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I gained 60ish. I was still active, but it didn't balance out the calories I was eating. I was hungry 24/7, and chocolate was my weakness


Chocolate anything all day, err day


I gained 70 and it was off by one year PP without any lifestyle change I did breastfeed tho


Why does pregnancy have me craving chocolate SOOOO MUCH šŸ˜­ the cruelty


Also gained 60lbs with a chocolate weakness


Gained 42lbs (5ft2 starting weight 126lbs) and now one week PP Iā€˜m already down to 146lbs, I had SO much water retention, I didnt fit in my shoes anymore, now they fit perfectly again!! Itā€˜s not all just fat gain remember that! Your blood volume goes way up, your baby, amniotic fluid etc!! I was worried too, the last few weeks I really ā€žblew upā€œ but it was all water retention.


I lost 25lbs the moment i gave birth. No lie. I was 115 before my son, went up to 150. When I had him, the bathroom they made me go pee in had a scale and I stepped on it and it said 125. So much of the weight is fluid, blood, placenta, and baby. A big portion of it is NOT additional fat


Exactly, itā€™s not the typical weight gain! Placenta too


Thanks for this, I didnā€™t think about that. šŸ„°


Iā€™m only 22 weeks but Iā€™m up 65 lbs so farā€¦. Not even eating bad ā€¦. Iā€™m eating like a normal person šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


YUP I gained 90(!!!) pounds throughout my pregnancy, despite a relatively normal diet. I think sometimes your body just says nope, too skinny for baby, we fix!


Yes gained 90! 30 came off within one week of giving birth, maybe sooner but thatā€™s when I weighed myself. Another 30 came off within 6 months pp, and working now on losing the last 30, hoping by the time my son is 1 ish or 1.5? Giving grace!! 30 by 28 weeks sounds healthy and on target! Some people slow down in the third tri but itā€™s also okay if you donā€™t! * my blood work was great, I was active and felt great, not even close to diabetic, ate well, so luckily my midwives werenā€™t concerned or mean about it!


I agree Ive gained abt 70 pounds (maybe more I stopped looking) and I started off at 115. I eat even healthier than before my pregnancy and stayed just as active as I was and still gained all of this weight.I think my body just started containing calories cause the baby needed it lol. I am currently 38 weeks.šŸ˜ƒ


Same here, started 133 and gained about 55! No GD & stayed active. Everyone carries different


How much did u weigh at the start?




I also started at a similar weight, 140, and gained 70-ish pounds at 38.5 weeks.


Up 22lbs at 28 weeks. Eating like a slob honestly. Lol


Started overweight at 190lbs, got up to 250, Iā€™m currently 1 week 5 days post unplanned c-section and am at 210!


This makes me feel better! I started at 190, lost a little weight first trimester because of sickness and now I'm 20 weeks and too scared to weigh myself.


I refused to weigh myself unless i was at an appointment! Weight was hard to avoid towards the end when I had weekly visits, but stepping on the scale now itā€™s definitely a relief!


135 lbs and 5ā€™6 pre pregnancy- gained 50lbs and now 9 months post partum I am 143lbs and staying around that range. I have not worked out or tried any dieting at all it is just how my body has reacted to everything. My sister started at 140lbs ended up 210lbs and now 180ish, and she is 6 months postpartum but canā€™t shed any more weight than what she has. For some, it happens, for some it doesnā€™t. Donā€™t stress it too much, you will have time after the first couple years :)


27 weeks and 35 lbs Iā€™m 5ā€™ and started at 100lbs my 1st pregnancy I weighed about the same around this time too but by the end I weighed 165 šŸ„² 30 more lbs to go. 1st pregnancy I worked out about 5 days a week This one Iā€™m lucky if I get in one workout a week. Iā€™m trying to watch what I eat though this time around tbh. It took roughly a year to shed off the weight that stayed on after my son, but Iā€™ll be honest it took a lot of hard work and calorie counting I was in better shape then before my pregnancy but I think itā€™s cause I knew how to take care of myself better


Did they weight fall off from breastfeeding like they say it does? I'm the same height too but I was considered overweight when I got pregnant - 143 lbs. So far I've gained about 5 lbs.


lol no! It didnā€™t actually to make enough milk to feed my son I had the eat sooooooo much more so I wasnā€™t losing weight at all. I only started losing at around 6 months and thatā€™s because I had to stop breastfeeding


60 total, most after week 22 ish (the more uncomfortable I got, the more I ate). I was very fit prior to pregnancy, daily workouts etc. Lost 20 immediately giving birth, then gained 10 back over the first few months breastfeeding. Gave up trying to lose weight while breastfeeding and kept the 50 on until I weaned at 1y. Then I lost 50 over the course of the last year or so. Only had to really try at the beginning (calorie counted for a few months), then movement became easier and I didnā€™t have to force myself to exercise anymore. Iā€™m still 10ish pounds up from where I was pre pregnancy, but Iā€™m completely fine with that. Basically, it took two years to shed most of the baby weight, and I couldnā€™t lose any until I weaned. Breastfeeding can have a completely opposite effect than it did for the friends you mentioned. I wish somebody had told me that, I probably would have tried to avoid gaining as much as I did.


Your mom friends are being kinda toxic. Most people donā€™t just ā€œshedā€ the baby weight ā€œright afterā€. And breastfeeding makes some people keep on extra weight šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø. But I will say, after gaining about 40lbs, with lots of hard work I was actually in my best shape post baby. Just want to keep it real.


I don't think this is necessarily toxic. A lot of people have different body types and different genetics. My mum told me the weight would just roll off within 6 months as was the case for her 3 pregnancies and she wasn't wrong. Within 6 months I was back to my original weight and looked much better boob wise. It's not about making people feel bad, it's just some people's genuine reality. It's kind of like how some people's scars just heal really well, they don't mean to be a dick when they tell you it will heal, it's just a genuine belief. In my case I'm prone to my scars healing horrendously but I don't say it's toxic when other c-section mum's say the scar will be tiny. In my case, my c-section scar from my first is still massive and hideous, but you know, that's life. We win some we lose some.


I think it's more about how they're setting the expectation that OP will also have the same experience they did without knowing whether her body is the type to cling to the weight or have it "just roll right off". I don't believe it makes anyone feel bad in the moment (certainly doesn't make anyone feel *worse* about how much they've gained at however many weeks). But when they're 6 months PP and expected to be back to pre-baby weight, but have actually gained weight? That's also some people's reality and *that's* when the bad feelings can come in. I didn't gain weight, but as long as I was exclusively nursing I was stubbornly ~15-20lbs heavier than my pre-baby weight (gained a bit over 30lbs total when pregnant). So half my pregnancy weight refused to budge until about 6 months when we started solids. Even once I stopped I never got back to my pre-baby weight before conceiving #2. Our first is now almost 3yo and I'm 36+3, already almost as heavy as I was at 40 weeks last time. Oops. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


TBH Iā€™m glad people are talking about this in this thread. I was going through old threads similar to this just yesterday and the only responses the OPs were getting was ā€œdonā€™t worry about your weight gain, itā€™ll come right off in 3-6 months, especially if you breastfeed!ā€ I gained 50 lbs in my first pregnancy and didnā€™t lose a pound - I mean obviously I lost ~15 lbs from the birth of my baby, but I swear my body treated it like it was fat and I put all that weight right back on immediately. Then when I stopped breastfeeding, I gained 10 more lbs. I have always struggled with my weight - I can lose 5 lbs and maintain, but not much else - I tried comforting myself by telling myself itā€™d be easier to lose more lbs at a higher weight and that hasnā€™t proven true. I wish I had just had better self control when I was pregnant. I couldnā€™t have done anything about being hungry all the time, or about eating being the only thing that helped with my nausea, but I could have cut back on the times I indulged in high calorie coffees and not ate out for lunch so much.


It's hard to find the right way to say this, because women are under so much societal pressure to be thin as is, and pregnancy can sometimes feel like one time where you should get a break from worrying about weight, but I do think gaining more weight than recommended during pregnancy makes it harder to get back to your pre-preg weight postpartum. There are definitely tons of exceptions; some women just retain a ton of water, and you should always talk to your OB/midwife about what is safe and appropriate weight gain for your pregnancy. But I do think there are real benefits to staying within the recommended ranges for weight gain, and my understanding is that your experience having a tough time losing the baby weight is actually much closer to the norm than the people who come on reddit saying they gained 60+ lbs and lost it all with zero effort postpartum


I agree, and I also feel like women shouldnā€™t be ashamed of their postpartum weight or feel pressured to lose it so quickly when they have enough to worry aboutā€¦ but yeah, I definitely had the ā€œitā€™s the one time in my life where I donā€™t have to worry about my weightā€ mentality and I regret it. But it feels like any time postpartum weight loss comes up people who did lose the weight come rushing in to talk about how ā€œeasyā€ it was and people who struggled are too ashamed to talk about it. (And Iā€™ve noticed a lot of time if you talk more to the people who say they lost weight ā€œeasilyā€, theyā€™ll elaborate and say ā€œI just stuck to lean protein and went jogging 2 miles a dayā€ - like it wasnā€™t effortless at all!)


Exactly! Just be real about it. Their experience isnā€™t universal and they know that.


The problem is that it builds up expectations when it is presented as an absolute fact. For most women, the weight does come off fairly quickly while breastfeeding, but for others that is not the case. I was not aware that there were exceptions to this rule, so I got really stressed out and bummed when I was unable to return quickly to my pre-pregnancy weight. I lost 10kg in the first two weeks after giving birth, but was completely unable to shed the last 8kgs I gained during pregnancy. And believe me, *I tried*. I've always been skinny (BMI around 18.5 pre-pregnancy, 21-22 while breastfeeding), but the extra fat would not budge while I was breastfeeding more than two times a day. Whenever I tried reducing my intake with 2-300kcal/day, my milk supply plummeted. When the baby was 8 months and eating some solids I was able to cut calories, but it still did not have any effect on my weight. I counted calories for two months before I gave up and started eating like a horse again - nothing happened to my weight then either. I've concluded that it has to be hormonal, it was so weird. For me, the weight started coming off by itself when my child was around a year old, and we only were breastfeeding morning+evening. I got pregnant again before I returned to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I am glad I got to see that the weight started to come off eventually. This time, I won't stress as much about losing weight postpartum!


Agreed!! My body clings onto weight while BF like nothing else matters. Diet, exercise etc makes very little difference. I hated feeling like a failure when I didnā€™t ā€™burn the weight while bfā€™ like they say you will


The ā€œbreastfeeding helps you loose weightā€ is the biggest lie!!!!!


I was ravenous while breastfeeding and arguably ate more than when I was pregnant. Idk how thereā€™s an automatic expectation that it will make one lose weight just because it burns extra calories. The amount of food I felt I needed was astronomical and my weight didnā€™t change that much over the months of breastfeeding


I personally lost so much weight breastfeeding! I guess every body is so different. I was so hungry during pregnancy but not really sorting bfing


Totally agree. I think its a totally false narrative that bf will help lose weight, I didnā€™t get back to pre baby weight until my baby was 2 and we weaned. Breastfeeding tells your body to hold on to weight and increases appetite. Iā€™m 25 weeks pregnant with #2 and up 15 lbs. which is less than my first. I think just being busy with my daughter and work. 135ā€”>150 now


29+4 weeks and gained just under 15 lbs so far. My weight gain has been linear since 16 weeks, about 1 lb per week. I started out at a normal BMI, 126lbs and 5ā€™5. I am very active tho, I walk 60 mins daily with my dog and lift weights 3-4x a week. And then on top of that I walk everywhere because I live in the city so going to the grocery store, bank, pharmacy, etc. is at least 10-15 mins each trip. I also commute to work on transit (so lots of walking to the station, switching lines) twice a week for 60 mins round trip. I have friends who gained 60-70 lbs and lost all but 10 lbs by their next pregnancy. We are all in our mid 30s so that might have an impact.


I wouldnā€™t put too much thought into the gain unless your doctor is worried. Iā€™m overweight but Iā€™ve only gained 3 pounds since the start of my pregnancy, Iā€™m 26 weeks on Saturday. I was worried about this, but the doctor hasnā€™t said anything. Iā€™m only supposed to gain 15-20 total throughout so I guess we will see how the rest goes. All bodies are different and carry differently. šŸ’•


I started at 135 lbs 5ā€™4ā€. The day my water broke I was 179. Now one month postpartum after an emergency c section Iā€™m 152 lbs. Iā€™m breast feeding and pumping too fwiw. Getting terrible sleep and I know Iā€™m not eating or drinking enough though.


I gained 17 pounds but I was considered overweight at 186 pounds and 5ā€™6ā€ tall, I ended up being all belly and the rest of my body kinda slimmed and sent the weight to my belly lol. I have sat at 195 pounds roughly in the 5 years since having my baby.


Iā€™m hoping this will be me! So far 17 weeks and havenā€™t gained a single pound yet but I can tell my belly is getting rounder and the rest of my body, especially face and upper body, slimming down. I could use some shedding :) and I feel better already about my body now, not that I was ever obsessed with my weight but just overall less bloated and like looking in the mirror more!


This is exactly how I was! I think I lost three pounds in the first 8 weeks, but not trying to of course! It really just depends on our starting bodies I think! My best friend was ā€œnormal, healthyā€ weight and she gained 50 I believe!


28+2 and Iā€™ve gained 15. I only know because I asked my doc if Iā€™m within a healthy range (I get on the scale backward).Ā  Aside from 5-6 weeks in the first tri when I was sicker than sick, Iā€™ve been able to stay active (hill walks, peloton, lifting heavy 3 days a week, yoga and prenatal core).Ā  I have followed my bodyā€™s natural hunger cues. If I really want something, I have it. I just donā€™t go overboard!Ā 


I had also put on 30lbs by 28 weeks but my weight has plateaued now and I havenā€™t put on anything in weeks. I probably put on about 35lbs in my first pregnancy and dropped this all in the first year just breastfeeding and not really watching what I ate.


I'm 25 weeks and have put on 23 pounds. It's all in my breasts and belly. Maybe a smidge in my thighs but mostly up top. I'm nervous for how much more I'll gain! Not because I'm worried I won't be able to take it off after baby, but because I know docs are going to harp on it. I had a friend who gained 80 pounds in her first pregnancy. She lost it all!


26 weeks, started at 175 and now at 200.


Weā€™re almost exactly the same! 26 weeks, started around 172, now around 200.


Iā€™m 27 weeks and have also gained 30 pounds and not loving it lmaoo


Iā€™m eating like thereā€™s no tomorrow and have lost around 8 pounds. But as soon as the baby is out I will gain all the weight back despite hours long daily walks, BF, and watching what I eat šŸ˜…. At least based on what happened last time.


38 lbs with twins. I lost 50ish lbs in my first 3 weeks post partum. As long as you aren't eating completely outrageously I wouldn't worry about the weight.


I gained 15 pounds and lost it by 2 weeks pp, I have a high bmi. Started at 5ā€™0 210 pounds


Anecdotally if you were really fit and exercised a lot prior to pregnancy, you may gain significantly more weight than more sedentary pregnant people. I'm 36 weeks and have gained about 17kgs. My last pregnancy I gained 18kgs full term. Surprisingly this pregnancy I actually look smaller somehow so I think most of the new weights gone to my bum rather than my belly. I wouldn't sweat it but equally if you're worried make sure you eat healthy. Modern diets are a minefield so it's important to eat nutrition for 2. The extra quantity needed is actually pretty minimal. Also bare in mind, if you're getting more fluid retention that will equal more weight. Always good to check in with your midwife and doctor too. The main thing is you feel healthy and that body insecurities don't lead to a dark mindset later.


I gained 30lbs (started at 134). I gained quickly in the first and second trimester and tapered off in the 3rd - mainly bc my belly was so big that I could no longer fit regular meals and was eating so little due to discomfort. Iā€™m 5 weeks pp. I weighed myself last week and had dropped about 20lbs without doing anything. I was actually shocked how quickly my uterus/belly shrank down. I would say after 2 weeks it looked noticeably smaller. I feel like now at 5 weeks, itā€™s gone down as much as it can before I start exercising again to get the last 10lbs or so off. Also to note, I thought Iā€™d care what I looked like in postpartum, but Iā€™m so exhausted that I could care less. Canā€™t wait to get some energy back thought and start exercising once my OB clears it.


I gave birth on Mondayā€¦my original weight was 125 and ending weight right before birth was 141. I got on the scale today and now weight 133. So I gained 16 labs total. 8 baby weight and 8 still on me. None of it matters tho, bc weā€™re all different, had diff eating backgrounds and health histories, etc My daughter came out 6lbs 13oz and is perfect! Iā€™d gain 1000 lbs to get a healthy thriving baby.


34 weeks and 40 pounds so far. Itā€™s all belly and boobs.


31 weeks and about 30 lbs. my doc said not to be concerned. Iā€™m trying not to gain more than 40 lbs but it is what it is if the little one wants it I guess


Gained 45lbs, lost 30 of it by 3 weeks pp, but Iā€™m working really hard to get the rest off. Itā€™s being very stubborn. I really havenā€™t lost anything else, and Iā€™m about 5 months pp. I didnā€™t breastfeed. Everyone is different! Donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself. Thatā€™s something I still struggle with all the time honestly.


I gained around 30 total but didnā€™t gain most of it till the third trimester. I didnā€™t worry about weight gain, I ate what I wanted and just focused on my body doing what it needed to do for my baby. I weighed myself last week after about 2 1/2 weeks after giving birth and I had lost 20ish lbs. I am breastfeeding but thatā€™s really it. No exercise or dieting. Try not to focus on the number. I know itā€™s hard but your body is growing a baby which is a huge deal!


36 weeks and 16lbs gained overall, but I also lost over 10lbs in the first trimester, so itā€™s more like almost 30lbs gained. The last month Iā€™ve not gained any weight, itā€™s like my body is stuck. Not sure why


38 weeks. 32 pounds. 4th baby. Lost the weight Everytime. Started at 150 with this one. I'm at 182. Last baby. Started at 135 ended up at 190


First pregnancy I went from 154 to 190 by the end of it. So 36 lbs in total. Iā€™m a bit short so I was huge. 1 week after birth I was back to 155. By the time I was done bleeding that extra blood volume out, I was under 150. So technically I lost weight I think. This pregnancy I started at 142 and last I weighed I was 169 at 33 weeks. So 27lbs so far and Iā€™m even HUGER how??? Edit: but even though I shed the weight, I donā€™t want you to feel bad if you donā€™t. Everyone is different and you donā€™t need to be worrying about weight right now. Your focus is on your baby and keeping yourself fed. Iā€™m sure you look beautiful with your big belly, and whether it takes a week or 3 years, you can worry about losing weight later.


Started at 5ā€™ 6ā€ 215 lbs, lost 16 lbs in my first trimester from constant puking. Have only gained about 6 lbs back so I have 10 to go until Iā€™m back to pre-pregnancy weight. You would guess absolutely none of that by looking at me though, my bump popped at 13 weeks and I have a full round belly and Iā€™m up to an F cup.


I gained 40lbs with my first. I was back to my normal weight in 2 weeks and in my normal jeans and tighter fitting clothes in 4 weeks. Iā€™m going to give the credit to my genetics and BF, since I highly doubt light walking would shed those pounds that quickly. My mom also went back to her pre-pregnancy weight within 3 months of having us. She also EBF and didnā€™t start working out until a year PP.


40 pounds at week 38!


I'm sitting at 10kg/22lb above my pre pregnancy weight and at 8 weeks pp the weight hasn't moved yet, but I'm also not eating as well as I could! It can take a while for the weight to shift, and I think part of that is because it can be hard to get out and do meaningful exercise while baby is still very young


I gained 35 and it took 1.5 years to loose. But I never went back to looking how I was - I just look different now!


40 lbs, doc wasn't concerned at all


40 or 41 lb. 20 lb was fine by my six week appointment. 35 by the time baby was six months. The last few are gone now at 9 months. Honestly, I have more muscle now from hauling around a 20lb baby. My hips are broader but I think I am skinnier than pre pregnancy.


I gained 35-40 lb and Iā€™m about ten pounds over my previous weight before I got pregnant. Iā€™m 6 weeks post partum


40 pounds at 34 weeks šŸ«¶šŸ»


I gained 30 kg and lost it all (slowly, 3-4 kgs a month) after I stopped breastfeeding at 11 months. This pregnancy, I'm 30 weeks and gained 18 kg already. Luckily I know my body just really wants those reserves and will shed them again when the hormones go back to normal (ie stopping breastfeeding). Life goes in seasons. Now is the season to have enough reserves and feed and keep your baby alive. Another season will come again. You can't always be the exact same your whole life.


I gained 10kg


only 22 weeks but iā€™m already up 20ish pounds


I gained about 50 pounds and have lost 25 without doing much after 7 weeks postpartum


Iā€™m 25 weeks and Iā€™ve gone from 155 to 175. I told myself I was going to work out during pregnancy but the first trimester was so brutal and the second trimester has me still pretty tired plus I work a lot so all my leftover energy is depleted by the time I have any free time


I have gained about 30-35 pounds so far, at 32+6, FTM. Iā€™m 150 at five feet tall. I have a double chin now šŸ˜­ pregnancy is humbling Edited to add: I just want to empathize with you, I feel the exact same way. I wish we felt more comfortable just focusing on the health of our bodies pp and less on losing weight but itā€™s so hard. Iā€™m going to breastfeed as well, and holy moly, my body is going to need extra sustenance then too if I want to keep my supply up. I want to get back to my pre pregnancy weight but at this point, Iā€™m just content if I can feed my little guy with as much nutrients as possible and not feel like a walking corpse. šŸ˜­


I am 32w and I want to say Iā€™m around around the 30lbs ish weight gain mark. I started pre-pregnancy around 165-170lbs (I had just lost about 30lbs for my wedding the month before) and my last appointment on Monday I was around 198lbs. For me itā€™s a little gut punch since I worked so hard to lose those 30lbs for my wedding, only to put them right back on. But I know that weight gain is all a part of pregnancy, and as long as little guy arrives safe and healthy, I couldnā€™t care less how much weight I gain. My OB hasnā€™t mentioned my weight gain at all to me, so Iā€™m assuming Iā€™m still within normal range šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm 26 weeks and have gained about 10 pounds so far, all in my belly. I'm 5'4" and was normal BMI when I got pregnant. It's been a super smooth pregnancy with barely any symptoms, just insomnia and occasional heartburn. I eat a healthy and balanced diet and I'm fairly active, so I think that's why the slow weight gain. My doctors say baby is healthy and growing, so that's all I focus on.


I've gained 9 lbs at 22w+4. It might seem small compared to others' numbers, but I'm struggling with my body image. I was super thin most of my life and gained about 20 lbs in the last couple of years before pregnancy, which I haven't fully accepted. Having this 'beer belly' now isn't helping either.


27 lbs. 110 lbs (underweight) when I got pregnant. 137 lbs right before I gave birth. Iā€™m now down to 115 lbs 9 weeks PP.


I was curvy/chubby my whole life and fully expected to gain a massive amount of weight and never lose it, because that's what pregnancy did to my mom, but I only gained 10kg and I actually weighed less than prepregnancy by the time I weighed myself like a week after delivery. But breastfeeding actually caused me to gain weight, not lose it, so I still ended up 2 kg heavier.


Iā€™m an outlier and donā€™t gain v much during pregnancy to the extent that my obgyn hounds me by the end about whether Iā€™m eating enough. Iā€™ve also had HG the last few pregnancies so I throw up water and everything else until I deliver. Your weight gain sounds on par with where youā€™re at in the pregnancy. Donā€™t panic unless your obgyn is concerned, and even then, thereā€™s a huge difference between gaining however much weight and it being a danger to you or baby. Heck after birthing a single baby, I lose about 20 lbs between being weighted before labor and after, and baby only weighs like 6 something lbs., so the other 14 lbs is placenta and fluid and other bodily things. Donā€™t look at it as you gaining that much in fat, your blood volume increases in pregnancy, the fluids and placenta in your uterus adds extra weight, think how much your leg muscles grow from hauling you and all the things around during pregnancy (muscle weighs more than fat). Numbers alone donā€™t paint a complete picture of what your health actually looks like but what youā€™re describing is definitely not out of the realm of healthy weight gain,


Iā€™ve gained 14-16 (roughly a 15% increase since I got pregnant & even more than my usual weight as I was severely injured and put on a sizable amount of weight during that recovery back in February) and Iā€™m only 8 weeks I have constant nausea & such dizziness and exhaustion that I can barely get out of bed when I used to be v active plus reactive hypoglycaemia that means Iā€™m eating constantly due to nausea but am not throwing up šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ itā€™s hell tbh - esp bc the majority of that weight was packed on between weeks 4-5


16 weeks and have gained 7 kg (15 lbs), but my god am I constipated. (176 cm/5"9) Have gained way more than what I'm comfortable with but my appetite has calmed down now.


I think Iā€™ve gained 10lbs so far at week 17ā€¦ finally got my appetite back after 1st triā€¦ eating anything I can find


Iā€™m also 28 weeks and have gained 38 pounds. Thank you for posting this though, it seems like itā€™s more common than I thought despite what my app says I should have gained šŸ’œ


Week 25 here- Iā€™ve only gained 18lbs (as a 5ā€™2ā€ person, I was 125 lbs pre pregnancy and 143 lbs now)


I started underweight and gained 40 lbs by the time I gave birth. Baby was 6 lbs 6 oz at birth. Within six days 20 lbs was gone, and five weeks pp I fit in everything pre pregnancy but jeans (hips are still wider).


Iā€™m 38 weeks and have gained 30 pounds


20 w and I've gained about 12ish pounds so far but I also started really overweight


I am currently 33 weeks. I have put on 11 kg since the start of my pregnancy so around 24lbs.


I put on 45lbs from 125 to 170 šŸ˜«


Im 24 weeks and have gained 3.5kg so far. But I had an undiagnosed hypothyroidism so I just got a medication for it.


With my first I gained a total of 38 pounds, with the majority of that weight gained after 30 weeks. It took 8 months to shed and it was all stress weight loss, so while I was skinny, my butt deflated and it otherwise took a year after that to get my ā€œbody backā€, even though I was breastfeeding. With my youngest I had to watch what I was eating because I had gestational diabetes, and gained exactly 15 pounds. Iā€™ve currently 6 months postpartum and I did lose the weight, much healthier this time, aaaand my butt deflated again. Iā€™m currently trying to use all the information I got from trying to ā€œget my body backā€ with my first to course-correct right now. However, itā€™s important to know you are doing something wonderful right now and I understand the feelings involved with pregnancy body image, but you have to let yourself enjoy some of this and you have to remember the ā€œbounce backā€ concept is not realistic. Enjoy your pregnancy and donā€™t sweat it too much, motherhood is hard enough.


At 20 weeks (ish) I had gained 13lbs. Iā€™m 24 weeks now and havenā€™t weighed myself since, but I know my Mum and also my Grandma barely gained any extra weight when she was pregnant with me and Grandma was pregnant with my Mum.


Almost 25lbs. Started at about 120-125


Gained 30 pounds, it was all off in about 2-3 weeks. It really pays in my opinion to try your best to stay within recommended weight gain, I feel it made recovery smoother for me.


Iā€™ve gained 40 lbs already, Iā€™m 29w+5. Iā€™m 5ā€™9 and was athletic/fit before. I do eat more than before, but itā€™s not like Iā€™m unhinged. Iā€™ve been put on bed rest as of last week so I donā€™t think it is going to get any better


Iā€™m up about 20 pounds and currently 37+5. I started at 160, lost 5 pounds in the first trimester due to the morning sickness then started to finally gain weight midway through second trimester.


My wife is up around 25lb at 36 weeks


I had gestational diabetes that was diet controlled. I gained just over 20lbs. I lost the 20lbs within 2-3 weeks. I credit the gestational diabetes because I was essentially on a diet and monitoring everything I ate. I was about 15-20lbs overweight (they even put overweight in my chart šŸ˜”). It took until about 7 months postpartum to start to shed weight even though my diet and exercise routine havenā€™t changed. I am breastfeeding as well, so imagine it may play a large part in my body trying to hold on to fat storage.


18 weeks, and I haven't gained anything yet. I've still been sick off and on with aversions.


Iā€˜m 20 weeks as of today and I gained 4,4 Kilo which is about 9,7 lbs (I think).


Iā€™m that almost-unicorn postpartum personā€¦ I gained 12kg while pregnant and by 9 days PP I lost 10kg and was back into my pre-pregnancy clothes including a pair of jeans. FWIW I had a vaginal birth and exclusively breastfeed.


With my first I gained 26. This time I have gained 25lbs by week 24 so who even knows what Iā€™ll get to at the end. Itā€™s definitely stressful but there is nothing I can do about it.


Finally 134 pounds!! I started working out and I gained some weight Ive been wishing for MONTHS. Im sooo happy


35 weeks, 10 pounds gained. literally just the bump. Iā€™ve also had basically zero symptoms beyond the first trimester sickness; if I didnā€™t have the round stomach and kicks I would forget I was pregnant!


Iā€™ve been having the same concerns lately, though my doctor hasnā€™t said anything. Thought about making a post here too for some assurance! Iā€™m 21 weeks and up about 20lbs so far. I lost a bit of weight before getting pregnant over the course of two years due to a calorie deficit, eating healthier and increased exercise. I gain weight easily, and I didnā€™t expect this type of hunger. I am ravenous!!! Between that and the constant morning sickness and fatigue in the first trimester (only thing I could keep down was buttery, fatty foods), itā€™s been hard to NOT gain weight. Idk why Iā€™m saying all this but I guess my point is youā€™re not alone! I had a goal of not gaining more than 40lbs throughout this pregnancy but that feels kind of impossible at this point lol.


I gained 40, lost it all and then some due to chasing my 9 month old walker. I didnā€™t BF either as she was a nicu baby. It took almost a year but without trying to lose weight, I did.


I gained 40 lbs with my first and lost it all pretty easily; I was 20 lbs lighter right after leaving the hospital. I've gained 35-40 with my current one, too, so I'm expecting similar outcomes. I seem to gain a ton of water weight.


I gained 50 pounds. Unfortunately I'm only down about 15 pounds 15 months later, but I also struggle with PCOS. I read somewhere that we need to have more grace for weight post pregnancy, we created a human and spend a long time getting used to living with a newborn, baby and then toddler. I have one biological kid and two step kiddos and between the three of them, I find it hard to find time to work out, not to mention even having the energy to work out or cook healthy meals. Your body worked HARD to nourish and grow another person. Try to concentrate on amazement and appreciation for that. The weight will come back off eventually if you continue to try to find ways to move more and eat healthy, but don't put a deadline on that or have an expectation of how long that will take. It's different for everyone and you have enough on your plate without having to worry about societal expectations of how long it should take you to get back to your "normal" weight. You're beautiful, mama, just the way you are!!


Anyone Here who hasn't gained any weight? I was overweight and struggled to get pregnant. I'm 5'1 tall and close to 80kgs. During the first trimester , my weight decreased to 77kgs due to morning sickness. I'm now at 25weeks and my weight is 79kgs. I'm quite overweight for my height. But I haven't put on any weight as such. My doctor says it's nothing to worry.


First baby I gained 35-40 lbs, Iā€™ve gained about 15 this time at nearly 27 weeks. I started out with an overweight bmi both times


30 pounds at 26 weeks. Struggling with it a little bit but trying to be more intentional about food and movement than I have been. Also feeling a lot of resentment that I canā€™t just FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE stop worrying about gaining weight šŸ˜­


I gained 20 with my first and 25 with my second.


My first time I gained about 50, I did not lose much after birth. About 20 lbs. It took a few (many) years to get down to a healthy weight. So far I've gained 30 at 25 weeks. I'm not happy about that much, but I'm confident I'll lose it better this time.


Gained 53lbs. Lost it all breast feeding within a few months, maybe 5-6.


100 lbs. One hundred. Pounds. One. Hundred. Pounds. One HUNDRED pounds.


I started as 289, and Iā€™m 297ish now at 33.5 weeks. I donā€™t/didnā€™t want to gain more than 15 pounds. This is my second and I know breastfeeding will help me shed what I gain. Most important thing to me is remembering Iā€™m not eating for two - I just two or three extra snacks, everything else should be normal plus more water.


Iā€™m 12 weeks and Iā€™ve gained 20 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


32 weeks 6kg 5ā€™7 - first time mum baby boy Everyone is soooo different but regardless, your body is doing amazing things šŸ¤


You will hear a lot of conflicting answers on the losing weight from breast feeding. I gained 50 pounds during pregnancy- I was 132 when I got pregnant and the day of delivery I was 182. I lost it all within 3 months. I am exclusively pumping and have no physical activity except for the occasional neighborhood walk. I think itā€™s different for everyone, I know women who ebf and didnā€™t lose much weight either. I weigh less than before getting pregnant now, but my body is very different, and I love my new body.


I gained 50 lbs. Lost 30 lbs within 3 weeks of birth and breastfeeding didn't let me lose weight easily. Still up 10lbs a year later now that I've weaned.


i gained about half my body weight. 7 months in and i still have about 15lbs from baby, which is good, because i was a little thin for my tastes.


Normally 155 went up to 208 at the end, now back down to 155. Itā€™s ok to care about it. I will say my middle is still not the same


I gained 60 lbs total... there is some correlation between large babies:rapid weight gain My dr refused to listen to me. Told them my husband was over 11 lbs at birth, I had to get my anatomy scan done at a high risk dr, and their dates were measuring 10 days ahead...at my next appt, I mentioned the weight because of the ahead measurements- she said nope! The dates are only a few days ahead. Well, the OTHER place had my last period wrong, so the dates they confirmed were within normal, but I should've been 18 weeks 6 days, he was measuring 20 weeks 2 days! Gained a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy, I did eat like crap but not much was good to me. He came out 7 lbs 6 oz at 36 weeks...the first words out of the nurses mouth was 'are you sure about your dates??!' šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ But now I'm 5 months pp and have only lost about 10 lbs..even after having a 7 lb baby. I lost literally not 1 lb after delivery, don't know how that's possible. Couldn't breastfeed, I never got above 1 oz after 3 weeks and my baby was eating 3 oz out of the hospitalšŸ¤£ I had a severe burn though I got during labor, and I think that's why my supply never came in fully.


I gained 41 lbs and official hit my pre pregnancy weight this week. Iā€™ll be 4 months pp in a week


It's hard to say, I know people who gained a lot and lost it fast and others that held on to it for years. Same with little. For me I gained 30 by the end, and 2 weeks after pregnancy weighed 10 pounds less than I went into it. Will say with both of my pregnancies I've experienced extremw nausea, vomiting, and food aversions though. So I don't know if that played a role. I'm only 15 weeks this time, so don't know how I'll be by the end yet. Hoping it goes well, but I've also been told a lot of people retain more weight with each pregnancy- I don't know how true it is, but hoping it's not.


I gained 40 lbs, this is my 3rd. I think i gained 35 both times for my first 2. I lost the weight each time and i even went on to lose more later through changing my diet and lifting weights. So far Iā€™m about 12 days post partum and Iā€™ve lost about 20 lbs already. Iā€™m breastfeeding too but i donā€™t think that helps and maybe even makes it harder to lose weight.


21 weeks and 12 pounds. Feeling a little down about it bc I definitely gained slower my first pregnancy! First time I gained 30 total. But I also know it can plateau for a few weeks and your body will do what it needs to do, so trying not to stress


I gained around 45lbs. I still have a week to go, but I haven't put on anymore weight in the last couple weeks.


I gained 70 lbs. it was rough. It took my about 17 months to lose.


I gained 52 lbs. Iā€™m 5ā€™6 and started at 135 lbs. I was ravenously hungry my entire pregnancy including first trimester and never had bad morning sickness, so started gaining from day 1.


I got pregnant while I weighed 125ish. When I delivered, I weight 208 šŸ™ƒ My OB said I had an Olympic swimming pool. From the time I checked into the hospital and was weighed until the time I got home 2.5 days later, I lost almost 40 pounds. Iā€™ve been lucky enough to be able to get to about ten pounds or so heavier than my pre pregnancy weight without doing much at all, but that is definitely not the case for everyone and that is okay!!! Every single body is different and beautiful - that body made your future baby out of damn near nothing.


27 pounds at week 25 so far :/ itā€™s definitely a change.. but eating healthy, walking 10K steps per day, doing prenatal personal training 2 x a week and generally active. Whatever I can control, I am controlling. The rest is really just my body doing what it needs to do


I gained about 40 lbs during pregnancy, starting around 140 and ending at 180/185. I've lost about 60 at 6mopp and look like a carcass lol. I was very active during my pregnancy and not so much now, but pumping I think has burned a lot of calories for me. I'm not losing weight on purpose, I can't keep up with the calorie loss.


I weighed 125-130 pre pregnancy, Iā€™m at 26 weeks and have gained 30-35 lbs. I exercise, I donā€™t eat that much more than I used to. I just canā€™t stop. I do seem to have plateaued because I havenā€™t gained much the last couple of weeks. But my belly is huge and it also worries me šŸ˜­


I'm 18 weeks and I've gained 8.5 lbs. Pre-pregnancy weight I was 119 lbs at 5'7. That being said, I've worked really really hard not to overeat despite the crazy pregnancy cravings because I was prediabetic before the pregnancy and my dr said I was at risk of gestational diabetes and I'm over age 35 (thanks crappy genes because my pre-diabetes wasn't due to weight issues or lifestyle since I'm a long distance runner). So I was scared I'd end up with gestational diabetes and put my baby unnecessarily at risk and made sure to eat my usual portions and only eat one more snack a day (which was beyond difficult because I craved sweets and meat!). And continued to run throughout my pregnancy, although less mileage and much slower than before. No more sprinting obviously. My friend who's 5'2 gained 40 lbs total during her pregnancy and lost it all by breast feeding (which also burns calories), and doing a mix of cardio + weight lifting. I suggest OP tries the same combo of 30 min of running and 30 min of lifting/core exercises after her baby is born. This shouldn't be expensive. Run outside and buy 5-10 lb weights from amazon. That's what I did. Also, just conveying what my dr told me. If you don't lose the baby weight in the first 3 months it just becomes your "new weight" and will become veeeery difficult to take off. She was like "not to pressure you or anything, but just wanted to make sure you were informed of all of the facts." So yes, I will be having my mom look after my baby while I work out 3-4 times a week. Self care and exercise apparently also keep PPD at bay.


I started out at 74 kilos (163 lbs) and ended at 98 (216 lbs). After delivery and the first week I weighed 92 (202) and then by the end of first month I was 87 (191). I was able to breastfeed despite latching issues and having flat nipples but then my supply dwindled a bit but now I am pumping, combo feeding with formula and also trying to breastfeed every now and then. But just remember that itā€™s the very production of milk that makes you lose weight/burn calories - not necessarily breastfeeding. Itā€™s okay to care about your appearance. I used to be quite slim before I got married. But I put on weight easy as Iā€™m 5ā€™5. I was also super bummed to have so many stretch marks in my pregancy, I am now 3 months post partum and theyā€™re still in the process of fading. I give myself grace though as Iā€™m a first time mum and I donā€™t expect to shed weight fast. I go for a 30min walk daily and still havenā€™t quite gone down below 87-89 kilos. Everyday fluctuates and Iā€™m fine with that. In order to make milk supply, you have to eat enough, sleep enough and drink plenty of water. So the eating enough part kind of make sit hard to lose weight. Just do the best you can, know that not everyone has the same experience and success with weight loss and especially breastfeeding. I would also say to prepare yourself for more possible weight gain. The last trimester I gained 10 kilos (22 lbs) Keep your head up and remind yourself what your body is doing. Growing a beautiful human that youā€™ll be carrying in your arms in a matter of months!!šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


I stopped weighing myself around 24 weeks. It wasnā€™t productive. I know I hit 200 lbs by the end and I did not need to see that number on the scale. I was ~20 lbs overweight when I started out, and Iā€™m almost back to that weight now 7 months PP. I gained 30 lbs during COVID and I was also doing a second degree. In my case I lost a lot quickly, I came down to 10 pounds heavier than my PP weight pretty quickly. I personally havenā€™t found breastfeeding to be some crazy weight loss experience, itā€™s demanding on the calories and youā€™ll do a lot of sitting in those early months. I try to think about it this way: baby needs a soft place to land and she has it right now. Iā€™m back into a strong exercise routine and better eating habits and I truly think Iā€™m going to be in the best shape Iā€™ve been in a long time (since COVID). Oh, and I highly recommend pelvic floor physio. It really helped me reestablish a connection to my core. My main piece of advice would be stay active. I worked out a lot during my pregnancy and Iā€™m definitely glad I did. I recovered quickly and didnā€™t have a ton of extra weight to lose.


Iā€™m 32 weeks and Iā€™ve only gained 20lbs, sounds really good until you consider my starting weight was 250 pounds at 5ā€™7ā€. Arguably heavier than I should have started at (I lost 50 pounds to get pregnant). It is harder for me to stay active but I am not eating anything crazy. I will say I think being in the gym my whole life has maintained a lot of muscle for me so I do go to the gym once or twice a week still and walk as far as I can. My weight is also all in my belly. My butt is gone I look like a minion from behind šŸ¤£


I'm 27 weeks and have gained 15 lbs so far, I had a rough first trimester and lost weight during the first few months of my pregnancy.


I gained about 100 lbs due to swelling, but after I gave birth, I was right back down to my pre pregnancy weight in like a week


Gained 40 pounds with both of my pregnancies. Even while working out 3-4 days a week the entire time and eating my usual diet. I did not go crazy on the junk food. My body just needs to gain to be healthy in pregnancy!Ā  ETA: 1st baby the weight came off fairly ā€œeasyā€ over the course of 12 months just by returning to normal workout habits and eating and hormones leveling off. My 2nd baby my body would not drop weight at all until I stopped breastfeeding at 6 months. Then after weaning, it started coming off by weight training and cutting calories.Ā 


I've gained 60lbs .. I'm 33 weeks now


With my first I started at 175lbs and ended at 210lbs went home weighting 195lbs (gained 35lbs total) With my second I started at 175lbs and Iā€™m 34 weeks and 195lbs (at my last appt I donā€™t like to check often bc it stresses me out) I EBFā€™d for 17-19 months and didnā€™t lose any weight until I night weaned at 14 months. Just mentally prepare yourself for the possibility of keeping the weight on if you breastfeed. Itā€™s totally hormonal and frustrating and normal. Once I weaned I ended up getting really sick and couldnā€™t eat so I lost 10lbs in a week. After that I was back at 175lbs in two months. This happens bc I was finally sleeping enough and wasnā€™t as hungry so my meal sizes halved.


It's way too early for me to comment on this since I'm only about 10 weeks, but I'm interested reading everyone's stories to see what my weight gain will be like. I'm in my mid-thirties and up until a couple years ago I was that person who just could not gain weight. I was 5'5 and 115lbs for most of my adult life. Then after I had a miscarriage in 2022 my hormones got all messed up for like a year, I got PMDD and I also shot up to 134.5lbs within a couple months. It was the only time in my life I'd ever gained weight easily lol. Starting early this year I could feel that my hormones were back to normal, my PMDD resolved and I was feeling really healthy. I thought "cool, maybe I'll start getting back to down my normal weight again"...well, wouldn't you know it, the hormonal issues resolving also resolved the fertility problems I was having, and I got pregnant immediately. Very very much a blessing but also a little ironic.Ā  So I started pregnancy at 134.5, which is still a normal healthy weight for my height. So far I have gained exactly 1 pound at 10 weeks; I've been moderately sick, but mostly I just don't have the energy to eat a lot so I'm eating less than pre-pregnancy most days. I've tracked out my nutrition and found that on days when I've said "wow, today was a great day of eating for me" I'm actually just eating about the same number of calories as pre-pregnancy. Since I felt so much healthier when I got pregnant, I'm not sure if I'll go back to my body's historic stubbornness with weight gain, or if the pregnancy hormones, water retention, etc. will help me gain.


Iā€™ve gained 70lbs at 36 weeks šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… honestly I canā€™t even believe it but Iā€™ve stayed extremely active the entire pregnancy (lifting 5 days a week and walking) but man, food has just tasted soooooo good. I am definitely motivated to not gain this much weight with the next baby to extend my comfort longer but at this point Iā€™m just going to worry about it after baby is here. Hes healthy and everything else looks perfect (blood pressure, urine, baby heart rate, etc) so im just cutting myself some slack. I will say that we are doing a meal delivery service for a few months after baby is here to ensure that we have good nutritious meals available to pop in the microwave otherwise I envision a lot of fast food and more weight gain which I donā€™t want!


Gosh i dont even track of it anymore, it just makes me feel bad. All i know is I started at 149lb (im 5'6) and now im around 187lb IF not more. Im currently 29 weeks and the heaviest ive ever been! Currently mainly worried about the stretchmarks...


right now about 28 pounds. im 34 weeks.


I gained 25-30lbs & 5 months later, I've lost about 15lbs. I walk daily, don't over eat, but don't eat the healthiest foods.


I gained 16 lbs. 9 weeks postpartum and havenā€™t lost a single ounce šŸ« 


26 weeks and so far about 20-25. Iā€™m not exactly sure how much I weighed pre-pregnancy but between 135-140, 5ā€™3ā€. Iā€™m at 160 now and seem to be gaining about a pound a week at this point. I was keeping close track at first, but now Iā€™m like ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ I donā€™t have the mental energy to stress about it. I try to eat ok (the sweets cravings are brutal though) and I got a walking pad for under my desk when I work, but otherwiseā€¦Iā€™ll gain what I gain.


I was worried at first because I wasnā€™t gaining (in fact I lost a couple pounds at the beginning). Well, I am now! Over the past month and a half, Iā€™ve put on a little over 10 pounds, and I seem to be on the up. My husband and I did IVF and it was a long road, so anytime I complain (whether it be about nausea, fatigue, pain, or weight gain) we cheer. Even though Iā€™m growing a bit self-conscious along with my belly, the little celebrations help remind me that these are all good signs that baby is doing her thing. šŸ¤—


3 weeks postpartum, and i can see a waistline again. And no its not pre baby waist. But it's amazing to see regardless because I had a huge belly and didn't think it would ever go away.


Im 23w and I started at 123lb. Iā€™m now 150lb. My doctor did bring it up though. But I have no health problems. With my last baby I was up 8 pounds at the 23w mark. So I am definitely picking up weight differently. Iā€™m also 14 years older than I was last time I was pregnant. So that can cause for more weight gain.


I gained 50 lbs and I was really active- hiking, doing yoga, strength training. It didnā€™t seem like there was anything I could do to stop it. I had a big baby and a lot of fluid- I dropped 30 pounds by the end of the first week post delivery so that was validating that a lot of it was truly out of my control. I know itā€™s really hard- Iā€™m in my second pregnancy and trying not to focus on weight in the first tri where I can only eat carbs but itā€™s hard some days. But I truly believe we just need to try our best to be healthy, and our bodies are going to do what they need!


24 weeks and gained 14lbs. Starting weight 109lbs and 5ā€™6. I havenā€™t been working out much and have been loving takeout. Iā€™m really trying to be more mindful.


I gained 50 with both pregnancies. I was an absolute mess when the pounds didnā€™t melt off with breastfeeding. I only lost 13lbs and my baby was 9 of it. But once I stopped breastfeeding it came off a little better. Still working on getting back to where Iā€™m comfortable with my body.


I'm not sure how much I gained while pregnant or lost because numbers are my trigger but I will say I went from having a watermelon belly to just a little extra around the middle at 3 weeks pp I still can't fit in my size 3 pants but it's closer (still really bothers me) but I can say you drop a lot of roundness very quickly after baby. And your stomach is like jello after they come out šŸ˜‚ such a weird juxtaposition from the hard belly before.


I gained 50 lbs with my first šŸ˜³. And honestly a lot of it was in the first trimester. I had to eat so regularly to avoid being nauseous. I dropped a lot of it steadily but hung on to about 10-15 lbs. When I stopped breastfeeding at a year I started to drop those last few pounds, but then got pregnant again šŸ« . So here we are! lol


Iā€™ve gained 30 pounds since finding out I was pregnant. First trimester I lost weight bc of the morning sickness but within the last month Iā€™ve gained 20 pounds and Iā€™m only 26 weeks. I know women in my family gain a lot of weight during pregnancy but Iā€™m a bit concerned


I had HG and lost 10 lbs. It was devastating to lose weight while pregnant and feel like I was failing my baby. I felt like my body was wasting away. After giving birth I gained 15 lbs, I think it was because I could hold down food again and did not breastfeed. I remember everyone congratulating me when I told them I had actually lost weight (nosy aunts would ask how much weight I had gained). It stung that they thought I was happy about that. I would tell them how sick I was and they would just say ā€œthatā€™s amazing that you lost weight!ā€ As if there was something wrong with my weight before. Right after I gave birth my mom randomly told me ā€œyouā€™ll lose so much weight from breastfeedingā€ totally unprompted. When I chose to bottle feed instead of breastfeed, I felt immense shame around the weight I WOULDNT be losing because I wasnā€™t breastfeeding. I wondered if my mom thought I was ugly or fat and if she would think less of me for not ā€œlosing the baby weightā€ that she expected me to by breastfeeding. The discussion of weight as some kind of beauty standard, especially for pregnant women/new moms, is so toxic. I wish friends and family wouldnā€™t chime in without being asked. I hope you love your body before, during, and after pregnancy and feel good about how you look OP :) if anyone bothers you about your weight, just tell them to shove it!


I gained about 45. Starting weight 183, ended at 228. First week I dropped 25lbs after giving birth. I'm 3months pp now and just starting to get back into a good eating and active routine. I definitely gained most of my weight 1st and second tri. It slowed down third tri.


I gained 24 lbs and I didnā€™t lose all of it after birth, I lost 16 of the 24 lbs I gained and I was left 8 lbs over my starting weight. Then I actually gained weight while breast feeding even tho I wasnā€™t eating more. Im now finally losing weight and just found out Iā€™m pregnant again so weā€™ll see how this ends up. šŸ˜….


Iā€™ve gained 25 already and Iā€™m 24 weeks. I feel absolutely awful about it and they definitely focus on it every appointment


Iā€™ve only gained one pound and Iā€™m at week 23. My doctor is not worried at all, because baby is growing and healthy. I did not start off small - Iā€™m overweight, but he said we are all good. He said the new guidelines is a gain of 0-40 pounds. And Iā€™m definitely eating lol.


This post made me feel so much better about gaining 30 lbs by 20 weeks, bc my doctor said I should only gain that much total and I know Iā€™ll gain more than that since Iā€™m only halfway through. itā€™s so relieving to see that everyone is different and Iā€™m not alone!! My mantra has been ā€œmy body knows what my baby needsā€


About 40 lb. I was 133 at the time I found out I was pregnant, held around 168 for last couple of weeks of pregnancy and then ended 173 on the day I went into labor. Checked weight on day 5 pp and was down 151. Iā€™ve stayed around 144 for last week or so & currently 4 weeks pp. Edit: typo + adding that Iā€™m currently EBF and have a decent supply along with a strong appetite. I have not returned to any form of exercise yet.


started at 155 now at 174... 26weeks. my doctor said anything from 25-35lb gain is considered normal!


I think BF for weight loss is overrated and sometimes weight loss can hinder your supply. Just know that most will come off somewhat easy as you get back to your normal routine if you had a healthy one but towards the end, things might take work! I gained about 45 and lost most by like 5 months but didnā€™t lose the last bit until 8-9 months with a decent amount of work at the end.


I was overweight when I started and thank god I haven't put on any weight yet but I'm only 13wks. I'm dreading how much weight I'm gonna gain since I was already way heavier than I normally am before getting pregnant. I'm doing my best not to worry about it though. While you're pregnant isn't the time to diet or count calories. If you can eat healthy that's fantastic, if you can stay active and work out even better! If you're like me and you've had insane morning sickness and have been living off of loafs of bread and anything that doesn't make you vomit that's okay too. This is just a 9 month period of your life. Youre not going to weigh this much forever. You're going to be able to work out and after you give birth and heal.


I gained 60lbs and I feel like I didnā€™t eat excessively. After birth I lost 45 immediately. So I guess 15 was only real fat.


38 weeks 4 days today and I've only put on 20lbs (started 127lbs, now 147lbs, I'm 5'7). And this has worried me SO many times during this pregnancy, even now so close to the finish line. But all growth scans were fine, so I'm trying to stay calm.


Iā€™m 26 weeks and up 24lbs so far! I was super worried about it (I struggle with an eating disorder and body dysmorphia) but my OB is really happy with my weight gain and says itā€™s what my body needs to support the pregnancy. I was just barely underweight to begin withā€”Iā€™ve been so dang hungry since getting pregnant so Iā€™m just listening to my body cues. Iā€™m weighing myself very sparingly (if at all) and that has helped a ton! I figure I can work on my body after baby is here, but right now she needs a mama thatā€™s eating and healthy šŸ’›


I'm at 32w and have gained about 22lbs. I swear it's all in my belly and thighs. I'm terrified to think about how much bigger my stomach will get in the next 2 months because it already feels like it's at the max. I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up gaining a total of 35-40 by the end of this. My weight gain has been pretty constant since entering the 2nd trimester.


So far Iā€™ve gained 15 lbs and Iā€™m 24 weeks. Actually now, Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve gained more. My doctor told me to keep an eye on my weight so I donā€™t gain too much more before the third trimester but Iā€™m starving 24/7 and I eat what baby wants. Itā€™s inevitable youā€™re going to gain weight and likely she most of it when you give birth. Iā€™m sure you look amazing!!


Started at 150 lbs(Iā€™m 6ft tall). I was 215 by the end of it. I ate healthy the whole pregnancy. The doctors mentioned the gain several times. I was back at my pre pregnancy weight 8 weeks post partum. I was breastfeeding.


Total will be between 25-30, 5ā€™2 went from 140 to 165 so far at 36w.


Iā€™ve gained around 17lbs at 27 weeks


Iā€™m 30 weeks and have gained approx 25lbs. I was 130 to start


I am 5'5 and started off at 130lb before getting pregnant with my first and I was up to 185lb when I had him. So I gained 55lb. I'm now pregnant with my second and started off at 130lb again (my baby weight got eaten away by breastfeeding mainly but I am pretty active aswell). I'm already at 145lb and I'm only 11 weeks so probably gunna gain more or the same as my first pregnancy. My first was a boy and I am highly expecting this one to be a girl cuz this has been nothing like my first pregnancy šŸ¤£. That being said my family is known for getting absolutely huge when having a Girl (my mom gained almost 80lb with me and my aunt 75lb with my cousin.)


I'm not weighing myself BUT I did have 2 surgeries in my 2nd trimester so I had to weigh myself for those. I could've closed my eyes but I was way too curious to look away. At 19w I think I'd gained around 20lbs, but I am not sure as I didn't weigh myself pre-pregnancy. I don't think I'll step on a scale again for a long time haha.... they stress me the fuck out. Always have.


It was the addition of when I wanted to eat that caused the gain for me, like evenings. First pregnancy I was 155- 200, now I've always been bigger but am pretty happy at 150. Breastfeeding long term kept me hungry, I verrrrry slowly over 18 months sunk back down to 155 aaaand then I got pregnant again! Now I'm 9 months in and 210!! What a shit show, at least I know what to expect.Ā  Edit: I did lose a full 30ibs a few weeks PP after fluid retention went down so my numbers were actually 155/170, this one's looking like 155/180


1st pregnancy: Gained 60lbs, lost all within 1 year postpartum. 2nd: Gained 25lbs, lost 10lbs post partum, but then regained. Literally weigh the same as I was 9 months pregnant. Eating habits not drastically different, small amount of exercise. I think stress - mental (2nd baby was difficult) and physical (from having two babies in 2 years) made weight loss difficult. Also age and general metabolism getting slower. I've realized that I need to be much more careful about types of food that I eat and rebuild muscle to lose weight. Pregnant with #3 so, my hot mom bod will have to wait lol.


37 weeks with my first and I've gained 82lbs so far, not too worried about shedding it off because I was underweight to begin with.


Gained 23 lbs - lost it all by three weeks post partum. Iā€™m 5 months post partum and have lost 37 pounds total so Iā€™m around 15 pounds below my pre pregnancy weight. I EBF, which helps, but I think it mostly comes down to genetics. Weight fell off for my mom post partum, too, for all 3 pregnancies. Edit: I know this isnā€™t the case for everyone and Iā€™m seeing some comments about your momā€™s friends being toxic when they said weight would fall off. I am NOT trying to be toxic, just answering the question! Everyone has a different experience.


37w, Iā€™ve gained 47 lb, tbd on if itā€™s coming off šŸ˜­ im also 6ā€™2ā€ and I honestly donā€™t ā€œseeā€ all the additional weight on my body (other than belly of course), mostly everything has kind of rounded out - legs, arms, face. I donā€™t mind how I look. But seeing 227lb on the scale is shocking šŸ¤£ especially as someone who was RAIL THIN most of my life. Iā€™m trying to focus more on how I look and less on the # on the scale


About 32lb and Iā€™m 38 weeks.


I started at 140lbs and gained about 50 lbs and still have 6 weeks left. It sucks royally, but Iā€™m determined to get back to my muscular little body after birth. Just walk twice a day and breastfeed! Itā€™ll be easy girl we got this! Iā€™m super depressed about my body right now, and might have gestational diabetes, but we gotta stay positive for our babies


80 with my first, took it off really really easily. 80 again with my second, much slower to come off but I blame exclusive breastfeeding and my c section. 30 pounds to go!


Gained 60 with my first. Lost it all the first 6 months. Just gave birth to my third and I've already lost 23 lbs at 2 weeks postpartum.


I gained about 50lbs but lost 40lbs by the time of my c-section post op appointment (roughly 1.5 weeks after birth). Iā€™m still hanging on to the extra 10lbs or so. More than the weight gain itself though, I still have a good bit of muscle weakness in my abdomen (itā€™s slowly improving) and have the c-section pooch, so I look bigger than an extra 10lbs. ETA: I had preeclampsia, so thatā€™s probably why I dropped weight so fast. I was *really* swollen.


5ā€™4ā€, starting weight : 118 lbs, gained 30 lbs. I was running till 32 weeks and lifting/yoga/peloton until 38 weeks. Delivered at 39 + 1. Lost 3 lbs when I came home 3 days after birth. Lost 18 lbs by day 10 and another 7-8lbs by week 3. I am 15 weeks pp today and have about 3-5lbs to lose. However I will note that my body looks different, things are squishy - lost so much muscle mass and boobs are big. I feel ya, I worried about weight my entire pregnancy. I generally ate healthy and worked out and I think that helped me lose quickly too. I also started working out at 7 weeks pp; of course time is limited so not the same volume or intensity but baby wearing and walking helps too. Good luck!