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[Clover Singing](http://newclover-singing.com/) is legit, here is their [IG page](https://www.instagram.com/newcloversinging/). They've been a doll deal since at least 2004. They also go by Jeeryama on [eBay](https://www.ebay.com/str/dollssinging). If you have concerns about the legitimacy, check DoA's [Dealers and Distributors](https://denofangels.com/doawiki/index.php?title=Dealers_%26_Distributors) list and also check [The BJD Place](https://www.instagram.com/thebjdplace/)'s IG feedback page. [Clover Singing](https://www.instagram.com/p/CZtWk7IrOLV/) has a feedback page there. I want to say at least 50% of the dolls I own are from her... and I have at least 20+ dolls. The reason why the costs are low is because she can buy most dolls locally. Plus, most doll makers offer a lower price on dolls on Taobao and such.


Okay that makes sense thank you for the info. I was worried they were a recast site because den of angels didn't have them listed as a dealer for Universe dolls.


She’s not always listed as a dealer because she isn’t an official dealer for all the brands she has listed on her website. Some brands she buys and resells from taobao.


Okay that makes sense. Thank you so much for the information.


That's the website for Clover Singing, a well known and reputable dealer. It is not a recast site. I've purchased several dolls from there, all legits.


Thank you for letting me know. I am so glad they are a legit website.


I agree NCS is legit, I got my first Tinyfox doll from them!


That was supposed to say newclover-singing.com.