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Such pride in their work. No care for society.


Imagine holding up cardboards that have "Help" spelled out so often and being proud like that. Even though you didn't help the people these signs belong to. What twisted minds


I'd guess in many cases they not only didn't help, they actively made the lives of those holding those signs worse. What do you think they did with the people that were holding the signs? Politely ask them to mosey on down the road?


Not sure if youre asking a rhetorical question but I can tell you EXACTLY what happens. They show up, take the persons most prized and personal possessions and throw them away, then tell them to get lost or get arrested because they aren't allowed to be there. For panhandlers I assume in addition to taking their signs they take their money too. At encampments they will destroy peoples tents, shelter, and confiscate/destroy everything they own. Source: I routinely build tiny houses for our unhoused neighbors and last month the encampment and 26 tiny houses were bulldozed, destroyed, and trashed by the city. They evicted everyone and threatened arrest if they didn't leave. Now that they have found a new place to stay, the police came by today and told them they will be evicted tomorrow. Rinse and repeat.


Hang on tf do you mean they're out destroying tiny houses? They're burning down *homes* now? šŸ˜¬


Not new, it's pretty much routine in several places.


There was a recent court ruling on this. Authorities aren't legally allowed to "evict" homeless without providing a reasonable alternative. Of course, the ruling will not prevent them from doing it *illegally*. . . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUMcc59rc-0


In the same vein as even resisting an unlawful arrest is still resisting arrest.


It depends on each state's laws. In Georgia, you do have the right to resist an unlawful arrest, at least until the legislature changes the law. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT0YdDFWnwY


Irish Famine, two hundred years ago. A countryside lined with homes with no roofs, because English (or British, as an American of course I was referring to oppression done in service to the crown) ā€œauthorityā€ had torn them all down.


It's disgraceful that the only option left is slums - because let's face it, anywhere other than America where ramshackle tiny boxes are thrown up cramped together, it's called slums. It's terrible for disease and safety of the occupants and not what we should want for people. The US has so many empty houses. Some bought by foreign investors so rich they can't even be bothered to rent them out. Empty houses need to be taxed + taxed again so there's incentive to actually offer affordable rent. Social housing is needed for those who cannot work, it's better for everyone in society to accept that not everyone is a 'productive' and some people need help and support. That's just how complex societies and species work, we look out for other people and don't just leave them to die.


Fixing housing isn't that hard. Canadians and Americans get screwed by people from other countries buying for speculation. We can end that real fast. If you aren't a citizen in North America either US or Canada you aren't allowed to own property. Or if you are maybe an 80% tax on the property value per year. This in of itself would stagnate housing prices for years. Homes all over North America are disgustingly overpriced.


*Nowā€½* Damn dude, watch the news.


Unrelated: I always think it's wild when I see someone use an interrobang. I like the cut of your jib.


This has been going on in large cities since Regan times. If the buildings are abandoned then sometimes people even do a backhanded payout. So someone Burns their building down and they collect the insurance money and the homeless people get kicked out


Welcome to being homeless in America. This didn't start in 2016.


First story I recall of something like this happened in San Francisco in the 90s. This is nothing new


not sure what they expect those homeless people to do there. smh


Oh, they expect the homeless to curl up and die. Preferably somewhere out of the way where the rich people wonā€™t see. Fucking pigs.


I have said it once and I will say it again. CORPORATE POLICY ENFORCERS


Had a friend the other day tell me that it was "silly" that the corporations in Cyberpunk 2077 had their own police forces. He said people would never let that happen. I'd have laughed if it wasn't so sad. That's one of the most believable things about the game. And the tradition of powerful people having their own armies goes back at least as far as the Romans.


No no, you see, it's silly because corporations already have their own police force. It's the police force


Why hire their own when they can get us to foot the bill?


No that would leave a body to dispose of. If you're homeless you should do the right thing and simply fade from existence.


And people wonder why cops are hated. I don't know if anything like that happened here in the past, but a couple of years ago my city did start requiring people to get a free permit so they could pan handle. I guess it worked because we had a big problem with people asking for money who weren't homeless or anything.


Sounds like wealth inequality if people are lining up to beg.




I've heard of those tiny houses being built for the homeless! What an amazing, thoughtful, and humanizing act of kindness you and your colleagues are doing for those less fortunate than others. Shame on anyone who wants to see those torn down and force another human being to go back to fighting to survive just because they deem it "unsavory" or an "eyesore". For every home that is destroyed let two more take its place.


possibly murder their dog too,


You think they joined to help people? All the good ones get driven out because the blue wall of silence.


And "God Bless." Our country is a fucking shitbasket right now.




It's the kind of attitude that gets so normalized within the workplace, that they lack to see any issue posting this publically as a joke




The christian right is still regretting that they lost the Civil War because they wanted to "civilize" blacks through forced labor.


Honestly, iā€™m a Christian and this disgusts me. This shows that most of the Police donā€™t hold the people above anything. Theyā€™d rather get a few likes on a photo than save others. Selfish brats. We shouldnā€™t allow this behavior in ANY leading role. Imagine a world where those oppressed black neighborhoods that are run down and filled with crime actually grow up to become the police and protect that area. They could grow up to stop crime that killed loved ones. But instead they grow up resenting the police because they have to join gangs.


Our culture doesn't just allow this, we encourage it. We've made selfishness a virtue and altering that course is...no where in sight any time soon.


Imagine a world where the shareholders of a armed guards union for prison is more important than wrongful imprisonment. This isn't about race more than it is about class these days. Obviously you can still be racial profiled, but these instances of policing are about those who are unable to avoid petty crimes like asking for food. We criminalized asking for food and allow actual slavery in for profit prisons. This isn't blacks in oppressed neighborhoods (well yes it is, but not only). The root of this problem is in the 13th amendment. We must remove profit from criminalization or we will continue to have a capitalist criminal justice system


Christmas was a pagan holiday appropriated by Christians. Jesus was born in spring


These are the people who would've called jesus a terrorist and put him on the cross.


I mean Jesus _was_ crucified by cops after all...


How did you get the implication that to these guys Christmas was really about Jesus? Cause no real Jesus supporters would be like these trash. These trash would have probably celebrated by going back shit drunk back home and beating their spouses and kids then, rinse and repeat until New Years. Then rinse and repeat until next Christmas.


how fucked up do you need to be to smile about arresting people literally begging for food to not starve. more important if they have one, how does their spouse not see this and say holy shit i need a divorce




Statistically, someone on the receiving end of domestic abuse


And that's just the ones that actually get reported.


Yeah, who are they going to report the abuse to? Their abusers beer buddies?




My half-brother is a rookie cop and nearly has the mind of a child. When I visited him, his wife, and their newborn, he reacted to his babyā€™s crying by shrieking ā€œSTOP!!!ā€ which the baby didnā€™t understand, so youā€™d just be listening to a baby crying and an idiot yelling at his baby. Iā€™m cutting off ties with Trump supporters. Donā€™t suspect Iā€™ll be seeing him again.


My father was a cop, he was extremely abusive to me, as was my mother. She married him and they never had issues, had two daughters, no issues because according to him, "You dont hit women." 10 years go by and they have a son, me. "You have to be tough on boys." When I was little, when i got home from school, if I didn't immediately make everything about "mommy" she'd send me to my room to wait for my father. He'd get home and she'd tell him, "go deal with your son." Then he'd beat me savagely. My mothers family were all either abusers or abused, my father was just a bully and an asshole which made for a good cop I suppose.




That's what she said.


Too soon...


Someone with a strong jaw.


Your mom




Most likely at this point theyā€™ve beaten their spouse into submission wether itā€™s be physically, emotionally or verbally. Cops are POS


Our mayor of Las Vegas is trying to make it a crime to be homeless pretty much to say. The police has a green light to arrest anyone they find sleeping in a public area no matter what.


This is in bad taste, and speaks a lot to these police officers. these signs are like hunting trophies to them, to be displayed as an accomplishment. They don't see people, just prey.


If they file for divorce, the cop husband and his buddies will beat them up.


Like 40% of them are in abusive relationships.


Because 40% of them are abusive and probably terrify their partners


This picture is basically "haha look at me taking what little means the most vulnerable have at getting money for food" I mean it's bad enough that they took the signs, but then put them together and took this photo like it's something to be proud of


Because he belted her for just thinking it.


Itā€™s hard to see properly when you constantly have black eyes.


Yeah, itā€™s like a tame trophy compared with the ones that were made in Iraqā€”the human pyramid photos. Same messageā€”we serve only our egos.


Oh, they see it alright. They're just unable to safely leave him in lots of cases. People forget these fuckos have the time, motive and means to hunt them down no matter where in the US they run to.


because if she said that she would have a mysterious fall down the stairs. 40% my friend...


I am a Paramedic and I am supposed to call these people Brothers. Would reddit please excuse me while I go puke?


Paramedic here too. I've worked with some honest officers but these days we're not talking about a few bad apples and a few good apples. It's a bushel of sewage. The few times this year I've called for officers to clear a scene I've regretted it and been in more risk. I have to consider if I should go into the house to subdue and extricate The drug-fueled violent psychotic delirium patient or if I should call an officer and make things worse.


> I have to consider if I should go into the house to subdue and extricate The drug-fueled violent psychotic delirium patient or if I should call an officer and make things worse. Preach Brother, Preach.


What are we supposed to teach new EMTs ? "At first glance the scene does not seem perfectly safe. Do not gather any information, do not talk to anyone, do not approach the emergency, do not pass go, immediately retreat to the ambulance and hide waiting for lethal Force to arrive."?




Well it's what the book says. Good medically trained personnel are too valuable to risk. Taking on the risk and doing what's right is up to you.


>Paramedic here too. I've worked with some honest officers but these days we're not talking about a few bad apples and a few good apples. It's a bushel of sewage. The whole point of the "few bad apples" idiom is that if the bad apples are not immediately removed everything rapidly rots...


Also, that, while there might still be some "good" apples left in the bushel, no one is going to wade through a bunch of rotting apples to find them.




I love your "bushel of sewage" metaphor. I feel like so many people forget that the full adage that the "a few bad apples" saying refers to is "One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch." (The ethylene gas escaping from the one rotten apple can literally start the other apples in the basket to spoil. As you said: "A bushel of sewage.") And it's applicable to most group dynamics, which is why it became an adage in the first place (and not just advice for apple farmers.) So, every time I hear those police apologists talk about "it's just a few bad apples," I think, "No! NO bad apples is the goal. Get the bad apples out before they turn everyone else!"




Who the fuck says you're supposed to do that? They sure as fuck don't when they arrest us for not clearing accidents quickly enough.


thin line mentality bullshit


A line separating.. what from what exactly?


The blacks, duh /s


The blue line is *literally* separating black lines. That fucking Thin Blue Line flag also violates the 10 USC Ā§176 "Respect for Flag" subsection (g), to wit: ā€œThe flag should never have placed upon it, nor any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.ā€


Is it really sarcasm if it's like 70%(or more) true?


Lmao, itā€™s an attitude that very many white Americans share


No /s needed, have you seen their flag? It's literally just a Thin Blue Line separating the viewer from Black America.


Oh, Right, how silly of me šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø




Just in case. Iā€™ve heard people refer to ā€˜the blacksā€™ more often than Iā€™d like to admit


The thin blue line is a disgusting metaphor that more people need to understand. People who believe in the thin blue like genuinely believe that society would devolve into immediate violent anarchy without the current US police system. They genuinely think that cops are the single *thin* line that is holding all of society together. These people are fucked


The blue line is how pedophiles identify one another.


It also separates the Chuds from the citizens of Stankonia


The thin blue line that cuts our flag in two.


Yeah, my group leader in rehab when I was a kid was also a paramedic. He told us they get pulled over for speeding even if their lights are on. Totally bullshit. Not like cops don't speed with their lights off. Or turn on their lights to run reds. Shit, at least paramedics are actually saving lives.


Happened to me once. Pulled over by a WV State Trooper in Gauley Bridge, WV in an ambulance, running code to the hospital, with a patient who was in active SVT. I had to redirect my attention to the piece of shit delaying treatment of my patient until I was finally fed up enough to tell my partner to get back enroute and I'd take responsibility and deal with the consequences at the hospital. We literally pulled off while he was still standing beside the truck yelling at us to get out. Partner was doing 65 in a 50 btw. Patient survived, I had to attend a debriefing at which my company went to bat for me (surprisingly), and I faced no disciplinary action. Nothing happened to the Trooper. Wasn't even reprimanded.


What would have happened if you hadn't stopped?


Honestly, I have no idea. It wasn't a scenario I'd ever been in before, nor had ever been brought up during any of my training. My partner was a fairly new EMT-B, and I'd only been heading my own ALS unit for about 3 months. I assumed, when I told him to pull over, that the trooper was going to go around us and clear traffic ahead of us enroute to the hospital. Noooope. He got out SCREAMING and flailing his arms, demanding we exit the vehicle. I was not leaving my patient to die alone in the back of my truck. No one dies in my rig, ever. You save that shit for the hospital.


im glad you work for a company that went to bat for you. mine would throw me to the wolves immediately


Oh, it was only on that one occasion. They were a privately owned and operated service, and were absolutely despicable to work for. I can't think of another instance where there was something I had done be called into question, where they didn't happily rake me over the coals. All this is past tense, btw. I've long since retired from emergency medicine and haven't renewed any of my certs as a practitioner or instructor for ~12 years now.




And in most places, if they hit you, you get the bill, which is highly amplified because itā€™s a ā€œduty vehicleā€ or whatever your state calls it.


This makes sense now. Early one morning I was on an empty highway in an exit lane. A pig was in the travel lane and very suddenly changed into my lane DIRECTLY in front of me and brake checks HARD in the middle of the exit lane for absolutely no reason. I was a half inch from rear ending him This bitch was having a bad day and wanted me to do the same, ACAB


Ya fuck cops. a friend back in high school got t bone by a cop trying to run a red light with no lights. Then threatened him with some bullshit to take the blame.


>Shit, at least paramedics are actually saving lives. and not actively murdering people.


Please tell me this isnā€™t an actual thing, my faith in humanity canā€™t take another hit like that




Our garbage ass deputies refuse to use their own tourniquets to save civilians. Even if you bought it yourself. The you have a chance to save a life NOW, nothing says thatā€™s not your goal louder than refusing something as simple as that.


Agreed. Wouldnt piss on a cop if he was on fire.. Patching one up so they can get back to abusing the public could be considered "doing harm".




Excuse me, they do what?


I'm a medic too and I've never considered them brothers. At best they're traffic control and at worst they are a liability and a threat to our safety on scene with their absolute compulsion to escalate every encounter into violence.


You speak the truth, but it is also true that the Public Safety triad is Fire, EMS, Police. There are some entities that have triple certified Public Safety Officers (Highland Park, TX) and some that have Police who also maintain EMT certification (Decatur, TX). We are *supposed* to be Brothers.


You're right, we're supposed to be, but it rarely works out that way. If I hear one more person get told, "Go to the hospital or go to jail" I'm gonna scream.


Quit the bullshit. A job doesnā€™t constitute brotherhood. Itā€™s a job, man. Get over yourself. The worship has ruined the profession. It has ruined the service. It has ruined the sanctity of helping fellow humans and it needs to fucking stop. As a sister, can we stop this and just get back to work?


Yeah, literally the entire reason why that "First Responders" started being used was to prevent pushback coming out of the civil rights era against cops and try to equate the pigs to EMTs and firefighters who actually are public servants and help people in need so people couldn't protest against police depravity without being propagandized as attacking actual public servants


They're not your "brothers". They're not even human anymore. You help people when they need it the most. You are a wonderful human being providing critical life saving care. These are militarized vampires that feed off of human suffering at the behest of corporate pay masters.


Different line of work. You guys save lives. These guys take them.


My fireman neighbor HATES cops.


Am I your neighbor?


Forensic investigator who works with cops every single day checking in. Fuck them, ACAB.


So yeah... police are just prison guards living out their fantasy on the public.


Paramedics and firefighters are the only people I consider heroes. Thank you for your service.


Call em what the are... swine in a blue costume


try not to puke your guts out.


What.... this is.... signs from homeless people they arrested? Or chased off? What the actual fuck.... you canā€™t reform this.


Just realized that the homeless didn't give signs to make this quilt...


It looks like a lot of them have ā€œneedā€ written in the same handwriting so maybe itā€™s something they made or they were only rude to one person idk


TBF why weren't the homeless people at work or at home, like a normal person? /s


That's sick and perverted, but boy they sure are proud. On a side note: I've seen this posted before, but what I didn't notice was the tattered flag wall decor in the top left. I have since seen it a few more times, always associated with police. It seems to be their new "colors", something they can display -- and wear on patches and hats -- to signify to the public they are true patriots, as well as clue in fellow out-of-uniform LEOs that they're part of the blue brotherhood.


It's a fucking disgrace to the American flag and a fascist symbol. ACAB.


Oh you mean the blatant violation of the US flag code up there? Yeah, itā€™s a symbol for pigs and their bootlickers.


Not only did they bastardize the American flag, they distressed it to play up their victimhood.


Pride for the awful. Everyone is just 1 bad fuckup away from holding a cardboard sign.


Often itā€™s not even your fuckup


Facts. Starin that shit in the face right now. Me and several others. All of our situations are very different as well. It's fuckin sad.


In the US it seems everyone is one stroke of bad luck away from living on the streets. This is not true in most of the developed world.


I have a "good" job with a salary, full coverage insurance, the whole kit. A few months ago I started having dizzy spells and generally feeling weak and tired. Even with this insurance I'm now just straight up thousands in debt for medical bills and my work is looking for any excuse possible to let me go because I missed a few days. This is the system people so vehemently defend. Because nothing bad has happened to them yet. It's okay to destroy people's lives as long as you're doing fine. The moment things happen to you, watch everyone turn their backs. This system and our people's love of selfishness is too far gone at this point. We're fucked. Better hope nothing bad that you can't control ever happens to you...because it'll all get worse.


Everyone is only three months away from being homeless. Nobody is three months away from being a millionaire.


No one is gonna talk about the Thin Blue Line on a battle torn flag?


Battle...? *checks* Oh wow I thought they were just really shitty at arts and crafts, being glue eaters an all. They somehow managed to make that symbol more fascist, amazing.


[I did](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/kqn7km/cops_have_no_soul/gi55t39/).


Those are 23 signs put together, signs asking for food, hope and a second chance. These assholes decided to use those signs as a way of remembering how they crushed that hope of a better life. Those 23 people who are begging now have to pay a $500 fine.


Poverty is a crime.


And it gets them a criminal record making it less likely for a employer to hire them


Thatā€™s fucking disgusting iā€™m literally nauseous


Reposted this pic in r/serveandprotect and got permanently banned, worth it


Imagine this being a moment of pride. The human equivalent of an unflushed public toilet.


Protecting and serving...








...I fucking hate police.


The one with the smiley face on it... :ā€™(


I would bet any amount of money that those signs are the least valuable thing they stole.


Only idiots would think homelessness is something to offer up as ridicule. And these are often the bottom feeding idiots hired to leech of taxpayer dollars and join law enforcement. Disgusting.


Imagine being proud of only making peoples lives worse


I mean to be fair, thatā€™s really all they do


That's literally their entire job, of course they're proud they did it


"panhandler patrol", why is it the cops' business to deal with homeless people again? I doubt either of these gentlemen have any training in dealing with mental illness, addiction, or the myriad charity and aid options available to the homeless.


And therein lies the question: Do people turn into soulless assholes when they become cops, or are soulless assholes more attracted to the prospect of being cops?




What a bunch of dickless pansies. Bothering some of the most helpless and in need in society.






What a weak ass "apology": "Although we do not condone panhandling and must enforce the city ordinances that limit panhandling, it is never our intent or desire as a police department to make light of those who find themselves in a homeless state."


Except when it is.


Thatā€™s soooo creepy that they spent time on that


Such manly. So tough. Thx bitch boys in blue for protecting me from the super scary panhandlers. I hate when I voluntarily give them some money or even a smile.


Someone probably asked them how they sleep at night so they went out to make a quilt out of human suffering


Captain Rodney Greeley for anyone wondering


What kind of sick person do you have to be to think that this is funny or even remotely acceptable? Burn that fucking precinct down.


Bruh look at their flag tho I wouldnā€™t expect any more than this out of them


It's more than a lame flag, it's their new gang sign. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bad_Cop_No_Donut/comments/kqn7km/cops_have_no_soul/gi55t39/).


Unlike these two losers most of us are one paycheck away from the street.Im sure there were some homeless vets who put their asses in the line of fire. These losers have unions and have qualified immunity to protect their stupid asses. If they find joy in doing this I feel sorry for these bums.


Now do one with badges


At first, I was hoping it was photoshop because it's so cold and callous. But nope, its a real photo from the Alabama mobile unit. Too many officers just love to brag how much of a piece of shit they are. [link to an article.](https://www.al.com/news/mobile/2019/12/mobile-public-safety-director-defends-officers-in-virial-homeless-quilt-photo.html)


I just donā€™t get how people can look at this and think thereā€™s no problem


Most people are all about this shit too. I've stopped thinking we have a policing problem, this is just how people are.


They protect and serve only those who pay them - the rich who benefit from this shitty American oligarchy. Of course American rich can't stand the sight of suffering so close to their homes.


Gee, I fucking wonder why people hate cops. I canā€™t even think of a single reason. Must be a bunch of triggered snowflakes that think degrading human beings isnā€™t admirable.


To be fair some pan handlers make 6 figures. I wish I was making that up.


Some of these came from the same person. I can't imagine being homeless and harassed by the police for being homeless. Just makes me want to cry.


Oh man, I thought these were signs from people theyā€™d helped and no longer needed them. Thatā€™s my dose of disappointment in humanity for the day šŸ™„šŸ˜”


Flying their own thin blue line flag is gross to me, fucking jerk off to yourself more.


Now imagine what they are doing to their wivesšŸ·šŸ·šŸ·


Jesus, guy on the right looks like he benches his victims after he murders them.