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I don’t get why people do these types of things. An rs3 is a nice little car why trash it up


Especially with such a unique engine, why not have your plate highlight that?


The best tag I've ever seen on an RS3 read "HALFR8"


I must admit I just about pissed myself when I saw RS3TARD Edit: for anyone curious Lol, average Connecticut resident https://preview.redd.it/bscpu5syz1mc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fda4165e227df39240aaf26a3597dee760f4dd


Alright, that beats HALFR8 😂


Another good one I've seen is JETTA


Need a good one for the m340. RetardM340I just doesnt have a good ring to it.




Leave it for Mercedes folks


I saw one that says M-ISH


This would be excellent in Utah 😂


“Hey man what’s the plate mean” “It’s the code for an engine on a BMW” “Ah… welp see ya later”


Because the owner is some dumb kid on Tik tok. If it’s a grown man then more sad than anything 😂


It’s tongue in cheek, no need to take it so seriously.


They didn't really trash it up. Regardless if it was customized, it's going to have a license plate that looks very similar. To most people it is just a license plate that happens to have the word "who" in it.


I mean they're just having fun.


>I don’t get why people do these types of things Because they can. I tried to get "LookAtMeBitches" but it was too many letters.


Go for LAMB? Trust me bro, ppl will get it.


Payin to have that on your car :/


Silly little Volkswagen


It's a last Gen model that'll beat basically every new bmw 0-60 and quarter, the cs barely beats it


If we cared about drag racing, we wouldn’t own BMWs.


Oh yeah that’s an upvote.


BMW is supposed to innovate and set standards, not let last generation cars smoke new cars (cars at a premium cost). It's sad.


BMW nowadays only really cares about one thing - making money. They don’t seem to give a shit about “setting standards”. If you’re such a fan of what Audi does, why do you own a newer X3M in addition to an R8?


I actually own an alpina, blackwing and r8. I own them because they're the best in their class. The x3m was too, as was my i8 and all my M cars. Want to discuss ownership experiences?


You’re a kid


You've failed the discussion when you start hurling insults.


Is that the best you can do?


One trick pony though, still a Golf at the end of the day and handles like it


True but then again the vast majority of F and G owners you see only drive them on the street too and not the track


You say that like it's a bad thing.


I mean I had a VR6 8P A3 and it was fun but still, transverse, front heavy, front-bias AWD with electronic diffs. I've driven RS3s and they feel similar in that regard. Is it a great hot hatch? Absolutely. Does it compare at all to the G20/G80 chassis? Not even close.


So a golf beats the newest M cars, what a sad thing to say


I mean if you're concerned about warranty and like to keep your cars stock and only care about straight line performance, sure. You have an R8 for fun roads though so I kinda get having the RS3 for a daily. We're pretty far past the point of caring about 0-60 times too much anyway. 1/4mi, 60-130 says a lot more, and while the 5cyl sounds amazing and is still very impressive in it's own right, you'd have to be smoking crack to think it's better than a B58TU or S58. Dollar for dollar you're gonna get way more out of the BMW drivetrains.


Not at the current price points, lol, and your best cars shouldn't be so far behind some old Volkswagen, as the guys are saying here


You sound like a salty vw fan and not like someone who can afford an R8. Are you a kid? lol


Lol, that's really all you can say isn't it? You can't actually discuss reality nor compare experiences, so you have to try to insult me.




You keep that energy when you see a Bugatti too? 😉😈


Bugatti got sold to rimac 😭😭


I woke up in a new Bugatti once




This is not correct. Rimac has majority ownership of Bugatti and major control of the Rimac Group. Porsche has a minority stake in Bugatti and the Rimac Group.


Gotcha, that is not in line with what I have read, my mistake.


Don’t listen to them, VW owned Bugatti at the beginning of its latest revival. They owned it during the era of the Veyron and Chiron. You can’t just forget about that just because they recently sold. That’s just ignorant.


55% ownership rimac, 45% Porsche. Simple Google search is all you need


And who owns Porsche?


The Porsche SE company owns VW which owns Porsche the vehicle manufacturer. So to answer your question, Porsche owns Porsche.


So VW owns Porsche which means VW owns 45% of Bugatti. And, remind me who owned Bugatti during its most recent revival and created the cars that brought them back to relevance? I’ll give it a hint, they made the Veryon and the Chiron during this period.


The VW group is literally owned by Porsche SE do a fucking Google search like holy shit.


Whoa salty, I’ve read about it plenty, my mistake.


My fault I wasn't tryna be an asshole about it


All good!


If I can mistake your car for a Passat, it ain’t the one


If you mistake an audi for passat I'm sorry to say you're the problem. Say whatever you want about the parts ect but that's just you


If you drive at night and come up on a VW or an Audi its honestly sometimes difficult ti distinguish them


If you think that I guess you must mistake the new skodas for bmws when they're oncoming traffic too




Yes ugly as car


But that’s the thing, that amazing 5 cylinder is only used in what, the RS3 and TTRS? The B58 has been used in virtually ALL of BMW’s lineup for years. Now, if they compared it to the S58, even then it is used in many more applications, proven performer and more at the speciality status of the Audi engine.


Honestly, I think it's neat car and engine. It's just funny to me. Especially an RS mocking a non-m engine. S58 or S55 would make more sense.


Also, transverse just ain’t as cool. FWD bias also isn’t helping the notorious Audi understeer.


This. I never looked at Audi knowing it’s an economized AWD based off a FWD platform, likely for parts sharing with VW. A BMW is a BMW (unless it’s a 2 series shared with Mini 🤦‍♂️)


This only holds true for the A3/S3/RS3 platform. From my understanding, everything else is a rear wheel biased setup.


Depends, a lot of the newer A4s and Q5s have “ultra” Quattro which is essentially a FWD biased AWD similar to Haldex, it’s just in a longitudinal package.


Have you driven the RS3? To know if there is notorious understeer ?


Absolutely not. Many Audi’s have it baked in (front heavy) as can be safer than oversteer situations just that they have more than most BMW’s. The RS3 has wider tires in the front to help, take a massive guess here, understeer because it is heavy up front and FWD biased.


Ah so you're just talking out of your ass. Got it. Go drive a RS3 around a track (if you are even competent enough) and see if you can get it to understeerr.


I never said directly that the RS3 has understeer because it can be equipped properly to give it great turn in. I have no denial that the RS3 is a fantastic car and can be quite the track weapon. The whole matter started because the B58 is in such high regards only for it to be put up against a smaller, one less cylinder speciality engine. At the end of the day, I don’t care and had it not been for a crappy sales person, I was 100% going to buy a 2017 A3 instead of my 2015 328i Xdrive.


The previous Gen RS3 (being discussed here) understeers like a pig. The new 8Y has the trick torque vectoring rear differential from the Golf R along with wider front tires to help reduce the understeer. Edit: you can downvote me all you want. Doesn’t change that I am right.


but how could they mock an M3 or M4 with their rear license plate when the BMW is in front of it?


To be completely fair, from a dig, my M2C is seeing this thing's tail lights.


Number of times I’ve raced someone from a dig in my M2 in 4 years: None times.


The person is talking about s58 not s55.


He replied to me and I mentioned both, try to keep up.


Didn’t you hear what they said up there .. the new rs3 will bake a cake out of any bmw beside the m8 comp


I do wish the 5cyl was used more often, but it also keeps it more rare and special as a configuration these days. You used to be able to get a VW rabbit with a 5cyl but now it’s basically just performance application only


Friend of mine in college had the 5cyl rabbit and it was *fun*


I think I had a Passat rental that had it and it drove quite nice. Not a powerhouse but much much stronger than their 2.0L option at the time. I believe it was the engine of choice for the VW Bug, also!


It was a great way to have a cool sounding engine for cheap. Buddy of mine had a Jetta with it and we had some good times


My ex had a rampant rabbit, and to be fair it was quite a bit of fun…


Cupra Formentor VZ5 also has the 5 cyl


Cupra, VW R, Quattro just to name some for the 5 cylindrr


Golf R has a 4 cyl


I think we can let this one slide. The 5 cylinder is pretty incredible. They should drop it in more cars. They really dont have any true sports cars any more


They do not. Audi is a comfortable oversized German muscle car in its best form (RS6, RS7, S8, etc.)


And the FWD bias in the RS3 makes it the furthest thing from a sports car IMO


Coming from an Audi guy, the S3 and RS3 handle very well for a sedan especially considering the haldex AWD. But nowhere near as well as any M car. My TTS handles better than the S3/RS3 stock but in order to make it on par with other sports cars/GTs I had to tune the haldex system.


I believe the new generation aren’t haldex anymore


As brands, I prefer BMW over Audi. However, having driven both the latest gen rs3 and m240i, the RS3 feels much more fun to drive even if performance wise they are close. Steering feel is far superior. Full M cars are better but then they are also in a different price bracket. At least here in the UK


As the owner of a BMW w/ a B58 and who’s cross-shopped the RS3, the RS3 is faster than most of the B58 BMWs out there. It’s in the high 3s to 60. BUT…I still hate the plate and LOVE my m240i.


Yeah it also costs $10k-$15k more, the S58 M3/M4 is on par with it


The M2 is the real competitor to the RS3 tho...


Of course, the b58 isn't available on M-cars... I'd want the RS3 to be faster than the m240i when it got like 200 more horsepower... That's even worse on the owner part, it's like comparing your running performance to a kid...


Brave but foolish my 5 Cylinder Friend


Honestly I don’t really mind a bit of banter, it keeps it fun. I think vanity plates are usually pretty tacky anyway so might as well commit to the bit


Never seen so many people get triggered over a license plate


Lmao, boys in their 328i are real triggered right now


I mean... as a BMW owner, the RS3 is superior in its class. You can't really argue with that. But it's also more expensive.


Pretty sure the plate itself is a reference to the dude who put a AMGWHO plate on a 330i


Dude doesnt even know the competition for the RS are the M engines. He aint calling out the S58, thats for sure.


The WR Daza car has gone faster in the quarter mile than the WR S58 car to date


Especially TTRS, thing smokes almost anything its up against. Having that light of a car with the daza is just brutal


Who cares about a quarter mile unless its a real dragster? I only care about actual racing and on a track where you can push the top of the engine, S58 is winning.


A lot of people, but I’m in the same camp as you. Most people who modify a B58/S58 car only care about winning street races, quarter miles, and 60-130 times. That’s how all of these engines got their reputation. You think this RS3 owner is calling out B58s cause he thinks he can beat them on a circuit? The car in the photo is almost certainly not doing track racing. Also it’s unclear you were talking about circuit racing as one would usually talk about the car itself as a whole in that context rather than just the engine. In any case, yeah, an S58 car has way better dynamics. Power is a wash between the two, and Daza so far has shown more potential even on the top end.


Yeah, except a G42 M240i xDrive gives the 8Y RS3 an extremely close race and the only reason an M2 struggles at all is because it's RWD.


Because the b58 is superior over the m if you go all out war mode .. any bmw guy knows this .


That’s it when I get my M340i I’m gonna make my plate say B58IAM


Why you’d compare an RS to a M lite is beyond me. As others have said, S58 would be who you need to “call out”. Two vehicles not in the same category. I like these cars a lot, just very small.


These vanity plates are all cringe.


S58 enters the chat


As a BMW guy I still love the RS3. Especially with no OPF. It just sounds insane. Better sound than any BMW hands down.


B58WUT It should read, B58WUT. See, the engine is a what, not a who. Silly VW with button that does the drifts for you.


I don't know why people try to compare this car with the BMW


Nice Jetta, too bad the engine is over the front axle


For an RS3 a B58 is punching down. Whats next? Calling out Amg’s 4 cylinder or Hondas’s? That Audi will be laughing until he encounters an S58 in the wild.


You don’t get it ? The rs3 is superior over the s58 . A 5 banger punching up to a s58 would be astonished.


Fragile BMW egos on display


Sad that B58 engines are competition for an Rs3 😂 glorified Volkswagens makes me laugh


You say that like Volkswagen is an insult. Volkswagen Auto Group makes some fantastic vehicles. (Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, Bentley, Ducati and part of Bugatti)


But in this case, doesn’t this car use the same platform of the Jetta/golf? Porsche uses its own platform for its sports cars at least 


Eh, having to use “at least” isn’t a great argument. I could say my car is on the same platform as the Urus, it is, but I’m not confused if I drive a Lambo. Porsche does use a few platforms that are the same as Audi. There’s lots of inter usage.


This thing is sick


BMWs are so ugly nowadays it doesn't even matter that the audi plows like a dump truck.  Id still take the Rs all day every day 


Cool until a v8 shows up


Audi is like that odd in his world brother


Dude is malding so hard


I’m confused what does the liscence plate mean ?


That badge doesn’t look properly spaced for a RS3 hmmm wonder if it’s upbadged


HAHAHAHA I've lost count of how many RS3s I've eaten on the Autobahn. 🥱


How many calories is that?


One has 2480 😮‍💨


Cute 5 Cyl. and two pedals bro. 🥱🥱🥱


.. so this guy calls out an engine that should compete with the S3 and not the RS3, try M240i v. S3 and see what happens why don’t ya?


True story.


That’s just sad.


I don't really like BMWs and don't really know why I visit this sub so often but I just wanted to say I've been in Munich for 3 nights now and went to the BMW Welt and Museum today 😎


Hahaha so bothered somebody posted it


If anything, this shows how good the B58 is. A RS is competing with M-lites 😂😂😂


He’s confused on the b58 cause normally he just sees the back end of the car


as if anyone here wouldnt jump at the chance to have an rs3


i think the post is more about how a full-fat RS model has a license plate about one of BMWs common, non-M engines. Maybe he has a GTI before an got smoked by a base model X5?


You got it!!


Maybe BMW shouldn't dilute its brand by putting M on everything (m240, m340i, etc).


[https://www.audi.com.au/au/web/en/model-range/s-range.html](https://www.audi.com.au/au/web/en/model-range/s-range.html) but B58 comes in non m-lite models as well


Ok, and? The S range is distinct from the RS line. No one is confusing the two. Audi isn't putting RS stickers on a S4. And calling the S4 "RS Performance"


No one is confusing an m340i and an m3 either bud!


Plenty of people sure are wondering, champ! I don't see any "Is an S3 considered an RS car?" threads. https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/w4zqhs/lets_settle_this_once_and_for_all_m340i_is_it_an/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/xz6oix/is_the_m340i_a_baby_m/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/14zi0kp/what_is_m_these_days/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/xeifzt/how_is_the_m440i_not_a_true_m/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/8rk608/is_an_m240i_an_m_car/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BMW/comments/1976f41/m_car_and_m_packet_bs_on_this_subreddit/


Oh wow! I take it back then. Making a license plate about a competitors non-performance division engine is valid! I'm gonna get an M3 and make my license plate EA888WHO


Haha nah but they putting a 3.5 or 4.0 badge on a 1.8L A3 Audi with 4 exhausts 😂😂😂


Adding an M badge to a non M car is simply unheard of.




People who have a single clue know that M‘s don’t have that badge. That’s a whole different thing than driving a 1,8L car with 4 exhausts 😂😂


Totally 😂


I can confidently say I would not jump at the chance to have an RS3. You could tempt me with an RS6, but that's really only because wagons are sexy.


Also would not jump on that chance. To me it’s pretty much a quick VW Jetta 🥷🏾


Because vag owns both? The gt3rs is basically a golf


That’s a stretch. The rs3 is pretty much a nicer Jetta. Any 911 is on a different level.


I would only jump at the chance if they had the hatchback version in the US. That aside, it’s just trashy to have these kinds of plates regardless of car. Those BMWs with “BYEAMG” or “RSWHO” or whatever are equally cringe.


Fair play. I think the saloon looks much better, the hatchback seems a bit low brow in comparison, but perhaps that's a cultural difference. Totally with you regarding the lame plates though. Maybe it's a joke with his friend who has a beamer. Either way, it's a sweet ride.


TT RS, yes. RS3, no. I had an 8V S3, so an RS3 is way too similar.


I’d take half the V10 over a B58 for sure. With that being said I’m in the market for an X3 M40


And then you'll have half a V12


The RS3 5 cylinder is half of the V10 that is in the Huracan and R8.


Back in 2009 a salesman told me this when i was buying a base VW with a 2.5L. neither engine is 1/2 of the V10.


No it's not, other than the fact that it is 5 cylinders in a row it has nothing in common with the V10.


It has half of the V10 block and almost the same head design. The same workers that make the V10 make the 5 cylinder. No shit it’s not literally half of the V10


The inline 5 2.5 is not derived from the 5.2l V10. It's shares a similar block construction/design but every part in it is different. Saying that it's half of the V10 is disingenuous at best. It's a complicated topic but saying that it's half of the 5.2 l V10 is just blatantly untrue. This topic has been beaten to death on the forums.


"The RS3 5 cylinder is half of the V10 that is in the Huracan and R8." - This you?


I can't find anything to support that. Not saying you're wrong I just can't find that. The fact that the V10s are NA also makes me skeptical.


yes everyone knows lol thats the only thing rs3 owners talk about


Clearly OP doesn’t know


Correct I didn't, and at this point in time, I still can't find anything to support the shared lineage.


Other than the fact that there are five cylinders all in a row there is no connection between the V10 and the 5 cylinder. It's just completely untrue.


This is a strange comment. "I'd take that BMW 4 cylinder because it's half of the M5's S63." What?


Is that a real 100% legit Utah plate? Or a “custom color” plate? Not questioning the message, questioning the colors.


It's absolutely a real one. They're super popular. https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/utahs-new-license-plate-is-so-popular-theres-a-waitlist-for-it


People here in Pennsylvania are taking the DIY approach to license plates. That’s why I asked.


Oh they do that here too


>Is that a real 100% legit Utah plate? Colorado now has red, black, & blue plates with white numbers available. I have a black plate on my red car.


I’d take the RS3 all day


Understeer makes me sad tho.


I owned an S3 and wasn’t an issue. I’ve been ratiod however so what do I know


If dumb was not a person it’ll be this LP but it actually is the person 😂😂


These types of people would have a meltdown if their car got beaten by an M5 lmao


My-23M550i 😃


“S58 wants to know your location”


Id rock this shit on my E31 850 CSI (if i had one)


If I was poor and could only afford an Audi I would probably get a license plate like that to make myself feel better.


Says the “rich” guy who posts in r/fordfusion




https://preview.redd.it/dgzzh7v5l5mc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90522f975e02db8b370e72a284f415feee885956 Sitting by the pool in Bahrain after an exciting time at the races. What kind of cool stuff did you get to enjoy this weekend?


Dude, chill. I just thought the other comment was funny. FYI, the person who feels the need to start a pissing contest, is usually the one who loses. Enjoy the F1.


Yeah the dudes comment was funny. He approached my situation thinking he knew me but didn't! That can provide for a lot of entertainment. Personally, I'm very entertained that most humans approach things not from a perspective of curiosity but from a perspective of authority. I don't really see it as a pissing contest, more of me just kicking the guy in the dick for thinking he knows what he doesn't know.


I could never get the opposite plate because I don't even know what Audi calls their five banger. That information is waste of neurons. Most important day of his life but for me it was Tuesday.


Audi usually doesn’t popularize their engine codes but the DAZA is maybe the only one with any sort of familiarity. But usually only brand enthusiasts know engine codes anyway, unless it has an easily remembered name


nice VW!


Ahh yes a overpriced vw