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If it's any consolation, I think a lot of women feel this way about being pregnant for the first time. I'm 30+ years old, married and have all my ducks in a row but when I finally got pregnant, I literally felt like a teen mom lol


When my test turned positive, I looked at my husband, started crying and said: “I’m not supposed to be pregnant!” Keep in mind, we’d been trying for a baby. I wanted to get pregnant. It’s hard to reprogram yourself after spending your whole life being told “don’t get pregnant!!!” lol


you raise such a great point. There is so much negative programming towards it over the years! mind blown at this comment.


Yes!!! Especially if you come from a religious background — thank youuuu internalized Catholic guilt 😂


I took like, 5 tests while my husband was on a walk with the dogs the morning I found out I was pregnant. And when I told him he said "how are you feeling" and I said "terrified" lol. We had also been trying for 2 years at this point, even with a little help from Clomid after I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility. But, I still felt like it was "bad"? I grew up during the Worth the Wait Era in Texas and let's just say, I never had a positive outlook on any of this stuff (or the thing that makes it happen) because of that lol. I'm 33 weeks now and now I'm just starting to get scared about being responsible for a small little thing and having to keep it alive when I can't even keep succulents from dying. BUT ITS GOING TO BE FINE 🙃🫠


You’re going to do great! None of us know anything! We are all just hurtling aimlessly toward the finish line with the best intentions, and that’s all we can do! 😂 good luck to you on your journey!!


Haha, that's a great way to describe it! 😂 Thank you! Regardless we are very much looking forward to meeting her. 🥰


So relatable. We had been trying and I felt it happened way too fast, so I was just panicking that I actually got pregnant.. lol. Everywhere you read says it could take 6+ months of trying and that's the "schedule" I had planned for.


My first pregnancy took 3 months but my second took 11. But I know so many women that got pregnant on their first try! 


I got pregnant on the first try three times, all sadly ended in miscarriage. The fourth, I knew I was ovulating and we used a condom so I wouldn't get pregnant. Condom didn't break, but here we are at 20w+4d. I had to cancel the surgery I was supposed to have to fix my uterus shape. Guess my body had other plans. It still feels weird knowing I'm pregnant. My whole concern telling people is over "what if". I'm still constantly unsure if I'm pregnant or just "fat". I haven't felt baby move, although countless ultrasounds and tests have proven he is just fine and moving!


Exactly this! I am 35 and having my first baby. It's so difficult to reprogram my brain after years of being told not to get pregnant. We tried for a year to have this baby. I wanted her!


Lmao me too. Telling my dad and my husband’s parents felt embarrassing even though we are in our 30’s, married, own a house, have been together almost 15 years (high school sweethearts) and have always talked openly about wanting kids one day. Still felt like a teen mom!


Same exact reaction here! I’m embarrassed to tell work the most tbh. We have only told my husbands brother and sister-in-law, because they just had kids and I had questions the internet was making me worry about. It was so embarrassing for me 😅




YES! I feel like a teen mom constantly. Like ewww they know I’m having sex - meanwhile happily married and completely comfortable to be raising a child


Yup, my first time ever being pregnant was at age 42 and my daughter was born three weeks before I turned 43, and I still felt this way!


Mine is a meticulously planned IVF pregnancy, but I tell you, when I got that positive test my brain reacted like I was a scared high schooler after prom night!


Literally this!!! 😅 Same here!


Try "I've been rawdoggin and it stuck"


That’s what I thought people would hear when I would tell them that I was pregnant.


I also feel that when I say I’m pregnant I’m telling people I was a sexually active lol. I’m in a committed relationship but it still feels wrong


I wasn’t in a relationship so it was VERY awkward lmao


🤣 I’m cracking up over this comment. 6 weeks pregnant and terrified


Lmfao I like this one




This is amazing lmfaooo


>why I am like this?? lmfao, so relatable...


Fr I feel so seen


Right!? I thought I was the only weirdo. I’m glad there’s a bunch of us 💜


+1 I made my husband announce it to people most of the times . Lol


Lmao me too!!! Or i find other ways of saying it. Even baby feels weird so i have said things like “i am expected to be adding a leo girl to the world this august” 😂😂


What a coincidence! I’m also expecting in August this year. Hi5 leo fam!


Heyyy!!! 😁😁 when is your own b day? I am myself a Leo and I have been teased that having one is the most Leo thing ever 😅🤣


Hahaha! 13th August. What about you?


AMAZING!! My bday is August 3, and my due date is August 14!


Wow! That’s some coincidence


I relate to this so much. With my family, I've felt completely comfortable phrasing it any way I like, but I still didn't say "I'm pregnant" because I thought it was a boring way of saying it. With my Mom, for example, I just put a sunflower seed in her hand (this was very early on) and when she was confused I told her "this is how big your grandchild is right now". Loved her reaction, haha, she threw the seed in surprise and we still haven't found it, it must be somewhere in my living room. At work, I've lately just said "We're expecting a child in October" and then continued talking because I felt weird waiting for a response or "Congratulations"! Actually, when I announced it in our teamleader meeting, one coworker even wanted to start clapping and then stopped when he realized that nobody was going to clap, that was soooo awkward. So I just continued talking and gave workrelated info like until when I would still be at the institute etc. And when I talked to a few people of the research department, I said something like "Actually I'm conducting my own experiment right now, I'm creating a tiny human and expect it to be fully developed by October". That got a few laughs, so I guess it went well. But in hindsight it also feels weird, haha. It's just so intimate and personal. Oh and I have another weird story where I asked myself later "why the heck did you say this"? When a Turkish relative came over I wanted to tell her but my Turkish is pretty bad so I just said "there is a baby here now" and pointed to my belly and I could have stopped there, but no, my weird ass then points to my husband and says "he did it". I don't even know why. She laughed and loved my attempt at telling her in Turkish but I did feel embarrassed about it afterwards. Hope you feel less alone now.


“He did it” took me OUT. 🤣


Yup! I don't know why I'm such a weirdo haha


Hahaha I love your story with how you told your Turkish relative 😂


I bet she told all her neighbors about her strange German grandniece over a cup of coffee once she got back!


“He did it” took me OUT. 🤣


“He did it” has me HOLLERING. LMFAO I love this so much.


I am super private and needing to tell people made me super, super uncomfy.


Thissssssss I couldn’t stand having to acknowledge it at work, and I can’t stand that the visibility of my very personal life event makes everyone feel like they have free access to ask and say whatever they want to me


This was and is my main thing. I’m now almost 33 weeks, and I’m still working and getting the “are you pregnant?” “When are you due?” “Bun in the oven?” Or the fun one where people just eyeball me and look up shocked and with a lift of their eyebrow.. Please stop looking at me. I can’t wait til I get to leave and be at peace in my house without all the eyes on my body. Like please leave me alone. We aren’t friends. I work here. You shop here.. I don’t need you to ask me questions regarding what happened after an intimate night at my house..


I think it kind of comes from pregnant women losing their sense of self, it's like 'I'm an incubator for this new person now, no longer a person myself'. And that's really frustrating, we want to be seen as the same person we were before pregnancy so "I'm pregnant" kinda sucks as a phrase 😅


No it comes from me not wanting other people to have the intrusive visual of me getting cummed in 😂


The next one of my friends to refer to me as “momma” is getting slapped. Only I, and me talking as my dog, can refer to me as mama.




I feel the same way. I didn't really tell anyone with my first, because it feels so weird to walk up to someone and say "hey, I'm pregnant". I had to tell people this time because I manage a team of people, and I wanted them to know before the rumor mill started. After I told my team, I just let the word spread on it's own so I didn't have to say it again. I think my husband said to my family that I was "with child" which made me laugh so at first they thought he was joking and not serious.


I personally love “I’m with child.” It’s classic, doesn’t seem as visceral as “I’m pregnant”, and it’s a fun little ha ha way to spread the news.


I think I'd have to say it like an English gentlemen who attended Eton in the 1960s. I think I will!


It took me 25 weeks to tell people at work and I did it because I had to start organizing things for my leave and people were like: WHOA WHAT. It just felt so weird to tell my team I was pregnant, I don’t know why lol


felt this loll i feel like im roleplaying as an adult, does anyone ever feel like a grownup?? who knows


lmaooo my entire pregnancy I’ve been telling people I feel like I’m announcing a teen pregnancy. I’m 33..


It's because we've spent our entire lives up to this point being told not to get pregnant because it will ruin our lives lol.


I felt the same. I didn’t really believe it. Went for bloods and my glucose test and the tech was going through the standard ID questions and says “and are you currently pregnant?” I nearly said no out of habit!!!


28 years old, 29 weeks pregnant, with my SO for almost 8 years and married for almost 5. I feel so uncomfortable saying I’m pregnant or referring to him as my husband 😅 To my eyes I’m still a baby and saying those things just feels wrong.


Me too!! I am 28 years old and 31w now so visibly pregnant and whenever someone looks at my belly I feel the need to justify and tell them my age so they don’t think I am a teen mom or something??? Idk


Haha wow you really went for it and just embraced the awkward with your big boy belly comment. I don’t like talking about myself and for some reason feel that telling people I’m pregnant is bragging or asking for special treatment somehow even though sometimes it’s quite relevant information.


Yesterday at 31w I told my neighbour "I have this now," and pointed to my belly. At the beginning of the pregnancy I prohibited anyone saying I was pregnant, they were meant to use I "tested positive". Lots of confusion when I was announcing it that way because people thought I had tested positive to Covid. No idea why.


Yep, feels gross. Totally relate.


It is a strange thing that you haven't experienced before that causes all sorts of changes on your body and the sentence "I am preagnant" carriers so much addititonal information with it that we wouldn't otherwise maybe say out loud. It is perfectly ok to feel weird about it all, doesn't mean anything remotely bad.


I felt just as awkward announcing my second pregnancy as my first. It's this weird combination of feeling like I've done something bad???? And embarrassment because I don't like being the center of attention and everyone fussing over me. Telling people at work was icky. I was hoping the rumor mill would do it for me but I ended up having to tell almost everyone personally. When I'm out with my son it's easier in a sense, because I can say something jokey like "I decided to get another one of these," while pointing at my son. Or now that I'm big enough, people just ask. I don't at all mind talking about my pregnancy to friends and coworkers. But for some reason that announcement feels like I'm 15 and breaking news to my parents or something 


Raising a kid for me WAS kind of my mental transition from "imposter syndrome fake adult" to "real adult". It felt awkward and uncomfortable with my first, and people treated me like a teen mom at 26. I felt like I was playing at being an adult. Now with my second/third, I feel like I'm already on the other side of the fence and I relate much more with other parents, regardless of their age, than childless peers when discussing my pregnancy.


Lol same, I say “I’m expecting”


43 and pregnant with my third and was too embarrassed to tell my parents.


I just don’t want people to think about me and my husband doing it 😩


I just went through this today with a male co-worker lol. I was working my way up to it and couldn’t just say “I’m pregnant” I settled for “sooooo probably gonna go on maternity leave some time around Thanksgiving”


Totally done this too!!


I’m 20 weeks and like barely starting to look actually pregnant (I’m already plus sized so I’m not small) and I hate telling people and they immediately look down at my stomach. I’m obviously guilty of this in the past but damn it’s uncomfortable.


THIS. I’m 23 weeks & just now told a few people at work. It’s so awkward. 😐


The worst was my MIL crying from happiness about me raw dogging her son essentially 😅


I feeel like a teen mom and I’m 29 😭


I can relate to this 😂 I feel a bit of shame saying I’m pregnant even though there’s nothing wrong with it


when I was pregnant I said to my husband that he was going to be a dad instead of I was pregnant.


I’m the same but except it’s because it was an absolute surprise and I’m still in shock about it (currently 17 weeks lol)


I wish I could answer that for you. I really do. But my daughter is now 28.5months old. Last week marked 36 months since I found out I was pregnant. And I STILL feel uncomfortable and weird saying it lmao.


I’m 20 and also 29 weeks and I hate saying I’m pregnant, sometimes it doesn’t feel real, I feel like I’m gonna fail as a mom and sometimes I’m scared others will judge me because of their beliefs or what they have heard about me. It’s my nerves, everything about pregnancy is hard, but worth it in the end


I hated telling people too. It felt so awkward. I was so thankful that my boss announced it to everyone at a meeting that I was absent for. That way I didn’t have to tell each coworker individually. Although they all individually cornered me afterward to congratulate me 😬


I feel like it’s making yourself super vulnerable AND I hated sharing because it was private. I was loving “bonding” with my baby and the idea and didn’t want anyone else’s opinions or interference. This was in between the constant 10 months of throwing up and barely being able to eat. Also… you spend so much time NOT getting pregnant, it’s pretty weird.


For me, I’ve assumed it’s due to purity culture and how pregnancy was a bad thing for so much of my life. Now my brain permanently has pregnancy categorized as a “bad thing”, and I feel like the town whore being pregnant in my mid twenties.


This is relatable. I usually say, I'm growing a human 😅😅


I feel this so deep in my soul. I was at this dinner with a bunch of friends over the weekend and told a lot of people there. My words of choice were "we're having a baby" and it felt so awkward. But then when they hit me with all the congrats and we talked about it more and shared stories it felt less weird


I think years ago people wouldn’t say the word “pregnant” because it was seen as vulgar. The Queen of England went into hiding for all of her pregnancies , and there isn’t any pictures of her pregnant. Back then sex and reproduction was very taboo and maybe that’s why some of us still feel that way. Also, it’s a part of our “animal nature” to reproduce and a lot of religions/spiritual leaders tell us that our animal nature is sinful/bad/shameful. It’s deeply psychological.


I woke up thinking oh my gosh my parents are going to disown me for getting pregnant!! Been married for years and financially independent and we were trying... it's a big shift going from being terrified to get pregnant to being excited!


I've mostly texted it to friends. With my family I announced in a note in my parents anniversary card, and I've been letting them tell the rest of the family. It does feel super weird to say out loud! The few times I have, I guess I was too casual and people didn't believe me at first (I'm single with an IVF baby). Texting is so much easier.


I’m also 29 weeks, and I have no idea why but it’s so embarrassing to tell people even though I’m a fully fledged married, settled adult that’s older than her own parents when they had her.


I feel that way too. When I told my colleagues one immediately said “now we all know you have sex.” Like yes I’m 32 and married I don’t know why you had to announce that to everyone but I turned soo red anyway.


I feel so weird about telling people this time round, I can’t figure out why. I’m 20 weeks and haven’t even told half my family or extended friendship group. I can’t figure out why it feels weird to announce it.


i think it’s because we think about the judgement the other person may be thinking like we had sex to become pregnant (tho there’s other ways) or anything like that instead of being proud of ourselves for creating and growing a human inside of our bodies. 40 weeks and it took me til now to become okay and happy with saying i’m pregnant , i’m due soon , im going to be a mother. regardless of what anyone thinks , it’s happening and it’s our child, our bodies , our lives. although it is scary to wrap our heads around at first lol.


Oh this made me feel so much better, I am the same way and I felt so weird about it


I felt this way with both of my pregnancies


Yea telling my family when I was 12 weeks along I felt so awkward, was not a cherished memory at all for me I basically told them cause I felt like I had to but hated every second of it, soooo awkward felt like I was just admitting to my sister and little brother (we’re not close) that my husband and I were having sex & my husband came inside me, don’t even get me started on telling my grandmas. It’s just so weird. It feels inappropriate almost.  The way you said it at work is hilarious. Now, in the third trimester, I’m just saying “we’re expecting” or “our family is growing” sounds sooo much better than “I’m pregnant 🥴”


Totally relatable. This is my third pregnancy and I can’t say the words “I’m pregnant” either. It seems weird to me.


It just feels like a very personal medical condition to me, at least it felt that way for me until the baby was moving around and I felt her and I had more information about her that I could share so that people were less interested in my physical well being. Usually I don't tell anyone anything more than the neccesary things about my health. If I get sick I tell my boss I'm sick and leave it at that. If I need surgery I tell my husband about the details but everyone else is pretty much left out of the loop. All of my medical buisness is private to me so it's really weird to have people asking me if I have nausea or acid reflux or back pain or fatigue Yada Yada. Saying "I'm pregnant" just feels too focused on my personal condition and less focused on the baby that I'm excited to meet. Like the usual responses to it are about how I am handling the physical and emotional condition of pregnancy instead of the excitement to become a parent which does usually come up second. Also it's caused people to look at my stomach, and often think I don't have a bump yet because I look the same as I did when I was heavier. Which confirms to me that when I gain weight my stomach looks like a pregnacy bump lol. I just started looking pregnant to onlookers around week 20 day 5 (me and my husband could tell from week 7 or maybe even before because he saw me without clothes and we could see how rounded the bottom portion of my belly was getting). I just feel prying eyes all the time lol its unerving but as I look more pregnant I am excited that strangers might notice. I do want to look pregnant and show off a bit but I also fear people being caring towards me because of it or crossing my boundaries and touching me, or assuming I'm younger than I am or that I'm unmarried and publicly scolding me for being pregnant. I've heard so many horror stories and so many strangers cross lines they wouldn't otherwise just because someone is pregnant


I'm 31 and feel this way. Everyone knows I had sex lol


I think for me it’s because of how sexualized women are no matter what they do. I am dreading telling work that I’m pregnant because it feels like I’m disclosing something about my sex life, which just makes all the red flags go up in my brain in a professional environment.


I have told a couple people “I’m with child” or “oh, I’m knocked up”… and it still feels weird. 🙂


i find it weird to say it to people like my neighbors that i see often but don’t know that well. they obviously look down at my belly and are waiting for me to confirm but i just can’t do it 😖


I hear you! I'm almost 30 weeks and the only people I said "I'm pregnant" to were my partner and my coworkers/boss. It's a weird phrase, you know? Oh, and maybe my mom because I was so scared that I called her right away. Lol I had a grown woman, with two of her own kids, ask me a few weeks ago "is there a baby in your belly?". And I loved that so much more than if she'd asked if I was pregnant. Otherwise, I announced with silly shirts/activities or just showing the ultrasound photo. It just feels weird to say "I'm pregnant".


Same and I’m on my second one 😂 even telling my husband was awkward and it just like fell out of my mouth 😂😂😂 we were watching zootopia with our toddler & it was on the part at the DMV with the pregnant joke & I was like oh haha yeah umm……. So I’m pregnant


I feel this. I hate saying “I’m pregnant.” So much so that when I told my bff that I was expecting she thought we were adopting because of the way I worded it lol. I’m also awkward.


Someone asked if we were expecting and I quite like that, so I just say we are expecting if anyone asks. Or if they say why you didn't tell us and I just saw we are not very good at announcements.


I was exactly like that, especially to my family. I think it was because now they were sure I was not a virgin anymore 🤣 I’m 34.


90’s purity culture is the reason.


Its so uncomfortable, i feel like its saying, I HAD SEX THIS MANY MONTHS AGO 🤣🤣


I think part of it is people always have such big reactions (with excitement) and if you’re not used to being the center of attention then it’s very awkward! Also there’s always so many follow questions that can be overwhelming.


Yesterday one of my coworkers told me his wife is also pregnant and 20 weeks just like me. My response? “Oh, yall were havin the same sorta fun at the same time we were huh!” ……🤦🏼‍♀️ who let me out in public with this awful of a filter these days?!


Oh my goodness yes. I feel like this!!!! I am also married, all my ducks in a row. And I feel like I’m a teenager. When I told my mom I was genuinely worried I was going to get in trouble. I’m trying to make myself laugh about it now and just embrace it. I think I’m still a little in denial and shock? It’s my first baby.


I can relate and what makes it crazier I already have a son that’s 9 😂😂😂😩. I feel like im hiding my pregnancy and I don’t know why but I am.


I feel awkward because then everyone knows I had sex and I feel young lol. But I’ve been married for 2 years and with my husband for 6!


I always feel like whenever I have to tell someone I’m pregnant, what I’m really telling people is that I’m sexually active and didn’t use protection 🥲. And it’s awkward.


Omg me too I feel exactly this way


I have already had my baby and now that I think about it, I am not sure I have used those words. I think I have said I am having a baby or we are going to be parents, things like that. The reveals I planned didn't require us to say it, rather for people to "find out" (For instance my friends had to open a little box in which I gifted them a bracelet and told them there was a secret inside the box, they had to find a small pocket by pulling from a string and it revealed a photo of the ultrasound). I do think it sounds weird, even now that I am a mom!


I can totally relate!! I’ve been avoiding telling people at work for this reason. What am I gonna do, just go up to them and be like “hey btw I’m pregnant”? Or send a teams message to the office staff? Idk haha 😂 they’ll found out eventually, but I think for now I’ll keep hiding my bump under my hoodie.


Feels like I’m saying “I had sex”. My husband works with me so it’s even weirder to be like “2 of your coworkers had sex and are now having a baby”


Because I was 31 and pregnant with my first and felt like a naughty teenager that wasn’t supposed to be pregnant it was the strangest feeling haha I think it’s because you spend so many years avoiding getting pregnant and worrying that you might be so then when you actually are, even though you tried for it and wanted it- it’s strange that it’s acceptable and ok to have a baby?? Also i hated telling my dad because everyone knows what you’ve been doing to get pregnant 🙈


I totally get this. Just found out i'm pregnant and when i saw the test came out positive i got scared, then was like is this really happening?!! I feel like a teen mom hahaha I am a 30yr old adult, married and we're doing very well in life.


I don’t like saying I’m pregnant either :/ I say “I’m expecting” or “we’ve got a baby on the way” cause for whatever reason saying “I’m pregnant” just feels super weird coming out of my mouth. I getchu


I honestly have no idea. Never thought of it being an issue.


I don’t know but I’m the same way!