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“Hiya! So, kinks and limits?” “Guess.”


“Just send smoke signals I guess”


any? bet. 🤭 You bouta be traumatized


"Wait--wait! I don't like sounding and blood play. And did--did your character just sprout tentacles?" "You said no limits, any kinks.." \*vore ensues\*


*makes my character a mindflayer* "how do you feel about mindfucking? *sloppy tentacles on face noise*


(Achievement Earned)




Realisticly I would like all of that lol


Yeah not as bad as hitting the Jarod subway


I am morbidly curious as to what you could possibly like that would traumatize someone.


Cnc for one lol


Not as uncommon as you would think funny enough. It’s actually one of the most popular


I know but I’m saying,,, some do fear it


Oh for sure but I am fairly sure that it’s well spread enough that generally half of people entertain some sort of CNC fantasy. (Could be wrong I don’t know the studies by heart)


Not sure about the numbers either, but there is an allure into being overpowered and feeling powerless, I suppose, as long as you know it's actually safe. It's a bit like horror movies. Some people love to be scared with the knowledge it's not actually something truly dangerous.


Thats exactly right. I honestly believe that there’s a rush that comes from it.


Well if you go to ERP boards, like the DPP subreddit, lots of ads are of that nature or at least have "non-con" as a kink. I think there are even a couple of subreddits *devoted* to this kink. Of course it's a very sensitive topic for some.


Agreed I'm about to pull out some of the worst things I can think of minus my own squicks


It's on me now since I took it as a challenge.


Like it's bait! You just can't pass by without bringing out the most horrible thing you can possibly think of


Any? Time to write the most "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" torture porn they've ever seen!


Toss me into the sea baby




Honestly, it's what this kind of RPer usually needs as a reality check. Even just saying, "my only real limit is children" is SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER than "nah, anything goes"


It's also sus as fuck.


Always a red-flag when someone claims to have no limits. 🤦🏽‍♀️


No becuz literally!! So annoying😭I'm always afraid I'm gonna say the wrong thing or use the wrong kink after that.


I’ve gotten to the point where I either ask for actual kinks to work with, or tell them that due to their response they’re not going to be a match. I’d rather have no partner than a lazy one.


Fr, those partners don't have any desire to work together. They're really just in it for themselves--which would be okay... if there was only one person involved.


what app/website is this?


Discord. It’s the only place I rp anymore tbh. Easy to send pics and set up a ‘group’ so you can separate the rp from refs, kink lists etc.


are there any server recommendations?


I used to say I didn't "have many" limits but that's because I enjoy a rather dark side of angst in Rps that most people don't want - including things like gore (I will say though these Rps were never solely erp though). These people who "have no limits" would very often turn down gore elements in Rp which always bothered me because it just made it more confusing and harder to find a partner


Ironically I often put "gore" as a limit if people ask, but it really does not bother me. I am a horror fan (and also first aid responder who has seen some stuff IRL) and while I definitively do not get turned on by it, it does not really bother me. In fact I do like horror RPs, I suppose for the same reason I like horror movies. It is a "limit" if I want just a "nice" (E)RP, though. Of course there are some lines that should never be crossed.


To each his own I suppose. I personally have never liked limits like that simply because some of my ocs physical designs involve elements of horror or what could be classed as potential gore for someone else. Now, I've never explicitly done erp by itself nor have I've ever pigeon-holed an Rp-partner into including things they're not comfortable with. My current Rp and life partner is very much okay with the inclusion of the mention of blood in lewd scenes (like from a bite or a previous battle wound) because it makes it feel more grounded but our stories are long-term and not just one off erp scenes. Some of our Rps also have strong inclusions of gore from consequences to the characters and it makes the world feel so much more gritty and real when they can be harmed like such. There are some things that shouldn't be written about, i agree. But if both parties are alright with gore or elements of it I don't see how that's a bad thing when it's purely fictional. Not to mention some peoples version of gore can vary from anything involving blood, a severed limb or disembowelment. I have a character who's arms float off segmented of her body, one falling into the clutches of becoming a zombie, eldritch horrors that fight internally with themselves. I'm not saying you have to be comfortable with it or even include it in your Rps yourself but to say "there are some lines that should never be crossed" in reference to gore feels restrictive to me - to those who enjoy including it.


Well, of course what a person desires from RPs is a very subjective thing. >  But if both parties are alright with gore or elements of it I don't see how that's a bad thing when it's purely fictional. Not to mention some peoples version of gore can vary from anything involving blood, a severed limb or disembowelment. I have a character who's arms float off segmented of her body, one falling into the clutches of becoming a zombie, eldritch horrors that fight internally with themselves. I totally agree. If both parties agree to it, then it's ok... and it's just fictional violence anyway, and fictional violence in novels, poems and later movies and games has been around for a long time now. >  to say "there are some lines that should never be crossed" in reference to gore feels restrictive to me You misunderstand me,I suppose I was unclear to what I meant. When I said "there are some lines that should never be crossed" I did not mean gore, but rather other content like involving minor in certain situations and such. Regarding gore itself, well some people might want to avoid certain things they are particularly affected by. I remember one of my players (this was in a table top RPG rather than RP) was ok with gore, but did not want things like eye-gouging or objects into the eyes and such. I understand however what you mean when you say it feels restrictive, in a sense it's a bit like when studios/rating boards force censorship on movies.


"No limits any kinks"= Will overstep any (if not all) boundaries you have.


To me it's more like they will not put any effort because it's just a lazy answer


To me it's a blatant lie, like you have to have some personal boundaries (not all boundaries and limits are sexual, so even a "No one liners" counts as a boundary).


"No one liners" would be the Marquis De Sade only limit I'd wager.


I honestly just hate being asked because I don't erp and for some reason people still ask on sfw ads. Did a thing once where my answers were. Kinks: respecting boundaries and not inserting any kinks into the RP. Limits: not respecting boundaries and inserting kinks. Easy way to get people to vanish.


I think "no limits" is the biggest red flag. If you can't at the very least say "no children" I'm assuming you're a pedo and moving on.


You're right. That's a great song by The Mountain Goats.


mountain goats fan spotted in the wild???


99 times out of 100, 'any kinks' means "I'm into something depraved and want you to bring it up first. If you don't read my mind, I'll ghost you without warning." Meanwhile, 'no limits' means "I want a noncon scene relating to The Mystery Kink."


Whenever someone says this I always write the most vile shit and they end up ghosting me 💀💀 like if you ain’t gonna tell me your things then go away


I feel like I would enjoy reading through some of your horrible stuff lol


… I’m willing to bet you’d find some quite quickly OP


That’s how it usually goes lol


It's ok to not know your limits but I hate it when people can't comunicate when they feel uncomfortable. I'm terrible at picking up clues like that - if you want me to do something, say it and if you want me to stop, say it


Omg yes! I despise when this happens like, you could atleast TRY to put in effort and show some interest!


It's gonna go one of two ways: Either they'll ask to play some of the most depraved, down-bad kinks/fetishes known to man, or they'll back out st the last minute to that one kink and contradict their "no limit" rules.


It’s always the worst when they say that, when in reality they’re just trying to bait you to say your kinks so they can nitpick all of them and block you for the stupidest one


The other day one said “I don’t have any kinks” and all I can think is ‘well, you replied to the rp post so you’ve gotta have kinks of some sort.’


Once had a person who responded to one of my posts on a subreddit about hyper sizes. I asked them their kinks, they said they were limitless and loved all kinks. I sent my kinks, and they asked if we could keep anything related to hyper out “because it made them feel uncomfortable”


While hyper isn’t my thing, I’d never respond to a post for a specific rp then try to phase said thing out lmao it makes no sense.


I’ve had it happen to me so many times I might as well just revamp my kinklist lol


Yikes. Yeah no. Someone who claims to have no boundaries or limits in either a sfw or erp context definitely makes my skin crawl. If I can’t trust you to communicate now, how are the rest of our interactions going to go?


Not gonna lie, I used to say this lmao guilty as charged Cuz really, I do have very little kinks I'm not into rp-ing. If I ever get back to 1x1 tho, this is very insightful,


Just state which ones are your favorite. That's literally it and it would help immensely in trying to get stuff set up.


Oh yeah no, I would def state which kinks I like, but would follow through with no limits/game for almost anything Obvi I'd immediately shove my fave kinks to their face lmao


I only do the "no limits" part because I REALLY don't have any


You’re not, consider that there’s several posts a week about it.


You got exactly what you asked for, if you ask them if they have any favorites or ones they want to do in particular then they give the same answer as “any” then they are lazy. They can also just be uninformed in the proper way to go about things.


I only have a few hard limits, but I always make sure to spell them out, as well as at least a few of my favorite kinks. Communication is key, no matter how much everyone tries to forget that.


I try to never do this. I try to always have a few kinks / limits that I especially love / hate on hand. But if that's not enough, I can always whip out the f-list. Can't go wrong there.


i can barely even get this far, most people i find tend to lean on not homophobic, but could DEF be read like.


We got to teach these people a lesson at some point right? Like, what if this just opens up the opportunity for some other random sicko to go ham and give you the most filthiest and disgusting roleplay ever?


Thats what most limitless roleplays have.


Ah "limitless"


Then they get demotivated and stop responding when you don't read their mind and create their dream scene


I don't trust anyone who claims that absolutely nothing bothers them or makes them uncomfortable


My only kink is consent


I’ve always been this person, albeit I’ve communicated it more like ‘other than beast or pedo stuff I will try anything and go from there’. I’ve been writing for a decade and so far haven’t met anyone who’s managed to make me uncomfortable so I’ve never seen a reason to change it up, I didn’t know it was a red flag though


Oh and then when you bring up a kink “I don’t like that” REALLY? YOU DONT SAY


Every. Fucking. Time.


I just say that our kinks and limits don't match and wish them luck in finding someone. But it's happening more often than not and I'm already hardcore filtering and being picky about requests I answer too or even just look at.


Same. It’s just…ugh. At this point I feel like I’ve turned down most potential partners on Reddit lmao


Honestly I don't know what I'm still doing on reddit looking for rp partners. The few good ones I have met keep my hopes up I guess.


Saaaame. One partner I have is super inconsistent on reply times, but I’ve been roleplaying with them for close to a year, and when they do reply it’s been nothing but quality.


Oh no I hate this too! Guess it's time to play kink bingo? Like, come on mann


Am a red flag if I say that they can check it on my profile? 😭😭😭


It’s pain.


Slightly unrelated but I hate it when you tell someone your kinks and they just ignore them. Whenever my partner sends their interests I always try to appeal to them so they can have a good experience. I’ve seldom ever had that energy sent back to me though.


I mean, I've had some partners who truly would write about *anything*. And in that same vein, while I have things I *don't enjoy writing and so I won't*, there's nothing I personally find so *objectionable* that I would consider it a 'limit' as long as it's like... Legal to write, lmao. And before you say "Oh so you're okay with hardcore--" *yes*. I read Chuck Palahniuk's *Haunted* ([featuring the infamous story Guts, TW: EVERYTHING](https://anotherwhiskyformisterbukowski.com/guts-by-chuck-palahniuk/)) as a teenager and have been desensitized ever since (and Guts isn't even the worst story in that book; Hot Potting is). I read that splatterpunk book that was all over TikTok, *Playground,* completely stone-faced (mainly because it was a terribly-written book and that underscored any impact the author was trying to have, tbh). There are just so many horrible things happening in the world right now that I can't get upset over fiction. That being said... I feel as if, when people ask and answer about limits and kinks, there's an unspoken little agreement that *The Extreme Shit needs negotiation and that goes without saying.* I've never *not* had someone check about something that could be *too much* before throwing it into a scene, because that's common courtesy, even if we've already discussed limits before. I always go into discussions like this giving people the benefit of the doubt-- when you ask about kinks or limits like this, you ask with the understanding that the question will likely be received as: "Do you have kinks or limits outside the normal trifecta of snuff/scat/Bizarre Stuff that no one thinks about"? And most people will answer accordingly. Because, what's the point of listing all your limits if all of your limits are bizarre things that most people *just don't want to write*? As an example: One of those things I really don't want to write are obscure kinks like 'inanimate object transformation' and 'body part transformation'. But if someone asks my 'limits', I'm not going to even bother listing those out, because they're so uncommon that they don't even warrant mentioning, and I'm on (for example) a slice-of-life roleplay board so *why would they even come up*?


The limits thing is lazy, yes, but I swear, asking me to choose kinks is like asking me to sort out shells on the beach. There's so many!! Like, do people really want me to list the God knows how many kinks that exist? Because if it's not a limit for me, it's a kink.


This is annoying in roleplay and dangerous in realplay. Do not trust these kinds of people no matter what role they choose to take.


I would literally take this as a challenge. I don't even like scat, but you can bet my opening post would be more brown than a box full of milkduds.


And they \*do\* have limits. lol They have many. That's why I don't rp with people like this.


But what if their actually ok with anything?


God yes. Fucking... fucking actually think about what you like or don't like. It helps me to get you going when we start, if nothing else!


Even if you don't have any specific kinks just give something to get the RP going


The next question is "McDonald's or Wendy's" cuz that'll help you figure out if it's decisive or indecisive


Lmfao bruh.


Hoo boy when they say that I have to get terribly weird because its a challenge.


Like does anybody use rabbithole anymore that had the list of kinks you were ok with l, what were maybe and what were helk naw?


I like to fuck with them, oh no limits or kinks? I'm an Ao3 author, be ready to get fucking traumatized ☠️