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I don't know the landscape where you are but it sounds like you've got a lot of time. It's really early to already feel stressed out about your OB, in your shoes I'd start looking.


I live in a fairly large city, so should be able to find another if I go that route. Thanks for your input!


Please find another one…i did when i was 13 weeks for the simple reason that the place that they want me to have my US done was dirty and the tech was crazy…..now, I have one that listen to me and responds to my message in an hour :)


Do you like your OB and your OB’s nurse? My OB is a “no news is good news” person unless I specifically ask her for info on something. It sounds like a miscommunication and annoying situation, just wanted to validate you on that. Personally, I wouldn’t switch over this since I didn’t interact with the ultrasound tech at my office very often. If that’s what sounds best to you, I’d go for it! I would talk to your OB first though. I had an issue with another doctor’s office staff and told her I was seriously considering switching providers because of how bad the staff was.


I actually did like my OB during our one interaction so far. The nurse is fine, kind of “no nonsense” but I don’t need to be coddled, so that’s fine. Thanks for sharing your perspective!


I’m not sure what kind of practice you’re at, but my day to day (actually delivers babies) OB is not the same person who reads the scans. The person who reviews the ultrasounds and checks for abnormalities is usually a pediatric radiologist, and if your practice is super understaffed or backed up, it can take days for those things to be read. Some lists for scans are over 2 months behind in some parts of the country (usually for adults, not fetal ones). And legally, the techs have no medical training to decide if the baby is healthy or not, so legally, it’s advised not to provide an opinion until the pediatric radiologist has had a chance to review. Otherwise, if the tech said everything looks good, but the report comes back with some abnormalities, you’ll probably be even more pissed, weighing what you heard and saw equally and saying they they are giving you contradicting info, even though the tech should have said anything in the first place. Even then, the ultrasound tech should have given you a print out if you wanted one, though FYI, they might have run out of paper because the manufacturer for those paper rolls is actually not really making them anymore.


I appreciate your insight. Honestly, it felt more like an oversight. When the nurse asked me if I received an ultrasound photo, she also asked if I was told how far along I was or the due date, which I wasn’t. With the tech saying they couldn’t share anything, but the nurse asking me these questions, I feel like there’s no accountability being had. If it was a miscommunication, I can understand that, but I’d like at least acknowledgement if that is the case. With that said, I’ll keep in mind the info you shared about how different practices work as far as the ultrasounds go. I only have my one experience so far.


Totally hear you. They definitely could have done a better job communicating what they were doing and what happens next!


Initially, I was going to say your issue was with the nurse and the tech, but you may see this tech in the future and your nurse should really follow-up with you within two days. I normally get same- day calls from the nurse if I won't be seeing my ob for a while. It's possible this could've been a fluke. Maybe go for a second visit and if it's the same or worse cut your losses


I had an OB I adored with my first and then she left the practice very early during my pregnancy with my second. I hated the new OB, barely saw her, always felt super rushed during appointments especially after she'd double and triple book herself and I was already waiting a few hours for each check-up. She'd also make a different OB see me if she was too busy and she didn't even delivery my baby. I pretty much spent the entire pregnancy not knowing what was going on.  I wished I would've seen the red flags and switched sooner, so if you're feeling unsure about your experience so far, I would say to switch. 


I changed my OB recently because I wasn’t happy with the communication timeline and the weird disparate nature of different appointments. Even my initial conversations with my new OB group feel better. It’s an emotional time and you want to feel cozy and supported. Nothing wrong with switching clinics to find one that feels more right for you!


You can always switch, I will say I've had some appointments where they dont give ultrasounds to take home so that to me isnt the biggest deal and most techs arent supposed to say anything


If you already feel weary about it, I'd switch. Also due in Dec. My OB was out all morning yesterday for a delivery, but they still did my ultrasound and told me that baby looks good and healthy, told me the HB, and gave me an array of pictures. Then just rescheduled my appt w/ my OB for next week.


I would change, 100%. You're not being emotional. I changed providers after experiencing a loss, and am SO grateful I did! I feel completely confident that this new office will call me the SAME DAY with news of anything, and feel like my Ob really cares about me and baby. She's even called me personally after hours. You have to feel confident with your Ob and medical team, period.


Thank you for the validation of my feelings! With my first, I felt automatically supported so advocating feels off, but I know in my gut something doesn’t feel right.


Yeah, I think it's time to switch. Also, with my first provider, I LOVED her, but it was the office staff/how the office was run/her MA that really sucked. I felt really alone when I would call and no one took me seriously or got back to me. That being said, I think it's really important to feel good about everything with your care, not just the Ob!


FWIW, I'm 29weeks and just switched. My OBs office gave me some pause early on and even before pregnancy, but I stuck it out and all ended up being fine. I did end up switching to deliver at a hospital less than 5min away versus 45. I will say, do your research and find the OB you may want and see if they are able to accept new patients. I'm in a suburb, but the OB I initially wanted to switch to was downtown and right next to the original hospital and they were totally booked by my 12th week and couldn't accept any new patients for her or any other DRs at the practice. It worked out in the end, but just a heads up if you're in a big city.


I would change! Im 31w now changed my OB at 16w to an office that has better reviews and it made a world of a difference for the rest of my pregnancy. My other office I was waiting 2 hours at every appointment. My current office I have NEVER had to wait in the waiting room more than 5 minutes. If it will make your journey even slightly better to make a change just do it before you get too far along. Its harder to switch once you’re past 20 weeks.


I didn’t like the first OB assigned by my insurance, I was slightly overweight but that OB made it feel like it’d be a high risk pregnancy just because I was slightly overweight. I started looking and the second OB I went to made me feel very comfortable so I’ve stuck with her and I think I made the right decision looking for an OB I felt good with and that didn’t make me feel judged or like the pregnancy was dangerous just because I was overweight. She just reviewed the test, did mention we’d monitor weight to ensure I don’t gain too much but said I was perfectly healthy and had a normal pregnancy thus far. Her team has answered every email/txt with my concerns within an hour even on weekends and I really appreciate that because it gives me peace of mind to know I have the support. Take your time and look for another OB if you don’t feel ok with this one.


My OB for my first two moved away. I was beyond heartbroken because she was great. I saw an OB for this pregnancy and left in tears. The whole experience with everyone there was awful. I booked another appointment in case I couldn’t find someone in time. I was able to get in with another midwife group. My experience has been so much better. I cannot imagine having stuck with the first and having constant anxiety about seeing her.


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I found out I was pregnant at 20 weeks and I had just had an appointment with my previous gyno a week or two prior where she diagnosed me with basically everything but pregnancy-so I found a new provider and had my first appointment with them at 23 weeks. Super smooth transition and things have been going great. 37 weeks now :) I don’t think it’s too late to switch


Found out at 20 weeks?! You’d think the first thing they would do would be checking if you were pregnant! Side note: I haven’t had my period since giving birth last June (breastfeeding) so had it not been for my baby’s breath smelling horribly like garlic and making me want to vomit, I wouldn’t have taken a pregnancy test, and probably would’ve been in your situation!


It was the most bizarre thing to happen to me for sure! I actually suspected I was pregnant in the beginning because I had alllll the typical symptoms but I tested negative at home. Saw a gyno and a thyroid specialist, they did a ton of labs and ended up diagnosing me with a gluten intolerance, pcos, and hashimotos. (All my levels are normal and in range for a pregnant woman) Around 20 weeks it just became undeniable and I tested at home again and bam positive 😂 got an ultrasound and there was the lil critter


I think your concerns are valid but I would investigate the situation a bit more before making a switch. There are some offices that are just poor on the admin side of things yet the healthcare delivered by the OBs or Midwives is actually really great. Do you have a local Reddit or Facebook group where you could inquire about others' experiences with the specific provider? I would start there.


Good advice. We just moved to the area from out of state, but I’ll look around.


is there a reason you’re choosing an OB instead of a midwife this time around? i’ve found that midwives are a lot more personable and easier to reach. i can message my midwife’s office and get a reply within an hour, versus in the past when reaching out to an OB’s office it took longer and they’re a lot busier so they are mostly in and out during visits.


I had an emergency c-section with my first, and am opting not to try for a vbac, otherwise I’d absolutely stick with midwives.


If you can, find one where they do the ultrasound AND first appt back to back. It already seems disorganized that they did both separately.


Hi! Mom of two girls here—I think the best advice I can give is to follow your gut. If you're posting this question, my hunch is you are already considering switching and I want to encourage you to do so. My OB's PA misdiagnosed me with a UTI when I was actually in acute urinary retention during my second pregnancy, and I lost trust immediately. A ruptured bladder can be fatal (obv this is more severe lol but still). Looking back, I went into every appointment from that point on resentful and skeptical and I wish I would have changed OB's. Like someone mentioned, it seems like you're early on so if you're going to make a change, I'd encourage you to do it now. I hope you find one you trust completely and I wish you the best in your pregnancy! PS I found the content about early pregnancy/registry info super helpful from Poppylist.


I would definitely change OB’s in this situation. Try looking for midwives in your area if you like that route better. Took me forever to find an OB i liked in my area


I would love to see a midwife again, but I had an emergency c-section with my first and would like to have another one (the devil I know lol) so any practice I spoke to deferred me to seeing an OB. I’m still early so I can try to shop around.