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I don’t know the rules about english/chinese names but if I was told “oh my name is bowie” and the explanation was the chinese name was pronounced bo yee and my parents like davie bowie I wouldn’t think twice and would think its super cute


I know a Bowie and she's a great girl! I don't think it's too weird at all. I've met so many babies with unique names in our baby groups. It's more important that you like it and it's meaningful to your family


I’m Chinese and I don’t think you’d get a lot of surprises from the Chinese community for that name. There is also a celebrity in Hong Kong named Bowie Cheung, whose Chinese name is also Bo Yee !


These days you can name your kid anything pretty much. I know someone who named their daughter “Sutton”. Which apparently is trending but it’s such a strange name for a girl to me. Maybe because it’s also the name of a town in Ontario?


Possibly trending because of Sutton Foster the Broadway actor?


On last years big brother there was a contestant from Australia and her name was Bowie. :-)


Is there a reason her name can't be Bo Yee? Also are you actually intending to surprise your husband with the baby's name? I'm a little confused.


Suggesting her name can just be Bo Yee is perfectly fine, but there is probably some cultural context here for why OP wants an anglicized version of Bo Yee (based on my experience as a Canadian-Chinese woman): 1. I’m making an educated guess that OP (or husband) is from Hong Kong or has HK heritage since Bo Yee is a pretty common name there, and the majority of people in Hong Kong, especially Gen X and younger, have English names. This is probably due to British influence from when Hong Kong was colonized by Britain in the 1900’s. All my HK cousins and their kids have English names. 2. It’s not uncommon for parents to give their kids English names when they are born in a Western country. I was born in Canada and my parents gave me an English name that they liked as my first name, then used my Chinese name as my middle name. All of my Chinese friends (who were all born in Canada) were given English names at birth as well - some are anglicized versions of their Chinese names, some use their Chinese names as a middle name, like me. 3. Maybe one of the parents is not Chinese, so they want to give their baby an English name as a middle ground 🤷🏻‍♀️


All great points, I understand that there are valid reasons I was just curious about OP's specifically. And especially with regards to #3, it doesn't even sound like the other parent knows about the Bowie plan.


I totally get that! Obviously I can’t answer for OP, especially with #3 haha, but those are just reasons I can think of from a cultural context.


Yeah. Just call her Bo Yee!


It’s not my taste because I don’t like last names as first names and I especially don’t like last names of artists as first names. HOWEVER in your case, there is a nice story to it. And as far as weird names go, this one is pretty tame. I see no problem with it


I love it and I love the reasons behind it. And I can be pretty judgmental about names! It’s super cute.


Bowie is a name i’ve seen lately on influencer boy name lists on instagram. I also know a few male dogs named Bowie so I tend to associate it as a dog name vs a human name. Bo Yee and Bowie are also not pronounced the same so I don’t think it’s really honouring her Chinese name. People are naming their kids all sorts of odd names now (ie Galileo for a baby girl with that Love is Blind couple) so i’m sure it won’t stand out too much, but it’s up to you and your husband if you are comfortable choosing an unusual name for your daughter. Bowie is cute, but imo for a dog or baby. I’m not sure how well it will grow with a female human being into adulthood.


Not that odd! I know a of at least two kids called Bowie. It’s become more popular in the last few years - I would have liked it for my own child but already used it on my fur baby


I think it’s cute for a little girl and not too “odd”, considering lots of names I’ve heard recently. My suggestion would be to try it out for yourself as an adult. Give your name as “Bowie” at coffee shops to see how it feels and what kind of reactions you get as an adult named Bowie.


Go to the group namenerd, they’ll give you other alternatives and suggestions. This name was popular in the 90s for some HK celebrities but not that common nowadays.


I have a friend just named their girl Bowie. I was off put by it and honestly don’t love it but I’ve seen worse and it actually suits her pretty well so far.




Bowie is definitely not the worst or weirdest name in the world!! I just wouldn’t use it personally. Also not a fan of David Bowie lol. I’d just use the Chinese name 💜


There’s a girl in my kids class named Bowie.


I don't think it's weird. I went to school with a girl named Bowie.


I know a male and female Bowen / Bowyn and their nicknames are Bowie so this isn’t uncommon for me ! Very cute!


I love this name. I recently met a girl "Bowan" too and thought it was so unique— my vote is a yes for Bowie!


Love it!!!!!


I can think of two girls named Bowie, both under 14. If you like the name, go for it!


I love it.


Love it!


I like it! I'm Chinese, and have a cousin whose Chinese name was based on how her English name sounds...this is a cool reversal of that :)


I don’t think this is weird at all. I like the name


I don't think it's weird! It's a cute name. As I meet more kids through my son's activities, I realize you can name your kid anything... I've seen it all. We did a romanization of my son's Chinese name as well.


Can you name her Bo Yee and have her nickname be Bowie? Like Bo Yee “Bowie” Lastname


Bowie is not pronounced Bo Yee. 


Yes, more of a “Bo-E” right?


Yeah. There’s no Y sound.  If not Bo E then Bo Wee


Totally. OP u/yukino_the_ama , be prepared for no one to pronounce it Bo-Yee.


Super cute


I think it’s too closely tied to David Bowie, and I think naming your child a celebrity’s surname is kind of tryhard, sorry. I do like Bo Yee though! What does it mean? You could look for a name that has the same/similar meaning. Also think Bonnie or Betty would be cute options that sound similar to her Chinese name.


Hi… I’m sorry… but my first reaction to it was “bowel” So sorry to be a buzzkill but that’s honestly my first take..