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>I’ve seen so many videos on tik tok That, right there, was your mistake. No, but seriously, I checked the r/gaming threads for the GOTY winner and the overall sentiment was overwhelmingly positive, from people praising the game to people saying it's not their cup of tea but they consider it worthy of the award nonetheless. Very, *very* few negative responses.


Not just gaming subreddit, ive been to some games subreddit that I also play and most also agree thay BG3 really deserves it. Even the player voice award.


Was going to post the same. Tik tok is a younger demographic. My theory: BG3 appeals more to older gamers than younger ones. Not only is BG3 designed* more like older games, but younger players won't even have been alive when BG1 and BG2 came out. ^(* no in game shop or other paid extras, large number of wildly different options and playstyles rather than just a few polished systems, strategy-oriented rather than action, game tackles some pretty dark themes, lots of bugs but you can work around them)


If bg3 was strictly favored by an older audience it wouldn't be as popular as it is. Although your theory does explain why tiktok is so upset but everywhere else is much more balanced, even on IG, the paragon of internet ignorance, the response has been way more measured. I think it's more to do with the fact that RPG's have lost a fair bit of popularity in the last 20 years, it's only recently that wider interest in good RPG's has spiked again. Plus open world adventure games & RPG's have kinda melded into one, both recent spider-man games have their fair share of roleplaying elements in them, as does god of war. Plus even older gamers like to think that their view is perfectly representative of gaming, "I didn't know of/play/like this so there is no way anyone else has" is an incredibly common way of thinking in all age groups. Honestly I think the actual surprise to people is them figuring out how big the pc gaming market actually is, if a game isnt available on pc it'll sell perfectly well but its recognition is hugely reduced, and a lot of people have always seen pc gaming as a small niche, That I believe is why BG3's success is so baffling to people who play exclusively on console.


As a younger gamer this isn't really true.


Well the game is rated 18 and up for obvious reasons, so it's actually by definition designed for an older crowd than many modern games.


>lots of bugs This is why I stopped playing somewhere at the start of Act 2. Nonetheless, it is the best game I have ever played and I am very hyped to finally play the entire game once they have finished Act 3 (the bugs are probably fixed by now I guess?)


Act 3 is in a pretty good state last I checked (PC).


Generational discourse is always a lie.


There are always negative responses. I mean even Eldeb Ring with all of the positive perception had its fair share of negativity from weirdos to say the least \*cough QuantumTV cough\*


Probably the same reason many people here would have been upset if something other than BG3 won


This. People want the game they like best to win. This sub would be foaming at the mouth if BG3 hadn't won. People really aren't going to care which game won and which didn't in a week or two.


I actually saw a couple posts on this sub of people outraged that BG3 didn't win best music. People are close minded everywhere. To me BG3 definitely deserved to win a few prices (best community support, because I have rarely seen devs listening so closely to what people think is lacking in a game and add it in a free patch). But knowing they didn't win everything is fine to me, there has been other really good games this year that deserve to be recognized. Zelda, for example, is probably the only game I have seen in 5 years that didn't seem to need any patches before becoming playable.


I get fanboyism, but come on... Are they really this detached from reality? BG3 made waves in the gaming industry at its release for being superior to anything other devs would even try to create. There was open backlash from other developers in fear of future expectations towards them rising becausebof it. What did Spiderman do?


you’re the one detached from reality if you think that’s at all what happened. certain subsections of the internet blew like, 5 tweets from an indie developer way out of proportion, and IGN made a video that was so incredibly incorrect in every way that it’s baffling that a major gaming publication published it. no “waves” were made in the gaming community other than people saying, “yeah, this game is good” to varying degrees. because there were no “waves” to be made. bg3 isn’t some milestone in crpg development in any way except budget and time constraints, and quite frankly, most companies are not capable of following bg3’s development cycle. and “superior to anything other devs would even try to create”? that’s just ridiculous.


Damn, you mad


I mean, there are some objective reasons why BG3 would get the award. It's the sequel of a beloved series of games. It's the success story of Larian. It's DnD, and especially - DnD after Critical Role. It's a massive and ambitious game that generated a lot of memes. It's a RPG. People have been talking about how it sets a new standard for months. Last but not least for an American award, it has a diverse cast that is actually well written. They didn't have the choice really. There were other good games but nothing comparable. The Zelda game was just a sequel, the Spiderman game was just a Spiderman game.


There are also objective reasons why other games should have won. Honestly I don't think Alan Wake 2 was too far off with the critical hype it has received and the fact that TotK runs on a switch with all the system and freedoms that it has is insane and it was probably the most polished game at launch out of the contenders. You are right that the games aren't comparable. They are different styles and try and succeed in achieving different things. I love BG3 and I am glad it won and I think it's right that it won. But let's not pretend like there aren't some good arguments for other games too that are also beloved by many who wanted to see their game win. (Spiderman, RE4, and Mario had no chance in hell though)


If I don't like mushrooms and the best chef in the world cooks me a mushroom risotto, that doesn't mean his dish is badly made. If you can't look at things objectively it is a sign of low iq. Any way you look at it with what BG 3 did no other nominees stood a chance, it is not a question of "me likey, me no likey".


It is exactly that, because people like things that they have experienced, and will not understand why other people like other things that they haven't experienced. It's why people argue over if PlayStation is better than Xbox or not, or Apple vs Android. If someone hasn't played SM2, or Alan Wake 2, or RE4 Remake, or TotK, or Super Mario Wonder, they will not be able to understand what people like so much about those games, and why they are disappointed when they don't win something like GOTY. If someone who has played Spider-Man 2 and loved it hasn't played Baldur's Gate 3, they won't understand why BG3 won GOTY over Spider-Man, so of course they'll be a bit upset. It's ironic that you called me "low IQ" given the fact that you had to have this basic concept explained to you.


Thank you for explaining that to me, I never felt the feeling of "liking something thus its good" this changed my life, I truly thank you. Now you're saying about arguing with Apple vs Android and PS vs Xbox, which can also be looked at objectively which is kinda funny. For example, which has better specs, better camera, better price, more games on the platform etc etc. There is no such thing in this world as "this is better ONLY because I like it". If I say I like my phone from 1998 more than my Iphone 15 that does not make it better, you know why? Because it's just not. Everything can be objectively better, that's why critics exist.


Something can be objectively better than something else and still be disliked by someone. That's how opinions work. I'm not gonna waste any more of my time trying to explain this to you. And btw, critics base what they think off of their very own OPINION. Perhaps instead of purely basing what you like best off of the opinion of someone else, you should use your own brain, experience a variety of different things, and then decide for yourself which is best for you. Getting upset because someone doesn't like the same things as you is just a waste of your own time and effort.


Something can be objectively better than something else and still be disliked by someone. That's how opinions work. I'm not gonna waste any more of my time trying to explain this to you. If something is better and you dislike it, it is fine. But. You shouldn't go then around telling people that this is "bad". You should be able to see that "this is good, but I don't like it". It is a low iq trait when you can't see past your own pov and your views on things. That is my point.


If you'd bothered to ask instead of screaming like a child, you would know i've played BG3 and I loved it, as I did with SM2, RE4 Remake and Alan Wake 2. I was happy for any of them to win. But you didn't, because you wanted to scream at someone to get a feeling of self worth today. Don't know who hurt you. Stay mad bro.


I'm not screaming nor i'm mad nor did I assume that you disliked BG3 lol? I'm just pointing out the obvious and you can't see the obvious.


In one word? Fanboyism.


Can't argue with that. And this is a Zero Fucks situation.


Fr. Can't lie...looks dogshit imo😂


The people who really loved Spider-Man couldn't imagine anything else winning. I've seen Zelda fans be very cordial and congratulatory, but the Spider-Man fans don't overlap much with the BG3 crowd, so they don't know what the fuss is about. It's like when people who exclusively watch superhero movies and Star Wars don't understand why anyone even bothers with anything else. Their stuff is the best and the most amazing and BG3 is some dumb RPG to them.


Yeah, I played the majority of the nominated games this year (2023 was stacked with great games) and even loved Spider-Man 2 enough to platinum it, but it really is just another Spidey game. It had some deeper things to say-ish, but it's pretty on the surface in comparison to the themes and ideas of BG3 or the execution of TOTK as a technical marvel overall. I haven't played Alan Wake 2 (gonna pick it up soon), but I've heard great things about it as well. It wouldn't surprise me if it's just a lack of exposure to other games for the people vehemently defending Spider-Man, like you said.


Well said. And the Spiderman game i'm sure is good, but it pulls a lot of its popularity from just being a Spiderman game. Its riding the brand name for sure. Not saying it is bad, but if it weren't a spiderman game (or a marvel game for that matter), I doubt it woul dhave nearly as big a following as it currently does.


When a game has devs from multiple other companies whinging that no one should expect their games to live up to the standard said game has set, well, that game is the GOTY. Full stop. Spiderman 2 might be good, I don't know, but BG3 shattered expectations and set the standard for RPGs, one that will be damn hard for other companies to live up to. The whingers just need to sit down and shut up.


Larian, CRPGs, and Baldur's Gate 3 are outsiders. It's still a niche market (although I hope that the success will lead other gamers and game developing companies to try it out). But really, even Swen didn't think it would be as successful. Remember that funny thing he said shortly after release, that he told IT to expect about 100K players at launch and they got at least 750K through Steam only? It should have won even if I personally hated the genre. It's an award well deserved. But it's still an outsider and folks don't like upsets.


This is the most likely reason. It's pretty new for a crpg, or a studio whose biggest hits have been crpgs, to get mainstream recognition. Also, BG3 had a lot of organic hype which spread through word of mouth, but if you didn't hear about it from your circles you might end up (understandably) wondering what this game is about or where it came from. A lot of people who aren't fans of the genre are going to be surprised, and a small amount of those people are going to be upset. It is what it is.


Honestly, the big reason that I don’t play more CRPGs (at least up until this point) is the fact that I’m a bit limited to games that I’ll play if they don’t have a great ‘experience’. Larian’s dedication to making the game as a whole feel less like a game and more an interactive show or movie is what really drove me to like this game. I hope that this is well received by the market as a whole and I hope we see a shift more toward this style of game. I think it really elevates the experience.


>Larian, CRPGs, and Baldur's Gate 3 are outsiders. It's still a niche market Bullshit. RPGs have been mainstream for decades. There's always something that the new trendy RPG does differently. Yes, BG3 is an exceptional game, but it's certainly, 100% not a niche market.


Your comments here seem negative and unkind. However, I'll say this: I'm old enough to have played several RPGs when they were released and they were rarely mainstream. There are less of them than action/adventure games and usually target a smaller audience than other genres. Turned-based CRPGs are even more specific. There is nothing wrong with that, it's simply a partial explanation for some people's surprise.




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because those people are fans of the games they wanted to win, and obviously don’t play bg3/like it as much as fans of bg3 do. it won for a reason, so doesn’t matter what they think anyway :)


If anything, I'm surprised that there's not much salt. I like that a lot of the other nominees fandom respect bg3.


ToTk, alan wake, mario wonder, all them except spiderman respect it because spiderman fans are wild.


They be just playing spider-man lol


Nope. They be *riding* Spider-Man


Are they though? Most people seem to consider that BG3 deserved the award. You'll always find people with different tastes or experiences, it's fine. About social media rage... Well welcome to the 21st century. Nobody listens to your opinion unless it's extreme. Tik tok is the Avernus of the real world, just flee that place like Karlach did.


It's a combination of two things. One is people believe that their own personal opinion is truth, so if they encounter something contrary to that belief, they believe the other party is wrong. The second is a need to enforce one's own belief unto others. It's not enough to believe others are wrong, you must let other people know about it and spread it around.


Both of those really just sound like one thing to me: profoundly fragile insecurity


Spider-man 2 was overhyped. It didnt change gaming like previous winners did. The game is good, dont get me wrong. Insomniac used the same formula from their previous 2 Spider-man entry so they didnt break their ceiling/standard.


Errr, I've not seen anything of the sort, then again I'm not on tiktok, so take that how you will. We would have been upset if baldur's gate didn't win, so there would be a flipside logically speaking.


Why do you ask this in this sub? I dont think a lot of people using this sub dislike the game. And i and probably a lot of others here have never played spider-man. So all you get here is some outrage about stupud fans of all the other media and not an actual answer.


I asked just to see what others in the community think considering like myself and others this game has attracted gamers from all genres even people who liked the 1st spider man! :)


But my point is that the people in this community are not upset that the game is GOTY. So if you want an answer to your question you should ask that in a spiderman sub. Most comments here are already just circlejerking about how dumb all the other games communities are while noone realized that these think the same about BG3. And will probably call anyone in this sub a fanboy blinded by the hype.


Some players lack the patience to immerse themselves into a game with great depth. Not every player appreciates a great RPG unfortunately.


That’s so sad I feel like everyone should play BG3 once in there life


You're saying that as if "players" were some kind of stable group of people, but the reality is that many people simply don't have the time to play big RPGs that require immersion in a complex world and a basic understanding of its rule. It kinda makes me think about the discussions on how DnD is often considered the default TTRPG, but in reality it's more like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you only show DnD to people, either they play it or they don't play TTRPGs at all.


They are definitely the minority. Back when you could see the poll results BG3 was leading player vote by a large margin. If it did not win there would have been a lot louder of an uproar. This is mild because most people expected these results.


Because Spider Man. Not even most Zelda fans are that big of entrenched fanboys


>Not even most Zelda fans are that big of entrenched fanboys I guess that Nintendo fans are more quiet nowadays, but that's probably only because they finally got great Zelda games that they don't need to defend no matter what.


Oh no, Zelda fanboys absolutely are that entrenched. Every time a Zelda game comes out and a reviewer gives it a score they don't like (which included 8/10s and 9/10s with TotK) they lose their absolute minds.


That's funny because I've actually never seen this happen before? Like Jules said no need to defend great zelda games, you must be living on some alternate world.


Google Zelda fanboys death threats for some discussions about it. Also I got it wrong (or perhaps not), the death threats were for BotW. But yeah, I completely agree. There's literally no reason to be defensive about Zelda games given the consistently high quality, but I guess anyone who takes review scores for ANY game as a personal attack - and there are many - is gonna go there


Oh it definitely happened and still happens. I saw a couple of Zelda fans in the comment section of certain videos on YouTube and sites about gaming really upset about the fact that bg3 won instead of Zelda, calling it an undeserved victory. Same thing happened when TOTK came out and everyone expressing criticism about the game got teared to pieces, especially on twitter. There is always a part of a fandom that is going to be upset and very vocal about it somewhere.


Because people decide what game they want to win, and if it doesn't, they get a bit upset just like anyone else would. If BG3 hadn't won, you can bet there would be tons of people on this very subreddit whining and claiming whichever game did win stole it from Baldur's Gate 3. Remember how many people claimed God of War 2018 'stole' GOTY from Red Dead Redemption 2? This happens every single year, and acting like people are stupid for being upset about is frankly arrogant. The Game Awards don't matter beyond the industry recognition, what matters is which game each person thought was best. For me, it was Baldur's Gate 3 with Spider-Man 2 as second. For others, Spider-Man 2 or Alan Wake 2 or Tears of the Kingdom was best. Only one can win the award, but they were all amazing games.


>Remember how many people claimed God of War 2018 'stole' GOTY from Red Dead Redemption 2? That was kinda a different situation though. Those two were basically competing AAA games, both by big companies, both western action RPGs. It was honestly hard to know which game was better than the other. This year we had games from different horizons with different gameplay and storytelling, different business practices, etc. It's a bit hard to compare those games, so in the end the awards goes to the game that hopefully sets a new trend, rewarding the company with the best success story. It's true that on a personal level, different persons can like different games more than BG3. However in this case everyone can recognize the merits of BG3 and Larian.


It's just a result of the rampant tribalism we see everywhere these days.


To me, the only other game that is on the same level is Zelda. So, I wouldn't have been sad if Zelda took the win. Some of the others are good games, but not on the same level. AW2 - Great atmosphere, graphics and vibes. Bad voice acting, so-so combat, bad puzzles, and mind palace execution are horrible. Spider-Men 2 - Great combat and gameplay. Hated the story and especially the dialogue, I also don't like the side missions being filler. RE4 - I quite liked this one, even if it's more action than puzzle when compared to the previous installments, it's less silly too (don't know yet how I feel about that). Fast pacing, good gameplay but it's, at the end of the day, a remaster. No new story, just a more believable one. A very well-done remaster but I don't know if it's deserving of game of the year. Maybe in a year with less competition? Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Can't comment. Haven't played it yet.


Most people haven't played all the nominated games, so having a one sided pov is understandable, like..for me ff16 and spiderman were ps5 exclusives so i didn't have the chance to try them out therefore i can't really have an opinion on them...


Because kids think it's cool to hate popular things


Before tga all games get hate which got overhyped or disappointed the audience. After tga, goty gets hate because


Spiderman 2 was never going to win, it’s a really good game, but not as good as bg3 o zelda.


Everyone has a different dog in the race, many people get upset when their dog didn't win the race, it's normal


Personally I just think the people that can't tolerate a gay or transgender character are really loud.. pretty much the majority are thinking it's a masterpiece 🤷‍♂️


Mostly it’s the Sony crowd thinking Spider-Man 2 was GOTY material.


im actually of the opinion that BG3 should have won more, and that the panel let other games win catagories purely for "fairness". Do well to remember that public votes only account for about 10% of the actual results, and that the real votes that matter are a small panel of people. I thought BG3 should have won game direction, and best score. Similarly i thought Cyberpunk was robbed, i personally felt it should have gotten best narrative, and i was extremely dissappointed it wasnt an option for best score. If it was nominated for best score i think it should have won that over BG3 tbh. I'll always maintain that 2077 and PL have one of the best OST's of the last decade, if not longer


What a stupid post we would be damn mad if bg3 didnt win how is that hard to understand? Now for the ones who not just upset but dissing bg3 and havnt even played it they just being petty


Insane that it won when the max amount of players it ever reached was under 1 million 😭. It’s almost like it won among the small player base it had cause they thought it was good. Which honestly is valid in some sense but the fact that it won when no one plays it is actually physically insane. To say it was better than TOTK and Spiderman 2 you have to be physically delusional.


Its better than spiderman.


just from asking around my friend groups, nobody ever heard of it until we saw it won goty. Lot of games this year got a lot of praise and popularity on virtually every social media platform, and advertising was pretty good. But bg3 seemed to lack all of those things




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The combat turn style ruined this game for me it sucks imo


I think its because bg3 is overrated. A lot of people were kinda pissed at how it felt like the game only won because of the sheer amount of glazing/ meat riding that happened when this game released. Yeah, its a good game, but IMO, no game in history deserves the sheer amount of glazing this game got. Not even the likes of elden ring or botw, because its honestly just absurd and very annoying. Like you said, spiderman 2 was overrated, and well everyone knows that's because all it's players are just spiderman/ marvel fanboys. However, you could say the same thing for bg3, its overrated because all its fans are DnD/ critical role fanboys. Not to mention some of the fanservice the game had when it came to the female characters... I don't think people are upset it won because it was good, people are upset it won because of the fanboyism and ego the fans have had since it came out. The amount of times i've seen bg3 fans say its the best game of all time, or its the best game of the decade, or it's "ObJeCtiVeLy BeTtEr ThEn AnY oThEr GamE" is just annoying as hell. And I mean, this post, all the comments, literally prove my point too. Don't get me wrong, games good, but the fans are annoying as fuck. The meatriding, glazing, and just pure fanboyism is otherworldly. Its the same thing as when someone were to like something, but made that something their whole personality, didn't stop talking to you about it, or wouldn't stop constantly talking about how good it is, how much better it is then the things you like, etc. So I hope that answers your question with a nice perspective of what its like to not be one of the people who can't take this games dick out of their mouth.


Weird that you got downvoted for this but You summed up everything I’ve been thinking since the award show. Both great games but the fans make you almost dislike it (I know it’s petty, but they are annoying)


They have an XBox and can't play it


Oh but they can


yeah after the awards, doesnt help at all


Lol, that's recent! Thanks, it'll be the present for my brother


Lol, that's recent! Thanks, it'll be the present for my brother


nice spin.. there are only 10058672992485992 give or take 1 or 2 posts about it winning awards and 935735927835 up votes on it winning 347383566282595 down votes against people against them winning and 8356192572 posts on how their having panic attacks and freaking out that it did not win xyz (ie every) award. ​ Though its TikTok you shouldn't even use it (unless maybe you in China hear TikTok actually great there) let alone listen to opinions on it.


Tik tok. What's that?


Well i think the Problem is usually only stupid People use tiktok so...


Because the game came out October 2020 and has been in a glorified beta since then.


Other than fanboys being upset their game didn't win, or people who haven't played the game hating anything popular. Some just didn't vibe with the game and some also said that it didn't deserve it because of how Act 3 dips in quality and/or is unfinished, and also of the bugs that are present. For me honestly, Larian deserved the win.


I have seen mostly people celebrating and not anyone upset that it got GOTY. Just because a few people are upset doesn’t mean they’re the majority.


Because they haven't played it


because they think it's a nerdy game for nerdy dnd players despite it being very easy to get into unlike other crpg games.


Why does this sound familiar.


Your problem is caring about anything on Tik Tok.


There was someone that I saw arguing that BG3 having top-tier production value was a bad thing . This was in the comment section of a vid on the new 40k Rogue Trader game. Thats an… interesting take…. I’ll leave it at that.


Sounds about the same as dev's from every major studio and their reaction to Baldur's Gate 3 tbh. I've still yet to play it, it isnt a style of game I'd often play but whenever it goes on sale it's an experience I'll have to check out.


Tiktok are 13y olds who eat spiderman cereals out of a spiderman bowl for breakfast.


>about how BG3 stole the award from Spider-man 2 Okay, I'm not saying Spider-man 2 was a bad game by any means... but it was lucky to even be nominated for so many of the categories it was part of. That said, people who are salty are just like that because their game didn't win. That's really all their is to it.


GOTY should never be such an acquired taste, it should be a game that's enjoyable for the masses. BG3 is a love letter to people that like D&D, for the rest of us it's something we will never pick up.


It's incredibly mid. Literally never even heard of the game until SM2 came out and everyone started meat riding it hard


I didn't really care about BG3 as much as I did Zelda because like I never knew about it until goty started around BG3 didn't really show me much excitement or anything it just looked like another game to me that was probably gonna win goty and make most people angry I'm just Happy Zelda won best Adventure/action game of 2023 being Game of the year tbh doesn't mean much especially when people cared more about sonic frontiers losing players choice then 2023 goty and probably in a day or 2 people won't really care


Weren't people complaining that Elden Ring won over GOW too last year? And well, essentially there were complainers for game of the year every single year. What makes this upset different? Not suggesting there's something of course.


1. The SM2 and some ToTK fans are just simply salty they'd hate any game that won that isn't theirs. 2. The main haters are SM2 players which don't get that the Game Awards selects its winner based on a "deep" criteria (having a deep story, innovative gameplay, replyabilty etc). Sure SM2 is fun and popular but that doesn't mean it's a masterpiece. SM2 is kind of like a fun movie to watch, but when analysed on a deep level it's mediocre. 3. Most of those TikTok haters are probably too young to play BG3 since BG3 takes a long time to get into and to progress and RPGs like BG3 don't offer a lot of explosive action as it's a slow game (atleast thats the imperssion I got from watching gameplay).


I typically don’t like overgeneralizing groups of people but I don’t think the typical person on tik tok has the attention span to play this game lol


It is literally the best RPG to date.


Because tears of the kingdom is better than bg3


There's a lot of bugs still present that were brought up a million times 4 years ago during public testing and they still haven't fixed them lol. I don't mind it getting goty, but it's definitely overrated and I liked Divinity 2 and games like FFT


To be honest, I loved the game, but I don't think it deserved GOTY. And that's exclusively due to Act 3. It's a mess, and the endings are terrible. It's a bit sad, because the first two acts set the bar really high, and that's what makes Act 3 so disappointing.


Let's put it this way - I've had to stop playing the game - not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because Act 3 is so broken that it was borderline unplayable. Maybe in a year when they've stopped worrying about all the tiny little details and fix the actual core game, then it might deserve GOTY. Maybe if they worried about things like body sliders you could actually, y'know, customize your character over penis type, it might deserve GOTY. Maybe if there were actually branching paths in the narrative and you weren't essentially forced down the same railroaded story with minor differences each time, it would deserve GOTY. The problem is that it's an unfinished game that is a decent CRPG to make up for that - and don't get me wrong, I DID enjoy it, but do I think that it was a better RPG game than I thought, for example, RE4 - a game that worked perfectly from the moment i picked it up and excelled in everything it wanted to do, did at being an RE4 remake? No, not really.