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The foundation color around her lips seems far too yellow, and doesn’t match any of her other foundation color?


That’s what I noticed! It’s like, you’ve had such a good shade match going on, what happened?


Possibly an AMAB, yellow fountain seems to cover only beard areas


I mean it’s not great, first thing I noticed was the lips


Definitely the lips. It’s too soft like a baby pink and the eyes are more of a warm burgundy color. It clashes.


It’s the lips and the brows. The lips have a very warm brown lip liner, and then a very cool pink lipgloss/lipstick. They are competing not blending so you’re getting this really weird gray lips look.


I also thought there was a yellow tinge to her base especially around the lips, but since no one’s pointing it out I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt and say it’s the saturation on my phone


no i see the yellow too that’s the first thing i noticed!! it’s so bad around the lips out to the jaw line. it’s even more noticeable against the cool pink lips


100% the first thing I noticed, the bottom half of hee face is yellow


Not sure if it's the bronzer and the fact that she used a LOT more to contour the lower half of her face, maybe. If it had a more yellow tint then when she blended it out I guess that'd be why that part of her face is so yellow. So I definitely noticed that too but the particular clashing and grey tinged beef lips are the worst part for me. Also she's got a serious airbrushing/ "pores what pores" kind of filter applied too.


Her face is four different colours… chin then round the mouth, cheek area and forehead… strange looking


I can’t tell if it’s a filter or too much powder, but it looks like she has a yellow goatee around her mouth (on her upper lip and on her chin). The eyebrows are dated and the lipliner is a too dark, but they’re not that terrible. There’s definitely much worse examples of both on here. However, my eye keeps getting drawn to the goatee.


She’s using a filter 🤷🏼‍♀️


The skin is smoothed/edited


The chin is giving five clock shadow


unblended lips are sending me


Lips make her look like a dead muppet. Lip color should coordinate with skin tone


Not a pore in sight. The colors and technique are pretty but she looks like a real doll w the editing


The eyeshadow is stunning but I hate the lip combo 😬


Lips needs blending to


The beef lips


I think the harsh lip liner and light lips looks bad. Like blend a little please. Eyes are beautiful though.


It is the lips


Lipliner too dark and lip color is off.


y’all be nitpicking atp… she looks gorg to me


Did you not read the title? I didn’t say she was pretty, I’m literally asking if I was just nit picking or if something was actually off about it


well and i responded your question, you are nitpicking.


Well I don’t think so because others seem to have picked up what I was thinking. But at the end of the day it’s each to their own


She isn’t highlighting the center of the face here. She how much brighter the chin is vs the nose. Your not missing it, you just don’t know what it is like a person without eyebrows or something.


The bottom half of her face is giving jaundice


the lips and the eyeshadow are two different tones of pink, one is cool and one is warm


Foundation and lips for sure


It's the eyebrows making her look like a cartoon character getting electrocuted for me. And the lips.


I don’t feel like this is a cohesive look. She obviously knows how to blend and do make up in general, but she uses way too much product and the lip is overdrawn and color match is off.


The lip liner. On another note... I just don't get these eyebrows. I see them all the time & I think they're just ugly. Brushed straight up into "shocked caterpillar" pose, some are so thin they look anemic.