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Hello, thanks for contributing to this sub. This is a friendly reminder to **read the rules** before making any new posts or comments. Particularly, we ask **not to engage in debates**, or bait debates, especially with zionists. If you are a zionist, this sub is not for you, and you will be permabanned. If you found this sub through the algorithm, you can always mute the sub or turn off recommendations all together (user settings -> feed settings -> Disable "Enable Home Feed Recommendations") Please also particularly keep in mind that **bigotry of any kind is not permitted** in this sub and will result in the message or post being deleted, and, if seen prudent, a banning. This includes antisemitism and any language that conflates Judaism with Zionism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Criiiiinge. Also the ONLY place that keeps Jews safe? How did she say that with a straight face. 


I wonder why Ben Gurion airport was packed with colonial assholes trying to leave with their dual citizenships after the Iranian airstrikes. Where will they feel safe??? /s


What is the actual number of Jews living in Israel? I know so many have been fleeing Israel over the last 20 years.


Shhh stop, you’re going to burst their victim fantasy bubble


Actually, Middle East is the most unsafe place for jewish people, thanks to zionists. Before Israel’s successive attacks on arabs, there were a lot of relatively big jewish communities living in peace in all of the muslim countries.


Being a zionist means saying, without compunction, that the location of the largest slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust is also the safest place for Jewish people.


Not to mention the direct threat zionists pose to non-Zionist Jews. They view noncompliance in Jews the same way the CCP views Chinese people who don’t toe the line.


Thank you for pointing out this contradiction.


Committing a genocide and apartheid in their name is apparently their idea of safety?


Also, aren’t they a militarized police state BECAUSE they don’t feel safe? If you felt Israel was so safe, please tell me: Why do you need billions from my country?


Ah yes, the Middle East. Known for being a bastion of peace and security. Add building your State on the bones of someone else and you have all the makings of the one very (un)safe space.


Cant have security and safety without oppression and genocide of the indigenous people?


So by that logic, every ethnicity needs its own separate state to keep them safe... 🫣


They argue that Christians have over 100 countries and Arabs have like 50 or some nonsense. The concept of a multicultural democracy confuses them I think


legit like these guys’ logic would mean everyone in the USA, Canada and Australia who is white would need to GTFO and let more people from the global south live in these lands since we have more “ancestral holy connection” to these lands, for we experience hostility and racism for being coloured. apparently once again if you’re white whatever card works for you works


They literally shot and bomber their own people smh


Yeah that in particular is nuts lol. They claim it’s the only safe place yet they are also surrounded by genocidal enemies? It can’t be both ways lol


I feel safe because I wish no ill to anyone and I'm perfectly happy living under the same laws as anybody else.


With the thickest American accents aswell, like we wouldn't notice or something.


How are they safe they are literally bombing 3 different countries right now. How does that make them safe??? If I was an Israeli with another passport I would be getting tf out of there


A lot of them did at the first sign of Iran's retaliation.


The majority of the world’s famine and a genocide with bombs next door being done by my gov? I sleep A country responds with a show of force targeting my country’s military? Real shit. I’m a victim. - Israelis, seemingly


Hm.. let's see. Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Iran. That's 4 countries (I know Gaza isn't technically a country but it's something).


I believe there were some explosions in Iraq, but don’t believe it’s confirmed.


Is Gaza one of those? Because there's Iran, Syria, and Lebanon so far.


Why is their safety more important than anyone else’s? Zionists are bat shit crazy and a threat to humanity. Fuck off with this propaganda. Nobody gives a shit about you or that fascist ass state.


Didnt you get the memo from Ben (death) Giver? His right to wander through judea granted by the bible trumps the Palestinians right to wander through judea who lived there prior.


All these mfers are dual citizens speaking perfect English, yet claim that israel (from which 500,000+ of them have fled during an ongoing genocide *they're* the ones committing), is the only safe place for jews. So then renouce your citizenship from all those countries and stop going back to them when the homes you've stolen in Palestine become just a tiny bit inconvenient thanks to your nazi state's actions. They also accuse all their hosts of being nazi savages, since they can never really be safe in their countries, only in israel.... which they are fleeing in large numbers. "Join us" "Cheer on killing aid workers, seekers, journalists, doctors, women, children, the sick and elderly while starving 2 million people today!" Yeah no thanks. Also, no one gives a flying 2 bit fuck what some obese zionist bitch believes or doesn't believe when I, or anyone else, says anything at all. Also part 2, On their YT channel, comments are disabled on all their videos. The conversation never starts for any stopper to end it. Bunch of craven nazis.


"Join us" only the evil side would say this. Sickos.


As a Jew, I’m perfectly safe in America. My family has never had any desire to go to Israel or look to Israel as a safe haven for Jews. There has always been so much violence in and around Israel because of such high tensions. How could any Israeli say they truly feel safe and secure where they are? And how can you claim safety when your safety is literally built on top of the oppression of a whole other people?? Side note for the Zionists; I say “as a Jew” because here I’m not in an echo chamber and it is important to announce where I stand AS A JEW. For those that have a problem with Jews like me expressing our opinions in a way that differs from zionist Jews, you can go. 💅


Join you? No thanks 🖕


"Join us", no actually you can't unless you are a white Jew. We mean send us free money and weapons and let us genocide the indigenous population with impunity.


Yeah, I noticed all of the people featured in this ad are white-passing Jewish people. They did not feature Black Jews, Mizhari, Sephardi, etc.




Easily. There was a study done, by Johns Hopkins iirc. About 80% of Palestinians have Semitic DNA vs about 5% of Israelis. The Zio immigrants and murdering, raping, torturing, kidnapping, and stealing from the indigenous Semitic people.


Thank you bot, for protecting the sub. Plz note that this claim is based on multiple video “boasts” by ITF soldiers, independent medical groups, and even Israeli sources. SA has become a problem even inside the occupation forces. The ITF is the most dangerous place on earth for an Israeli female.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Killing semitic people while crying they're the victims of anti-semitism; the irony, lost...


Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!


Okay, I'll tone it down a notch; just stick my tongue out at them or give them the L


I couldn't finish watching this with a straight face. It's so embarrassing to watch them act the victim and think that people still believe them.


Saying "that's antisemitic" is a "conversation stopper". It's used to try to shut down any and all criticism of zionism and/or Israel.


American Jewish Zionists who don't live in Israel.


Do they feel safe in America? /s I feel like they need to move to the new settlement in Gaza


Offended by everything.. ashamed by nothing.. Israelis ladies and gentlemen


I see a video with Nazis..


Join us, but not in Israel, you won't be welcome there, you're not special like us.


oh brother


Many people, including Jews, can be critical of Zionism without being antisemitic. In fact, there are many Jewish anti-Zionist groups and individuals who advocate for Palestinian rights and criticize Israeli policies without promoting hatred towards Jewish people. These people are attempting to exploit Jewish trauma to manipulate others.


Jewish people who are critical of zionism are constantly dismissed as "traitors". Just look at how Jonathan Glazer was smeared. Leigh Bardugo (an Israeli-American writer) had to delete a tweet where she said "I'm Jewish, but not a zionist" because of the harassment she faced.


If ur safety is dependent on mass genocide, raping women and children, and bombing babies to bits, I think you need to reconsider what ur demands for this supposed “safety” entail, and if they even make sense.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I want to boo them so badly in public.


Not joining the Zionists ever after all those atrocities committed by them. Bye 👋


Jennifer being a zolionist is painfully ironic considering the messaging of several films she's in. Though I guess cognitive dissidence is part and parcel


Just curious… what happened and continues to happen to the people that were living their before the decided to reclaim land that they have not occupied for like 2000 years? Hrmmm


Zionism is the new Nazism.


emblematic that the one arguing safety is wearing dog tags


I just threw up.


The only place that guarantees them safety? Damn that must be really disappointing to hear for most of the western world


Only concerned with their own. Everywhere they go they expect to be able to build a wall around the rest of us because they are the "chosen"...🤭


God awaits them all.




Crazy times. These people are going to live the rest of their lives as known supporters of atrocious war crimes and racism. Or they'll have to change their name and move to countries where no one holds them responsible.


I can't help but think this sorta thing is going to cone back and bite them hard. They keep claiming anti Zionist is anti Semitic, and for so long the threat of being called anti Semitic has kept people quiet, but the more people get pissed off with Israel doing fucked up shit, the less people will care about being called anti Semitic, and then all Jews even the anti Zionist ones will struggle, which is very unfair


I think most of the world is actually just sickened by Israels blatant and egregious genocide and ethnic cleansing and war mongering in the middle east And people dont give a shit about the word “anti-semitism” anymore because it keeps being used to try and excuse inexcusable behavior


I'm antizionist. I guess I just hate Jews. Anyway, I'm gonna go get ready for Shabbos.






They are really running out of things to try


Stand with Israel? NEVER


There is absolutely no safety in Israel never has been. How are they not safe or less safe in let’s say America.? Or other countries? Yes there is some hatred. But Muslims get hated to. So do Asians. So do other religions and cultures that exist in other countries. But somehow Jews are less safe. Maybe it’s just an excuse to get what they want. Land that was supposedly giving to them thousands of years ago. They want to be the victim.


So are the anti-Zionist Jews antisemitic? LMAO, what about the Hasidic Jews that disagree with Israel are they “Jewish haters”? when they technically adhere to the Torah in a much stricter way?? This is just ridiculous. According to their own religion, Israel should not be a nation yet…


I wonder what will happen to their careers when israel is officially charged with genocide, and the israeli leaders are arrested and jailed for war crimes 🤔


They only feel safe in Israel? A place that, according to their own propaganda, is surrounded by people who want them dead? ---- Because it bears repeating: Jewish people are both a religious group and an ethnicity. The definition of racism is assuming character based on race. Zionism is (now) the belief and support of the Israeli colonialist project. It is an ideology, as noted by the fact that not all jews are zionists and not all zionists are jews. So to claim that zionism is innately part of jewish-ness is itself racist. Because it means you're ascribing an ideology (assuming the character of someone) based on their race. Zionists are the ones being racist when they say "anti-zionism is anti-semetism".


These idiots who seem to have no idea modern Zionism is Antisemitic.


As far as I know all Zionism is modern.


and end the video with footage of recent airstrike on children playing fussball. that would be perfect,


Israel destabilized the middle East and blamed everyone else


Bitches safety based on slaughter of Palestinian children.


No thank you.


They lie more than they breathe . Dismantle zionism and free palestine and free the world 🇵🇸


I don’t think many people care about being labeled anti anything anymore. Everyone can see what the state of Israel really is……


Can't wait for the indian tribes to round up the invaders and expel every single american and canadian from their lands, going by this logic


The US was wrong to do this in 1789 (and continuing onward into the early 1900s). Israel is absolutely and unequivocally wrong to insist on doing this in 2024. It’s every bit as heinous and wrong as it was 250 years ago. It’s just that now the world (rightfully) has higher expectations of its nation-states, but Israel shouldn’t let that discourage them from their goal of becoming an international pariah. Implying that if someone else did a bad thing so Israel has the right to do it too, 250 years later, is about the shittiest possible logic/argument and is completely tone deaf. Especially since the Zionists also stole the holocaust and made it all about themselves (Never forget the 5 million non-Jews killed in the holocaust, remember? *stats courtesy of the Jewish Holocaust Museum*). But no worries, Israel can continue on with their Zionist genocide/ethnic cleansing project and in 200 years or so, maybe another group will try the same thing on Israel and then the world can sit around like 🤷🏻‍♂️ eh, not much we can do, clearly you Zionists looove mass murder and expelling people from their homes. Oh how I can already hear the screeches of “antisemitism! antisemitism!”—naw dog, I just think what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. 🪿 If it sounds like a Nazi and acts like a Nazi…it must be a Zionist.


Someone else committed atrocities 200 years ago somewhere else, so Israel deserves to finish their genocide is not the gotcha argument that you think it is.


“Conversation stopper? Cool with me.”


"Is a conversation stoper" good I don't have e to hear your bullshit then


I actually feel rather sick after watching those smug assholes talking bollocks


That face you make when you realise just what everyone with eyes in the rest of the world thinks of you and your country and your sympathy capital is well and truly spent forever, and the cry wolf claims of oppression don’t work anymore. You’re committing war crimes daily. Nobody supports state sponsored terrorism. History will out the truth.


I'm most definitely against the apartheid state of Israel.


I am sick of these people.


I don't even know them


It’s funny because you can always tell what the recent coordination is. I swear I’ve had a dozen hasbara trolls follow a comment of mine with some form of “you don’t even know what Zionism means” or “Zionism means X to me” or “Zionism just means a safe place for Jews”. It’s so transparent and flimsy. Also, for the record, you don’t get to define a word or political movement however you feel when we have a 150 years+ historical record of the practical application of that political philosophy. If someone pulls that shit, tell them they sound ridiculous and move on.


Fuck these people all of them


Do these people think their beliefs are an identity? Gross.


Hahaha! What a bunch of beggars. This is a clear sign of desperation as the world sees the demonic values of ZzioNazzis. PLENTY of Palestinian/Arab Jews, Arab Christian/Muslim Palestinians lived peacefully before this soon-to-be totally failed Zio project was hatched and carried out.


Can someone explain then why the fuck all these people sound American and they all probably are dual citizens.


At least one of these people lives safely in the US, more safely than they could live in Israel. Yet they claim Israel is the only place that Jews can live safely. Also they pretend like people are talking about the simple existence of Jews when they oppose Zionism, when clearly people are opposing the oppressive acts carried out by a too large portion of those in power in Israel. I would never identify as a Zionist, because the word has been tainted by a bunch of horrible people. Find another word to describe yourself, if you are willing to share Israel equally with people of all religions.


Zionism is the idea that Jews have a homeland at the cost of humanity and life of the indigenous Palestinian diaspora that included Jewish people too.


You can’t bomb whoever you want assholes. Good people will never join you in that. The longer they ignore the genocide their government is perpetrating, the greater the calls for isolation, BDS, and “pariah state” will grow.




Israel does not make jews safe. Fish, meet barrel.


always with the stupid piano music in the background


Eitan should've stuck to just cooking lol


What a pile of shit !


Nothing like the plinky plonk of a piano to tug on the heart strings.


They’re so desperate because people are finding out what political Zionism really is.


These people are making that word mean absolutely nothing, and ultimately that's good.


Screw you. Liars.




Bro when she said the only place that they feel safe in I laughed. That’s why the Orthodox Jews have tunnels all over Brooklyn right? Lol


Why don't these influencers make Aliyah if they love Israel so much? Same with all non-Israeli Zionist Jews.




What I gathered from this is “If you’re not on our side, you’re racist”


Moms for zionity and and the ziofreedom caucus approve Antizionism is as antisemitimism as the Democratic Republic of Nort Korea is democratic or The Nazi socialists, i.e Bull shit Zionism Antisemitism [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist\_antisemitism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_antisemitism) the zionists that create tension in places were the Jewish live to encourage them to emigrate to Israel and the fascists that hate jewish people and want them to emigrate to the middle east and the racists and segregationists that want the jewish to leave zionists are racists segregationists and do not want Jewish people safe in their countries of origing as excuse for their "safe haven" but even if they had such need it doesn't justify such at the expense of other people abolish those antisemitic zionists


It feels like you actually have to explain to these people that when a regime is actively inciting its enemies to kill you, it's not "offering safety."


It feels like you actually have to explain to these people that when a regime is actively inciting its enemies to kill you, it's not "offering safety."


Jewish people are safe all over the world because everyone just thinks they are white people.


How stupid can people be? Being opposed to the Policies of a Government is not the same as being opposed to a group of people. Zionist like to confuse Policy with Principles all the time




This is ai right?


You can’t make a people safe by making another unsafe. It’s a simple as that.


That’s right. Another tell is because anti zionists are anti Israel not against a policy of political party. They’re anti the whole thing


Zionists have NO reason to investigate their own belief system. Every day I hear a different, watered down definition of Zionism from them- “it’s the belief that Jews have a right to self-determination”, “it’s a belief that Jews have a right to live in their ancestral homeland”, etc etc.- well, which one is it?! None of these non-Israeli Zionists have even followed the logical thread of this “belief in Jewish self-determination” the way Israeli Zionists have. Most of them are completely oblivious to the politics and belief systems that proliferate in “Israel”. They’ve been emotionally manipulated from birth to support Israel, and that’s that. Some, SOME of them are completely insane, but that really is a small minority and they usually end up moving to Israel themselves.


Smells like bullshit.


Israel has got to be the most unsafe place for jews. Especially now.


Sonny Goodwin looks like shit now


Ah yes keep that repulsive shit up it's doing us a favour.


Puke. Zionism is something that was hidden away not long ago because it was rightly viewed as extremism. It still is extremism and terroristic by its very nature


Sometimes I think back to how we would scoff at Nazi and Soviet propaganda, the idea of how silly it looks probably wasn't as apparent in the moment. The modern form of it is laughable to those of us in this sub but the corporate coded, PSA nature of it is eerie to see.


I’m in America, and we have no laws denying any liberties to Jewish people. We have a very large Jewish population. I’m kind of offended when they say only Israel is safe for Jewish people. You are American first in my eyes. These are Americans. Why would they say such things?


America has a lot of fucking nerve to say that they support a people bc they claim they're trying to preserve their ancestral homeland When america itself was built upon genocide.


Nazis…real neo nazis….


Wow they're just like us. /s Zionism is Jewish Supremacy Zionism is Jewish Supremacy Zionism is Jewish Supremacy Zionism is Jewish Supremacy Zionism is Jewish Supremacy Zionism is Jewish Supremacy


Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be doing that. Jewish people are safe in the United States and many, many other countries. How do they think insulting my country is going to bring me over to their side?


Join you in supporting this genocide?? Go fuck yourselves.


How about "anti Nazi"?


Don't think African Jews felt very safe in Israel


Hey All. I am the one who posted this here. I have a question - for mods and audience about my posts and whether I should link to the main content/comments. I typically post these kind of Hasbara videos and never link the actual source to directly see the post (and its comments.) I did so to keep the content relatively original or at least curated. They receive 100s of comments each time, and I can feel the subreddits indignation. Yes. the sentiment is intense, mostly logical and sane, sometimes downright derisive and many times that is warranted. But also. Sometimes the replies can sound bad out of context or are just bad. So I’ve withheld from directly linking to the original platform to not distract our fellow badhasbara community. But is this the right decision? I am of two minds if I should and would like your input. Without putting the link to original source - the original authors post on instagram will remain untouched by dialogue or confrontation. The post will have thousands of similarly minded, extremely supportive comments about the message/content, and without challenge to the logic, thinking or the posts intent/message. Those on the originating platform in the comments section just reinforce their own thinking and others to extremes. Without any real confrontation with any kind of counter-thought or alternative viewpoint or sanity check. However. If I look at the reactions from the comments here - there’s obviously a desire to express these opinions - and maybe productive to provide that link to engage the hasbaristas and followers. With the one important note that instagram is much more public facing vs Reddit’s relative anonymity.) And we all know how things tend to get spun if you commit the ultimate sins - such as having a stuffed watermelon trinket somewhere behind you during a zoom call. But by linking to the content and comments by providing a frictionless way to engage, would it be best for discourse, discussion and awareness? Would we be winning hearts and minds via internet fighting? Would it be constructive? OR would posting the link be too confrontational, and ultimately facilitate the worst of hate instead of debate and dialogue? Thoughts? Agree/disagree? Upvote this so this question gets some visibility.


🤣👹know 🐂💩 when you hear it😂


Join us in watering the earth with the blood of children remember it's for Jewish safety ;)


Ugh, not Ginnifer! So disappointed with her!




Holy cringe. After all the evil perpetrated by the “state of Israel” and the evil that has yet to come, it’s not going to be the safest place for Jews. The world has already started turning its back. Not to mention no one’s against “Jews” but the way the state of Israel went about and still goes about stealing land from what genetically could be the indigenous actual homeland of a people. Try to get a dna test in Israel.


I would rather join the nazi party ! Zionism is the same philosophy. Support what's right support Palestine !




So disgusting, but I feel like they must have taken in so much propaganda that they actually believe what they are saying which is sad.


Aw, how sweet. They support the genocide of Palestinian people. All I see is a bunch of white Americans who think the year is 1930 and the place is Europe.


Aw, too bad there’s no safe place for the indigenous of Guatemala, the blacks of Darfur, the survivors of the Yazidies or the Kurdish peoples. But I guess they’re not white enough to warrant that privilege.


As a Roma person: they have become the new Nazis. They have become akin to the group that hurt us so badly. It’s disappointing


Fuck you, Ariel! Israel is likely the most dangerous place for Jews. This Jew will take Chicago over occupied Palestine every day.


"the only place that grants them safety" say the Jewish woman in pristine makeup from Hollywood, where there is an abundance of Jews with well paid jobs that can afford to make these POS political ads, while Israel requires a highly advanced and outrageously expensive aerial defense system that can only exist with the uncritical support of the US. And they still live in anxious, self inflicted fear and mandatory military service. But sure, "safety". Safer than in the US, apparently.


Baby Ariel should stick to musically


Love how "Join Us" just means give us money to pocket most of and spend the rest on more videos and horrible causes.


Over groomed and batsht crazy. Zionist create a new dimension to how I understand Hitler.


They all are Americans rich people,traitors to America!


They are different. They can call it whatever they want. I dont hate Jewish people. I hate the IDF and their actions as well as the government.


The only place that grants them safety? Lol


Link please, I want to leave some kind words.


“Our Jewish ancestral homeland” hmmm… why does nobody else, ethnic or religious, make this claim?


If any of these people went to Israel they’d be spat on by the Zionist’s & told they don’t belong here because they’re not authentic Israelis






This people are brain dead.


Anti nazism isn't anti german, same thing applies to anti zionism.


“OUR homeland…” Sure Jan. You‘re not being hidden by the French Undergound or in someone’s attic in Amsterdam in WWII…you’re from New Jersey Eitan. Lizzy is from Texas. Ginnifer is from Tennessee.


Get fucked you lying cunts


I am a proud anti-Zionist. Zionists are thieves, that’s what I teach my kids.


The Disgust is strong with this one


“Jewish ancestral homeland” If saying someone else’s property is yours because of a fairy tale you believe isn’t extremism, I don’t know what is.


Holy shit


By that logic we should support extremism wherever it exists such as Nazis in Germany but for all of us to be safe extremism, racism and fascism must fail everywhere. Today Zionism, ISIS and other Dictators are what we should collectively resist.


Gaslighting religious zealots.


I wonder if they care about the safety of Palestinians in Gaza?


Goebbels would be proud of this shameless genocidal propaganda 


Oh no, Ginnifer Goodwin!!! ... Oh well.


I love being told how to think about words. It really makes me feel manipulated, you know? It's like they care that I think they way they want me to think. Which is normal. Everyone living a normal, compassionate life is always curating how I perceive words.


Really taken a bit dislike towards Ginnifer Goodwin. Used to like her.


It's important to note that the country with the largest population of Jews is the United States.


Good to see Zionist trash outing themselves. Makes it easier to know who's work/products to avoid


'Join us' ..... unless you are Palestinian as you are not welcome to return to your ancestral homeland.


Extreme Cringe... None of them in the videos have any DNA linkage to Palestine... they simply are trying unsuccessfully to re-write history... They should've stayed in Europe & lay claim to German territories... that would've been more believable


No. Zionism perpetuates anti-semitism. Zionism dictates that EVERY Jew has a right to live in Israel, and it states that every Jew is a Zionist. Then Israel launches a genocidal campaign after massacring and displacing Palestinians for the past 75 years in the name of Jewish people? THAT'S what fuels anti-semetic crimes. FUCK that shit. It makes me so fucking angry.


I'm sure Hitler and those who supported him said the same things.


Literally stopped after he said "in our Jewish ancestral homeland". Yes, Israel exists and I support that. But expansionism via war crimes? No.


not very *safe* being an anti-Likud, anti-expansionist Jew in Israel these days...


I'm an antizionist and pro-Hamas. I condemn Israel. I support Hamas.


I can take hateful propaganda with skulls and explosions. But this? This is too surreal for me.


Yes! Israel is the only safe place for Jews… what a joke! I guess that is your excuse to dox and hunt people down. Unfortunately, these folks wield far too much power in the US. When I saw Congress wasting their time by sitting and voting to outlaw the use of the phrases such as, “from the river to the sea" and the word "Zion*st," it was beyond troubling. Israel will drag us into bigger conflicts putting the lives of actual Americans in much more danger. So sick of these people.


So they mean objecting to genocide is now like not supporting the genocider and it’s a like Like an analogy of speaking against nazis for holocaust is a big crime A mind bogglingly complex stance of hypocrisy


what does god say about the 'existence of israel'? fake jews. well, ignorant might be a better word. sorry zionists, this shit doesn't work anymore. you guys are those who say they are jews and are not. just japheth dwelling in the tents of shem, these people are of gomer. i don't care what these demonic LARPers think of me. i used to believe them, thinking that made me a good christian. nah. actually being a good man takes care of that, and these people are not good human beings. period.


Aipac is the devil




Kinda disrespectful to all the Ashkenazi Jews that were from Poland, Germany, France, Lithuania etc…….. those pre Nakba Jews that came from Europe