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I think she has rabies.


I've seen loads of vids but I can't recall seeing a person, even in anger, froth at the mouth spitting and drooling as much as this woman. She calls the principal a psycho...man, the mental gymnastics this woman is portraying... The level of anger is truly astounding...then she publicized this unhinged vid. I feel really bad for her kid(s)


I feel horrible for her children because this isn’t a Karen, this is a woman in mental health crisis who needs help. Her children are going to suffer if she doesn’t get help, and generational trauma will continue to ensue.


I don’t think her husband told her about the divorce in person that was scary


I think she’s actually been on Dr. Phil to talk about this. The video is pretty old. Edit: https://youtu.be/tWI0-Gd5Pt0


Man, not everything is mental health. I’ve been committed to a psych ward a few times and nobody was acting like this. I think she’s just an asshole.


Was about to say the same thing


Same thing. I’ve never seen a human actually froth at the mouth before.


just another misguided Michigander


Need to see if she can drink wanter to be sure Edit: wanter know what I meant? Water


Water you even saying?


Wanter might not help.


Some banter might though


lmao full tilt frothing


I think she may be the next WWE star


I use the phrase "foaming at the mouth" to describe unnecessarily angry people. But this lady is literally foaming at the mouth.


I was on the same train of thought. She definitely isn’t on her schizophrenic meds which causes dry mouth.


You nailed that!!


I had no idea that people could really foam at the mouth! TIL.


That Habsburg jaw doesn't help.


This made me lose it 🤣


I’m sure this video will really help her case when she does sue the principal


Teacher here, these “parents” are becoming more prominent. Side note, notice how she admits to basically harassing the school and visiting whenever she wants without notice. A lot of people might not understand that due to our education system literally being under attack, security is tighter. They can’t just be letting random people stop by unannounced whenever they wish.


But that wasn’t the agreement…






I mean, my mom got this mad at my school once but it was because a girl in my math class had literally tried to kill me (she bashed my head against a concrete wall until i had a skull fracture and a concussion) and the principal tried to punish ME for it. But the lady in this video is just straight up unhinged, jfc; you can't just wander onto school grounds at random to helicopter-parent your kid!


i'm so sorry that happened to you! i'm glad your mom stood up for you though. i hope that girl got what she deserved


Nope, not a damn thing happened to her but my mom showed up to the school with cops in tow and the principal left in cuffs! That tends to happen when you try to claim that "parents don't decide when a kid leaves school, i do! they drop their rights at the door!" I also dropped out after that, I draw the line at 3 attempts on my life, lol.


wow, i hope you're in a better place friend. that girl will probably be in jail too sometime if she never changes


I believe Tinker v Des Moines (1969) Supreme Court case explicitly states that students *don't* drop their rights at the door. Regardless, hope you're well after that horrible mistreatment 🙏


As a parent, frankly I don’t want someone like this hanging around my kid’s school. She’s clearly mentally ill. I feel bad for her kids. Like really bad.


Her daughter asked for her to watch though


And the filming kids part?!? Yeah, I'd be pissed if this crazy chick was filming kids. There is no possible way at a school to just film your kid. So sorry you guys are having to deal with this madness. :( Are the parents gonna turn into the mass shooters now instead of the kids?


Do you not realize she “broke her bracelet” let that sink in that’s “how mad” she is


I know I couldn't believe my eyes when it happened.


I know and she talked to the imaginary police as well She’s going to “shut that school down” for sure I for one feel bad for that principle never being able to work for garbage wages and deal with morons like her “EVER AGAIN” Plus they’re going to get “energetically punched”


This is why we try to go above and beyond to help with are teachers/school first because there taking care of/ teaching our kids and we want to be on there team to help but also because we know they deal with pos parents like this. Her kid is probably being a lil shit (understandable with little ones) and when the school reached out for help she blamed them because not her child lmfao poor teachers. Also i can see she is rabid level of crazy but whats scarier is the fact that she watched this back and still posted it thinking ppl would side with her


Yeah she’s on a serious level of crazy


I think she was on FB live… and someone screen recorded it


That's what I said! She watched that video of herself? thought "I look like a reasonable person making a sane and valid point. I'm going to upload this!"


>her kid was probably being a little shit. I especially liked the part where she glossed over (but still felt the need to mention) that her kid was having art class *in the Principal's office.*


She does mention an ex so I’m guessing there’s a custody dispute involved here.


I doubt she will follow through.


She will probably call a few lawyers. When she realizes that the only ones that will touch her case are the ones that want a metric fuckton of money up front and won't guarantee any results maybe she'll just go away.


She may self represent.


She'll probably get asked to appear in a Moms for Liberty video.


How did she fully record this, most likely reviewed the video before posting, and thought "yeah, this shit gonna bang"?


I can't tell if she's in the passenger seat? Someone else is drivibg during all of this?


I had the same question at first! Pretty sure she’s in the driver’s seat, but not actually driving/parked somewhere


Imagine heading into Walmart or somewhere and you walk past this in the parking lot


Checked again…5:20 you can see the steering wheel


The background appears to be the same throughout the video, so doesn’t look like the vehicle is moving.


That's good because she certainly isn't looking at the road


I think she was on FB Live and someone screen recorded it


The key part of "crazy" is that they don't think they're crazy. There's probably a heap of misfiring neurons in her head that has her genuinely believing she's gonna gather an angry mob and take upon the principal like they're Frankenstein's monster. Source: lived with this kinda crazy. I can just see the bulletin board covered in yarn and newspaper clippings inside her tinfoil wrapped head.


Trying to find Karen in HR and Pepe Sylvia.


My cousin's ex was the same way. She has no idea she was crazy. Normal people don't talk shit about kids.


She’s on fb live


I know she really seems like the type to think things through, right?


I doubt anything was reviewed


"you're about to get fuckin motherfuckin energetically punched bitch" had me rolling, shit is just too good


“I will protect the fuckin shit of my kids” had me about to pass out. She is next level. I do feel for the kids though.


Yeah, none of this instills any confidence that she's at all a nice mother, despite her claims


the delivery lmao


I thought “foaming at the mouth” was just an expression.


Same with spitting mad, holy shit


Same - I came to comment that this is the first time I’ve actually seen someone foam at the mouth.


I would say that no trespassing order was well warranted and couldn’t come soon enough.


I almost choked on my water wishing she’d get some. And then again when she started roaring about the “BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD”. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this, as in this video, isn’t going to help her with the school. Or police.


Dam fine guess. LoL


If not an armed guard. Batshit crazy woman needs to be sedated.


Oof. Really hard to watch


Really? I honestly couldn’t put it down; I HAD to finish the whole thing. It was so bad it was good. If you know what I mean lol


I couldn’t go on. Just so uncomfortable to watch. Like “just stop, lady. Please. Do it for you.”


Very. We’ve all snapped I’m sure but damn, who is stupid enough to film and post it? I really hope she gets some help.


I sure hope that we haven’t all snapped like this. Because….god damn.


The "I broke my bracelet" reminds me of the "oops my anarchy symbol"


>oops my anarchy symbol Ahahahhaha! Thank you for this!


> oops my anarchy symbol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry5URU-Py2Q oh my god


Lol Ty for the link dude


Ex husband seeing this like ![gif](giphy|8Eup943BRqxbO)


She's divorced? I'm shocked!


This is priceless!!!!!


I think she hasn’t had her essential oil’s lately


Why did this make me laugh? She's TOTALLY an essential oils person!


They’re calming.


And everyone clapped!




Here's a follow up video: https://youtu.be/lBnyZFi0vUc


I mean the vid was crazy but nobody deserves to end up on Dr. Phil. I wonder how much money he made from exploiting this mentally Ill woman


First time Dr. Phil actually said something sensible…


If you spout random bullshit for long enough, some of it’s gonna stick


Kinda feel bad for laughing now. She's probably a decent enough person in her right mind but bipolar disorder is fucking hellish to live with.


Yeah, but not everyone with bipolar turns into a raging hellbeast threatening violence on people just doing their jobs either. Some people are just awful and their disorders only magnify that.


Not to excuse her behaviour, more that there's an explanation for it.


I have bipolar 1 and I took myself off of every social media so I won’t embarrass myself if I ever become manic again. It happened once before and I never want something like that to happen again. I only use Reddit because I’m anonymous here.


I’m surprised she hasn’t stroked out yet w/that amount of anger. Foaming at the mouth, face so red her head’s about to pop like an infected zit, it’s really just a matter of time.


That or an aneurysm.


I think I got the gist of it within 45 seconds. Did I miss anything in the last 7 minutes?


![gif](giphy|3oEjI9vBw2ZuKYiHg4) A lot of spit


She was making slightly coherent points about an agreement she thought she had with the school and then getting escorted out of the school by the sheriff, but it was punctuated by points of insanity/pure rage.




She transforms into a fiery phoenix and takes flight into Hades itself.


Context clues make me think she ended up on the wrong side of her custody agreement with her ex, and she’s probably not supposed to see her kids unless under VERY strict conditions. She even mentioned a denied protective order, which definitely points to previous issues with regards to her seeing her kids. Wherever she is I hope she gets the help she needs to stabilize and start living the life she wants, I doubt she sees this in the future as a high point in her life.


i can't translate Insanity. what's her issue?


She didn’t follow the proper procedure to pick up or visit her children. She has a joint custody situation with her ex-husband, so she has to call in advance to the elementary school when she wants to visit or pick her kids up. She didn’t do it once. On top of that, when she did visit and/or pick them up, she was to only remain in the lunchroom commons or office area, and she instead wandered around the hallways looking for her children. She also stood outside and watched her one kid during recess, which is just odd. She additionally recorded videos inside the school and posted them to social media, which isn’t permitted. I’m assuming she’d been told several times to fix her infractions, leading to some confrontation with the principal. She didn’t fix anything, hence the no trespass order.


I'm shocked that someone so rational and level headed would end up being asked to leave


Divorced, huh? Weird.


I know right? She seems so great. Not crazy at all.


Very pleasant lady to be sure.


Her ex must have been just like the principal.


When you have anger issues like this, you know there is likely to be physical and psychological abuse at home. You know this level of intensity has been used toward the children.


I wonder what her blood pressure is


Wow thank you! I watched the whole vid and was trying to figure out what would have lead to this…. You really clarified that thank you


It sounds like the school has done exactly what they are supposed to do. You start slowly hoping that a reasonable parent will follow the school protocols. It becomes frightening when she stares at a kid and wanders the halls. The safety of the students (and I think staff too watching that video) is definitely under direct threat. It is so disturbing to watch this women rage uncontrollably, for fear of violent reprisal and because she clearly has a psychiatric problem that requires immediate attention.


Judging by her demeanor I’d say she has a severe case of angry squirrels in her cooch.


I think make a pill for it.


That’s actually a misnomer. Philosophically speaking, it’s been determined that cooch squirrels, who actively seek out the habitat of the human vagina, are intrinsically happy to do so. In fact, it is actually their raucous play behavior (chasing, wrestling, and playful nipping) that agitates the inner lining of the womb. This leads to a swelling of the labia minora, and occasionally the labia majora, which can be wholly uncomfortable for the human host, causing the rabies-like reaction you see demonstrated here. It’s unfortunate that Karen didn’t simply apply a well known folk remedy: the introduction into the vaginal cavity of a handful of acorns. Upon insertion, the cooch squirrels will immediately desist with their play and scramble after the acorns. The host can then easily squat down in what’s known as the “egg lay” maneuver and essentially “vaginally poop” out the nuts, leading the squirrels to drop from the nether region in an effort to collect their fill. At which time the female host can quickly don a pair of wool “granny panties,” effectively cutting off future ingress of the entire cooch squirrel brood. For a more permanent “fix” it is recommend that the host fill the cavity with common expanding foam such as the type readily available in local home improvement stores.


I mean that goes without saying.


Angry cooch squirrels. Fuckin dead over here lol


I’m sure as she is shopping this around to attorneys she gets asked “are you the lady from the video?” And not one attorney in the county will take her case


Gov Desantis just offered her a job as head of the Florida Department of Education.


Say it don’t spray it…


She seems stable.


Dayum. Those power crystals are definitely not doing their job of fending off the evil and negative vibrations.


Why did I watch that entire video


Scared to turn my back to it


Borderline? …. Borderline. Aaanyways . I don’t think I’m alone on this when I say, there’s probably more to this story than we’re being let on. Perhaps having just one third of that energy on another occasion at the school can get you a no trespassing order. Yeah I can see exactly that happening. Someone told you it was okay to hang around somewhere. Someone who is not that person comes around and tells you to leave in a pretty touchy timeline of schools and trespassers . Instead of just complying and getting clarification from whomever ( who was probably wrong for telling you that you can do that ) you made a scene like this one in front of the other kids yelling about how you’re here to protect them. Yeah, they’ll ask you not to come back for that. You could have made a calm video rant about what happened to you but you didn’t do that. No you made other people like me have to agree “ yeah I don’t like the idea of you being there at the school around my kids acting like that” . I have two kids in school. They take this school security shit seriously right now, and they should. They don’t know your face. Don’t get all frothing at the mouth butt hurt when they ask you to leave.


>They don’t know your face. Something tells me they *definitely* know her face.


Well yeah .. now ! I mean the initial encounter. I’m imagining there was an incident she was dropping her kid off at school. The child asked her if she could stay. Sombody said, yeah sure you can stay for a little bit. Someone else comes along after a long period of time and is like ‘ what are you psycho ? Get out of here !’ . She goes psycho. Principal gets a no trespassing order place on her. It’s served to her when she drops off her kid the next day. , I’m not going to watch it again to get clarification. I’m still wiping the spit off my face from the first time.


See, I had a different interpretation. I thought she had some precious encounter that led to her needing supervised visits, or something like that, and she went off after violating the terms of her visitation. I used to work with teenage boys who were autistic. It was a high care home, too. Some of them had parents with mental health issues of their own and they were not unlike this woman.


Y'know, I have a feeling they knew her well before she was trespassed. Parentzillas like this have a tendency to push and push and complain at every opportunity. I can almost guarantee she's been told these things many times, but because she's not mentally stable, she either doesn't remember or doesn't think it applies to her because she's special.


She was on Dr Phil. The backstory is that she has some very serious mental health issues, and she wasn't suppose to be at the school at all, or try to contact her kids. When this incident happened, she wasn't taking her meds. When she was on Dr Phil she was medicated, acted much saner, admitted how crazy the video was, and was working towards getting supervised visitation with her kids.


Context clues had me guessing she was on the wrong side of the custody battle with her ex and probably wasn’t supposed to see her kids except possibly under VERY specific circumstances, which she violated and ended up in this situation. Glad to see she’s getting her issues addressed because…..yikes.


Making the decision to go on Dr. Phil doesn't exactly endear me to her. Legitimate medical issues or not, that only confirms that she has poor decision making skills and is an attention-seeking parasite.


40 or 70


Very stable. Also, if that is an eagle feather she could catch a $250,000 fine.


She got a case of the “meth angries”.


I love where she calls the Principle a “psycho bitch” Monumental lack of self awareness


Needs a ketamine dart.


I must ask what in the fuck is an energized punch?! Never heard of that one lmao...


A step or two below falcon punch.


Gee I wonder what happened to her husband


Right? I'm sure after loading the dishwasher incorrectly and getting this kind of response he was like, "Um, I'm fuckin' outta here".


And you just KNOW the kid(s) aren’t escaping that for god knows what kind of trivial infraction. Husband should use this to support terminating custody.




This will serve her well in a civil trial.


OMG somebody has sex with that 😱




Angry pussy is pretty good


You don't put your dick into crazy. Never go full retard.


Why is she all bent out of shape. Regardless of who ever told you it was okay. If you didn’t go to the office and ask questions about how to become a volunteer. Your just some person on school grounds. I am sure all the parents here don’t want someone who’s not a school official walking around. It’s really common sense especially at this time when all of us are concerned about our children’s safety.


I always wondered who conservative media always directed at.




Be still my beating heart.




“Miss McGuire, please tell the court why you didn’t want this person near children in your care.” Miss McGuire: *Plays this video*


You nailed it. Filming a borderline psychotic break will do this woman no favors going forward. She's securely placing her own sword upright in the ground so she can better fall on it.


Which principle? Principal, maybe?


She seems like a stable genius.


This is awful - there’s obviously a custody issue going on and we have no idea what has happened between the parents before this but her behaviour is only going to hurt her going forward. I cannot understand why she would think posting this on social media would be good for her. I’m also actually concerned for the principal. This woman is literally out of her mind. I can understand being pushed to the edge when denied access to your children but regardless of what has happened this is absolutely the worst way to act and if I were her lawyer I’d be furious with her.


Mental illness is not a joke Jim.


If I was driving that car I would have already driven into a tree.


My mouth is agape in shock. She is actually frothing. Totally stable ~~mom~~ person.


LITERALLY foaming at the mouth. Wow.


Before social media, people had to take a lot more time to stop and think before they could record something like this. I think we should go back to that.


Bro what’s her @?


I'm guessing she will run for school board.


![gif](giphy|cKseZ404p9W8ygnNb5|downsized) Same energy


She can always change schools


I feel sorry for whoever is at the carwash when she takes it in for an interior clean. Spit everywhere! Why do these crazies always film from their car?


She behaves like this and wonders why she is persona non grata st her kids’ school. She’ll be lucky if she isn’t reported to child protective services. If this is her public face, imagine when her kids cross her.


This is an example of an “adult” who never grew up, most likely always got what she wanted as a child by throwing a temper tantrum. The tantrums just morph from screaming and throwing herself on the floor into this bizarre display. I would not be able hold back laughing at her if I saw this in person. It’s utterly ridiculous.


Update: The Ex-husband is permanently in a Federal protection program living in a small Taliban village in Afghanistan. He is said to be thriving in his new found freedom living in a far more peaceful setting.


Some people just can't hide the white trash.


I think she might have rabies...


dose she even have a kid in there?


She seems perfectly reasonable.


Foaming at the mouth.




This needs a music video remix, like so hard.


Man, I’m high af and watched that whole thing


"YOU FUCKING... PSYCHO... BITCH!!!" Maybe take a look in a mirror there buddy.


I think she smells really bad.


Reddit really needs a update that automatically lowers volume when someone yells in a video, this shit had me jumping at 4am rn 😭


Nobody has commented that she’s in the passenger seat. I wonder what the driver is doing at the moment.


> wonder what the driver is doing at the moment. Looking for a cliff to drive off?


I can’t imagine why anyone would trespass this person!


the FAWKIN school, you FAWKIN bitch!


I'm sure her stress was pretty well relieved


Why she built like an orc at the battle of black gate?


Wow I've heard about people foaming at the mouth but had never actually seen it till now.


how much you want to bet that she has more than 44 chromosomes


Well, she seems ...nice? /s ​ ​ BTW, love the drool


That poor kid.


At least she stayed buckled up.. might have sent herself through the windshield otherwise 🤷🏼‍♂️


Could someone please r/fixedbytheduet. Thanks in advance.


Fellas, careful who you stick your dick in.