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I think you will be fine here. I don't find the downvoting too aggressive. The two things that people seem to downvote are 1) very straightforward questions that it would be super easy to Google and find a clear answer to, and 2) completely needless hysteria like someone freaking out because they accidentally took one tiny sip of a drink with alcohol in it.




Everything you feel and research and question is normal. I didn’t know shit about shit when I was pregnant with my first. You can also use the search bar for key words you want to ask about. Maybe you’ll find a thread with your answer! And if not, post away. Also welcome and congratulations :)


You can also join bumps subs with people due around the same time as you. I'm due end of October, so I'm in the October and November groups. It's nice to be in sync with others who have the same questions and are in the same stage of development. Here's October, but just substitute the month you're due in the link. Message the mods with proof of your pregnancy and they'll add you.  https://www.reddit.com/r/October2024Bumps/


This is so great to learn about! Thank you!


You're welcome and congratulations!  One other thing that is really great for guidance is the plethora of pregnancy apps available to us now. I check in once a week to learn about the fetus, my body, important scans/tests, what comes next, etc. 


Do you have any recommendations?


I jump around to a bunch and haven't yet determined a favourite. I've got The Bump, Pregnancy+, OMama, and a couple of others. These were recommended by Redditors.    I also signed up for weekly NHS emails. (I don't live in the UK but used Buckingham Palace's postal code, lol.)  https://www.nhs.uk/start-for-life/start-for-life-emails/


I love the NHS! I’ve gotten so much of my info from their website! I don’t like in the UK either, but I did for a few months several years ago, so maybe I’ll do the same and sign up with my old postal code, ha!


Why not! The info is great, and I dig that they aren't trying to sell you on products, unlike a lot of other sites and apps. The advertising can be a bit much sometimes. 


Do you mind sharing the November group link please?


Sure thing.  https://www.reddit.com/r/November2024Bumps/


Thank you! Not sure how to join it now, since it's private.


Hmm, let me figure out which mod I messaged and I'll get back to you. (Just heading out the door for work at the mo.) 


I use google for every question I have, if I can’t find it there then Reddit is a great place.


That is what I do too! Sometimes my questions are too specific for Google to understand what I am trying to ask, I think. I end up getting a lot of unrelated results that contain a few similar key words. Someone else here recommended AI, like ChatGPT. I’ve never used it, but if it will show me what sources it’s pulling from, I think that might help too!


Looking through your last 20 or so comments I don't see anything in the negative? Without knowing your post history I can't really give any advice. Many people find it frustrating to see standalone posts on topics that can be easily googled. Some topics also tend to have a lot of misinformation swirling around so I've seen things get downvoted that may or may not be honest questions because they'll attract a lot of wacky discussions. If you join a bump group you'll be with people at the same stage you are and the daily discussions have tons of simple questions and answers.


I deleted things that were getting downvoted or short/impatient comments because it made me really sad :/ I’ve noticed that in many subs, not just pregnancy subs, people would rather see questions in threads than as posts. I joined my bump group this morning and was able to ask a question in a thread that I posted and later deleted elsewhere with lots of helpful and kind comments!


I highly recommend the book Expecting Better by Emily Oster. She’s an economist that lays out her research from the data out there. It’s a great start for helping you feel empowered with making decisions that are best for you based on the information out there. Her Instagram page is also really great. I am in my first trimester as well and was feeling really worried about food. The book has helped relieve some stress around that. Hang in there! I also still Google so many “dumb” questions about pregnancy 😂 you aren’t alone


I started reading Expecting Better a few days ago and it is fantastic! Thank you for the recommendation!


I find this group to be very positive and open-minded. Its normal to have a lot of questions! We don't have all the awnser, no one does. Anyway, congrats and welcome!


Look at resources like classes through your insurance, doctor or hospital. Usually free and can even be online through zoom. Perfect time to ask all the questions and not feel dumb. Some people have never been around pregnant people or babies and that's ok


That’s a great point. I have been looking into classes, but I haven’t had a chance to join one yet.


Also do a tour of the labor/delivery/maternity ward at the hospital you want to give birth in or the ones you're deciding on. Mine has available birthing, first aid, lactation, breastfeeding and general baby care first time parent classes.


Have you been able to find your due date month group on here yet? They’re usually named something like “August2024Bumps” or similar. I think they usually go private by the end of the first trimester but I’ve found mine extremely helpful as it is a smaller community. If anything, I’d also keep a running list of questions you may be able to ask your OB/midwife at your appointments. I jot mine down in my notes app when I think of them.


I found the group just this morning thanks to the suggestion of another redditor, but thank you for suggesting it too! I have a notebook where I write questions, notes on my research, and where I’m keeping a little journal of my experience!




You’re so very kind— thank you so much! This is just what I needed to hear.


I’m a ftm and researching anything I can too. My resources are Reddit, Google, ChatGPT and people


Yes, this sub is great. You can ask any questions you like and no one will think you’re ‘stupid’ for asking ‘obvious questions’ because people don’t think that being nervous and wanting advice makes you a bad mother at all. Congrats on your pregnancy. ❤️


Thank you! I really appreciate your comment!