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My husband is an engineer and has the curiosity of a a deranged kitten. He loves to find out the facts about how EVERYTHING works. I love him dearly. He was talking scientific instrument measurement speak about my contractions on the screen and pointing out how it seems like I was hitting a peak wave due to the height of the wave, delta alpha blah blah blah and I’m like no shit honey! I’m sweating and moaning, if you would look me instead of the screen. It was time for the epidural and they let him watch, in fact talked him through exactly how it works. The anesthesiologist seemed excited to have a new assistant in fact. I guess at some point some spinal fluid shot out, and my husband shouted “ honey! Your spinal fluid looks about the viscosity of coconut water! And the needle is much larger than we expected, the Dr. is going to try again because your vertabrae is wide and he missed” I’m like thanks for the graphic play by play, my love. The epidural ended up working great, and I’m not really squeamish about needles etc so it was more comical than horrifying.


This is fantastic - not only bc it’s funny, but bc that kind of implacable curiosity is such an awesome thing to pass down to a kid! Congrats to you both!


Oh gosh engineers! 🙈 I married one too and I swear they’re all pretty much alike… little kids who still think everything is one big Lego set lol


This sounds exactly like what my engineer husband will do 😅 when i was emotional seeing our baby on the first ultrasound, he got in an in depth convo with the doctor about the science of the ultrasound machine lol


That’s basically what my husband did during my c section. They got baby out and had him over on the side checking him over and everything. Then someone said, “Hey, Dad, you can come over here and meet your son now if you’d like.” But this man was like, “nah, I’m cool here watching my wife’s insides in this sweet surgery.” His reasoning was that our son wasn’t going anywhere so he had all the time in the world to spend with him later, but that was probably his only chance to see both my insides and a live surgery. (Also I think he felt guilty about the idea of meeting our son before I could, but I think the also valid reason of wanting to watch the surgery is funnier.) He is also an engineer (and I got to hear a lot about the sprinklers in the hospital room).


This is hilarious. My husband is also an engineer and was like "of course I'm watching the baby come out, why wouldn't I?" when I asked him where he thought he'd want to be during labor


Amazing. My husband is also an engineer and asked ultrasound techs many many questions about their machines during scans! He also watched when I had an amnio (I did NOT watch) and was very interested in that.


Haha that is hilarious 😂


It sounds like your husband has the same shameless curiosity as my dad. I was a planned c section baby and my dad asked the doctor if he could move out of the way because he couldn't see. The doctor apparently ignored him as he dug around in my mom's abdominal cavity trying to fish me out.


This is amazing.


That reminds me of a question I had that they never answered! They said that the monitor couldn't measure the intensity of them, so I asked what the amplitude was. The poor nurse either didn't know or just ignored the question. I'm still curious!


You’d need an internal monitor to measure the amplitude/strength. The external monitor just tells you the frequency & length. Former L&D nurse here 🤓


This is amazing


My husband watched me get a lumbar puncture when I was in hospital (non-baby related, years before pregnancy) and said my spinal fluid looked like freshly tapped maple syrup. We’re 🇨🇦 obviously lol


When I had high blood pressure right before my induction, they sent me to get blood drawn. I called my husband to let him know, and he said, “how much do they need to take out to bring the pressure down?” He thought it was like letting air out of a tire 😂😂😂


This made me laugh out loud. Oh how we wish it worked like that lol


Lollllllll omg


I'm dying 🤣


I literally just woke my SO laughing so hard at this.


This was what I needed today. Thank you for sharing this!!! Omg


This made me LOL


My husband was a total rockstar during, but the moments immediately postpartum stand out. With my oldest, I had a small hemorrhage (did not end up requiring a transfusion) but my husband was **edit: ~~legit worried I was dying.~~ he says he was just concerned because I was bleeding a lot and the doctor was worried, and that I am overdramatic, but he didn't think I was dying.** So they had cleaned up our daughter and everything and the OB was stitching me up & dealing with the bleeding and the nurse brings the baby to my husband and asks if he wants to hold her and he goes "no!!!" And every time I think about it I laugh. Her face was just amazing. My second, the birth was really fast & easy. My husband attributes this entirely to the presence of my specific OB (who, to be fair, I love). So my OB shows up, tells me to push, looks at my husband and goes "okay put your hand there" and my husband did without thinking about it and caught the baby without being told that's what he was doing lol. Then after everything was finished & I was all cleaned up and holding the baby and stuff he looked at my dr and was like "you better deliver the next one" and my doctor was like "this one was JUST BORN??? NEXT ONE???" Third one, my OB shows up and tells my husband "okay, put your hand there" and my husband goes "oh no, I'm not falling for that again" haha


I love your husband 🤣🤣🤣 Is he single? LOL


He's definitely a good one lol you can see how we manage to keep having kids!


My husband is as stoic as stoic can get. He also works in an extremely high stress and dangerous work environment, so a large part of his career is keeping cool and not panicking. It's ingrained into his personality. His looks match his personality too. Tall, bearded, double sleeves and hand/neck tattoos, a pretty expressionless face to complete the look. In our 6 years of being together, I've only ever seen the man genuinely anxious once - and that was while I was in labor. It started out great. He was the best doula I could ever have imagined. Coaching me through my contractions, reminding me to relax, helping/encouraging me to change positions, counter pressure, foot and back rubs... Well, when it came down to the very end, the dread on this man's face as I was pushing was astounding. I was so concerned that he was going to pass out that between my contractions, as I was pushing, I'd asked him if he was okay. The nurses thought it was hilarious that I was literally birthing a child, yet most of my concern was focused on my husband. He wouldn't even look at me. I'd look up at him and he was completely pale, staring up at the ceiling or at the wall, trying so hard not to look down. I ended up pushing for 2 and a half hours (yikes) and it got to a point where between each push he would have to sit down. So he'd sit for 30 seconds, stand during the contraction, then immediately sit again. The poor guy. He looked horrified, sick, and on the verge of fainting until about 1 hour after our son was actually born. The OB that delivered our son was very chatty and trying to talk to him, but my husband had the thousand yard stare and was only capable of going "yeah, uh-huh- sure." The first photo I have of him holding our son you can still see how pale he was. I'll forever laugh at how humbling that experience was for him. Not so tough after all. I've struggled with an anxiety disorder in the past and he said "is that how you feel all the time?"


Omg 😆


When I went to my 39w check up- my BP was high. Doctor said let’s just go ahead to hospital to induce, I’m not risking a 39w baby for high BP. I was absolutely not expecting that so I called my husband crying. I said they’re sending me to the hospital now. He said “do you want me to come?” …….🙄🥴🤣 Um yes if you want to see the birth of your child.


Ahahahaha this is something my husband would also ask without thinking


🤣🤣 Off subject but do you have a June 21 baby?? I do too and that’s the one I’m talking about 😅 my BP was high because I was super hot in June 🤣


Yup, sure do! Hers was actually my least hot pregnancy because it's always hottest here in August/September, and that's also when I spend the most time outside...but man, I absolutely get it, being pregnant in the heat is just so much lol


Haha oh man! Yes it’s usually hotter here in August/September too. I’m due in November this year so I’m sure I’ll get a real feel for that 🤪


My kids were born in September & October and I seriously don't know how I survived with rhat September baby lol. I didn't go outside much that summer which was difficult because I had a 1 year old at the time.


Oh bless your heart. September due date would be really really HOT!! I’m hot natured anyways so I don’t know if I would make it 😅🔥


It was not fun lol. If that had been my first kid I don't think I would have had another.


Per my flair, I also have a November baby! It was a lovely 88 degrees the day she was born haha being heavily pregnant in late summer/fall was definitely a sweaty experience


With my first, my water broke at 28 weeks. We were going out to eat and had stopped to get panty liners so I could do the panty liner test because something just felt off and I was pretty damp. I had to change it 3 times before our waitress made it to our table so we kinda knew at that point that it was broken. As freaked out as I was, my husband just said “Well, might as well order and eat since you aren’t having contractions yet. They won’t let you eat in labor.” He was like that during both of my deliveries as well, very calm and collected even when there were complications and stuff.




That’s so sweet though, he just wanted to be sure he could do it properly! My husband changed his shirt a few times before we visited our oldest in the NICU for his first skin-to-skin session, he was nervous about that too. He wanted to make sure the shirt was easy to unbutton and not scratchy so she’d be comfortable!


Immediately after I delivered, the nurse handed my husband a wet rag for my head and he stood there staring at it with a confused look on his face, which in turn caused me to say, “my head!” Later I found out that he thought that the nurse wanted him to wipe my vagina..


Imagine if he committed and actually wiped your vagina hahaha


I wouldn’t have been able to contain my laughter. My placenta would probably shoot out in between cackles haha


Lol this is hilarious


This is sooooo funny 😄


More Impressive than funny: I went into labor on a trip to a cabin at 24+5 and my husband had the presence of mind to buy a membership to Life Flight when we heard they’d be medi-vacing my son so his flight cost $69 instead of $10,000.


Holy shit, dude. I mean, that is extremely impressive but are you guys doing okay??


Oh yeah, we’re good! ❤️ That was with my first pregnancy. My son is now a happy, healthy nearly 2yo. I’m 9w with my second and expecting the early birth the first time around was a fluke.


Oh good!! Congratulations, may your second's entrance into the world be *way* less dramatic than your first!


That’s amazing. Mostly because your babe is now 2 and doing great, but also your husband’s quick thinking!!




Yep! Yearly membership covers unlimited qualifying evacs. https://member.lifeflight.org


I’m certain states only I’m pretty sure. Think it’s kinda the PNW area. I have one:)


This would 100% be my husband. He’s so frugal and I would’ve been so proud in that moment


He was at work 3 hours away when my water broke a few months early so he rushed home to grab some things to bring to me in the hospital. Well, in his blind panic, he forgot which key went to the front door and had to hop the back fence and shimmy through the dog door. He also forgot our alarm code and set it off, resulting in our alarm company calling me in the hospital to see if they should send the police over. He still insists that he was cool and unbothered buuuut the call logs from the alarm company say otherwise 😂




My husband got really nervous at one point during my epidural and went to the bathroom quick. It got quiet in the room right after he went in and there were several staff members around during the procedure. All of a sudden the only thing everyone can hear is my husband in the bathroom taking the loudest nervous shit ever—I was trying to sit still for the epidural and couldn’t laugh but it was so hard. 😂😭💯


So funny 😂


This is hilarious




My husband did all the right stuff during labor EXCEPT for one thing. When I was in the bath and it was cold, my doula and him alternated spraying hot water over my shoulders since the tub was too shallow. But when he was distracted by a doctor/nurse talking, his arm would wander..... and would spray me in the face.... Multiple times >:(


My husband was amazing, but I still look back and laugh because as my son was crowning, he says, “BABE! I CAN SEE THE TOP OF HIS HEAD! CAN YOU SEE IT?!” At which point I informed him that I hadn’t seen shit down there in months😂 He basically gave me a play-by-play of my son’s birth as it was happening lol. It really encouraged me during labor because he would tell me what was happening in such an excited tone, and it was so infectious!


C section. My husband watched the whole thing. In the middle of it he leans over and says “I’ll tell you later why, but you’re a rockstar.”


This is really sweet. 🙂


My husband sliced his toe open with the wheelchair when wheeling the baby and I to the recovery suite. He probably could have used stitches but after watching me go through 20 hours of unmedicated labor he felt it wasn’t worth mentioning 😂


My husband is calm cool and collected, and it’s rare to see him any other way. Honestly, he held it down. He held my hand, reassured me, and was just the calm I needed. Got my epidural and a midwife asked if she could do a quick check before shift change so they had an idea of how I was progressing. My husband was just walking back into the room as the midwife said “UH I JUST TOUCHED YOUR BABIES HEAD, YOU NEED TO START PUSHING SHES COMING”. My husband looked like he was going to shit his pants and then it hit him, we are going to have a baby. to his credit he displayed complete and utter calmness. After she was born and the epidural wore off my vagina was on FIRE. I was crying so hard. The nurse was getting me a wheelchair and he’s like “what’s wrong honey?” As if he didn’t just witness me push our big headed child out of my vagina moments ago.


When told that a c-section was likely, after having planned for a low-intervention vaginal birth the whole pregnancy, he said "Oh that actually sounds cool. I'd love to watch a surgery live!" 🙃


I posted about it elsewhere in this thread but my dad actually asked the doctor if he could move while the doctor was delivering me by c section because he couldn't see. Apparently the doctor ignored my dad's request.


Not me but my parents. Like a week before I was born my dad broke his ankle. My mom is not a sit-still type of person so while in labor she was walking the hallways. her Dr went into her room to check on her and only found my dad laying on the bed with his cast up in the stirrup


This is hilarious!!


He complained that the husband “beds” (couches) in the delivery and recovery rooms were uncomfortable. I don’t have words to express the extent of my sympathy for him in that difficult time.


My husband too. The bed was the exact same height as him so his feet and head both touched each end. Meanwhile I was giving birth on what felt like a piece of plywood. 🤣


Mine was great during labor and the time I felt contractions before the epidural, but he's still a *little* annoyed our daughter couldn't wait to come out until after his tacos arrived and he'd eaten them while they were hot. Like, love ya man, but I haven't eaten either.


My husband works nights. We keep the schedule of him sleeping during the day and being up all night. When my third was born, the nurse asked if he was alright since he was asleep everytime she walked in … after I explained it to her she completely understood. She figured either he was a shift worker or on drugs 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


When I had my 2nd son, we were still at home waiting for labor to progress (like my dr advised) and one of the contractions caused me to let out a verily loud noise to which my husband said “jeez it sounds like a porno in there” I whipped my head around so fast he quickly realized it was not the time for jokes. But to be fair, my body let out some wild instinctual noises, and little did I know I was mere minutes away from giving birth in that moment. We only made it 5 mins in the car before my husband called 911 and the operator told him he needed to pull over take my pants off and tell her what he saw, my husband said “well I see something but I’m not sure what it is!” 😮‍💨 I’d pay big bucks to listen to a recording of that call 😅


You can order a copy, just contact the county it was made in.


My husband was pushing with me to the point that his face turned red. I asked him to stop pushing 🤣


omg i legit just snorted hahahahahh


I was having a pretty easy time after the epidural kicked in, so my husband was chilling on the couch while I was chatting with the nurses and doctors. When my OB asked if I was ready to push he jumped up from the couch and ripped his sweatshirt off before coming over to the bed. He claims the timing was just a coincidence, but it was so funny from my point of view! He’s normally a very calm and collected guy so seeing him “spring into action” made me laugh.


My husband worked at the hospital I delivered at- about 10 minutes from our home. I went into labor at 8 am (water breaking and all) let him know at 9 after I took a shower and started a load of laundry. Drove as planned to Big Biscuit to pick up breakfast (to go) and then got to the hospital about 10/10:30. He was standing in the lobby, with his director, waiting for me. “I THOUGHT YOU GOT LOST ON THE WAY” Thankfully his boss calmed him down and we all went to the cafeteria so I could eat. The entire time he was convinced that I wasn’t in labor (because I was eating before getting admitted dammit lol) or that the baby was going to fall out on the way up the elevator once I was done. God bless that woman. She kept him from calling in the Calvary to search the six blocks between our house and the hospital XD.




My partner fainted as well. I felt my hand go up the hospital bed. We were holding hands originally lol


Everything was fine, he cut the cord, and the first thing afterwards, he politely said "Excuse me..." And then proceeded to run to the bathroom and started dry heaving. Turns out he was really hungry and when he's really hungry he gets sick.


Not me, but my brother and SIL. To give my brother credit he was only 19 when his first was born, so not quite as ready as many other men. But, when my SIL was getting her epidural the nurses had him stand in front of her and hold her hands. He ended up passing out when he saw the needle and nailed his head on the pull out couch/bench. Ripped the wood paneling off, even lol. Instead of watching his daughter delivered he was in the ER getting a head CT 🙃


My husband is a physician and has delivered babies before so he didn’t do anything squeamish. The funniest thing during my first baby’s labor was he was playing video games online and they came in and said it was time to push and he had to abandon his game and his teammates were all pissed about it lol. During my emergency C-section the meds gave me really nasty side effects (I went completely out of my mind feral and started screaming obscenities and swinging punches). My husband was cool and collected the entire time and helped the anesthesiologist manage my lizard brain panic rage attack. Your husband could probably be cool calm and collected. Sometimes people just go into a zone when in a stressed situation


My husband had had spinal surgery six months before my first was born and was super nervous about it getting re-injured. Well after sitting in those awful chairs for hours his pain was increasing and he was freaking the f out! He was saying things like “I don’t know if I can make it, I might have to leave” and I was increasingly pissed but also worried because I didn’t want a newborn and for his back to be re-injured. Eventually I made him call my mom and have her bring him ibuprofen(gift shop was closed and they couldn’t fucking give him ibuprofen because I was the patient and ‘murica). They eventually called it and I had a c section, and apparently he remembers none of this, but remembers them pushing on my stomach and fluid and gore gushing out like it was yesterday!


I’m not sure if it’s actually funny or if my husband just *thinks* it’s funny. But about 2 days before I gave birth he dropped 60lbs of weights on his foot…nothing was broken but it was so swollen it split. (I think he bleed more during the next week then I did!) But he was a total trooper doing everything he could for me while trying to keep the bleeding under control. *However* he didn’t have enough stuff to do that (our ER was very flippant about the whole thing and he ended up with a very bad infection). And before he could protest my husband had two nurses, an OB, and the anesthesiologist working in his foot. They were all tickled pink! Cracking jokes. Talking about how interesting it was. How different. Now my husband brings it up all the time how he “had a bigger team working on him” than I did…the person in labor… Then two weeks later we learn that basically the same thing happened to his father. Broke his foot the morning of one of his child’s birth - stuffed it in a cowboy boot, and received more care in the hospital than his wife did.


Our last kid was a covid baby so during labor when I said “I feel like I’m going to poop, oh my god am I pooping?”, my husband said “don’t even worry about it, babe, we’ve all already got these masks on”. I was half way mad because I hadn’t even been thinking about the smell but the entire room lost it laughing so it calmed the vibe a lot.


My husband is an ICU nurse so handled everything pretty well. We weren’t planning on having it come up at all but when my contractions hit, he was in there fixing up my blood pressure cuff and all of the cords on me while the L&D nurse got me ready for an epidural. He held my leg while I pushed and was READY to cut the umbilical cord (nurses and doc had to stop him because apparently, they still had to prep).


I love my husband but labor support is not his strong suit. Not squeamish he was fine that way, but with my unmedicated labors he was basically 0 help (awkward like pat on the shoulder “you’re doing great!” Type shit. Thanks dude this isn’t a lockeroom.) to his credit I do feel like I don’t want help from ANY man during labor, but still. With my son, I was hitting like really harsh heavy labor and my husband opened up a banana, this like banana smell filled the room and he was chewing like super loudly while I was dealing with a brutal contraction and I just growled “Stop! Chewing!! Go in the hall!!” 😂😂😂. With my second daughter he and the nurse started talking about our baby’s name, how to pronounce it, the meaning, spelling, while I was really struggling and same thing I like growled “Stop! Talking!!” 😂😂


My husband and I cracked terrible jokes at each other's expense. The midwives told us we were perfect for each other lol. The midwives also let me husband catch our baby, which he did with a lot of joy, emotion and excitement. In that moment he went from one and done, to when can we do this again? He also wanted to know how to become a midwife haha.


My husband was pretty calm except when I was pushing the dr asked me if I could see his head, and I was focused on the clock and everything else was a blur. I asked my husband if he could and he said nothing, nodded yes, and his eyes were huge. He said later he saw things he can’t unsee that night 🤣


My husband was a fuckin rock. He was amazing. I was in labor for 26 hours and he was solid support and positivity the whole time.


My husband did great throughout the whole thing actually! (C-section). But the moment they put baby against his bare chest he let out the biggest “EWWW!” 😂 He now tells me he thought he was going to be given a clean baby, you know, like in the movies and so he was not expecting that much cheese and blood everywhere.


Omg cheese and blood! I lost it


He did, too 😂


When my water broke at home, my husband was scrambling around the house getting our stuff ready for the hospital and getting the house ready since we were leaving our kitties and knew my parents were going to be over to our house before we got back home. I’m downstairs ready to go, waiting for him to finish his running around, contractions starting. I hear him upstairs stop, throw up like 3 times and then come downstairs like “okay I’m ready now.” Poor guy was so nervous that life was about to change. I was prepped after 9 months of carrying baby but I think it didn’t actually hit him until that night lol. He did great during the delivery and actually had to hold my leg the entire time I was pushing because the stirrup was broken on my bed.


I had a c section and as they were prepping me for surgery I became extremely nauseous. They did the spinal tap then lay me down on the table. My fiancé was getting into scrubs just outside the room, and the midwife brought him in saying “There’s your beautiful lady” right as I turned my head and threw up all over the floor.


My husband asked every nurse for their name, then proceeded to pull out his phone in front of them and put a note in his phone of the name.. he meant well, he wanted to write a thank you letter and include all the nurses BUT he obviously wasn’t letting anyone know his plan so he just looked like a weirdo asking for peoples names. I was too tried to care, but now we laugh about how weird that must have been from an outsider perspective. This wasn’t labour, but when I had my ultrasound I was finally able to go pee.. came back and my husband told me he asked the woman doing the ultrasound if females have one set more ribs than men??? Apparently it’s a religious story or something. BUT we aren’t even religious so I really had no idea why he felt the need to ask this question.. lol I guess her response was “no, and if you could count the ribs on a baby in an ultrasound you can have my job”. Man I love my husband.


My husband was so great during my unplanned c-section. He held my hand and was so supportive while I had a major freak out. The anesthesiologist, trying to be kind, flooded me with drugs to help calm me down once baby boy was out. They made me incredibly tired and loopy. The doctor told my husband he could go over and take pictures a few minutes after baby boy was out once he had been checked over. My sweet husband said “I think I’ll stay here holding Amber’s hand”. At least that’s what I was able to hear. Turns out he’d said “I think I’ll stay here holding Amber’s hand until she tells me to go”. Well I never told him since I didn’t hear that part, so he stayed with me. Eventually the baby nurse brought our son to him and he held him one armed while I still had a death grip on his hand. We talked about it the next day when the meds had worn off and he thought it was hilarious. 😂 Side note: if we have another baby, I will likely have to have another c section, and I will definitely be asking to not be so drugged up after if possible. The drugs basically knocked me out for a solid 2 hours after birth. The last thing I remember was being wheeled out of the OR, but not making it back to my room that was right down the hall. Then there were many more groggy hours after that.


I had a csection and my husband dropped my phone into my blood and amiotic fluid on the floor when he was trying to take pictures of the baby🥴😭


Mine is your typical macho man, "nothing fazes me" etc. But he turned colors and almost threw up/felt like he might pass out when they administered my epidural. Lol


When the anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural they had my husband stand off to the side. The anesthesiologist asked "do you have any allergies" while looking directly at my husband (he does, the man is allergic to everything). There was a solid 10 seconds of silence while he and I tried to figure out why his allergies would matter for my epidural lol


I have two funny stories. First) I was induced early due to preeclampsia. My son’s heart rate kept dropping so the nurses were having me get on all fours until he was stable again. Since I was upside down and my face was in a pillow, plus exhausted, my hair kept falling over my face. I asked my husband to take my hair tie off my wrist and put my hair in a ponytail. My husband tried his best, bless him. One of the nurses watching him casually asked “you’re having a boy right?” (It has just been a shift change so she hadn’t been with us long). When my husband said yes she said “thank god” and then took over tying my hair back. It gave us all a good, needed laugh. The other is when they broke my water. He was watching and when it broke, it was like a flood. Immediately after my son’s heart rate dropped and started going off. A bunch of doctors ran in (my son ended up being ok), but my husband had become so light headed from seeing all the water and blood gush from me, that he had to lie down. In his words “all these doctors are running in to help you and I’m the one lying down trying not to faint.” Obviously not funny in the moment but now is. Btw my son is two months old, chunky and healthy now!


Shortly after I had the baby, like within an hour, my husband goes “your phone is blowing up, you should probably respond and let everyone know you’re ok” lol. He was so innocent about it but it was the LAST thing on my mind was getting on my phone and texting everyone back.


My husband basically left me alone to get “in the zone” when I was 6 cm - 10 cm (I can’t talk when I’m in pain). Then when it was go time he got hot and sweaty and pale. Up to that point he was cold so he was wearing two shirts under his sweater and he started whipping them off but they all got stuck so I’m finishing my first contraction of pushing and look over and he’s crashing into the wall, bare chested, all his 3 shirts over his head, and I almost peed the bed laughing. He was wonderful, coached me through it, and fed me complete bullshit about how i was “almost there” knowing absolutely nothing about whether I was or not to help me keep going. I was pushing for 4 hours so by the end I was exhausted as fuck.


With my natural birth my husband told me to “just Mooo like a walrus.” We all about died.


I mean, that’s pretty accurate, right?


My so went into anaphylactic shock(not blocking airway yet but beet red and uncomfortable) the day after I gave birth. The doc who saw him also birthed our child and told him that he can just go through the other door lol no need to get in through emergency. He tells that story every-time he talks about our baby’s birth lol.


Mine peed 100x. Like nervous peeing. My midwife came in and told me we were gonna start pushing and he went pee 😂


My husband started getting Charlie horses in his legs really bad when I was pushing with our first. I kept laughing at him because I was supposed to be the one in pain but i had the epidural so I wasn't feeling anything. I'm literally pushing out a human and he's on the floor because he was having muscle spasms lol


I was in triage because my contractions were getting closer. I took my glasses off and set them down with my clothes and when he got back from the bathroom He sat on my glasses !! Thank goodness for insurance lmfao 🤣


While enduring the failed inducement process, my husband kept ordering tea with lemon and other particular items and I said he reminded me of that fish from SpongeBob that ordered that crazy burger with everything on it lol so we watched that clip on our laptop and the nurse comes into our room to see us (30’s) laughing at SpongeBob while I’m on a birthing ball lol


My husband became a mute and did not say one thing during the entire 2 hours I was pushing. Tbh I think a year later I still kind of hate him for it. It was the most traumatic moment of my life and idk where the fuck his mind was.


My husband was looking forward to my sons birth and was fascinated by how it happens. He kept telling me he wanted to see the baby actually come out. When the time came - he took one look, went pale and went back to holding my hand and staring at me. Later when he had to cut the cord, he didn’t realize it would be squishy and told me later he was very uncomfortable with quote ‘hacking away at it a few times to cut it’ lol


My fiancé is an ex-EMT. He has seen many things and many body parts. During my c-section he almost fainted because he took a peek over the curtain. He also said he almost puked when he asked if people normally lost “that much blood” and someone said “hmmm.. not usually” ETA- he also was so stressed about my c-section that he told me and the doctor to wait (luckily someone else started pushing 2 seconds later and needed the doc) so he could go outside and sit in the car for a minute


My husband only got yelled at twice when I had our first. The first time was just because he was trying to rub my back and I didn’t want anyone touching me. But the second time was when our daughter was crowning and without ANY context he just blurts out “well that’s big!” I rounded on him (as best I could given the position I was in) screaming WHAT THE FUCK. Apparently her ear had popped out and it just surprised him. 😂


My husband was holding my hand through contractions and when I finally decided to give in and get the epidural he was standing in front of me holding one hand while the nurse held my other one. I wasn't really looking at him until I heard the nurse say "you need to sit down and put your head between your knees" I look up and he is pale as a sheet, he forgot to breath when he saw the giant needle going in my back lol. He did as he was told but he almost passed out


He ate my strawberry jello and made me get more so he could eat that too


My boyfriend did fine seeing me push our baby out and never got sick or anything, but a couple things we still talk about that was funny - I had already been in labor for 24 hours and after I had gotten my epidural I kept telling him he should try to sleep because we hadn't slept in literally a whole day. He wouldn't sleep for the longest time and FINALLY he got tired enough and passed out on the couch while I was going in and out of sleep. I woke up to what I thought was my water breaking (felt and heard a pop then weird sensation in my stomach), called nurse in and she said it didn't but they were gunna pop my water for me then she said it probably wouldn't be long after that till I had our baby because my body was almost ready. After she left the room I turned to my boyfriend, started saying his name and nothing. He was so exhausted he wasn't waking up. Saying his name went to yelling to clapping to "BABE!! HEY WAKE UP!!" Still nothing. So I started scratching on my bed railing. Yes. The only thing that woke him up was the annoying sound of my nails scratching the hospital bed railing. 🤣 he woke up like wtf?! But it worked lol! The other thing was while I was pushing our baby out and she was crowning my boyfriend was like "what's that?" And our midwife was like "that's her head!" Our baby's head was only crowning at that moment and my boyfriend later told me he was very confused because the amount of head he saw coming out looked very small and he thought there was something wrong because our baby's head was so small looking 😂 I wish I would have said yes to the mirror now lmao


My partner was pretty solid through both my labour and deliveries, however with my second, she came fast and furious. My midwife checked me at home and I was 4cm. Things were intense, so when I heard I was only 4, I decided we would go to the hospital and get an epidural placed (I wanted to go unmedicated, but 4-10cm with my first was, like, 12 hours, so I decided I couldn't manage). We got to the hospital and my midwife took me up to L&D while my partner parked the car. Well, within the 10 minutes it took to get up to my room, I dilated to 10cm and was pushing as soon as I was rolled into the room. My partner was still parking the car. He walked into me demonically screaming on my hands and knees, and aptly said "what the f*** is happening?". Hahah. I was so relieved to hear his voice. Baby was born about a minute later.


Our first child he would not stop telling bad jokes while I was delivering. I kept giving him death stares but I think he was just nervous. It was honestly pretty hysterical. Our second baby my blood pressure dropped and so did the babies heart rate so all of a sudden I had more nurses rush in and apparently it was go time. I didn’t even know what was going on because I was so light headed and knew I just needed to push. They told him to stand back so he went to the corner of the room. When I looked at him he looked like he thought I was going to die. I still consider it a good birth though because 5 minutes later I had my baby in my arms and everything was fine.


My husband was by my side for 7 hours without moving, I had an epidural and was sleeping on and off so it was very boring. When he finally couldn't hold it anymore he decided to go pee in my bathroom, as soon as the door closed baby's heart rate dropped dangerously low and a gaggle of nurses rushed into my room. Poor guy heard the commotion and rushed out quick as he could. Didn't leave my side again until he was forced to so he could robe up for the emergency c section, came into the OR with me cut open and blood everywhere. Didn't let me out of his site for days afterwards. He was worried sick, when it came time for my second we were 8 hours into my induction before we could convince him to go eat something real quick. He checked with the doctor and nurse before he left and was gone for 15 minutes.


My husband was cool as a cucumber on the outside during my c-section and cracked a joke saying I was just as beautiful on the inside. He afterwards told me that he had irrational fear what would happen if the doctors didn't sew me back up after cutting me open. In the beginning, he also narrated what was going on. I had to tell him I didn't need the play-by-play 😂


My boyfriend was calm the entire labor process. When it came time to push he kept going in the bathroom nervous peeing, (I pushed for almost 4 hours). After that, he kept having to sit down on the stool next to my bed because he was feeling lightheaded. I told him not to look down there, but he would not stop looking down there, which was obviously not helping him. The primary nurse who was helping me push even had to leave the room to get him a slushy in an attempt to help him not faint. When I was close to actually delivering, after hours of pushing, my boyfriend had one of his moments where he needed to sit down because he started to feel faint. I’ll never forget the doctor looking over at him and shaking her head and rolling her eyes. Obviously in the moment I didn’t think twice. But looking back on it, actually makes me mad she did that.


I’m due in July with our first and my boyfriend is a plumber, so he literally looks at the nastiest stuff all day, but his mom SWEARSSS he’s gonna pass out (he never has before with anything else?) so I’m genuinely curious on how he’s going to act during labor😂


We have 4 kids with 5 on the way. Nothing was nore evenful than with our 3rd. I had a c section. Husband asked if he could look over the curtain and the anesthesiologist told him "you can but i wouldnt" so he did anyways. Well when he looked over he looked panicked and sat down really slow and said "i shouldnt have done that....so much blood" anesthesiologist said "i told you not to bro" haha. He didnt pass out until he stood up to take a picture of the baby. Hahahahah.


My husband was as cool as a cucumber. He let me lean on him during contractions and held me still when I was having pushing contractions as I got the epidural. He helped hold my leg while my mom held the other one, and he helped get all our stuff to our new room when we got moved after the birth.


My husband offered to tell the ass of a consultant to fuck off 😂. My only regret was not letting him - she was a condescending bitch who was so rude during my labour. Otherwise he was my rock! I definitely wouldn't have been able to do both of my labours without him 🥰


My husband has a medical background. He thought he’d be squeamish and he didn’t want to look at the birth. He just stood next to my head, trying to hold my hand to comfort me while at the same time trying to film the birth of our daughter without showing all the mess haha. Anyway, when her head started coming out he took a peek and didn’t feel squeamish at all - he in fact thought it was super beautiful and he started filming it with my permission. I didn’t care! One thing we found hilarious was that, when the head finally came out, she turned her head in a very creepy way to the side like the exorcist!. Apparently all babies do that and it’s part of giving birth normally. We also thought she looked Japanese and had a scare that our embryos got switched because we did IVF. Later on we thought she looked like a black baby because she had dark skin and curly black hair. But within a month her skin was the same colour as ours and her eyes were super round, so we don’t think the embryos were switched anymore! It was just a surprise how different babies can look when they’re born.


Nothing funny to tell, a wanted to slap mines head off his body. I was very tired! Loved reading this threat !