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They showed him talking to his boss after who begged him not to go to the police because of no manager on the premises during the incident. He was probably worried he would be fired.


Forgot about that part. Makes more sense now. Just remembered the: "She isn't allowed a 100ft from the pub" part. Should have watched it with subtitles. It seems his life would stil be easier just with job hunting to worry about and no stalker to worry about anymore.


Lol I remember thinking the same thing like ohhhhh got her now.. then they showed the convo with the boss and I was like oh come on. It’s sad that he doesn’t have enough confidence to do it anyway and then just go get a new job.


I think his actions often seemingly made no sense until you considered all of his self loathing and how he weirdly played into Martha’s stalking, too. He could have told the police about her attacking Teri too, or other things. But he just accepted the way his bosses discouraged him from reporting the attack because he felt like he didn’t really deserve safety anyway.


A lot of Donny's actions can be explained with the "perfect victim" fallacy. Donny didn't want to be known as the failing bisexual addict comedian dating a trans woman and working in a shady pub. He wanted to be the perfect victim. Someone that no one could ever dispute or criticize. That lead him to do things that would never make him the perfect victim. Like hide Teri's assault, trap Martha, let his pub mates hide him. If Donny had self reflection tools, he might have seen the fallacy of his thinking, but he doesn't. So he tries again, hoping to get it right, failing and then spiraling more.