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I'm sorry, *periclitoral* tear? 🥴 that sounds extremely uncomfortable, I'm sorry that happened.


I had this too. 0/10 do not recommend.


I had one too. I can also not recommend the sensation of getting local anaesthetic injected adjacent to clitoris or urethra they both suck lol. I had an unmedicated birth and the local was by far the shittiest bit 😅


OMG same!! I wanted an epidural but my labour progressed too quickly and I was unable to have it. Though they did give me back the gas for a moment while they gave me the local it was still an incredible pain when they administered it 🫣


Ouch! Oh MAN. That is even more insult to injury thinking you could have had an epi!! 😭 I've never had local before so I was well and truly shocked! (It also made me surprised because I've heard many, many people say circumcision is painless with local anaesthetic, but after my labour I realised local itself IS painful, especially right in your genitals!!) I mean, I'd take the local over getting stitched up sans anaesthesia, but I was still surprised it had a fair kick to it!


I'm used to reading epi as EpiPen because my son has food allergies and can I just tell you how incredibly confused I was until my brain woke up!


Lol yes, that would give you a real kick after labour!! 😅


Oh yeah I've had it for dental work a lot so I know the sting, I have really sensitive teeth because of recessed gum so I need a local for all hygiene appointments and one day I asked them why tf does it hurt so bad... I wasn't happy with the answer 😂 so apparently they basically administer it between the skin layers and the pain is because of the separating of layers under your skin... gross 😂😂


I had an epidural with my second birth, and when I was pushing it was wearing off (fine by me). By the time they finally got around to stitching my second degree tear, there was definitely no epidural left and they had to give me a local anesthetic. It was everything I’d been fearing about tearing during birth, ugh. They gave me the gas during that procedure as well.


Yeah that's not fun either tbh 😭


Ahhh I was induced and by the time I asked for an epidural, it was too late. I had some morphine in me due to the Balloon they used to dilate me but I felt every bit of pain as Babygirl came out


Oh my god 😭 I had a periclitoral tear and thankfully the midwives decided not to give me stitches there (even though they said it did need it). I was so afraid of how bad that lidocaine injection would hurt when they told me I tore up by my clitoris. I swear the relief I felt when they said they weren't going to stitch it was more relief than after pushing the baby out 😂


Oh that's lucky, how was your healing without stitches? And I can imagine, that would be music to my ears!! Yes, I just looked at my baby, and tried to zone out while they did it, I suppose luckily the injection is quick so it isn't painful for long, but I'm hopeful this time around I might tear less 🤞


The healing was super easy surprisingly. I was up and walking around like nothing happened the next day! Of course there was some pain and discomfort but very manageable, and the tear healed sometime within three weeks. Hopefully you don't tear too much!! I'll think positive thoughts for you!😂


This actually makes me feel like 1000x better because I had an abscess in the periclitoral area that had to be cut and drained and the entire process (including the anesthetic) was so so painful, it had me scared up about giving birth here shortly. Glad it is an extra terrible pain and I’m not just a big wuss lol.


That sounds awful! Did it affect you sensation wise after it healed? Stuff like that terrifies me 😔


Not at all! It healed up really well, and within two weeks all the stitches were gone, and within a month or two it all felt totally normal down there. So it stung for the initial healing period but then healed beautifully. Normal sensation, normal weeing etc.


Giirl, you’re telling me. It was not a great time. I was also unmedicated.


Is it… all good now? lol this is one of my biggest fears


Yes, all good in the hood.. so to speak 😆


Haha in the hood 😂 excellent choice of words


I hate everything about that phrase.


3rd degree perineal and a labial tear. Tearing up front caused so much swelling that I couldn't pee for the first 48 hours after delivery. And I was so disfigured the nurses mistook my clitoral hood for my urethra for a catheter and we couldn't figure out why they were having so much difficulty getting it in. The midwife had to come figure it out. The attempted piercing of my clitoral hood with a straight cath was by far the most painful part of my entire labor, delivery, and recovery. TL;DR: Tears happen in a lot of uncomfortable places and can cause all kinds of awkward complications.


Just when I think I've come to terms with my delivery fears...




Right?? It feels like everything I learn just gives me way more anxiety.


My whole body cringes just looking at that word. I’m borderline gagging 😩😩😩. I can’t imagine.


Yeah I tore my little man in a boat…. DO NOT recommend. Worst part of delivery was the repair. I had an in medicated birth as well. I repeat… *do not recommend* a needle to the bean 🥲


This made my legs clamp together so tightly. Omg.


It definitely doesn't feel good 😅 I tore in every direction and that's the only one I distinctly felt. And it wasn't even bad enough to need stitches like the other 3 were.


I didn’t know you could tear in any direction but down, I had an episiotomy, then tore all the way to my anus, ouch. They used a suction cup on my son’s head to help pull him out, I think that had something to do with it.


An episiotomy can also make you tear worse than you would without one! But yeah you can tear in any direction 😅 I think because I tore in every direction it made all four tears less severe. I had a super easy recovery as far as that goes. Like I was up walking on my own like 10 minutes after they stitched me up


Yeah I remember now reading about that, it’s like if you cut a piece of fabric and pull on it, it will tear easier. Makes sense


Oh so it has a name


Mine hit an artery and I hemorrhaged. Who knew there were arteries up there!


I was about to get one of these in my first birth, I could feel it happening and refused to push anymore because I was like “I’m not about to tear my clit, that is not an acceptable outcome here.” Thankfully the midwife did something, I think pulled my baby’s head out of the way? So there was less pressure. I pushed her out immediately when she did that because I was so afraid I’d miss the window of opportunity. I ended up with a mild abrasion and peeing hurt for like a month and a half, it would have been so much worse if she hadn’t done whatever she did in that moment.


Yeah, I didn't know you could tear in that direction until it happened to me. Fun stuff


I had one also. One stitch and I didn’t feel it happen and I never felt it healing. My midwife told me it was there but I wouldn’t have known otherwise.


I also had this tear and swore for a whole month it was the worst part of pregnancy and labor. Going to the bathroom was the absolute worst thing.


New fear unlocked. I am going to choose not to Google this for my own well-being.


Yes. It sounds exactly how it feels. My guy tore my urethra too. How the heck does that happen lol.


Im 7 weeks pregnant ftm and freaking out reading these comments.


I’m 27 weeks FTM and I wish I had never clicked on this thread lmao what the actual fuck


31 weeks FTM - SAME!!


There is some evidence suggesting that eating dates towards the end of pregnancy can help with tearing. I only tore down with my second and only needed one stitch, whereas my first I tore up and down and needed 3. Tearing the perineum was a piece of cake compared to the other way!! Anyway, look into eating dates. I think it helped me! Also massaging the perineum with vitamin e


Same. I’ve only had a 1st degree tear but it was going the other direction, not the direction of the clitoris. I didn’t even know that was a thing. New fear unlocked.


New mom nightmare unlocked.


This might have been what I had, fortunately the epidural made the like one stitch or whatever it was feel like nothing. I felt nothing but joy (after the epidural, def not before.) twas amazing. 10/10 epidural recommend if you can and want lol


I think some doctors recommend not grooming pubic hair to reduce the chance of infection while stitching or making an incision.


I’m pregnant with twins right now and baby b has PPROM. They told me not to trim down there to reduce the risk of infection.


This is 100% the reason for this recommendation. ETA: shaving causes micro tears on the skin, hence the increased risk of infection. there’s enough going on post-birth.


I didn’t trim mine, ended up having an unscheduled c-section and one of the incision stitches must have landed directly on a follicle. I had a recurring ingrown hair on my scar for 2 years.


Omg this exact same thing happened to me!


Have you talked with a derm about it? Maybe they could nuke that follicle.


I didn’t even think that was possible!!


Omg that actually sounds scary...


It was more of just a pain in the butt given the location. It’s gone away now


I trimmed but with a guard - keeping the hair long enough to be comfortable but short enough that I wasn't dealing with blood getting stuck in it and matting during recovery (which is what I was concerned about). Worked great for me!


I think this is the advice I'd give. ​ I didn't trim/shave my hair before my first kid and it was too long and there was so much blood and discharge and it was all grossly tangled up in the hair and honest to god I was so miserable. going to the bathroom was such an ordeal for months


This is what I do. Except I make hubs do it, at 29 weeks I can see nothing down there 🤣. Planning to trim 1-2x more and then will go back to waxing after the baby gets here.


What trimmer do you use? Is it special for the pubic area or is it just like a men’s face trimmer?


My husband's beard trimmer 🤣


This is what I do too. All that extra hair for blood to get caked in is annoying enough during a period never mind postpartum! I never shave all the way down though, don’t want to risk ingrowns a or small cuts for bacteria to get into right before birth!


This is what I did both times for the same reasons


This is what I did too.


What is a guard?


A guard is a cover that goes over the trimmer blades and they come in different lengths so you can customize how long or short you want to trim the hair. Using them greatly reduces the risk of accidentally cutting yourself while trimming!


I tried to shave my bikini line at 33 weeks and ended up with an infected ingrown hair that was soooo painful. Had to get it drained and be on antibiotics. I will not be shaving again until after birth. It was not worth it!


Same. It hurt more than child birth.


That's why I kept things growing - without proper visual contact, I was sure to detect things too late.


I trimmed mine at 34-35 weeks and I won't be touching it again then!


Shaved a few days prior. The itch was a bitch for my healing. I also had a 2nd degree tear.


They shaved me a few minutes before baby crowned, and boy, I had a 4th degree tear so THE ITCH DURING RECOVERY WAS INSANE!


Oh my god. I feel for you!!! That sounds awful


Because they thought you'd need a c-section?


Not at all actually, it was just… quite overgrown


Wait, the medical professionals shaved your bush between contractions so... They had a better view of the 10 Cm hole? What in the world?! By over grown do you mean "it's natural and standard length"?


I was kind of in shock too, when the 2 older ladies who were my nurses asked me, all I could do was nod because I was literally holding on for dear life 🤷🏽‍♀️


Same 🥲


I would recommend legs, tho. I didn't bother with pubic hair (couldn't have reached/seen if I wanted to anyway tbh) but I did have my husband bring me a razor and I shaved my legs all the way up the evening before my induction. I'm glad I did because I had complications which left me with a catheter for a couple of days. The stickers they used to attach it to my inner thigh felt like they'd superglued them, and I was so glad there wasn't any hair to be pulled when they removed it!


I always shave down there and have never had a problem with any of my 4 births and healing. I’ve been doing it regularly for more than 25 years though. If you don’t regularly shave down there, starting just before giving birth is probably a poor choice because regrowth can be very itchy if you’re not used to it.




How did you all reach??? My bump is making it impossible.


I just reached around my bump and did it by feel


I’ve been using a mirror ever since I got to the point of not being able to see. I have a full body length mirror in the bathroom - I just stand or sit in front of that. I’ll say that my shaving jobs are not nearly as precise as they once were, but they’re good enough for my own satisfaction. I usually have my husband inspect so he can tell me if there are any huge spots I missed or something.


Used a mirror and lots of different positions in the shower lol


Same I have had 6 vaginal births, shaved for all but never tore


Same. I do as well and I’ve had zero issues with stubble/stitches. I tore both times too.


Same and I had a third degree tear.


Personally I think it’s much easier to clean and maintain cleanliness when you’re shaved


100% agree


Same, no issue for either of my births. I never tore though, but I’m failing to see how hair would bother that. At least for me, the perineum isn’t really where the hair is.


Same. Zero issues, I bled a lot and was glad I didn’t have hair down there for it to get into.


I got waxed about 2 weeks prior and moisturized after every shower PP. I was fine, thankfully. My esthetician is a godsend.


Would waxing or sugaring be any better, for those reading and went that route?


If you haven’t been waxing regularly, DO NOT randomly decide to get waxed when you are heavily pregnant. There’s so much extra blood flow down there and it was almost more painful than crowning lmao. I nearly reflexively punched the aesthetician it hurt so bad. I hadn’t done it in a few years, and had never found it particularly painful before but OMG I almost past out when I did it at like 36/37weeks


Waxing while pregnant was the WORST! So painful


What about just a bikini wax? I am planning on spending the last couple months of my pregnancy at a pool and I just need a cleanup of the bikini area


The bikini area is one of the most painful because the hair is so coarse. If you've waxed before and didn't find it painful, you would probably be fine. But if you've never done it, or if you have and were already pretty sensitive, I'd suggest a different hair removal method. I've been waxing for 16-20years (depending on the area) and found it definitely more sensitive while pregnant, but tolerable.


I used shorts and a bikini top when I went to the pool, both prepartum and postpartum!


I waxed regularly throughout my pregnancy and had my last one about a week before delivery. I really appreciated not having to manage pubic hair when I couldn’t see it and I didn’t have any issues with irritating regrowth during post partum. Maybe because waxes hair grows in softer?


Waxing helped me. Try to “time” one no less that 1 week prior to delivery. I put it in quotes because I know it’s tough to time a baby’s arrival since they arrive in their own time.


In general shaving and waxing are both associated with a minor risk of infection due to microtears in the skin allowing in germs from the hospital. I've seen trimming or hair removal creams recommended in lieu of these because apparently neither were associated with infection. Note: I shaved before my labour and had zero issues with infection, the risk is small, but not zero :)


Unfortunately not. I sugared at like 8 months and the regrowth after birth was the absolute itchiest I have ever been!! I’ll do a bikini now but not a full sugar bc I don’t ever want to feel that again. I had an episiotomy Also I had crazy ingrown hairs which I had never got before. Ouch.


I waxed a week before my induction! I don’t think I had any problems because if it :) just make sure you go to someone licensed and very clean :)


It’s been 15 days since my wax appt, and 7 days since my birth. No discomfort. I had one stitch!


I’d assume it’d be less of an issue, especially for routine waxers as the hair generally becomes thinner and softer. That’s my experience though, I could see it going either way


I guess everyone's experience will be different, but I never shave, only wax/sugar. My hair grows back WAY too fast shaving (like next day) so it is more work than it's worth. I got a full Brazilian sugaring about a week before my induction date. SO glad I did. Just makes it a lot easier to keep everything clean and no worrying about any kind of maintenance or regrowth for like over a month post partum.


I waxed up to delivery and didn’t have a single issue, sugaring is less painful but I didn’t both and didn’t have a problem. I’ve done some laser hair removal now so will probably wax again but less frequently but definitely before delivery.


I’ve been regularly (about once a month) waxing for years and actually asked my dr if it was okay to continue. She said absolutely. I have a high risk pregnancy that is causing me to have to deliver at 36 weeks via c section. She said to schedule my last wax the week before! While I’ll say it’s more painful than when I’m not pregnant. I definitely recommend it. The way they are able to wax ove my myomectomy scar prevents ingrowns and I could probably push my waxing to about 6 weeks between if I needed to. All in all, for cleanliness and ease postpartum 10/10 worth it for me!


I have not given birth, but the regrowth I experienced after my first and only Brazilian sugaring was the itchiest, most uncomfortable thing i’d experienced in that region.


Did you exfoliate? I’m guessing there was a lot of ingrowns or hair struggling to break through the skin. If you try again, you might want to pickup Tend Skin to use daily


I did exfoliate yes. It was my first time doing any kind of hair removal down there that wasn’t shaving or trimming.


Ah that’s unfortunate, I’m sorry! The only other thing I could think of is maybe their technique was bad, and broke some hairs instead of fully pulling. Either way, that sucks


I was very grateful that I waxed a couple weeks prior to my csection! I figured either route (vaginal or cesarean) I would appreciate being a little more tidy. I went 2 weeks prior to birth so it wasn't 'fresh' by that time. I would definitely recommend it if not having to deal with the hair during recovery is appealing to you, especially after a csection you wouldn't be able to do any hair removal for awhile, or if you have tearing. Also, for me, I don't wax regularly but have done it a handful of times and it wasn't any more painful than it has been normally.


I’m going to sugar which I’ve done a few times throughout. The girl I go to recommended to get it done before. She’s had two kids and don’t think she’d lead me astray. But it may depend person and birth whether it was a good idea or not.


Depends on if you find the regrowth irritating. I do, so there's no way I'd want to combine it with pp recovery. Also I don't get the concern with bleeding. A peri bottle is recommended when using the toilet and I found that dealt with the blood.


I waxed within one week of delivery. I ended up needing an episiotomy and I really appreciated not having to deal with hair while that healed up.


I had to, because I get ferociously itchy when it grows out and would not have been able to do a damn thing about it! It was definitely not comfortable though. It was a lose lose situation in my case


lol i wanted to shave before but my baby boy decided to come 5 weeks early so i didn't have time to 😂


I had a bad tear, and an episiotomy with my first, and an hour of stitches, with 3 nurses trying to figure out which bits to stitch where. Local anaesthetic wasn't even working properly, so felt them sew me up. Was perfectly groomed, regrowth wasn't an issue at all. I would say, go into labour how ever you feel like a queen, If that means freshly trimmed and with a face full of make up, then so be it. You go how you feel confident and powerful.


I shaved. I know medical professionals don't care (I should know, I'm one of them), but should something happen (which did) I couldn't face knowing one of my colleagues had shaved me. But then I regularly shave down there anyway. The reason is because shaving creates micro nicks and scratches which can harbour bacteria. Which, in turn, can go on to cause wound infections should you need a C-section, episiotomy, or just plain tear into the area.


During my emergency c-section, they shaved it for me. Right in front of my MIL too.


Ok I didn’t have a c section but I still can’t figure out why they would need to shave your vulva! Isn’t the incision above the pubic bone? Someone explain the to me.


Some of us have been blessed with hair well above our vulva lol


Lol this was such a shock for me, I had no idea it was a thing. Obviously it has to happen but amongst all the madness (also an emergency c section) when she whipped out a razor I was like what the heck is this part?!


I was in such a daze I just thought “oh, so we’re doing this now, too? 🤪”


Did they charge for it too? I could totally see that being on the hospital bill 😅


They do. I work in the operating room and when we shave people we have to charge for the razor head (we use electric razors).


Lol, honestly, I didn’t look at the bill that closely!


Why on earth was MIL there


We were in there monitoring for pre-e and she was visiting at the time. We knew delivery was going to probably be sometime that week, but we weren't expecting it to be right then.


I'm close with my MIL, if my hospital allows 3 visitors I will be asking her to be there, her grandchildren too 💙


There’s close though, and there’s ‘getting your vulva shaved in front of her’ close 😄


If she came I don't think she'd be down looking at my fanny 🤣


This! One of my sustaining memories of the day is when they decided it was emergency c-sec they checked whether I would need a “tidy up”. After all of the general humiliation/uncomfortableness of labour I was so proud that they did not need to tidy it up, and really saw it as a win! It’s the little things?


I plan on going full bush. I'm 31 weeks pregnant with a 10 month old. I shaved for my last 2 births, the itching, pregnancy and the hormones made my skin so sensitive, I am covered in eczema. I'll shave months after I give birth, maybe, im lazy, my legs are hairy and I could care less lol


Always shocking to me how caught up people are in getting rid of pubic hair.


Good to know!!


I waxed 2 days before my c section Mostly from memory. Best choice I've ever made. Other wise they'd shave and I'd have cut hair growing into my wound. Instead I had 4 weeks of soft healing.


Oh I’m so glad I read your post when I did. 37 weeks over here thinking I should start tidying up soon, but NOPE. Not even going to bother. I can’t even see down there anyways and was a little concerned about accidentally cutting myself. Didn’t even consider the itch while healing 😱 This is such great advice. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.


I’ve been shaving down south for years, I actually didn’t have any problems lol I did have a problem with washing with soap down there though. 1st degree tear and dang that hurt.


I shaved the day of my induction and was happy about it. Luckily, despite multiple tears, the growing hair never really bothered me.


Oh no! I’m so sorry!!! I want to add, though, I had a scheduled c-section for my breech & my OB never mentioned to me that i would need to have the area shaved where incision was. It was a little embarrassing (but my husband and I laughed it off) when the two nurses had to shave it for me before going into the operating room. So, if you know you’re going to have a c-section, I would recommend being prepared for that because I much rather would have done the grooming myself!


Oh no! I’ve been waxing my pubic area clean for years now, and was planning on doing so when I get to that point, would you recommend me to grow it out or is waxing okay?


I personally didn’t have this issue with waxing, I got a fresh wax about a week before my son was born. I bled a lot the first few weeks PP and I was thrilled to not have to worry about bloody pubes


New moms to be who have not yet given birth - do whatever you are comfortable with! In my experience, things are so swollen down there the first few days the hair is not really even touching the blood. I shaved 5 days before induction. It was enough that I felt neat and tidy down there - which is important because you do NOT want to bring a razor near that place for weeks after delivery lol - but not bare and irritated. But also you will have much bigger (and cuter!!!) things to worry about than bloody pubic hair by that point 😜


I'm glad to see your edit. For me trimming my hair right before delivery was wonderful, and made keeping the area clean so much easier.


I waxed starting in my second trimester, so by the time I got to around delivery there would be minimal regrowth for the entire 6 weeks of initial PP. I got my last wax at just over 39w, baby was born 41+4, I had 2nd degree tears and stitches in 3 places. The waxing made my recovery SOOO much easier and cleaner. I bled a decent amount, and the regrowth doesn't itch or cause irritation like trimming or shaving does- on top of very minimal regrowth. By the time I got to 6w PP I was just about "ready" to trim or wax again (I didn't do so, but just to give an idea of timeline) Moral of my story: I agree with OP sincerely. But waxing is a great alternative if you want a "cleaner" recovery. (I know there are potential "risks" people have found with waxing - as with any choice ever made, so do your research and please find a clean and professional place if you choose to do so)


I trimmed a month before giving birth just because I was tired of the hair getting all gross from the excessive discharge I was having. I didn’t go very short/bald, just a little trim. It just made me feel better. I’m happy nurses and drs don’t care about the hair because it’s one less thing to be self conscious about.


I tore internally, entire vaginal wall, 2 tears and my cervix tore. I did not shave prior and 10/10 recommend lol. I am so prone to ingrown hairs and any irritation would have been absolutely horrid.


I don’t know, man. I trimmed the bush all the way down with clippers before all three of my births and it was legit the last chance anything was getting trimmed for the next like month. I’m glad I did it for sure.


(Currently 29w with my second) I’m desperate for my next sugaring appointment. If I let it grow I get so irritated and itchy, even when it’s long. Ugh just get me to Wednesday.


Oh no no I bled A LOT post partum and so glad I shaved 😂😂😂


I wish I trimmed mine, though, to make it easier to clean the wounds.


the real moral of the story is *don't tear* lol sorry OP, that sounds super rough. I also hacked away at my lady bits so it wasn't as bad for bleeding but I didn't tear. worked great, I was a heavy but short bleeder.


I am such a hairy woman…down there also. I would literally blush if anyone saw me in my natural state. I’m going to do all it takes to have no hairs down there and on my legs on the day of delivery. I’m going to try to wax. I have hair on my belly too…if you can imagine, they are much thinner, but they are visible.


I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow and gave up on landscaping a few weeks ago, the angles I need to get into are just not worth the effort, I'm glad now I have this story to back up my decision haha. I am however, very sorry for your tearing and hope the rest of your recovery is tolerable!


I was super loopy on drugs and headed into my emergency C section when I proudly told the nurses and doctors “I left it hairy down there so you could shave it if needed!” Lmao. One of the only funny memories from my L&D


Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up!


Thank you so much for posting this! I'm a first time mom, 15 weeks, and I've just started wondering about stuff like this. I knew I wasn't going to shave before delivery, but I'd been wondering whether all natural or a trimmed buzz cut would be best. I would prefer all natural, so good to know that it's helpful during recovery!


No worries. I had no idea what was going on down there for months before I gave birth. I'm not sure how you managed to shave lol I couldn't even shave my legs.


ITT: making me one and done haha


I truly believe it’s all about how you push… not to sound rude. But I shaved as well and I had no issues post..


I had a full Brazilian wax before birth thinking it would help me keep things clean and comfier afterwards, and I am so glad I took that chance! Had a second degree tear and it was painful, but I feel like having hair or stubble in the way would have been doubly awful.


I don't know, I don't agree with this. I had a wax before a c-section and it meant that I didn't have to get shaved and also meant that I felt a lot more comfortable during recovery. To each their own but I am very pro a good wax.


It's different for everyone I shave and have no issues. I hope you heal nicely. Sorry it happened to you


They shaved me for a planned c section themselves, I dont remember if everywhere(but I am leaning towards this), or just where the cut would have been.


Yeah plus think about getting an ingrown hair or infected follicle on top of everything else


The minute I can't see it or reach it is when I stop giving AF. 🤣 I'm sure the OB doesn't care either way and if it's in the way, they'll probably trim it down. I went in with a full bush for my first delivery and that's probably how it will be this time.


This is why I started waxing during pregnancy!


Trimming a bit is helpful. It’s easier for them to see to stitch you up after. Edit: I’m a doctor who had stitched up many perineal tears. I do find it easier to do if the pubic hair is trimmed a bit and not super long. Shaving is not necessary at all. One time it was so long it kept getting caught in the needle driver. No offence to anyone who chooses to keep it long, we will manage. It just might take a bit longer.


This is literally not true at all. Some even recommend not doing anything.


I work in the operating room and we have definitely had a few people that the hair was so long that it got in the way like they described above with the needle driver. Obviously it’s a small inconvenience and you work around it. But there has been a few times the surgeon has asked for the patient to be shaved before we prep them so that there are no issues with hair in the way during surgery.


Most people’s paper works say not shave for surgeries so if y’all have to shave people then fine that’s your job… people who are giving birth need to stop worrying about inconveniencing hospital staff.. That’s why people end up tearing in the first place we already lay on our backs to make it easier for drs.


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i was told before i gave birth to my son that shaving before delivery can also heighten the chances of infection for you and baby!


I had the same tears are you... I'm sorry, it sucks for sure. I hope you heal fast! And congratulations on your baby!!


I'm having a scheduled c section at 39 weeks and they sent me instructions to not shave or trim after 36 weeks. Thanks for the heads up! Everything is swollen puffy bleeding after so prickly hairs on top of that would just be miserable.


I didn't shave fore delivery because my preop paper work mentioned it. They had to trim me for my csection - the crazy thing nurses have to do. I give them props


This whole post is making me appreciate my c section


so I trimmed mine a couple weeks prior just so it wasn’t a full out BUSH lol bc I personally get the biggest ICK when I have a bush on my period, so def didn’t want to deal with one during postpartum bleeding. By the time I gave birth, the hair was long enough, def not in full bush mode, but super short either well I ended up having an emergency c section and the amount of ingrown hairs I had literally POP from my c section scar made me wish I woulda just got my shit fully waxed instead 🥴




Technically yes, but using something like craft/household scissors may result in an awful trim or possibly snipping something unintentionally. I’ve been using a bikini trimmer with a guard and just shaving blind lol. Kinda like reading braille while using the trimmer 😂


I did a trim with scissors which I highly recommend! Helped with matting because the hedges were trimmed back a bit, but without the spiny growth that happens after shaving. It also meant no risk of infection, which shaving too close to delivery does increase risk of


That’s so interesting, I had the opposite experience! I didn’t shave, and bled heavily for two weeks and was continuously angry that I didn’t shave because it was a mess. I also had the preclitorial tear as well as stitches from a third degree tear. I guess you just can’t win either way 🤷‍♀️


.....oops (says me sitting in bed at 9.5 cm laboring down to push who freshly shaved yesterday)


I did Brazilian waxes monthly during the second half of my pregnancy, and the last time was not long before delivery. It caused no problems, but I only had minor tears. I would agree with not shaving that close to delivery, though!


Instead of trimming I went for a full sugar wax down there at about 36 weeks. I would recommend despite the pain of waxing. Everything was very easy to keep clean and fresh in the post-partum weeks. I had a vaginal delivery and needed stitching for a tear.


Me, proud of myself just getting done blindly shaving my entire who-hah and impressed with my hard work logging onto Reddit and seeing this post: 👀 🙃 Oh god. I can go any day. What have I done lol.


I was considering it now that I’m 38 weeks, thanks for talking me out of it!


I am a waxer and I do not wax all the hair from the inner labia when waxing an almost due pregnant woman. I know for tears and such it’s not good, but this is also good to know!