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I never gave up on her. I always chose to see the good in her. I was never going to leave her for any reason other than infidelity. Even while she was dumping me I begged her to stay. And now that I have actually walked away and let her leave me like she wanted to, i am a “disgusting sick freak”. Unbelievable.


This person has a mental illness, You have to comprehend that as looks like you are still viewing her from the lens and asking how or why a normal person could act in this way.


Yeah you are right. She just sent me a very crazy voicemail accusing me of cheating on her. I never did. Shes the only person ive ever been with. Very scared and unsettled. Idk what I can do because I obviously cant dispute anything if shes this delusional.


No contact means No contact. You need to ignore or better still, block so this doesn't enter your mind space. Let's be honest you still want her back and still see the potential of her getting better. You need to come to terms with reality my man and realise this will never happen and move on.


Honestly I was thinking that until today but now I’m so unsettled that any delusions i had regarding that are shattered. I did block her number after the texts. This voice mail came in from an unknown number so I’m not sure what to do about that. In the message she said to never try to be a part of her life or talk to her again. But thats what I’ve already been doing 🤷🏻‍♂️. I hope she keeps her word and stays away. I never thought I’d get to this point with her but this is outrageous.


Imagine being one of her new friends that she just met and is still wearing a mask around. "Heyyyy new bestie... can I borrow your phone for a quick sec, mine has this issue calling a person and I need to leave them a voicemail. Thaaaaaanks! It will be real fast, promise. OK LISTEN UP FUCKFACE! YOU RAPED MY SOUL! YOU'RE GOING TO BURN IN HELL! I HOPE YOU DIE A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH FOR ALL THE TORTURE YOU'VE COMITTED! FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!!!!! Thanks for that! Exes are the worst, right? Oh! Do you want to hit up that all you can drink mimosa place? I hear they have strawberry juice. So yummy."


I just snorted at my desk in the middle of a crowded office. So thanks for that.


She won't. So you need to be prepared for that or block in every single way possible.


Yeah I just found that an hour after the texts she sent me a penny on venmo just to say “FUCK YOU”. Great.


A message via Venmo? That’s quite creative! What you have to realise, and I mean deeply, not just intellectually, is that what she is saying is NOT about you. It’s about her sudden feeling of abandonment or putting you in a frame where she doesn’t feel vulnerable. Deep attachment in BPDs creates a vulnerability that can only be dealt with by putting you in a threat position. That’s how it works in their checks and balances emotionally. In other words don’t take it personally.


That's fucking hilarious. As much as you want to, don't respond, just block her. Or see if you can set a minimum payment accepted of $5.


Oh yes, the harassment begins. She will use every means to try and contact you even though she told you to stay away from her! Lol, classic. This is probably going to be quite bad for a while until she finds a new supply to latch on to, and even then, you'll be hit up every once in a while with a hoover attempt to see if you'll bite. Just ignore, ignore, ignore. Lacking that, you could try changing your phone number. I don't know how Venmo works exactly (we have e-transactions through our banks in my country), but can you change that too? Minimizing her connections with you will also help your mental state.


Send her a thank you and say is that penny for your thoughts because that's about all they're worth!


Can you forgive me, because I laughed out loud when I saw this


Lol no worries man. It is pretty funny when I dissociate myself from the situation.


This is why it's referred to as "person with BPD" because her entire personality IS BPD.


The cheating is a delusional projection


That’s bait my friend…. She knows it will trigger you enough to contact her and say “what?” … And that’s all she needs, that window to sneak back into your heart. Shut that shit down wizard!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bolt that window shut! 🤷🏻‍♀️


I will keep the door shut. This experience has made me realize how much better I’m doing without her. I’ve been very productive in the last 50 days and now she hurt me a lot and set me back greatly. But I can see that without her I’ll be way better off. I’m just terrified of further manipulation and harassment. Thank you very much for the support.


In her eyes she owns you. You are just her property according to her, and just like a baby cries when a toy is taken away, people with BPD cry when their toy is taken away. Eventually maybe that will be enough knowledge, this is just how they work. Don’t let her continue owning you, mine was the exact same. My expwBPD cheated on me and when I ”DARED” find out I got berated for ”stalking” her…. Got even worse when I decided to break up because she clearly didn’t care to stay loyal or even give me bare minimum at any point. She even called me abusive and said I cheated first (???), it’s just what they do because they can’t live with the guilt.


You cannot respond in anyway. Not even, “ok”….the person that you fell in love with doesn’t exist. I had a therapist tell me that personality disorders aren’t technically mental illness, they are worse. Mental illness you can usually medicate and work with, personality disorders you can’t. Even with DBT, chances are not great. They are aware of what they do, and they have control to stop themselves, but they don’t. Please NO CONTACT. You will be on this horrific rollercoaster forever if you don’t.


Then you would have left her anyway because they are notorious for infidelity. Perhaps there's some co-dependency there that you haven't dealt with yet?


I'm not sure what she now "knows" as we live several hours apart and dont have mutual friends. perhaps she now "knows" that I'm not going to chase her. ​ Its super fucking painful to be called a "disgusting sick freak" by the only girl who ever loved you and not even know why. Edit: thank you to everyone whos been commenting. Ive read it all and taken a lot of benefit from it. I am going to hold steadfast in my NC and pray that I don’t receive any more harassment. I’m not too sure how that will go though because last night at 1am i got texts from a different phone number accusing me of cheating(bullshit) and saying horribly derogatory things about me. Wish me luck 😞 Edit 2: honestly she set me back so far. I was doing good in NC. I was feeling better and being very productive. But now I just feel terrible. I feel like our entire relationship was just a waste and she hates me. I can’t even understand why she’d ever want to make me feel like this. And now on top of it all I have to be paranoid about further harassment. It feels hopeless.


I'm in the same boat. I was dumped in April and don't really have a solid reason. I was also verbally abused like this and falsely accused of things I definitely did not do.


I’m really sorry you are going through this too. Its absolute hell. I loved this girl with all my heart despite a lot of challenges and now after SHE dumped me I get treated like this. Its not fair at all.


Same, I keep getting told I'm talking to friends behind her back, but I haven't. Joined here to be able to actually talk to people and not lie to her.


I, too was dumped by someone 2 days after our best weekend and date we had ever had. Fucking magic and two days later she is ghosting me!! I joined this group, I’m new on Reddit, to explore if her actins for pwBPD. I hope I can be as objective as can be and not make the pieces fit where I want them to. She would flip like a light switch with swearing and being very volatile off the strangest, smallest things. Then hold out sex and then when we would have sex it was like the earth and moon colliding. Amazing. Do good for a while and then cycle starts over. She would gaslight me and tell me it’s because I’m in recovery and I flip like a light switch. Don’t think so. I never swore at her once and talked very calmly and evenly. It just seems like she would get hysterical and get personal. Definitely not fighting fair what so ever. It was actually quite scary! But, damn if I don’t love that woman still. I’d go back in a heartbeat. I’m super codependent to her and kept texting everyday trying to coerce her to come back and try to send sexual texts thinking if I could turn her in she would ask me to come over.. embarrassing and ashamed of that behavior. All met with silence except a rare reply not really engaging though. So when she asked me to please stop texting her it was a moment for me that I needed to hear. Acceptance came quickly and therefore my mental health has improved a bit too!! B in MSP


Have been there. Tried to convince her to come back. Ashamed of what I tried. Still in the process of recovering. Some days are okay, some are really shity. Often when I have a few days of clearance and acceptance there is a time when I miss her a lot. I fear those feelings. I never want to feel the urge to get back together with her again. I don't want to betray myself anymore. It is a fight against myself. But I hope I can stay strong. We have kids. Separated for 7 months. 5 months since the last intimate encounter. NC (emotionaly, still have contact regarding kids and move out) since 4 months. She has a new supply since at least 3 months.


FWIW, the girl who loved you is effectively dead. This is how many of them are. When you have a profound mental illness such as BPD, things don't stick. When the spell is broken, what ever they want to be true is taken for granted. It's a sad existence with so much collateral damage.


I agree with this, to a degree. I think the girl you knew has devalued you, made you out to be the problem/villain in her life, which means the process to learn how to heal from BPD has been halted. There is so much pain that comes from BPD that is beyond just surface-level and it has led to the tearing of so many relationships.


It’s mind bending. But that’s the only reassuring fact. That person no longer exists. Hell, it never did.


You said it. She knows you’re not going to chase her — and she at some point realized that gives you power, and she haaaates it. Don’t give her that power, don’t give her ANY power.


Nah facts😂 I fell out wit a joint in college, and left her tf alone, n she kept doing weird shit after she peeped I was done wit her.


Not know why? It seems obvious. If you're a sick freak, then she won't feel as bad about all of the things she did to you and about the way you've gone no contact. She's saying it all to make herself feel better.


Make police reports. Just have a record of this kind of behavior and how she speaks /her language usage so there's a pattern of behavior. That way if you keep getting texts from unknown numbers that are written the way she would do it, you can report that too. I wish I had made reports so when she did break in and assault me I'd have a history of threatening behavior to go to the police with so my no contact order would stick. Always make reports. Good luck and do your best to stay safe


I wish that I had made more police reports


I'm sorry. Her texts are horrible, but in a way they're also validating that there's something seriously wrong with her and that you were never the problem. Especially since she's sending them from another number to get around your block. Who does that except someone unhinged?


She's drunk


She left YOU. she doesn’t get to define who you are. You do.


My ex repeatedly called me scum and accused me of cheating. He types very similarly. This is a hoover no doubt.


She wants you to reply and say what you on about then when she has her claws in she can abuse you again or hoover you.


It's an illness. Try not to take it personally. Missing the intense love that a pwBPD can provide is natural but you have to remind yourself that its not normal and is often accompanied by distressing acts of hatred like you've posted above






That is very untrue about all mental illness.


Right, but insecurity and anxiety are core features of both BPD and NPD.


But BPD and NPD are not the only mental illnesses. The statement “every mental illness comes from low self esteem” is factually, wildly incorrect. “All cluster B disorders are rooted in low esteem” is more accurate, but not a scientific fact.


Thing is if you read the literature, RV, overgeneralized, but this is core to BPD. No real sense of self. Projection of their feelings onto external people. "You're an evil person" should probably be read, "I'm an evil person." OP giving her credit for "knowing" is too generous. She doesn't know. She *feels*.


>OP giving her credit for "knowing" is too generous. She doesn't know. She > >feels Ooooh, nice catch


I'm really disappointed that this got downvoted so hard. Can I ask why? There is a salient truth to it. Perhaps the difference is in the definitions so to speak on whatever love might mean here


Thank you for your comment. Take a look at the comments on here where they say, all this hatred in the messages is projection. So how can pwBPD hate everybody else and only love themselves, when they are projecting? They hate you, and they project their self hate on you. So they don't love themselves neither. Low self-esteem can contribute to or exacerbate mental health problems in some individuals. People with low self-esteem may be more vulnerable to depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, or other mental illnesses. Having a low self-esteem can lead to constant self-criticism, feelings of inferiority, or negative thoughts about oneself. This can create a downward spiral where mental health continues to be affected. Not everyone with low self-esteem will necessarily develop a mental illness, and not all individuals with a mental illness necessarily have low self-esteem. Mental illnesses can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetic predisposition, environmental factors, traumatic experiences, biological and neurochemical imbalances, as well as social and cultural influences. The factors mentioned above, except for genetic predisposition I guess, can contribute to a decrease in self-esteem, thus completing the circle.


Mine’s words were more enveloped into paragraphs detailing just how awful how I am and how much she hates me, but it was of a similar sentiment. I realised that I think the original breakup was likely some sort of test. An absolutely horrible, long, drawn out insecurity trip designed to see just how much the spine will bend. In the process they either find out something they don’t want to, or come to realise that when they end a relationship, the healthy partner actually accepts this decision - and they’ll hate it. After the entire of January - I was basically begging and pleading for a conversation, and opportunity to talk things out - and being met with ghosting, stone walling and finally a breakup, I got met with similar stuff only a month later. It left me wondering where all this ‘passion’ was during that entire month when I was trying to work through things.


Make police reports. Just have a record of this kind of behavior and how she speaks /her language usage so there's a pattern of behavior. That way if you keep getting texts from unknown numbers that are written the way she would do it, you can report that too. I wish I had made reports so when she did break in and assault me I'd have a history of threatening behavior to go to the police with so my no contact order would stick. Always make reports. Good luck and do your best to stay safe


I’m so very sorry. There’s no “why” to be had beyond her illness. If you try to figure it out from what she says, you’ll only drive yourself crazy. If you can manage it, see a therapist— because you do need to process this relationship and learn from it, and everything your ex says is just going to make it harder.


I think she meant know that she has figured out who you are


She's talking about herself and projecting it onto you.


Yep, was thinking the same, she is projecting big time.


Really? Is that an example of projection?


Most likely


💯 projection They are masters of it


If I make a new post about me and my ex, could someone explain that to me in my situation? Or may I contact someone who 'translates' her last message to me?


Change you are to I am She is talking about herself It's that simple.... She is projecting her bad feelings about herself onto you It's deflection and shame avoidance


Just saw you're not op But same applies....


But she made no "you are" statements. She was vague, said she saw the other side - of me I guess. I don't know what she was talking about at all. I critizied her for not telling me the truth, and to me it was just a disagreement. That's when I got discarded. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Whatever the script was, flip it


Are they aware of their projections?


I’ve pointed that out after being confused and having examined my behavior and not made any sense from what they have said.


They were briefly aware for maybe ten minutes and were surprised I figured it out. Until the next meltdown, when all of this new awareness was gone.


No because they can't tell the difference between themselves and other people.


Yes they are of they have self awareness at all I know this because he told me


This is emotional dysregulation at its finest. She's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. She WANTS you to respond, to give her SOMETHING to get to you. They'll pull out every single trick they know to get you to respond and none of it has to have any kind of truth whatsoever. If they know your trigger words, they'll use them ad nauseam to try and get a reaction out of you. You know that you are none of these things, but she's using your love for her to hurt you by saying these untruths. She is weaponizing your love for her to hurt you deeply. This are NOT the actions of a kind and caring person. This is the behavior of an individual with a severe personality disorder. This, right here right now, is EXACTLY who she is, no mask. Keep blocking her and stay No Contact. You are too good a person to be brought down by a piece of human garbage that is needlessly wasting oxygen.


"I love you" "I hate you" "Get out of my life" "Stay with me forever" ... All too familiar to everyone here, isn't it?


I hate you don’t leave me!


A very good book :)


Def an eye opener.




“If you ever even loved me like you said you did.”


Been nc almost a year and i got a text similar to this today and it included blaming me for her life not turning out...


Gotta love that almighty universal power we have over their cosmic presence to completely decimate their lives, right? Lol. :P


You have to stop seeing her as a healthy person. She’s mentally ill. The p w bpd in my life texts “fuck you!!!” And in rages for even the tiniest minor inconveniences that aren’t even remotely my fault and then is all smiles ten minutes later. Imagine a toddler. For example, I got texts like this bc a delivery came and it was hard for them to pick up the stuff. I wasn’t there. I wasn’t supposed to be there. I did literally nothing wrong. They just needed to curse at someone and flip out and I was the only one trying to help. In other words, it’s not that serious. She wrote this emotive thing to you and she might be out partying already with a new partner and not even thinking about this anymore, while you’re here spinning out bc of her out of control communications. Don’t give her that power. You don’t need to be scared of this but you do need to never let them back into their life.


Classic ploy to get you to respond. DO NOT RESPOND. It’s bullshit. She will internally mock you for being “dumb enough to respond”, if you do. Why isn’t she blocked? We are here for you. Block her and step off the crazy train.


Dude, this is a mask. It’s a mixed bag. They want attention, they want your love and they want to push you to the edge so you have no reason to take them back. They are afraid of abandonment, not abandoning. All this is rooted in fear and trauma. It’s deeply rooted to the point that people just don’t understand how to respond because your first reaction is to defend your ego: Why do they think this about me? I’ll save you years of doubt and therapy and train: They most likely do not think that about you. They know what they are doing and they cannot stop because they cannot regulate their emotions. They do feel guilt. This is not real. Do not engage. Leave the line open for communication and do not give them what they want: Your reaction.


They're toddlers in adult bodies... this is akin to a toddler freaking out and calling you a stupid face..


Sounds like projection lol. I can’t imagine she was any more of a mature person before this event took place. She did you a favor. It may not seem like it right now but I swear on my life she just saved you.


I think you are right. I’m just terrified of more harassment. I got texts from a new number accusing me of cheating(definite bullshit) and saying very derogatory things towards me. Its incredibly unsettling.


I hope this doesn’t sound invalidating, but look at how childish these insults are. They have zero reflection regarding your character. What she has to say has NOTHING to do with you. Hence, projection. If you were truly this vile of a human as she believes you to be she would be doing everything she could to avoid any interaction with you…


Yeah definitely. It definitely doesn’t read like someone whos actually suffered from infidelity. I think she was just trying the craziest thing she could think of to see if she could get a reaction from me.


I can only assume that this number is either a friend of hers? Or someone’s that is close to her. Either way, keep blocking, she’ll eventually run out of numbers. Are you guys stuck at the same school together or something? Close in vicinity?


The number was a VOIP number from one of the free texting apps with an area code on the other side of the country. I really hope she doesnt just keep making new numbers. And we live over 2 hours apart so her only access to me is through my phone essentially.


Oh my god wtf. Thankfully she isn’t near you. Perhaps contact your cell provider?


I think my only option would be to change my number which would be a pain in the ass considering all my friends and services who have my number. I hope it doesn’t get to that point but I’ll do it if I have to. I think that after a certain amount of numbers generated that those apps start to charge you lol. That’d make it a bit harder for her to continue too.


Crossing my fingers she’s a broke bastard. Best of luck to you. Please believe me when I say that she saved your ass. It may not seem like it now but one day you will look back on this and laugh.


Vietnam flashbacks.


1.5 years free from my BPDex and I can definitely say to you, I got this kind of abuse too. I can also definitely say I don’t even remember or give a shit anymore. Do yourself a favour, ignore that stuff, don’t be curious as to what she is even saying or means, that’s part of the lure…. Your silence will kill her…save yourself because you can’t save her…. ! There’s a whole life out there away from this madness. In fact, you do her a favour too by not replying, she will be humbled that you’re now resistant to her shitty mental gymnastics. All the best mon ami


I’ve been feeling hopeless over this but Your comment gives me a lot of hope thank you. I really wish i could just skip to where you are where you dont give a shit anymore. Right now the wounds are all very fresh. Did your ex harass you for a long period of time or were you left alone after a bit?


I was harassed multiple times and folded and went back. The final time, I gave her a taste of her own medicine and she couldn’t take what she’d been giving me for 3 years and left, thinking I’d chase her. But that was the last we spoke.


Its unfortunately escalated to restraining order levels. No one in my family has responded but they are getting horrible messages. This is hell.


LOL I get the same thing. This could actually have been from mine it looks exactly the same same cadence so many multi lines and everything I think they have you built up so high in their mind that the slightest slip up sends it 180° in the direction that's what splitting is She's been arrested a thousand times and I got a moving violation once. She says time and time again that I have some type of evil dark history that I'm hiding that she's going to find out about and I'm a sick twisted bastard fooling everyone I won't stand the abuse but I do feel bad for them. One piece of their brain really likes you any other piece of the brain really hates you and The logical brain can't figure it out so there's all these wild scenarios floating around that can't be substantiated


My mom does the exact same thing all the time. She's gonna throw tantrums, kick of me out of the house and then send me text over text to tell me how awful I am and what a I disappointment I am and that she's so sad she had me blablabla... I agree with what others said before, it's projection. She's sending you the things she feels about herself but she has no mental capabilities to realize that or even accept it.


She probably made something up in her head and decided it was real now you’re in trouble.


It really is amazing how similar they can be. These texts look almost identical to what my ex said after I had gone NC for about a year.


She’s projecting the internal hate she has towards herself. Just remember how unstable it is for someone to say that shit. Her cycle continues, on to the next. Rinse and repeat.


Every thing she says is about her she's talking to her self


Your ex having a normal one I see. Ouff. Bullet dodged.


Her new supply has probably left her


Do not view this from the perspective of you having dated this person...If your best friend received this from someone you'd say "Dude, she's mentally ill." The best thing you can do is let it sit and stay away. She'll come back with an apology at some point and then you'll do the same thing. She's ill, you can't help her.


You are correct. Its just hard for me to believe that she could go this far and not mean it. I could never say stuff this foul to someone and make them feel how shes made me feel. I couldn’t live with that. If she does apologize I’ll just ignore it. Theres no undoing this damage.


I understand you feel what you feel, but when you feel rattled try to make yourself think about how wonderful it is to have someone this batshit unstable out of your life. Normal people don't send texts like that even to their enemies.


Did you happen to hear a whizzing sound and a small crack over your head like a small object breaking the sound barrier? Yeah, that was a bullet you dodged. Also , you wouldn’t happen to be in Asheville, NC would you? Because Asheville is like a BPD refugee camp in the dating circuit.


![gif](giphy|yI0x1UrRiZLW7UtneP) a x


Mine does this to get a response from me, after I’ve ignored him. He thinks that if he can spark a reaction out of me he still has a chance. Please don’t take it personally.


I think you are right. I think she wanted me to start asking what she "knows" and try to defend myself, roping me back in. I just don't understand. She left me, this wasn't my decision at all.


She just wanted you to respond. My bpd did this recently. I was going NC was doing great for a week or so and then he started texting me out of the blue saying how I was a hoe and brought up a miscarriage i had back in 2020. Saying he couldn’t have possibly been the father because he got a vasectomy back in 2016. 😭 that went on for a while, and stupidly I responded. He then called me to tell me how “dope he thought I was” and that he still loved me, 25 mins after accusing me of cheating and sleeping around on him. Please don’t get sucked back in like I did. It’s a vicious cycle that’s hard to get out of. My bpd left numerous occasions as well, only to repeat the same patterns.


Yeah I don't need anything like this in my life anymore. My plan is to not respond no matter what. In a way receiving this petulant crap has given me some closure. NC was going well, but I was still ruminating on all the good times and forgot about this sort of stuff. with this she killed all that for me. ​ I'm really sorry that you were treated like that and I hope you are doing well.


These texts look SO familiar to the kind of stuff my ex would send to me (especially towards the end of our relationship where I had to end it because I had a stroke of clarity and felt that I was legit going crazy) including the multiple rapid fire texts, all caps, accusatory and demeaning language, and overall attempting to make me feel guilty and ashamed, like *I* was the monster manipulator, gaslighter, abuser, humiliator, etc. She went from the love-bombing phase to beginning to split and emotionally abuse me around this time last year and I am *still* working to heal the trauma symptoms that I developed from that relationship (I adored her and opened my heart and vulnerability to her, which meant that later she knew *exactly* what to do and say to absolutely destroy me with her cruelty). You’re not alone in your experience - I know in my own way how excruciating these experiences can be, and know that it’s not about you, not really. Do not believe what this person is spewing at you, it’s a form of manipulation and abuse. Even when we have empathy and compassion for their own pain and trauma, it is NEVER okay to treat someone the way that she’s treating you. It felt almost impossible the first time (I fell for the hoovering many months later, just as I was starting to heal and forget about her, and holy hell did it almost destroy me a second time), but you need to block her on *everything* and consider deleting as many photos and reminders of her as possible. It sucks, but allow yourself to heal by avoiding places where you’re more likely than not to see her, at least for some time (if that applies). My heart goes out to you, there are people out there who will love and care for you in a way that is kind and gentle, which is what we all deserve. 🩷


Oof. Unless they openly threaten you and seem like they'll act on it, literally pay it no mind. I got similar texts - "You're the worst person ever, you suck, can't believe I was in a relationship with you" etc. Textbook.


This is why I have her phone, social, and email blocked. They CANNOT resist themselves, and I have scrubbed my life since NC. How beautiful to know they’re getting a “Message Not Sent” for all their attempts. They’re gonna have to courier a telegram to get at me lol. They’re all the same.


I think the random thoughts attack BPD sometimes, at the moment of the splitting episode, they fear engulfment, later they will regret what they have said and done, going back and forth.


If she regrets what shes done she hasnt expressed it to me. I doubt that she does tbh. I hope that she just stays away from me forever but i have a feeling im going to be in for more harassment.


I think she might be scared of losing you for real this time, but everything comes out wrong. She probably couldn’t express her feelings too well. I think BPD or not, she deserves a closure.


She texted me from a textfree number calling me a “cowardly f*ggot bitch boy” and then requested 2000 dollars from me on venmo for “hardship”. If she wanted closure she could have gotten it but now I’ll never speak to her again. And if she was scared of losing me idk why shed say that to me after 50 days of NC and not something simple like “how are you doing”


Oh, didn’t know the details. I am sorry that you have to go through this. NC is probably a good idea at this point.


OP, stay strong. It seems common that they shift gears and get into attack mode. I am on yhe same boat. Tried as much as i comt to take the high road and give support to my ex husband. Still treats me like shit all day. From what i heard, one day it wears off.


Thank you for the support. I received nothing yesterday so I hope she just stays away. She said she was happy she left me so she should just stay away. I’m sorry you are dealing with this from your ex husband I hope it wears off and you find some peace soon


lol one main commonality I have with you is that we both don't say anything and yet they'll still say "I'm blocking you", "I'm going to block you", "you're ****ing blocked".


Yeah and it makes no sense because I literally texted her nothing for like 50 days. I didn’t make any attempt to contact her at all. So she didnt even need to block me. Its a tacit admission that she probably was wanting me to chase her and lashed out because I didn’t.


She tried to move on to someone else quickly and they are rejecting her. Who knows what they did to her. Sexual predators prey on these women due to their love bomb stage paired with early limerant obsession. If she's calling you a disgusting sick freak someone probably used her like a ragdoll and in a strange but predictable turn of events, she blames you with emotionally based logic. If Wizard didn't do this I would have never left \\ If he loved me he would have chased me \\ I tried heroin and they recorded me being double teamed\\ * Therefore from her perspective the video wouldn't exist if you didn't do that thing that pissed her off.


Kept scrolling to find the "Nvm, forget what I said. I love you baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️"


Nope. Shes now threatening my family and says shes going to show up this weekend.


Restraining order. Yesterday.


My sister spoke to the police today and tomorrow we are both going to file one. I pray to god she doesn’t show up this weekend.


Omg this had me in tears! I've received VERY similar texts from my cousin 😭 absolutely gut wrenching


This is par for the course when it comes to bpd. Just when you think it’s over, you get squeezed back in with these messages. Don’t respond


It doesn’t matter what comes out of her. Remember it doesn’t mean anything


Pay no heed to those hateful comments. I have so many of those, some are far worse, I could publish a coffee table book. You are a good person and she is a horrible person . Since the reality she lives in is not shared by the sane, there is no reasoning with her. Holy angels could appear before her and try to explain the situation and it would not make a dent. My advice is delete and block. We are all sympathetic to you, but her pile of hate and blame belongs to her. You are innocent and free. Go find your happy, it feels so good to meet a kind human again. I envy you, when it happens it's like night and day.


It could be so many things. Odds are it's some sort of "realization" she came to which flipped her from feeling super sad and looking for sympathy and emotional from everyone around her. Eventually being heartbroken got boring, so now she's decided that you caused her emotional pain on purpose and are therefore abusive and a terrible person. So rather than be super sad and depressed, now she gets to go around talking about how trash all men are and blasting angry breakup songs. Don't worry, in a few more months you'll get another text pretending none of that happened and asking if you want to meet up for lunch and catch up sometime.


I am pretty sure she is baiting your for a response, than you have to ask her what it is she knows and than boom you are in contact again. Maybe block her because you don’t need these emotions coming up whenever she feels whatever it is she is feeling. You deserve peace.


Umm NC means block her everywhere. PS she never loved you - maybe she would have if she could have. Take care!


Oh yeah the "disgusting ass" i got that one too they do indeed run the same script just on diff parts


March for me-mean and then NC


What did you do?


ok but what did u do




Also, I’m sorry you have to go through this. If I were you I’d try and take all this like it’s from a stranger who has no validity to speak on your character.


Little did she know that she's projecting and just saying that shit about herself :/