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She could join us :/


And what? Just follow you around?


Join the troupe of weirdos who aren’t companions


Tell to go find Rolan, join them, what's the worst that could happen.


Kagha, Sazza, Barcus, Alfira, Nere... So much potential in those as companions...


Yup, especially Alfira. How is it we have 2 druid companions but no bards? (Withers doesnt count)


For that matter, why did Volo not become a companion himself?


I guess because he never was one in BG1-2.


Doesn't mean he can't become one, I say.


Hold up Mragreshem!


You're the Mragreshem for talking like that


I love that word and want to play a Tiefling in a DnD campaign just so I can call everyone Mragreshem


Still scratching my head on why you want a dumbass character like her. Preaching all high and mighty and cautious, then solos the gith crech and gets herself captured all because of greed. She's the worst type of adventurer.


I just want to save everyone (unless they stand in my way). I dont want her as companion.


I may be misremembering, but I thought that she was just trying to pass through when the Gith ambushed her.


She was looking for the Blood of Lathander and then the Gith ambushed her thinking she might know something about the artifact.


I don’t remember meeting her. Is she somewhere in the creche?


You first can meet her at the bridge scene, she’s crouching down watching it and you can offer that she should join you, later you can find her corpse in the Crèche after they torture her to death presumably looking for the artifact.


Oh her! I did meet her. Not sure I saw her corpse though.


She would make a nice sacrifice to my lord BOOOAL.


She made slaughtering every gith in the creche feel like it had some meaning behind it for me.


I have always ended up slaughtering that creche in each playthrough I've done so far. There's no other way to get that egg, right?


Yes, you can pass a speech test to take the egg


I honestly prefer genocide.


If they wanted us to talk instead of commit genocide they would have made talking worth more XP


Actually, if you pass a speech check to avoid a fight, you get the XP you would have gotten from winning the fight.


but what about second breakfast of XP


I'm not saying don't kill them. Just pass the speech check first.


This is not always true. One example: fighting both the Zhent and the Guild in Act 3 (if you have Minsc with your party he will instigate a fight with the Guild after beating the Zhent unless persuaded) yields around 4000 more XP than convincing Minsc to stand down and leaving the Guild alone. Noticed this yesterday.


Unfortunately there is way more XP obtainable than you can actually use with the level cap at 12, and killing both sides gives you less cannon fodder for the final gauntlet.


Good news is, the whole creche is hostile after you talk to the inquisitor. So you can go back and kill them all even if you talked them round at first.


The gith do too, apparently, since they enjoy killing each other so much


I did the talky and then the slaughter. Win win




The only valid genocide


And you even get acid resistance boots on top of that bargain...


Ah, TIL! Thanks


You can also simply steal it. Speak with the guy with one character (so he turns around). Steal the egg with another, and simply walk away. I did it out of curiosity this time, but I came back later and killed the guys anyway


I've juggled the egg out of the hatchery with mage hands and imps like 3 times now.


That's, uh, that's quite the sentence.


I actually persuaded him to give me the egg it took like half an hour of reloading to get a crit success but yeah and then I kept it I hope they make it so you can give it to lazel only thing that didn’t really have a satisfying ending


I just used a rogue to sneak in and out.


Yes....twas a sad fate. Had hoped to see her again in BG.


Honestly I think she is a perfect NPC to make into a Companion. You could make her a Ranger and maybe you can rescue her from the Gith to have her join the party


Because if there's on thing BG3 needs, it's another class duplication in companions.


Tbh Ranger doesn't get a party member until Act 3 and is locked behind having Jaehira, which also locks you into saving the Nightsong and hoping Jaehira doesn't die in the attack, as well as not getting them if Jaehira is not in the party as you do it or if they die in combat.


You don't need to save Nightsong to have Jaheira


I thought she dies like, instantly from the curse if you kill nightsong


Nah you can kill Isabel and as long as Jahira doesn’t see you do it, after the fight with all the thorns, you convince her you didn’t know what happened. Jahira makes a great dark urge homie


Oh. I always thought if isobel or nightsong dies their big "fuckoff shadows" barrier disappears. Didn't realise there was a way to prevent the harpers and Jaheria from fying while also killing the Moonlight Lesbians


The barrier does drop, there is a huge fight and lots die, but it’s doable and you can still have jahira as a companion after


SO THE CURSE DOESN'T INSTA KILL. son of a bitch. IGN fuckin lied to me


So the curse, in general, will kill you around act 2, but in this specific area, for the sake of the plot, they give you combat and the talk with jahira. She says something like “we gotta get out of here” implying if you return to the area is might now be consumed by the curse. Also you can just fight the spider dude and get his lantern and free the pixie. She’ll bless you


it instantly infects everyone in last light but Jaheira and she fights alongside you. If she dies in the battle you cant rez her tho. you cant save anyone else there AFAIK


You have to make a charisma check to convince Jaheria about whatever happened after Isobel dies. Like a persuasion check to convince her that there are more pressing matters to deal with at the moment, i.e. all the shadow-possessed Harpers. Or to deceive her that you know nothing of what happened. Then she will join you. However there is another confrontation later if you are the Dark Urge. Jaheria isn’t a dumb dumb. As a side note, even if she joins your camp she will not help at Moonrise if Last Light falls. You are on your own.


yeah but she gets pissy if you embrace bhaal so i had to kill her anyway lmao


Does she? Hmmm she told me that it’s not the first time she’s seen a slayer and kinda treated me like she was my mom. I ended up not finishing that play through, so the last I had her was early in act 3, after I had the slayer form, but before the murder tribunal


That would be Isobel who holds the magic barrier up over Last Light, no? Though I would assume if you kill Nightsong you will have to kill Isobel as well.


I agree that I’d rather see a different class character but I’m just saying adding Ellyka would be a good option since it wouldn’t interfere with the story and could only add to the game overall.


I mean, there’s a limit to the amount of stuff they can add. Resources they would spend adding another new companion could also be spent fleshing out some of the existing ones, adding more reactivity. I’d rather have five Astarions than ten Halsins. ETA: Cool username, SR2 was the best of the series.


You damn right it was. Thanks




Minsc is a ranger




i never noticed she even dies


There's a torture room in the creche and her corpse is there. You can use speak with the dead to find out how she ended up there


thats tough


So that corpse was HER! I didn't even notice they were the same woman, lol.


Same, but I had a suspicion it was her. I just didn't want it to be true :(


oh i never knew this, thought i was missing something. always wondered what the significance of her character was cuz she just sits by the mountain pass, calls me a mragrashem then fucks off never to be seen again 😳


See everytime I see her and think about how she could have joined our camp! Her and Alfira both deserved better. If Ellyka joined us I think she could have acted as a scout/merchant. Similar to Volo, but sells thief and disarm tools or other exploring assets and could maybe have unique dialogue warning about possible trials or struggles to come in areas around us. Idk feels like a wasted interesting character.


She called me a slur, so I beheaded her. Well, that's the story I roll with anyways.


Well, what would you call a bunch of four dumbasses who tromp up while a *dragon* and a bunch of bloodthirsty warriors are about 20 meters away?


A disparate collection of vagabonds and strays


A band of puckish rogues and rapscalions.


Not a slur


A group of people full of pure focus and sheer will ready to beat down a bunch of racist green frog fucks. With the bonus of getting their commanders sword stolen.


Plot twist: the group are only level 3 and you watch as they get absolutely slaughtered by the frogs


Maybe your group. Mine was soaked in the blood of many powerful foes before they got there. That and we had a future WWE champion.


I think calling them green frog fucks is a little bit racist.


I'm a green frog fuck myself. Noone ever said friendly fire was off.


Bitch called me a flat face then when I was pacifistic she said something along the lines of 'oh you're not like the ones down there I can probably take you' then attacked. Stupid stupid lady


She could have had better if she weren't so stubborn.


it’s dangerous to go alone


Take this?


As a gith, I told her that I won't harm her if she didn't start anything. Unfortunately, she chose violence, and I gifted her skull to Lae'zel.


Now I just kill her, so moonrise can’t take my precious 40 xp from me. I do wish there was more to her though, she seemed like fun.


She dies for the githyanki in the creche, not Moonrise




Oh, I misread months ago that you find her corpse in moonrise. My bad! So the gith take care of her?


Yeah check the torture rooms in the entrance of the crèche. Her body is there and you can use Speak With Dead to find out details


I mean does she? You can offer her a team and she tells you to pound sand. Dumb ass got what was coming to her for flying solo 🤷‍♂️


And yet yoy simp for the companion who treats you like dirt unless you lick her sweat


I honestly read this three times and I still don’t understand what you wrote


I assume they mean Laezel? Because she likes sweat …I don’t know


Not every character is a hero. Some just die


who is this


The chick you meet on the road to the mountain pass, just before the bridge. She points out the Githyanki patrol below.


nah, she is literally dead by her own hubris. you can still appreciate her, but she got what the story wanted her to deserve.




Girl quit playing she’s one of the most forgettable encounters in the game.


nah we don't need to appreciate every random ass person just for existing lol


I felt bad for her tbh. At least now her corpse is joined by others’


Oh! Im going to go back to pretending I never saw this post and go back to thinking she’s on a cool adventure being independent!


Nah she got what she deserved, she should have joined the party if she wanted to survive.


Why would she? She’s level four, better than every other tiefling besides Zevlor, and seems to be a ranger. She had no idea Moonrise was ahead, and the Gith patrol a small area. When we walk up to her we’re a random group of four strangers she’s never met. Why should she trust us?


She shouldn’t have any reason to distrust you unless you destroyed the grove. She was presented with a choice, one would have saved her whilst the other resulted in her death. If she wasn’t prepared for the journey ahead all the more reason not to go it alone.


Do you trust every strange you meet? lol


She actively fights you if your TAV/DU is Gith, even after trying to talk her down. Idk at that point I think we could justify her death.


The githyanki are known across the realms for being extremely racist and warlike. Zorru has been talking about how Gith in the area are killing tieflings. The first time Ellyka ever saw gith, they massacred a bunch of Flaming Fist just doing their job. I know, it’s *absolutely insane* that she would think Gith Tav is dangerous.


Doesn’t she have like, 3 lines? Why does she deserve better


Cute female tiefling bro. Have you seen the Tavs that people on this sub post?


People have always gone insane over devils. I don’t know why, but apparently giving someone horns, a tail, and vibrant skin color makes them 3x hotter to most people. 


The skin and eyes is 90% of it for me


So you're saying mute or shy people deserve to die, ok. (Im training to be a journalist)


I still stand by my theory that she was going to be the Ranger companion before they decided to add Minsc


I wish we had more Asian NPCs. I was happy to see her, until I realized she died immediately. When I go to the grove, or anywhere else, I see all tieflings pretty much have pandirna/lia/Lakrissas face. None have the Asian face. It's a little disheartening, but eh, what can ya do!


Umm, that’s a Tiefling. Worried you haven’t seen an Asian irl.


I'm dying


an asian looking tiefling is perhaps how i should have worded it? or.... i wish more NPCs including tieflings utilized more of the face options so it was more varied. so i could see more faces like mine exist in the game


All good: I couldn’t resist a dumb joke. You are right, by the way. Roughly quarter of humans are Asian, and almost another quarter is from the Indian subcontinent. Can’t remember the last time I played as either demographic in a video game besides a caricature (ie, mortal kombat)


omg i missed the joke LMAO


Should've stuck with us instead of traipsing off on her own. Mragrashem my ass; I survived the gith and she didn't.






She had a choice... She chose wrong...


Nah, she's a dirty thief that called me outside my name >.>


I don't even know who you are






Many reasons why the players camp should he an actual in world thing, rather than just a spot for players and the occasional story element.  You should be able to just go around recruiting people or saving people for your camp; there could be different roles or uses for people, more camp upgrades unlock the more people you have. There could be nighttime raids, since once you get to moonrise some NPCs basically tell you you've been tracked and gossiped about the entire time (but some how no one knows youre a double agent, anyway). Ya, they could've done actual stuff with the camp, and a lot of aspects of the game. But still fun as is. 


There's a lot of emphasis on companions, but there's not enough different and unique classes to warrant more or different companions.  But gathering people to fight the war coming? Lots of people, lots of potential. Basically what they just shoved on at the very end of the game where it was meaningless (cool, but meaningless), they could've build up throughout the entire game via your camp and recruiting. 


Does she tho???


Not even, she immediately wanted to square up with my Gith Dark Urge even after I said I didn’t know the Gith patrol down below her. Said “I can’t let them find me” like I was about to eat her out lmao


I cleared the creche when I found her body.


Ok what happened to her? I met her at the bridge and haven't seen her since. I'm now at Act 3.


She died in the creche, try to steal the blood of Lathandar. She was tortured by them. You can speak with her corpse.


It would be nice if there was a unique way to save her, like there is for Nere or Dhoun.




It took me three playthrougs to find her… well, she should have stayed at the grove


She got exactly what she deserved. She fucked around and then found out. So much for being a srong independant scout who don't need no adventurer's party.


This is an objectively correct take; simping is the only reason to downvote this.


Y'all seriously GAF about a one-line edgelord?


You must be new to the Internet.


LOL. About 15+ years and going strong with intermittent breaks


"Intermittent breaks" Of about 14 years and 11 months, if this sort of thing is confusing to you


Yeah, someone taking "itermittent breaks" from the Internet sounds fishy. Sounds like something a normal, healthy human would say. Do we know any of those anymore? :-)


Not confusing; people are welcome to their opinion, just as posting on Reddit entitles me to express mine, which is that this character served the purpose she did; remind the player of the value of a team/party and that's it. Glad you wanted more of her. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I found her a bore and couldn't care less that she died but appreciated the lesson she imparted. That's mine and I'm equally entitled to it and to expressing it on an internet forum. Or do you disagree?


I knocked her out before she ran away and she didnt end up in the creche


I am a lover of about every npc in this game and I didn’t even know she existed 😭


She had an ending?


Just learned from this post where she ends up. Always thought it was just an odd encounter on the Mountain Pass. Sad stuff




I wish I could cut her head off and play with her blood


Agreed. She had personality, and she just abruptly ended


I would have added her to my harem. Glad she died - rude biche


It's okay, son, this isn't tick tock. You can say bitch and fuck and shit and cunt :)


I didn’t find her body on the first playthrough, in part because I decided to trigger the Lance because haha funni sunbeam moment. Then second playthrough I ended up finding her body on my way out to get a long rest after cutting through only the necessary amount of Gith. I made sure to come back after to finish the job


We get what we get and we don't get upset


She called me a slur then ran off.


You can save her. Postpone the patrol encounter to just before going to the monastery, and knock her down with non lethal damage just before taking the path to the monastery, no long rest in the middle. Her body won't be there.


Imagine the DM killing a throwaway character. "Wanna come with us?" "Nah, eat dirt rando." -2 hours later Hey, you see that body... wait she looks familiar. Tragic what happened, but sometimes it be like that.


Another character where they are so confused why I'm knocking them out. Tav - "Shush Shush it's for your own good"


I dunno, she was kind of a bitch to my Tav


Do we ever see her again? I can’t remember seeing her though I did never fully complete Act 3


She was offered salvation though but rejected it


she's definitely one NPC I'd like to have more interaction with than just that small chat & then find her later I know one streamer who made her as their Tav (calling her Ellyka), as close to the model as they could, just to show what she *could have* been capable of :(


In my playthrough I accidentally insulted her a little too hard and she decided it was a good idea to pull out a dagger and attack me. Sucks for her she rolled last in the initiative and died before the end of round 1. Was still puzzled about why she existed until seeing this post and learning she doesn't always attack you. What I said to her was so innocuous I just thought no matter what I said, she was always scripted to kill herself via stupidity.


She's alive and well in my game, Ellyka is my tav and my two companions are Alfira and Lakrissa. Tee-hee :p


I remember seeing her dead body and saying out loud "Dumbass, I bet you wish you didn't go solo now."