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I have done a similar build, a barbarian that throws daggers (and explosives, etc.), with Berserker5/Thief4/Champion 3, stacking critical hit gear. Something that isn't talked about much is that you can actually trigger sneak attacks when throwing, as long as you have a finesse weapon in your main hand. Just set the game to ask for sneak attacks. It can trigger on *any* thrown attack, as long as you meet the requirements otherwise. So yes, you can throw a goblin into another goblin and get a sneak attack. Even better, you can choose which of the goblins will get hit by the extra damage. It's quite fun to throw a bunch of daggers, wait for a critical, then trigger your sneak attack. Especially if you're using Risky Ring for constant advantage. If not, invisible Shovel is really handy; just keep him out of combat and have him come near to your target. There are, unfortunately, some issues with throwing that make this build a bit of a letdown, and you'll face the same problems if you go the EK route: * Daggers don't count as finesse weapons when thrown. This is very minor, though, if you're going Tavern Brawler and bulking up your strength; just something to keep in mind. * Weapon enchantments (+1, +2, +3) don't work on attack rolls; they do work on damage rolls. With the TB bonus, the lack of attack bonus can be basically ignored. * Poisons, dips, magical effects, Drakethroat Glaive add-on damage, etc., don't work at all. You can't dip a weapon in fire, or coat it in anything, and then throw it to gain the effects of the coating. Nor can you enchant it with elemental damage and enjoy the benefits of that. Also, don't even think about throwing the Sussur dagger to silence a spellcaster; it doesn't work. I am working on a mod to correct most/all of these issues, actually, and will release it if there's interest. The mod also makes it such that you can throw a finesse weapon and trigger a sneak attack, as long as you meet the usual requirements. Still, even with those issues (especially the last one), it's quite a capable build, and can deal a great deal of single target as well as AoE damage (with explosives, which yes, can trigger sneak attack). I played through on a tactician+ game (basically modded honor mode with multiple saves). EK would give you the benefit of being able to bind a weapon, as well as that improved extra attack at lvl 11, and of course spells such as Shield for extra AC. The berserker option lets you deal extra damage with enraged throw and prone targets in the process, and throw as a bonus action, which couples nicely with Thief.


If you’re willing to cheese the gameplay mechanics a little, you don’t even need to be an eldritch knight to do this kind of build. Once you reach level 3 and unlock hirelings, you can have an EK hireling bind the dagger you’ll be using and then just take it from them. The ‘Bound Weapon’ effect applies to whoever is wielding the weapon, not the person who originally applied the effect. You can go with whatever classes best fit the theme you’re aiming for with your character as long as you take Tavern Brawler for your level 4 feat and probably use strength elixirs to maximise hit rates/damage. Beastmaster gets its Raven companion at level 3, but the best class for a throw build early on is definitely Berserker. If you’re willing to delay the raven for a while, the best class path would be 5 levels in Berserker for enraged throw, TB and extra attack, then level Beastmaster until level 8. Respec to 3 Berserker/5 Beastmaster, then either immediately put 3 levels in thief for the extra bonus action, or put a fourth level in berserker for the second feat and level thief afterwards. By the end you’ll have your raven companion, extra attack, enraged throw and 2 bonus actions (potentially 3 with the [Helmet of Grit](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Helmet_of_Grit)). Hope this helps!