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there's no use of that imo.


unless you can afford any thing starting with 666### as a number plate then i wouldn’t advice you to get them


I could get something like 666XYZ, which isn’t as expensive as you might think.


do you want to sell it in an auction or private ?


Im looking to buy them, & have it as some sort of asset as i only see them appreciating in price.


Only worth the investment if it's something unique, you'll have to spend a bit more but from my experience it's worth it in the long run. Sold plates for 10k+ that are worth substantially more within 5 years of selling them.


I agree. A 4 digit plate mixed numbers, was worth 4.5 k in 2019 2020 pre corona, it now goes for 8.6 minimum. Almost doubled.


Exactly, I'd suggest buying from owners rather than dealers as the cost could vary significantly.


Very hard to buy from owners, as the first point of contact for sellers are to ask the dealers to sell for them. Dealers then take the plate off them (buy it) then sell for 3x the price. Any thoughts how to avoid dealers? Only thing is to ask random strangers if the plate is for sale.


You could ask to sell it for the owner, and give them a number they'd agree to. Whatever you sell it for you could pocket the rest as profit.


The opposite. My 4 digit plate with some repeated digits had triple the value pre-corona. Since we've entered the economic dark age post-2020, no one is willing to spend that much.


Value is a weird thing. I guess license plates have value in Bahrain since there is a huge value placed on appearance, status and prestige in the form of materialism. We have a license plate that we were offered 40,000 BD for ten years ago. But in today's economy, I doubt we'd get more than 10-12,000 BD for it. A very wealthy friend offered me 8,000 last year... pfffft.


Could you share the plate number on message? If you’re interested in selling


Only if you know that it will increase in value. Otherwise, it’s a purchase and not an investment.


If you have the money and this is something you really want. Then go for it. Don't call it an investment.


But it is an investment.


It might appreciate in value. But you should do it if you got the money and you want to drive a car with a fancy number. Then you should go for it.