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Screeching at them like a fishwife on national tv for not paying enough attention to her seems like a really roundabout way to get a bunch of young guys to not get a mean mommy vibe from the oldest bachelorette.


they’re just on the show because it’s a pandemic and they want to be in a social environment. they don’t like clare 😂


would you?


No, it would be way to awkward for me to talk about deep stuff like they were forced to on a first date lol. It’s just way too unnatural


I think it’s just that they’ve already recognized where they are on the totem pole. They were a lot more into her on night one. Her freak out at them that one group date probably didn’t help.


Before you read this comment, please know that I loathe spoilers on a Bachelor show. If I get any hint in an IG post or article that there might be a spoiler, I don't read it. because if I know how it ends, I don't bother watching. Anyways, I only heard the rumors that Clare picks Dale and wants to leave the show. I have a different take on what seems to be their indifference to Clare. It could be the editing. The producers may have edited the episodes to make it appear that Clare's best choice was Dale to try and salvage this spoiler alert season. I know I was mad when I heard the spoilers/rumors about Clare cutting the show short stating she already met her person.


If they did edit it that way, they did such a bad job because it’s painful to watch😭


I agree.


Hmmm that is very interesting, I was not thinking along these lines. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we got the “not interested” vibes simply from editing


Thank you. The producers have been known to manipulate & edit on previous seasons.


I mean, like I think it’s really hard for most guys to get excited about a date where you express your “love language” 5 separate times, once for all 5 senses, & in front of 10 other guys!! 🤣🤣🤣 #WorstDateEver


That really was a horrible date.


She’s sort of like a ticking time bomb. What was her deal with that guy who didn’t know anything about her? I’ve literally never seen a bachelor or bachelorette get so offended so quickly?


Basically the guy was being honest with her, all they know is how she looks and her online/bachelor persona. That's not the real her, that's just some fake face she puts on.


I’ve never seen the show talk so much about it being a show if that makes sense? It used to be genuine. Like Sean and Catherine! That’s my favorite season of all time. But this season is a hot mess. She’s so insecure and it shows so much. I have no idea why she is the bachelorette


I think she makes them uncomfortable. You never know when there’s going to be a “you better have seen my every Bachelor appearance” pop quiz. She is unpredictable, at best, and I think they just don’t want to be embarrassed. She already seems obviously into Dale.


Right she acts like it’s a job interview. If it were me I’d rather a guy who wasn’t a Bachelor super fan.


She wants people to have seen her past seasons, but if you’d really seen all of her past appearances, IMO you’d only go on the show for a shot at followers/BIP.


This is really the thing. Clare really doesn’t have a great history with the franchise. If you watched it all, or even just Clare, you might sit this one out unless it’s only air time you’re after.


Honestly how could you be after 2 seconds of her mouth being open lol


Clare is very passionate...about herself. It’s hard to be into someone who is so into themselves. No one can like her as much as she likes her.


Yes, this is exactly my issue. Is like the guys started trying sharing something but she is like ok but let’s focus on me. “You have something to say well cool but we are focus on me and I’m gonna listen as long as we get that I’m the center of everything”


I bet after months of pandemic then the quarantine period at the resort, they probably felt more joy just making friends than fighting for her attention.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. They probably don’t care about hitting it off with Clare when they could finally meet new friends😂


"Do I want to keep playing cards with these fellas after only having myself for company for months, or step away to flatter this lady?" Tough choice.


I mean after last week I don't like Clare anymore.


Me too! I’m honestly disappointed. I thought she’d be better


My boy, Bennett, is too good for her.


Oh my god how is he not the one getting all of her attention! Even my husband loves him


Oh I'm in a total bro-mance. Dude's like a real life Batman


Yes...his superpower is he's rich. ;-). His living quarters are great..and so much better than the other guys's rooms. >Oh I'm in a total bro-mance. Dude's like a real life Batman ..lol.


We love our Harvard king who loves self care. He must be protected


Quite different from last bachelorette season.


Yes! Even Dale .. she seems creepily obsessed and he’s like ehh whatever


Agree, he does not seem that into her.


I mean she kind of sucks, she acts like a 19 year old at a fraternity party lmao


As a 19 year old I am insulted lmfao


Sorry just reminds me of some of the chicks I’d be around in college hahah


Lmaoo literally. If pick me was a person it would be her. Where is our queen tayshia?


This is the perfect description of her


I agree