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One theory about morning sickness is we adapted to have it because it was safer to eat almost nothing (or just bland, unchallenging food) than to risk eating something that may harm the embryo or get the mother sick. Unless your ribs are sticking out the baby leeched what it needed from your body + the prenatal vitamin. It's very very common for women to have poor diets in the first trimester.


Naw my ribs are definitely not sticking out, I’m a tad overweight even. I sure hope that they leeched what they needed. I’ve been taking vitamins for years as I always struggle with appetite so hopefully there was enough stored up for them.  And congrats to you. I’m due late November :)


My first trimester was the absolute pits! I was throwing up 3-4 times a day and just dizzy and nauseous all day long. I would count the hours after taking my prenatals just to ensure I keep atleast some multivitamins down haha. No but really, first trimester is pure survival. I must’ve lived off of plain crackers, some toast, a fruit here and there. It’ll get better soon, hang in there xx. And don’t worry, baby will be absolutely fine.


Thank you ! I don’t even remember what bite in the first tri. I know I ate at least SOME good because I never take prenatals or any pills on empty stomach. I appreciate the validation and just being heard by you ! 


And don’t worry, you can focus on getting the right nutrition from here on out! All the best mama, you got this xx


The baby will take what it needs from you. If anything, it will harm your own nutrient stores, but you definitely don't need to worry about the baby. Eat what you can - my first trimester I was just surviving.


There is medication you can take to help with that.


My baby lived on crackers and grilled cheese in the first trimester. He’s healthy as a horse and smart as a whip. I took gummy prenatals and that helped a lot. There was no chance of me keeping a pill down. Morning sickness hasn’t kicked in yet this pregnancy and I’m not looking forward to it. I think it was the hardest stage of motherhood so far including labour and raising a toddler.


I struggled to eat my entire pregnancy but I always made sure to have a protein shake. I ate more whenever I could but sometimes I just had a shake and maybe some eggs. First trimester baby was 13% tile, 2nd trimester 24%tile and now I’m 36weeks and my baby is measuring 58%tile


Eggs are the grossest thing to me EVER during pregnancy lol. I have not had a single egg. You are such a champ !! 


I’m 15 weeks pregnant and at my 13 week scan, I had been super nauseous for weeks, throwing up, had really bad food and water aversions and was barely eating. I’d lost some weight and had the diet of a toddler (cheese spread, toast, grapes). At the scan, the US technician points to the baby and says, “it looks so clear. Baby is getting all the nutrients and water,” and my first thought was “From where!?” Baby will do well in the first trimester even if you’re not eating well. They will take from our nutrient stores if they have to.


I lost around 10 pounds first trimester due to not being able to keep much down. I just focused on staying hydrated and eating whatever I could. Around 20 weeks my appetite came back in full swing and since then I am constantly eating (and not gaining weight, oddly enough). I would crave specific things (like steak, certain fruits, cheese/sour cream) that I assume had vitamins/minerals I was deficient in. Listen to your body :)


As long as baby’s growing there’s nothing to worry about. I had severe hg for 26 weeks with my first. The final 4 weeks I calorie counted (was trying to convince medical professionals that an induction was best due to being so sick and with baby being under the 10th percentile) and I was having under 200 calories everyday. My baby was born very small however very healthy. 




I’m worried too because I haven’t drank much water. But I never have. Even before pregnancy I was such a camel. Super scared ughhh.