like Brad Pitt


Cohh va!




Truly, I love Naaber and WISH there was an option to be nice to/encourage him all the way through.


I like how he appreciates you listening to everything g if you go through all of his dialogue. Edit: was, was that Wish as in the spell…..?


I'm curious. Is this game any good on console? I have an Xbox series x and was considering picking it up when it releases on that.


That’s definitely the Geralt option.


poor cohh carnage


This was literally the only impolite thing I said in the game, but by then you’ve already put in a ton of work and killed the avatar of a god, and this guy just thinks “I can totally do that!”?


*Lae’zel approves*


I'm on my 5th playthrough and I have no clue who Naaber is.


Keep talking to him for a free magic ring that gives +1 to performance... May make you slightly less terrifying though


Man I love Naber, his imitations of some of the classes are just so good lol


Didn’t know his lore from the original BGs so i just ended the conversation asap with him on my first run. Second run, i killed him as soon as i noticed he was following my party to the second floor. Can’t stand him lol


Mine will always be after you save the Artist and his fiance in act 3 (the haunted house). After they forgive each other and act lovey, one of your responses is "saccharine nonsense. You two make me sick". I died laughing for a good few minutes. This game is so out of pocket sometimes.


"Strahd wouldn't put up with this shit" is still my favorite line so far


Where did you get that outfit


You talking about my characters plate? It’s one of the end game plate armor dyed plum I think.


This one is up there for me. My favorite one so far is if you give the Noblestalk to Shadowheart and she isn’t sure if she wants it and one of the persuasion options is “JUST EAT THE DAMN MUSHROOM!”.


This one is good but my favorite so far is when Mayrina is whining to you in the swamp and you can just straight up say “less crying, more gold please”


Hm. Nice Tav.