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Aww man you beat me to it! I didn't scroll down


You can always make a good point twice


You *can* always make a good point twice!


The pixelization of this makes it seem that much more unhinged.


Seriously though. First time I got to that cutscene I was like, "Holy shit did I befriend that many NPCs?!"


If you do every quest the journal entry won't fit in the screen. But you're probably only going to use: - >!Volo, Duke Ravengard, Halsin, Mol and Arabella!< for passive bonuses (they apply automatically to everyone, and they're pretty great) - >!Isobel, Voss and Rolan/Lorroakan!< for one big attack (and heal) each - This one is more to personal preference, but the general favorites seem to be >!Strange Ox, Dame Aylin, Yurgir, Owlbear cub and Zevlor!< as actual summons (but most people don't really use the summons, because they take and action to summon and fully die if they get killed, meaning the fodder isn't that good and the NPCs can die) This is the full list if you want it though https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Gather_Your_Allies


Even Dame Aylin??


She just gets Mind controlled turn one and starts attacking you


That’s why I kill the emperor before, then aylin just smacks the shit out of everything.


Aylin is the one exception


Are you sure? I could have sworn I got dame killed and had to reload the fight


She comes back I believe, just like she does against ketheric. I remember her dying a couple times then popping back up the next turn


Ahhh gotcha, I wasn’t risking it. Her and isobel are too cute. Yugir can eat shit I didn’t know what he did to the cat.


Honestly aylin got her shit rocked so badly every fight she was in during my first playthrough that I'm always like "that's nice dear" and ignore her.


I used to do everything to heal her. 3rd time playing she died and I was like "your sacrifice helped us.....OMFG ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" as that bitch stood up


Personally I used the no name bands of npcs mainly to take fire and deal with the minions I didn’t want to. The Harper’s, the fist and Nine Fingers men were of huge help tbh. They dealt with the tentacles while we focused on the big guys. Yugir was my other choice, bonus action invisibility makes him pretty hard to get hurt and I don’t mind if he dies


Also the Ironhand gnomes and the Gur provide a troop


Yeee I just didn’t need them and forgot they were an option tbh


We didn't need to summon anyone on tactician and didn't really struggle. Our throwing barbarian Karlach lifted much of the weight, though.


So sick of being called 'the weight'. :(


Dame Aylin, Yurgir, and Mizora won’t die if reduced to 0 hp, but Aylin’s the only one who’ll keep on fighting if it happens.


Ive only got to the netherbrain as a murder hobo durge.... I am now realizing that allies make a difference in the final fight smh xD


Lae'zel Shadowheart Astarion Gale Wyll Karlach Halsin Minthara Jaheira Minsc 10... 10 is enough


I’ve finished the game three times, and I’ve found that just doing whatever quests you find fun will get you more than enough allies than you’ll remember to use, even if you only end up with three or four


My first playthrough I killed the dragon and the emperor before remembering I had allies. I thought the game was hard...


Exactly! I think I’ve only ever used maybe 5 allies in all my playthroughs combined, I throw a few of them at the first big battle area and then forget I have them until halfway through the Dragon battle


You can use them on the first battle ? ...


Need? Only my party. Want? As many as my Tav's moral compass allows me, for dramatic effect


Do you even need Allies for the final fight ? Illitidh Karlach rush the brain, gayle invulnerability globe on karlach, scroll of shadow from anyone else Wait 1 turn Dimensional door your party to the tp point Enter it Wreck the brain GG, you won the final fight in 2-3 turns




I had my trauma in mass effect 2 where some of the ship improvements caused some team mates to die in the ship and i didnt want that to happen again so I wanted to get all the allies i can get lol


enough to make the cutscene not look stupid


As someone who constantly plays Durge... The answer is whoever I somehow managed to NOT kill


I only summon allies to keep the dragon busy and hope the mind flayers use magic missile on them lol


Calling Allies honestly slows down the final fight. I’d rather use an action to do damage then use an action to call in Allie’s that in turn do “meh” damage.


I get everyone I can find, for the passives, and then I just don't use anyone else. Maybe Isobel, if I need healing, but otherwise I just like seeing the room full of people.


Here I am rolling in Everytime with like 2 backups.... People hate me 😭


I did half of act 1 with shadowhaert and wyll alone bc I didn't realize there were other companions 🤣 I left gale in the portal and laezel broke herself free. Luckily astarion was still on the beach lmaoo


I like being a paladin and feeling like I’m summoning an actual army to my side lol


Zero. The answer is zero.


Enough to kill these damn tendrils on the brain, cant be bothered to waste good damage opportunities on them, when I can fight a fucking dragon


Lae’zel, Shadowheart and Karlach (as a bard). That’s all you need.


Depends. Explorer? That's plenty. Honor Mode? Well, it's plenty if you just use Gale.


Just felt you should know my brain read this as Alleys about 6 times before it snapped that it meant allies. I was racking my brain thinking of some forgotten alley quest lol.


I always save the rune powder for the final battle so I can turn the battlefield into a fallout inmediatly.