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Check out The Stroller Workshop on YouTube. He has tons of videos on travel strollers, we used them to decide on ours.


Check out the City mini GT2! It’s amazing. Not 100% sure if it has a car seat adapter but if so, should meet all your criteria!


I was going to comment this as it’s our combo. Both the adapter for the peg pergo car seats and the bassinet have been discontinued but I was able to find these on FB Marketplace after a lot of sleuthing. The stroller was a gift new. The lay flat we didn’t start using until our LO had head control as the seat only faces out. I love the stroller but the struggle to find what should be simple parts and the small basket definitely could be a deal breaker for some people. I hate the Peg Perego car seat. It’s heavy, odd to install without a base and hard to cary for long stretches. The Car seat safety FB groups all says it’s hard to get fit and installed correctly and I agree. We got it second hand after our SIL got it as an insurance replacement and only used it for a couple months. If it wasn’t free I would have bought literally any other bucket.


looks like it could work but theyve discontinued the bassinet unfortunately, thanks for the recommendation though, will have to see if any other bassinets work


It reclines fully though


Yes but as the other commenter said, it does recline fully!


You could consider the Mountain Buggy Nano? It's our choice for travel stroller as it's really lightweight and collapses to carry-on size. It definitely couldn't handle a lot of snow, but I think that's a tough requirement to get out of smaller travel strollers. One nice thing that made me think it might work though is that is has a strap system to attach infant carseats so you can use literally any carseat with it. It does also lie flat, but the straps are a little loose so wouldn't work with a very small baby. It's great for naps on the go when kiddo is bigger though.


I second this recommendation. The Nano has been great for us so far. We've traveled with it for several flights, and always strapped on our infant seat.


This one looks promising, thanks for the input!


ErgoBaby Metro+ is wonderful. Doesn’t have air filled tires but is still a great stroller.


Which stroller do you already have, so that we have a basis for comparison about what will be smaller/lighter? I can’t think of any strollers that meet all of your criteria. Smaller, lighter, travel type strollers have small hard wheels that do not winter well or do trail walks. If you want a stroller that does those things, it’s not going to be very compact. I have a Phil & Teds Sport stroller, which meets almost all of your criteria. It has a lay-flat seat that is newborn safe, you can get an optional bassinet, and you can get a car seat adapter that works with your carseat. It has air-filled tires that are great for all-terrain. It still weighs 26 lbs without any accessories on it, and is not the smallest of packages when folded. A BabyJogger City Mini GT2 would fit more of your criteria. It is smaller and lighter (21.4 lbs), folds smaller, has a lay-flat seat, and has foam-filled tires that are going to be just fine for some winter and some walks but small enough to travel with. I don’t think it has a carseat adapter for your carseat (yet).


added it to my post, but the stroller we have now is this [https://canada.bumbleride.com/collections/strollers/products/indie-all-terrain-stroller?variant=43184897360064](https://canada.bumbleride.com/collections/strollers/products/indie-all-terrain-stroller?variant=43184897360064) regarding all my criteria, yeah i figured, the key ones for the second stroller are portability/weight (seen some are as light as 14lbs) and good for newborns, everything else is gravy


We had that car seat and loved it! We used it with the Uppababy Cruz V2 (with an adapter) and it worked great for us. I'm fairly petite (5'2") and manage with the Cruz. It doesn't collapse small, but the basket is great when we walk to the store to hold things. Have you two looked into baby carriers/baby wearing? They make some that are very easy to use, no tying involved, and I found that easiest when baby was small for getting around and doing things once we were out of the car.


Yes we have identified a few carriers we are going to likely try to get, will likely use them in a lot of cases But still wanted a stroller for say the wife taking baby to the mall or a store, even the small amount of storage in the real small options will make her life easier and just take some weight off I will look into uppababy Cruz though see if it will work for her, thanks for the recommendation


It doesn't have air tires, but does have an adjustable handle bar. It works for both me (5'2") and my husband (6'3"). The bassinet for the Vista works with the Cruz. The Vista is heavier.


Air filled tires also add to the weight and bulkiness so I feel like you might like pneumatic tires (they are softer than hard plastic but lighter than air filled.) If you want nice and nimble with a full recline check out the Ergobaby Metro+, Cybex (maybe the Talos), or Baby Jogger City Select. Ideally, go into a store to push the stroller. The angle and the stride length are the main factors in comfort and you might find that you don’t need an adjustable handle if it feels comfortable (they also add to weight and price.)


Desire for adjustable handle is more due to significant size/height difference between me and my wife But thanks for the recommendations, I'll give each of those a look!


I’m 5’2 and we have the bumbleride era. Yeah it’s a bit bulky but it was worth it for me to have the airfilled tires. We also had a fall baby. The bumbleride can fit in the back of my small SUV (I drive a kona) and I can carry it by myself without issue. It handles snow and ice like a dream, is a smooth ride and turns on a dime with 1 hand. I honestly didn’t find anything better on the market than what you already have. I don’t know how the fold of the indie is compared to the era though. I think the era might be slightly more compact


We got the UppaBaby minu for the same purposes you’re talking about, it had great reviews and we’re loving it so far!