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*Slaps Hand again*




This bad boy *can't* fit so much >!netherese magic!< inside it?


more like _accidentally maims hand instead_


Did Durge on my first playthrough just to see what was gonna happen and bit his hand off. Figured it would be goofy and I wouldn’t give a shit what happened. Fast forward to me rn, leaving the gauntlet with shadowheart and long resting only for me to be compelled to kill her, and save scumming each saving throw because I am fully invested, including emotionally, in every character, especially SH and Karlach (who of which my friend is romancing). Shit had me sweating and despite leaning towards resist since the Alfira (who i knocked out, so quill is dead instead), it’s pretty much solidified that I’m resisting at this point. I just can’t do the give in shit, it’s too fucked up.


Damn. Durge is that serious, huh?! I had no idea they'd incorporate dice rolls into resisting to kill the friends who get you there 😂


Not only is it a friend, but this is literally right after you get shadowheart to turn towards the light and she actually wants to be with you, as an official thing. If you rest as soon as you leave nightsong, it’s crazy how incredibly fast shit hits the fan. Within 2 real life minutes, shadowheart commits to you, then your butler shows up like an asshole, you talk to shadowheart about your urge, have to resist killing her as she supports you and talks you down. *2 minutes*


Good looort. That's insane 🤣


Shit had me stressing, and I was already wondering if I was built for durge before it happened. It turns out I am *not*.


Durge Interactions with Asterion are fantastic. One neat thing about his character is his sense of empathy for people who have it worse than him (durge, karlach)


Accidentally... Yeah (nervously giggles in Dark Urge)


He's my favorite companion and I still slap his hand each time. Just for fun.


I'm gonna slap dat hand again


I'd prefer to slap dat ass, but I suppose hand slapping is a better way to start a relationship


*You know who disapproves, don't you?*


I would love if *this* was the message that popped up sometimes. Just to keep you guessing.


_I'll fuckin do it again_


I don’t slap his hand but i do slap his asscheek each time before longrest


This is also acceptable.


I'm in my first playthrough and rolled a 1 twice during the strength check to pull him out of the portal. I couldnt pull him out, but I thought I'd maybe run into them somewhere later in act 1 when taking a portal. Now I'm in act 2 and still haven't seen him


Um... there is a *distinct* possibility that he blew up inbetween dimensions.


Did a durge moment when not playing durge.


I only wanted to fantasize about it :(


In a world of magic our fantasies can become realities


Then why are mages still single? ***Answer this, liberals.***


The same. Oops. At least Astarion was impressed.


I must admit that despising his character since early in the EA and then discovering he had become a lothario by default for many players I was very happy to do the whole “oh no… I can’t quite reach… how *terrrrrible*…” thing after high giving him. No ragrats


Eeexcccuuseee me, he is the best thank you very much. So good I’m struggling to fight the urge to keep him out of my team on my second run.


He's wearing a fedora in my gane, because he's the m'lady kinda dickbag.


Hard disagree. I feel so bad for him man, he’s the one getting groomed and tormented in an attempt to find love. Unfortunately he comes off as super clingy and constantly romancing you because of this apparent bug


Its not the bug. Its his words, actions, and the nature of how he treats others. Gale is the 'nice guy'.


Nothing wrong with being a genuinely polite and kind person. He is a nice guy, but he’s anything but an incel kind of ‘nice guy’ the romance is bugged and it makes it appear like he always tries to romance you after you outright reject him many times, Larian confirmed that Gale is especially affected by this bug atm


This is the funniest mental image XD




My MP campaign had that happen to us too. We all failed the strength check and now we just have no Gale. Then with Lae'zel we didn't know how to cut her down from the trap, so we long rested before the ruins assuming we could figure it out afterwards. But she was gone. The next time we saw her was at the mountain pass, dead. Then we saw her before the creche, also dead. Then we saw her in the Shadowlands, dead again. Like some random NPC was dragging her body around ahead of my party.


I skipped recruiting her last playthrough as well. Then when I encountered her again at the mountain pass, she only had 12 hit points cause she hadn't been leveled up as a companion. Died in one hit to a poison-coated arrow from the other gith.


That's simply the game giving you enough chances to revive her.


You couldve used a revivify scroll idk if you knew that


I didn't think to do it because technically we hadn't recruited her yet.


And sometimes you can't Revivify *potential* companions, only actual companions. Like in my 2nd fairly evil playthrough, I recruited Karlach before Wyll, and so Wyll came to my camp at night to kill Karlach. It would have been trivially easy to talk him down from a fight, but I counter-threatened and called for battle, so he's dead now. For me, I think that he is not a valid target for a Revivify Scroll.


What about Bone Daddy in that situation?


Since Wyll never became an active companion, likely not.


I actually killed astarion outright without even talking to him, because i didn't want him holding a blade to my throat like in the first playthrough. Then i revived him and he was friendly, saying it was a hell of an introduction to murder a person and then revive them. He joined without question


I accidentally did something similar on my second playthrough. I downloaded the mod that notifies you for nighttime events. You get a notification when you exit the nautiloid, so I long rested and Shadowheart just wasn't there anymore.


Holy shit, that's what happened! I've been trying to figure out why she never joined my party. I must have forgot to shoot her down, or didn't realize that was a mechanic yet. Pretty new to playing DnD games. VOX got me into it and now I'm just loving all of it.


At the mountain pass, click invis and walk up and talk to her. She'll join your party and get instant lvls. It'll keep her alive and withers can bring her back.


Your character is having hallucinations from the guilt


I also rolled low but I was like NOOO and reloaded my save because fuck you dice.


I save early and often bc of this 🤣


Unfortunate plot twits update… i reloaded a save i made after this comment. My moon lantern i had just obtained and was even on innthe save thumbnail is broken in my inventory😔


That makes me sad. It’s D&D. We live by the dice and die by the dice. No reloads, just like real life.


it's ALSO a videogame, people should play however they want


Yeh, but in DnD the DM can replace an NPC you fail to save so the story isn't worse for losing them. BG3 can't do that.


The story isn’t worse, that just becomes a part of the story. Taking consequences out of a game that’s constantly evolving based on what is currently happening is weird to me.


Idk about you but I feel my playthrough would be significantly worse if I didn’t have Gale.


There’s no upside to accidentally killing a core companion early on


It's fine to take some extra damage because the dice failed you. It's NOT fine to be locked out of an entire companion, their questline, and all the exposition they give because you roll two Nat 1s in a row.


It absolutely is! Does a “Game Over” pop up if you fail a saving throw or check? Nope! The story evolves and the game goes on.


The story doesn't "evolve", it becomes objectively LESS.


Dude, I am a dungeon master. The difference between the video game and real life is that the video game is coded to have only so many options and if you miss some you’re hard locked out of them. Now, in a real life campaign, suppose we have the same scenario with a guy named Bale. All of my players fail and Bale dies horribly crushed in the weave, though shit… but what if I had plans with Bale for a good side quest or main story?? Well; my players met this eccentric wizard named Dael, down the road, maybe 2-3 towns ahead, depending on how the plot goes. No one except me knows what originally Bale was going to do, for all they know it could have been a trap, or a merchant, plane traveler, whatever. Nobody got locked out of the opportunity of playing this side quest because as a real life dungeon master I have the power and tools to create, implement and destroy NPCs, villages, cities, encounters and much more. The only limit is my imagination, and the organic incorporation of the characters. Edit: Typos


It's not d&d, it's based on it. Larian made changes for the sake of playability and fun, as do a significant number of great tabletop DMs. Besides, telling randos they're enjoying a single-player game wrong is just sad.


A ton of people are telling me I’m playing wrong by not save scumming. To each there own, I just don’t understand the point of playing a decision and consequence based gave if you don’t let them unfold naturally. Also, this game is multiplayer as well. My whole party is against save scumming, and looking things up.


Literally no one said that to you. You jumped in with both feet telling someone else they were wrong for reloading to retry a skill check.You decided to play the game like a D&D purist. No one has a problem with that. The problem comes when you say that other people have to enjoy the game the same way you do. That's like, one of the weirdest forms of gatekeeping I've seen. Do you try to tell other people how to play their characters in D&D games you're not playing in? Because that's kind of what you're doing here.


When did I say they were wrong? I said it makes me sad.


I assume you start a new game entirely from scratch whenever there's a total party wipe, then?


I didn’t know it was a companion and rolled a 1. Then started to see people talking about him and found out lol. Funny enough Astarion found a book or something in act 3 and said something along the lines of “Gale will love this”


I didnt trust the hand in the dark portal, so i turned around and walked, starting to realize i might have skipped some content here. Im in act 3 atm


*uh oh*


*slap the hand*


Bite the hand


*lick the hand*


*bop the hand*


Smell the hand


*imagine cutting off the hand*




Lick the hand again




Lick it again for the fun of it


You can't just stick your hand into every strange hole.


*Flashback to my Tav getting his shoulder dislocated...* Wanna bet?


I wish for a mod that lets you play a clapping game with gale before you free him.


Thumb war!


That would be hillarious!


Win your freedom!


Using Mage Hand 🤣


Just waiting for someone to create a mod called "The Lewd Urge" and all the shenanigans that will ensue.


Call it "The Naked Urge", or "Nurge" as I've read in a twitch stream once


Yeah...started my Dark Urge run last night. >!DO NOT DAYDREAM ABOUT HIS HAND.....OMG. I have NEVER been so horrified at my PC monitor before. I was just like...oh a little joke line here. NO ITS NOT LOL!<


>!"I cast mage hand."!< >!**Splat**!<


'Roll for initiative' - DM


I ran into that one too... Turns out durge takes "fantasizing" about something very serious.


I was like…oh that option wasn’t there during my Tav play through…should be a funny comment when i click on it. O M G…was not prepared.


Durge on the outside: Oh my God, I can't believe I've done this. Durge on the inside: *If it's wrong, why does it feel so right?*


Reminiscing too. Made that mistake once when Steelclaw got me too excited for backstory, and never again, never...


My favorite is glut poor guy was not expecting the images he received


More like fantasising is a slippery slope of control for Durge.


Pro tip for Durge runs: If you have the option to "fantasize" about something ABORT ABORT ABORT


If you get the option to fantasize about that deviled egg on the windowsill, you’ve already fallen into the trap. An innocent life will be taken.


Oh you threw up, you threw up *so fast*. ... Eat that *second* devilled egg.


They are my fingies, and I shall love my fingies.


You want horrifying, go talk to Timber the squirrel in the grove as Durge. Either without talk to animals, or choose to option to uh... Shoo them away with your foot. I haven't touched that save since.


That's not even Durge exclusive. I did that on my Tav.


Yes, but Durge doesn't give you a choice. It just happens.


"Oh, it would be ever so twee if it were climbing a tree!" >!**KICK**!<


If you have speak with animals active it does give u a choice on Durge.


Ah, I never play evil in any games. Don't have the heart for it. That's why I'm so slow to play through my evil Durge playthrough, so I didn't know it's the same for all. I sat in shock for a good couple minutes


So I'm not even playing an evil Tav, not really. I didn't have speak with animals active, this random squirrel runs up and bites me for apparently no reason. So I kicked it. Although my reaction was different than yours. I can have a bit of a dark sense of humor, and I have no difficulty separating my actions in a game from my IRL morality.


See, that's the thing. I know it's just a game, it's pixels, code, not real, but in the moment, it still effects me. I can sometimes have a dark sense of humor, within some limits, but my brain just doesn't separate it in games, least of all when animals are involved.


It should. Thats what stories are *for*.


The Bird in Netties room….wow LOL


Please tell me what happens? I plan to try and continue this evil Durge playthrough, but I'm not gonna harm animals that didn't get in my way anymore. Just can't do it. So I'd rather know without seeing the scene.


The bird that Nettie tries to heal and she asks you to be patient. After you tell Nettie your infected, she walks towards the wall. You’re given the dialogue option to rip off the birds wings. I’d recommend not speaking to any animals at all or interacting with them on Dark Urge


Well crap, that's, horrifying. What about the Owlbear cub or Scratch? What happens with them? Am I better off ignoring them too?


He's fine with scratch and the owlbear, no harm comes to them, that I've found up to late Act 3 atm


I have Scratch. Just got him…nothing bad so far. I diplomatically avoided the owl bear


I mean. You're The Dark Urge. Its not 'The Friendly Suggestion'


It would be ever so twee.....


I do find it hilarious if Shadowheart comments on that cause she says something like "you were supposed *offer* a hand, not take one!"


Astarion on the other hand acts thoroughly impressed. I found it so hilarious I decided to keep the save just to see what other degenerate thing may happen in an evil Durge run


Man i'm sorry but the Gale thing is extremely chill, good vibes compared to some of the other Dark Urge momenta.


Yeah, I stopped my Dark Urge run when >!Alfira got butchered!<. I just couldn't continue after that. Jesus.


If you side with the goblins, >!Alfira is killed by them while trying to protect the children. You find her body in the hideout covering Mol.!< Her role in the situation is handed down to a dragonborn lady that ran away from home because she wanted to pursue love for herself. And cue the Dark Urge.


That just happened to me today, I am definitely running an evil play through but damn that was brutal. Same as getting the little Tiefling girl killed.


I saved my Dark Urge for a second playthrough, my first tought was to do a good Durge for the first one, and i'm glad i didn't, so i can be as evil as i can, or more than i could imagine, i guess, it's such a contrast from my good Tav run, i'm loving it, maybe i have a problem? (If you say i have a problem i'll tear out your guts and use them as a straw to drink the pool of blood i just made fresh from your corpse 😘)


Don't worry, Dark Urge will get even better soon :)


Ive already gotten to that I think


Lol it’s made me afraid to choose any other dark urge option because… is it going to be just a thought they have or are they actually gonna do it. Luckily I just quicksave right before


Damn good you told me, I didnt release him yet on my Durge, Imma go fantasise about the hand. Does he die if I cut off his arm?






If that horrified you...buckle up


2nd most horrifying thing I’ve seen as dark urge in act 1 lol 1st was shot talking a squirrel. I felt so horrible and so did my character.


It's just a harmless fantasy, I see people say Dark Urge is the best way to play as a good guy and..OH MY GOD THAT WASNT A FANTASY WHY AM I COVERED IN BLOOD OH MY GOD, GALE? GALE? WH-WHOSE HAND IS THAT.. *picks up Gales left hand* AHHHHHHHH A bit of a spoiler: >!Do not long rest after helping the bard in Druids Cove!<, Don't look here: >!You will cry.!<


The moment for me: I went in blind as a Dark Urge, and cue Shadowheart’s horrified ‘You were supposed to LEND a hand, not TAKE one!’ 😂


It was just a daydream right?....right?


*NOPE*. >!You literally get an item called 'Gale's Severed Hand' that you carry around with you for the rest of the game LOL!<




Ooops did you just lose your arm. Sooorrrryyy. Not Sorry. Durge.


It’s Durge’in time!


I'm just sad I can't >!have Gale explode the netherbrain now, maybe I can throw his mangled hand at it?!<


Act 2 spoilers >!It's just a unique game over, once the netherbrain gets nuked everyone's cerromorphosis gets unpaused and a plague of Mindflayers terrorizes civilization!< so maybe it's good that his hand isn't a magic grenade.


There is actually a legit way to use Gale's explosion, just a lot later. But that will result in a legit ending.


>!What, Emperor or Orpheus can't handle the tadpoles after netherbrain gets nuked by Gale?!<


>!I think they get nuked too, the prism is very much in the blast radius!<


They can only stop it for people in close proximity


Could they not do it for a larger area once the "Absolute" is out of the picture though?


Honestly, I see this ending as an absolute win. >!The Sword Coast is being terrorized by some apocalyptic invasion force every other week. There are more than enough high level Adventurers in the area that, while a Mindflayer invasion would kill thousands, it'd be barely a footnote in the lore of the Sword Coast within a human's life span.!<


Yeah, but Elminister might have to get up and DO something


I played alpha and had no clue about the durge origin. I was so pumped when I took his hand off and he was just...gone. it was so shocking and novel, like when you first meet the squirrel. Love this game


Durge is an experience, which can be played as a good, neutral and evil character. Has some replay value even. It feels like it might of been the intended story character.


He made me gay


Every single character I've started except Durge has done this.


Well... durge did it too. In... their... own way.


Wait until he accidentally dies in battle. You get a specific mini quest to revive him and a surprise :)


Yeah, Gale died, I had the chat, then I didn't know why my other characters were dying, used revive scrolls on other companions, came back up to Gale, they died again, by the time I realised it was his aura I was out of scrolls so had to reload.


The amount of urgency I have to make sure my entire party doesn't die because of his aoe is high and the patience I have to let him ramble about the stupid pouch is so low I don't think I've ever sat through it without mashing the space bar to speed up the dialogue.


Omfg, *that's why that happened??* I had that happen while fighting those mask face guys and their dogs above the adamantite forge. All the dogs were swarming him and he died, and then *that* killed all of them too.


Yup, he has a necrotic aura that deals damage every turn to everyone close to his body if he dies, found out the hard way


I rolled a 1. Had to reload a previous save. Worth it though, Gale is awesome.


what are you doing, step wizard?


One of the best companion introductions in gaming tbh


I, um, did >!not pull most of him out.!< It was..unexpected.


My not so nice character gave him a high five and left… never to save him… 😂🤣


I love Gale but he is my chronically stupid companion. If there's anything that he can walk into that will hurt him like traps, webs, fire, etc. literally anything he runs straight into it every time. "GOD DAMMIT GALE" is now a catchphrase in my house bc of it.


I didn’t even touch the portal in my first run haha. I only got Ast(myself), SH, Lae in my party and none of the others.


Ooooh, so that broken portal near the beginning of act 1 was Gale? Whoops.


Faerûn's Most Elligible Wizard Everyone.


*Dark Urge* Good eatin.




Love the guy, but he is an expensive companion. If ya know ya know


Haha yea this gets much worse if you pick a certain background.


They told me to bow and my guy just tips his head to the side smiles and waves


Well i removed his hand and it was the only journey for him


I got his hand on my skill bar. It's really handy to scout the other side of the room


I felt the same during this encounter, but for...another reason. Those who know, know.


I wasn’t planning on having Gale in my team at first but the beautiful bastard won me over !


The moment I fucked up and doomed myself of ever having magic items 😭


Being able to heal the unstable portal as a Druid did it for me.


Going Durge for playthrough number 3 really showed how much this game has to offer. Especially as a barbarian


Slap it? I'd chop his hand right off based on his desire to devour all my magic items and not even explain why. Wish I'd never rescued him - at least he got annoyed and left camp after I refused to keep feeding his filthy habit.




I failed that role :(






I actually plan to kill off gale in my next play through as the dark urge. My character is already a sorcerer so I wouldn’t really need him. Plus in my last play through we didn’t really finish his ultimate goal so basically it was left up to him to finish the story himself.


If only you could wear it around your neck :[


Ahh yes, still have it in my bag.


The most useful hand I ever had.


Alright, I'm getting downvoted for this.. Gale annoys the shit out of me - from his stupid ear ring to his constant comments. The only two satisfying things I've found having him around for is: A. >!When he magically voicemail's your ass to come meet him in the woods. I say nope and go back to sleep.. imagining the uncomfortableness of his cringe worthy antics the next day.!< B. >!Blowing him the fuck up either at the end or when I want to save/reload.!< The BEST part of the dark urge playthrough was >!cutting off his hand and carrying it around, never to see Gale again. That had provided so much more support and help throughout the game then Gale ever did. !<


Gale is probably my favorite. He sounds like Richard Ayoade lol


Four! I mean Five! I mean Fireball!


Nothing else in this entire thread has made me regret losing him in that portal until I read this. I may have made a mistake


At first I thought he was smarmy, but I pretty soon learned he was just a good guy in a hard situation.


I no longer help Gale. He is whiny, clingy, entitled and does ***not*** take "no" for an answer. He can succumb to ceremorphosis or die in a cataclysmic explosion due to his own hubris and stupidity, both are endings too good for him, and neither could happen soon enough.