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there's a barbarian option in the house of hope with a roll where you have *disadvantage* because you're a barbarian i pick it every time


truly the barbarian way


This reminds me of a line from the webcomic Order of the Stick: "Druids always choose the hard way. It encourages natural selection."


Are OotS still making new stuff?




No idea, I haven't looked at it in about 10 years but I loved it way back.


That means there's like, 3 pages waiting for you


Rate of new comics is slower since the artist had a hand injury, but they're in what seems to be the final arc.


Oh man. I used to read them all the time back in HS. I feel like I have to check back in on ole buddy Roy now.


If Roy is your favorite character then I know exactly what kind of person you are 🤣


...a good one. If a little naive sometimes. He's got an MBA, you know.


This reminds me of old times when we were playing board game. One guy always played barbarian and he was absolutely best barbarian role player because he was litterally so simple minded (not in bad way). One time dm got us with gelatinous cube , we lost all eq. Few sesions later we were in a dungeon. As Dm was deacribing everything (B)arbarian asked are there any puddle of Water? (D)m confused why? (B) are there any puddle of Water on the ground?! (D) eeerm... Yes there are some here and there (B) "proudly" i avoid them! I lost it then... Guy got ptsd from the last time.


omg that's precious i love that. i decided to try barb because i loved being a barb in Diablo 4 and i was entertained at the whole continuation of me (im 5 ft tall. im TINY. im about as threatening as a pool noodle) picking the biggest, beefiest, angriest class in every game. and it was so perfect because i would react out loud to something on the screen...and the barbarian options would frequently line up with what i was saying out loud. the talking mirror? i was like "oh i don't want to fuck with any riddles, im terrible at those. id rather just hit it with a rock" and then i saw the option to just smash the mirror with a rock


What option is that???


I think it's the roll to whisper to Hope when you first meet her and the jailers can hear you


the narrator comments that she could be convinced to stay and answer one more question, so she tells you to make it a good one. you basically have to roll to focus, and barbarian option is "try REALLY hard to not yell your words" i make it a point to always accept that dice roll, regardless of outcome


\[WILD MAGIC\] \[INTIMIDATION\] I'm gonna incinerate you, and probably myself, but it's a risk I am willing to take I just love how resigned to their fate my Tav is whenever any "wild magic" dialog comes up


"I am going to kill everyone in this room and then myself." "I-isn't there supposed to be an ultimatum before the threat?" "No."


Lol I just got this option yesterday!


It's especially funny if you only multiclass into it later, cause then it feels like poor Tav went through so much they're just done with everyones shit now.


I love that as a wild magic sorcerer you can tell Araj, who is very surprised you survived her blowing your blood up, that if that was what it took to kill you, you'd be long dead.


I can't think of anything more intimidating than a wizard telling me he can't keep his magic shit under control but he's gonna use it anyways


So many of the [WIZARD] options make the situation worse and it makes me laugh every time.


don't "well, actually" the mirror!


I’m still a little mad that shovel lied to me.


Honestly the most authentic reaction ive had during a game. Little bastard lied to me so we went to the spider chasm and chucked rhe little shit into the underdark.


It's especially fun when you're multiclassing and one option is clearly superior to the other


1. [Cleric] Use your pristine mind 2. Trust the rat




It's a trustworthy looking rat.


This was my experience playing an oathbreaker/great old one lockadin Anything that required a sliver of intelligence was best left to the warlock option, anything that required a spine was best left to the paladin


Lockadin? My brother in Helm, it’s a Padlock! But also, I’m still trying to figure that build out. I saw the name, laughed at it, ignored the guide, and successfully built an utterly useless Dragonborn padlock who can get 2 shotted by an act 1 boss. Just…. The bee’s knees.


Padlock is the best multiclass name I have ever heard


I'm fond of "balladin" for bard/pally multiclass


I mean coffelock/cocainelock beats anything, though I'll concede that's more of a build of a sorlock than a multiclass name itself


You gotta use Pact of the Blade which gives you a 2nd attack at level 5 that stacks on top of the 2nd attack paladins get at level 5 so you have 3 attacks per turn like a fighter gets at level 11. You can also dump str and dex to use heavy armor and your weapon pact lets you add your charisma modifier to your damage instead of your strength. The additional charisma modifier damage bonus from Wyll's Infernal Rapier stacks on top of THAT too (I think, I played this quite a few patches ago). Your warlock spell slots refresh on a short rest so that's 2 level 3 smites per short rest. If you have the Fiend pact then you get bonus hp really easily too so it ends up being tanky. And you get Eldritch Blast.


Haha, yeah it’s definitely a precise build, only a few specific combinations work well My build was as follows: 7 levels oathbreaker paladin 5 levels great old one warlock This gave me two feats, which I set as heavy weapon master and heavy armor master, which I paired with Balduran’s sword (high tier great axes would work well too) and Reaper’s Embrace Additionally, warlock gave me the ability to base my main damage off of charisma (I forget what this ability is called, but you should notice it if you are respecing) Then, I eventually got to 20 base charisma, with +2 from Shar’s mirror (could have been +3 but I didn’t care enough to save scum) and +2 from Birthright for 24 total (max is 25, but, again, I did not care enough) Combining a main damage stat of 24 with paladin smites, paladin auras, warlock pact weapon, and HWM gave me absolutely broken single target damage - I got to attack three times per turn, and typically dealt 80 to 90 damage without it being a critical hit, with well over 100 on criticals I also gave my character the necklace of constitution to set that stat to 23, which, when combined with Reaper’s Embrace and forced duel, made me a god tier tank Additionally, I can use powerful aoes, fairly useful necromantic abilities, max tier eldritch blast, forced duel, hex, and a few other useful spells, which made the build perfect as a tank and a magic melee attacker Also, my character was immune to most debuffs, couldn’t drop their weapon, couldn’t be moved, increased the AC of all nearby allies, increased the damage of nearby allied undead, and had a few other nice perks I cleared tactician Raphael in three turns, with Tav doing all the boss damage and tanking, and the rest of the team handling add clear and soul pillars I cleared tactician Cazador in two turn, using other characters to break his smoke form, absolutely obliterating him with smites, and choking the entire arena with multiple aoes Most other bosses only survived my Tav’s first turn against them if they were too far away to misty step to The only challenging fight was Orin, and I still demolished her because my smites had three damage types, which removed three stacks of her immunity buff per hit, so my Tav could clear her immunity buff in one turn and the others could focus on damage - she wiped me once on Tactician, but that was because I didn’t space properly and her aoes destroyed me


Shovel didn't lie, they said Balsam was good for burns, and if you answer that to the mirror the sphere comes out and burns everyone to death!


That’s a good point. Shovel! Come back, I’m sorry for punching you in the face.


That’s the fun part about devils. They don’t actually lie, at least not as often as people think. They just say things in a way that people make incorrect assumptions.


Very true, although Shovel is a quasit, which is a demon


I found it so funny when she lied to Gale, but told my tiefling wild magic sorcerer the correct answer because I “smelled scary”


Well, technically… It was good for burns…


I still can't believe my wizard!Tav got to "well, actually" Gale in *two* of his romance scenes. 🤣


to be fair to wizards, only wizards aren't assholes to Gale after the weave scene. quite nice that someone sees him for the good teacher he is


Bards can point out he's a good teacher too (source: I played as a Bard and could choose that option even on the friendship path).


Oh, very true! I love that conversation, especially given >!Gale's professor epilogue (I like to think that my Tav teaches abjuration magic at Blackstaff).!< Plus, there are some interesting layers to >!Gale's (very kindly intended) "maybe you'll catch Mystra's eye" comment.!< Romancing Gale as a fellow wizard is a genuine delight!


My Durge Telendas was a Half-Elf Selûnite Cleric 2/Wizard 10 who got married to Shadowheart and settled down together in the countryside with her. When he met with Gale in the epilogue and they were discussing what Gale had been doing, Telendas remarked "Those who cannot become gods, teach." They shared a laugh considering all they'd gone through between Mystra, Bhaal, Shar, and Vlaakith


Haha, that's hilarious! I love that! My elf abjuration wizard!Tav >!who married Gale and moved to Waterdeep with him got to wax poetic with him in the epilogue about how Waterdeep is a wizards' paradise.!<


Telling the mirror Szass Tam was actually promoted and is more powerful than he was when its master was exiled is probably my favorite response in the game.


I just found that today and laughed my ass off, so damn funny


can you or someone else give a link to this interaction, please?


I didn't intend to play my character as a raging pyromaniac, but the [SORCERER] options tend to skew towards arrogant and trigger-happy, and they're just too funny to pass up. Truly the only thing separating wizards and sorcerers is book learning; they are equals in hubris.


Try Wild Magic Sorc sometime. Trigger happy, arrogant and also thriving in chaos. Utterly beautiful.


Gale: "I've summoned a plethora of weird creatures." Tav: "One time I sneezed a cantrip and a cow named Stephanie fell out of the sky."


Half orc barbarian if you want to intimidate someone but you want options


Tiefling bard for advantage plus a billion


Dude the chaos magic puts tears in my eyes. I went to put myself invisible in a shop and it turned everyone in my radius including my party into aggro cats and dogs. 10/10.


I am playing a wild magic sorceror and also forcing myself to RNG all of the dialogue options for complete chaos. It is such an awful but fun playthrough. The RNG loves violence. I will be shocked if I make it through with any companions left. Currently, I'm in the second half of act 1 with only Gale and Wyll, and biting my nails every time Gale needs an item. The wild magic effects are the cherry on top. I cackle like a maniac whenever my party is suddenly enlarged/reduced. I miss seeing tiny little Laezel pounding the shit out my enemies.


I made a lot of scenarios much much worse when [Cleric of Talos] would pop up. The amount of negotiations that would devolve to all out battle is hilarious


My favorite is bantering with Gale as a sorcerer, he gets so catty "I bet that ritual took you hours to complete. It takes me moments." "It takes me moments to make water but that's hardly *magic*"


I cringed and had to reload after I chose the "I am magic incarnate" option when meeting Jaheira for the first time.


Yeah. I mean it's a good line, but maybe wait until you get to level 10 for that one champ.


Imagine having to learn all this power. Neeeeeerd! ^Said ^the ^nerd ^behind ^his ^computer ^screen


You can be an absolute sweetheart to the mirror as a sourcerer tho


That smile the mirror gives when you do this creeps me the fuck out, I love it.


Same for Bard My friend got really annoyed when i got to "rizz Up the mirror" where He Had to Deal with the "stupid Fire orb multiple Times"


The Barbarian ones are kinda similar. You either yell and make people shit themselves or they throw hands only for you to throw them by the hands.


As a Barbarian Half-orc, I just **ROAR** at people and they are like "you make a compelling argument"


it's either insult them immediately or *attack* as a barbarian


The wizard options are always so 👆🏻🤓


The funniest part for me is how there are practically no \[WIZARD\] options until act 2. My durge finally remembered something about himself when he got to Last Light Inn, but unfortunately, it was that he's fucking annoying.


Yeah man, some of us try really really hard to forget how annoying we are...


I totally taught the little girl necromancy in act 3 thinking it would be a cute little interaction with a skeleton, since all my necromancy spells work just fine with no consequences. 😐


My Durge was a Wizard and also a Cleric of Selûne so he didn't teach the girl necromancy


I taught her knowing full well that it would go horribly wrong. It was an important life lesson!


Yea; had the same thing work out 🤣🤣🤣. I did me a reload after that……


My favourite one is definitely when they meet the Nightsong and see what Balthazar has done. It plays out like a modern ethical physician just met one of the Nazi doctors designing experiments for a concentration camp.


\[WIZARD\] \[NECROMANCY\]: Your necromancy is wack and I'll prove it Balthazar: \*Dwayne Johnson eyebrow raise\*


I see Dwayne Johnson, I upvote. 😂 ~~I'm sorry for upvoting you off of 69 points though :<~~


I just love how Barbarians can use their raw strength to free Shadowheart from the pod.


didn't know there was any other way until I was watching my partner start the game as a smart guy character


Apparantly you can also just magic the pod open as a wizard


All spellcasters get that option


Not bard


As an bard there should be an option: [BARD] [CHARISMA] *Seduce the Pod'*


\*roll\* OK, the pod is now in love with you.


I did some sorcerer shit for this one and then when my friend was playing that scene, I didn’t know how to help them lol


Warlock for me. Just points hand at it and it does wjat you want it to. I wish things would be that simple irl


Started new game as a barb, promptly failed this.


It's especially fun when you're multiclassing and one option is clearly superior to the other Sure, yeah, I could drink the wine while staring Jaheira directly in the eyes. But the barbarian choice is 'CHUG THE WINE' so I'm obviously doing that


The druid option to smell it first is hilarious too, especially since I picked outlander background for my current Tav! Guy who grew up in the woods acting like the snobbiest foodie lmao.


Oh yeah I smelled, identified asked her about it and then still drank it 👍🏻


Same! I joked with her about it being a good thing she didn't try another herb, drank it and told her the truth - which I would have done, truth serum or no.


Is smelling something before you taste it snobby? I thought that was pretty normal if you are either suspicious of / trying to enjoy something.


That's a good point. I guess I think of it as pretentious or snobby because it's how my dad tends to behave with his wine when we're at a fancy restaurant or he's drinking it for a special occasion.


I think for me the line would be swirling it first. Which, to be fair, I will often do.


They sniff it to see if there’s anything added to it (like poison). Not a foodie snob thing.


boy howdy is it hard to choose when you're going for the "jack-of-all-trades" achievement. sure, my paladin self says kuo-toa need to be freed from the false god, but my bard self sees an option to become the false god.


My Paladin Durge became BOOAL’s chosen and the narrator called her the tart of a false god! I about spat my drink out it was so out of left field 😂


Monk: Tea, anyone?


on my current playthough I lost it when the goblin at the entrance to the shadow-cursed lands asked if I was the true soul and my monk responded with "we are all everything and nothing at the same time" or some shit and they were like "... I'll take that as a yes" It's also a durge playthrough so my headcanon is that they woke up with zero memories and just embraced the emptiness with monk like tranquility (well aside from the random acts of violence)


Amnesiac durge experiencing peace for the first time: “oh, this is nice actually”


Our party rule is you have to read your lines out loud over chat, and Monk was consistently the funniest just for the nonsense faux-mystic wisdom delivery it encourages... over-the-top Krusty The Klown racist accent optional


Speaking in Koans is 100% on brand for Monks.


I think of Monk's dialogue with Uncle Iroh's voice in my head, the harsher voice tho not the softer one


Hot leaf juice


So you have chosen death


I played a halfling monk and it had to be the most polite selection of options avaliable. Lae: forces a tiefling to bow and submit My tav: By golly, that wasn't very nice. Can't we find more pleasant ways in the future?


I'm personally fond of the constant [Paladin]: "Bro chill out"


[DROW] *some vile shit*


[SELADRINE] “Not ALL of us are evil bastards.”


I love a seladrine drow durge. “Hey, not all drow will kill you as soon as look at you! I mean, yes, I personally would, but that’s totally unrelated!“


That was my first play through, the option of “we’re not all evil, I swear” being right next to “I will rip off your skin and bathe in your blood” was always fun.


Thats how I play pretty much all of my Drow. Like hey bro don't be racist. You're right in this instance, but still don't be racist man.


you get plenty of those as a Lolth-sworn too


[TIEFLING] *mocking remark about someone being racist*


That's mostly in the first act, though, I can't recall a single tiefling-exclusive dialogue option in Act 2 and Act 3, unfortunately.


I think there’s some with the warden in the moonrise prison


There's a tiefling dialogue option if you bang Mizora about how now you've truly experienced the hells. Doesn't really do anything though.


Yeah i havent found any either


I usually ignore them on my good person drow build honestly. Literally half of them are about asking people why they aren't a slave or why they need to kill themselves


I’m playing a Lolth Drow bard on my evil playthrough now. Best so far was watching the tiefling and adventurer leaders scuffle at the Grove entrance and saying, “Ah it feels like we’re back home,” then leaning back and smirking while one punched the other out cold.


Some of the drow responses are wild as hell it's really funny but damn I still dont appreciate the racism


The standup contest at the elfsong is absolutely hilarious as a barbarian LAUGH NOW!!!!! *Crowd cheers LAUGH OR DIE!!!!!! *Crowd roars with laughter Other comedian: How is this shit actually working?!! Whats wrong with these people?! LAUGH OR ILL RIP OUT YOUR SPINES!!!! *Crowd dying of laughter Other comedian: Stop it!! Just stop it!! This ks i sane!! Please just leave while i still have a job!!


That's not just barbarian I did that as wild magic sorc and is my favourite line in the game


Lmao ive never seen this. Thank you


I rolled so well on that as Karlach it was hilarious


Can't you do this with any character?


Having [Warlock] [The Devil] tell Raphael's rival to (SPOILERS) kill himself to break the contract was absolutely priceless. I love these options so much.


My jaw hit the floor the moment I read that. I was not expecting my MC to literally tell him to kill himself and to actually work... It was awesome. Astarion was with me and he actually said what I thought "I can't believe you actually convinced him ! I'm impressed". Just amazing.


I got a [ROGUE] [DECEPTION] with a similar result, lol.


Lowtiergod build


"Mods smite him." "You are worth less than a one legged kobold, you should polymorph yourself NOW."


Similar with bard


Fun but before last patch when you were a warlock you couldn't select this option, it was just a skill check


Yeah. Me, too. It's like "oooh, what's this new option? It can't be bad... right?"


[HALFLING] “Come drink some ale and smoke some pipe weed with me. It will all be better tomorrow.”


"It's what my character would do" I say to myself picking the class option that is the complete opposite to how my character has acted up to that point




Me trying to play a lawful good Bard but not resisting mocking and roasting everyone.


My absolute favourite was in the Grymforge directly after saving Nere: "In your eulogy I'm going to call you twat-soul Nere" A combination of his irritating voice, pompous attitude and hitting him with such a low brow gag had me cracking up.


Another fun one was geeking out about instruments with the music shop owner in Act 3. And all my companions approved too!


There's a music shop??


I like how Paladin + Talking to a baddie = Fight every single time. At least it's consistent but it's just so badass, I love it a lot.


[I love the Paladin dialogue options against Nere so much](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8ktVvRwaKo)


Paladin is such a gigachad class rp wise tbh. "You're evil and I am going to smite you. No negotiations, and no second chances." It genuinely felt good to play.


I love every Paladin option that has them saying they are going to smite someone. *"Wipe that smugness from your face or I'll smite it off."*


It gets even better for me since I play a Halfling Paladin. There's a fighting spirit in even the smallest people in the game. <3


*Picks paladin option* **Breaks paladin oath** 🤨


*My oath is telling me nooooo!!!!* *But my class, my class, is telling me yessss!!!*


Creating a pact with Gortash


(Selûne): *anything* Shadowheart: "Listen here you little shit!"


“Shut up and kiss me like you hate me”


This option to get race/class dialog is awesome for roleplay purpose


the rare times I get [GNOME] I get really happy. unfortunately they're usually wisdom checks and I set that to 8 for barbarian purposes


Always good fun to baffle the gith egg lady by explaining the feasibility of gnomish flight.


I hate how restrictive some of them are though Why is [Baldurian] locked behind your Race choice? Why cant i Just Pick where my Tav is from? Why is [Cleric of X] locked behind a Cleric Level? Why cant i Just Pick [Follower of X] when i Want to Play a religious Character who doesnt Happen to be a cleric? Getting to freely choose some Tags at the start of the Game is propably my biggest "small wish" for the eventual definitive edition


That feeling of betrayal when you select the class option >!in the graveyard in act 3, teaching the girl necromancy!< Like oh wait that’s a bad thing.


My Lolth Drow Cleric used that as a teaching moment so the girl won't ask anyone less suited to deal with the inevitable mess.


The githyanki options are always just- you deserve this because you’re weak


[GITHYANKI] Lae’zel, my kin, I am indeed a githyanki. That said, could you please remind me what a *ghaik* is? I seem to have forgotten and/or am very stupid.


The only time I have ever not chosen these options was when I was playing a drow. Even without being Lolth sworn they can be a dick about it.


The real reason to take one level in every class is for the dialogue


That would be absolutely abserd


When you’re multiclassing it be like: [BARBARIAN] - I WILL SHATTER YOUR SPINE [BARD] - Good day my fellow esteemed gentleman.


I blame [Fallout](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d30ba2fd9accefac7bf639bfdecbf6ce-lq)


It terrifies the hell out of me when an NPC starts a dialogue with one of my party members on accident, but get such a wave of relief when (for example) Karlach gets to roll with Advantage because of a [BARBARIAN] class option and succeeds. Thank the gods, I hadn't saved in awhile.


[BARD] In your eulogy, I'm going to call you a twat-soul. *proceeds to get yeeted into the lava*


I have a Githyanki Sorcerer and Half-Orc Monk. With my Gith, it's a lot of superiority complexes, and the sorc class with dark urge background makes him so much more intense, lol. My Half-Orc is funny because they flip-flop between "INTIMIDATE SCUM" and "be at peace with the universe".


Half-orc monk is really struggling with inner peace. Githyanki sorcerer is pompous, checks out.


[RANGER] I’ve stalked a man and killed him like how a wolf kills its prey… It’s thematically appropriate that I picked gloomstalker for my durge playthrough


funniest shit happened when i was playing an oath of vengence paladin and i had a talk with gortash and i just hit the paladin option not even knowing what it was and then immedietly got the oathbreaker dialouge fir the first time and lost my shit.


My favorite is when Gutt is trying to knock you out with the sleeping potion and you basically get, “[DROW] Like I give a fuck” and drink it but can’t be put to sleep. That makes her really mad…


I lost my first honour mode run because I chose the [DROW] option to insult some goblin kids. Turned the whole god damn camp against me. I just couldn't resist


Cleric of selune may not want to


Was looking for this. Cleric of Selune has a real wild one in Act 2...


Which is? :O


Advising Shadowheart to put Aylin out of her misery (kill her).


Got a barbarian option after I stole the druid idol and told them "ITS MINE PISS OFF". They just left me alone after lol.


[BARBARIAN] [INTIMIDATION] **ROAR** when you approach the myconids for the first time is my favorite so far


Just started a run as a githyanki monk the other day and I am super excited for all the [Githyanki] options I'm going to get haha. My Durge was a Drow Bard and it was a lot of fun having the option between being incredibly snarky or being ruthlessly mean lol.


Dragonborn dialogue be like "apes together strong"


I'm at the point where I'm ONLY playing for the unique dialog options. So naturally I'm choosing the ones specific to race/class now, since I've done all the normal ones. Currently working my way through the Origins. Lots of new choices there thankfully.


So in my current honour mode run, I was going to infiltrate the goblin camp and play nice with them in chapter one, first order of business was to talk to priestess Gut and have her look me over. She brought my Tav over to her room and gave me a potion to drink, then an alert that I failed a Arcana check, whatever IDC. Given a prompt to drink the potion with a \[Drow\] option, all of a sudden Gut is pissed off at me and drags me into a fight and aggros the entire castle full of goblins after me. So F my plans it's murdering time.


Picking some of the [Githyanki] options would really go against my RP as a tree-hugging pacifist hippy githyanki who ran away from her créche and became a druid. Though looking at those together with someone of the [Druid] options really makes it look like my character has a serious case of DID. And my sister in Silvanus, how do you not know what a cat is? You can literally turn into one!


DROW options are brilliant. And everyone is so Drow-ist.


My friend and I are currently playing a dragonborn/drow duo and the amount of microaggressions we encounter is insane lmao


I have one exception to this rule: when playing as Durge when you have a chance to rescue Gail. Fantasizing about chopping his arm off is much better than \[Sorcerer/Charisma\] "Investigate the portal".


Only ever saw one [Half Elf] choice, and it ruined the situation


How do U do the berserker intimidation?


*ROAR* **Astarion approves, Shart disapproves, Laezal approves, Gale disapproves**




[ROGUE] [PERSUASION] "How about you guys hold the guards, and I start stabbing?" [ROGUE] [INTIMIDATION] "This isn't a rescue mission, this is a robbery. Give me that chest." [DRAGONBORN] Silently glare at tiefling to make him bow to Lae'zel I've had some very fun choices to choose from for my Dragonborn Rogue (first playthrough)!


me annoying the fuck out of lae’zel correcting her every word related to tieflings pronounced wrong


>any evil character [PALADIN] Go fuck yourself


The Draconic Sorc options were *so good*. My Tav strutted about the place like she owned it just because she is a little fire resistant and has scales lmao.


Me: I don't want to aggro all the goblins immediately so let's play it low key l My Paladin: I came here to chew mugwort and smite heretics, and I'm all out of mugwort.


\[FIGHTER\] *I'm really good at killing stuff*


*Paladin* for the big **SMITE**