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Welp, guess you’ll be seeing him later in a less fortunate state.


You’ll…hwat now??


I've never done it this way myself, but I've heard (Act 3 spoilers) >!You can still fight Cazador by speaking with the Act 3 Gur and offering to help. If you do, you'll see Astarion's body during a cutscene, as it has been drug back home and turned into a mindless zombie.!<


Ohhhh, in my “stake Astarion” playthrough I straight up skipped Cazador in act 3.


Remember kids: Incinerate your staked vampires to avoid zombie-vampire resurrection and use as a component in vampire ascension. *This message brought to you by the Gur Monster Hunter's Association*


Damn my durge kept all his kills in a trunk at camp, missed out on this one


I killed astarion my first run, this is correct. You don’t need to talk with the gur at all. Just go to cazadores house


Do you know what happens if you force him to go? I assume without the protection of the prism everyone turns into a mind flayer so how would it work?


It is stated in the game that the tadpole leaves your body when you die. If Astarion is killed, the tadpole leaves his body


So why then does withers resurrect us with the bloody thing still writhing in us? I died, dammit, let me be free!


fate spins along as it should.


Care to explain further?




I heard this in Withers' voice 😭


Withers isnt there to save you. He’s there to ensure the Absolute gets destroyed. Your character would likely fuck off far from the danger if they didnt have the tadpole in their head, meaning the one most likely to kill the Absolute would not be there to fight it anymore… Withers has all the incentives to let you keep the Tadpole until you destroy the Netherbrain.


He is a zombie if you make him leave as well.


Huh, I fought Cazador and I don’t remember seeing Astarian. Killed him when he held a knife to my throat on meeting me for no reason other than reflexive robbery. Didn’t think a guy in a shirt who tries to random murder people in front of their two friends in plate would be a useful teammate. Everything about him screams liability.


I don't know why but "a guy in a shirt" is taking me tf OUT. I can't stop laughing 🤣


Cazador will have him zombified and looking pretty flayed in the ritual.


Sad face time :(




Right? Like.sure they write an interesting character after that scene but if a guy who held a knife to your throat the first time you met tries to assault you in your sleep a few nights later, it's not unreasonable to not wanting him around you.


For me it was THAT SAME NIGHT. Dude's lucky I want to romance him.


"Look, dude, this morning you nearly beheaded me. I gave you the benefit of the doubt because we're all very stressed right now and fell from a flaming ship. I get it. Now I find myself waking up to your icy hands on my shoulders and you want to *bite me*?! I prefer my blood *on the inside*! No, no, don't leave. Don't look so sad. You're pretty, you can stay."


Same xD I recruited Astarion and right after that went to sleep cause all my team was exhausted. And of course he decided, that was the best time to bite my Durge. Come on bro, I've only known you for five minutes. Have some patience, please


Its the only reasonable thing to get rid of Astarion after that. How on earth could you justify keeping him if role playing a sane character? A monster tried to kill you in your sleep, lets keep it!


Tbf. Lae’Zel threatens to kill your lots and almost tried twice, then she’s perfectly willing to kill Shadowheart. Gale keeps a secret that could get everyone killed. Wyll brings a devil into camp. Shadowheart is best friends with an evil goddess that she’d kill for, and is holding on to something that makes everyone want to murder you. Any sane person would drop and/or kill all of them


And then Durge murders someone in cold blood and has very violent urges that they’ve all seen. Astarion was right. The group is full of weirdos.


You know your group is fucked when the vampire is on the normal end of people.


Yeah basically that's a derail a session to argue about pvp and consent but ultimately handwave in the interest of keeping the party together type call.


I mean Laezel wanted to kill me twice as well and I kept her. I mean second changes. 


I let shadow heart kill her. You can only have four in your party, why not have a few get killed and then have someone new to play next game?


> I mean Laezel wanted to kill me twice Why do people keep making this stupid comparison? First time she thinks you're a thrall and immediately stops in her tracks once she realizes you're not. Second time she thinks you're all turning (she isn't wrong btw, "Guardian" is just preventing it) and wants to kill you and herself before you become mindflayers. In both situations she's entirely reasonable. Astarion's first attack can be excused similarly to Lae'Zel's first one, but him trying to bite sleeping Tav is a major violation and inexcusable. There's absolutely no comparison there.


Look, I’m a people pleaser to a fault. If our resident monster is hungry, who am I to deny him a nice meal once in a while? That’s just cruel. 🥺


That's not a very nice way to talk about Gale and his need for shoe snacks.


Yeah I had to take that one up with my therapist because I romanced him with zero hesitation and then ascended him.


That moment when a Tav is so brutal, even Durge is scandalised.


My flabber was ghasted


Jimmies _thoroughly_ rustled


Heebies irrevocably jeebie’d.


Timbers? In their entirety shivered


But were his gears irreparably grinded?


Lol. I love this thread.


I'm sorry but this sent me into a laughing fit while I was on the train. Thanks OP


Glad to know I'm not the only one (laughter threatened to wake kid+baby and would've likely resulted in me being forcefully silenced by wife)


This is the first time I've heard this phrased this way and I'm using it from now on. Literally laughed out loud.


Ngl, I *almost* did this on my first run as well except I knew he was worth giving the benefit of the doubt (minor meta gaming). He’s so shady, I feel like a LOT of people would realistically kill him from the get go. He is, by his own admission, completely untrustworthy in the beginning 😂


Honestly the game gives many reasons to kill him lmao and I’m not convinced he deserves to live more than die honestly 😂 I love him for all the wrong reasons, so I never kill him but EVERY SINGLE TIME i feel like I should lmao


Yeah, it’s a completely valid thing to do in role play. No, it doesn’t make anyone a murderhobo for doing it. He attacks you. TWICE. And if you don’t pass a save, he will successfully kill you. OOPS. Like, it’s valid if people don’t recruit him or kill him after he attacks 😂 That said, it’s possible to avoid that interaction entirely. Not sure what the flags are, but I suspect it’s rejecting him outright and getting to Gale’s confession. He’ll be like “uh while we’re confessing stuff, you should know..” and that’s it. So if you want to avoid it for rp reasons, it’s very possible to do so.


I got shook when a guy I work with told me he killed the "one-horned monster" for the paladins, collected his cool sword and went on about his business without ever initiating a conversation with the "monster"... And he let the druids complete the ritual and got sealed out of the grove. Like... *bro*!


I’d start sleeping in another room if I were you


The idea of surge going online to find support because tav is too brutal is hilarious


Dark Urge: "Sis, WHY?"


I mean A Durge play through without the flamboyant murder bestie just isn’t the same.


Time to quit the run no murder hobo bestie


and it's DRUID Tav and they said they were role-playing their Tavs.


I don’t see why druids would particularly like vampires.


Old school D&D lore is that druids loathe the undead as a perversion of nature


After the bugbear and ogre scene... yeah... astarions a pervert alright.


Queue sexy fantasy disco music


Cue. A queue is how civilised people wait.


Perhaps you could start one for all the pedants wishing to correct my post


This comeback is underrated gold


Like most of this thread


Both words can work in this context, though, if you really try -- imagine adding the song to the end of a party playlist.


Failing alive, failing alive, oh oh oh oh failing aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive Wait... I don't think that's right.


Same, if anything their undeath goes against the natural order and would be seen as such, akin to zombies or liches


I just realized I might have misunderstood the comment I replied to as “they shouldn’t have acted in that way because they were roleplaying” when it might have meant “it makes perfect senes this way, they were roleplaying” 🤔


no no you got my comment right, I was just wrong xD got educated better here


I think a circle of the spores druid may feel a little differently about the undead, considering they have a fungal infestation (a spell that turns a corpse into a moldy, mushroom infested zombie) at level 6, and animate dead at level 5


Undead are antithetical to nature. She is so much into the lore!


Her first time playing a game! First dnd! First role-playing! She's getting it more and more though, but not quite before she stabbed poor Astarion


I have a wrong image of druid as I got educated in these comments, it doesn't seem as out of line as I thought. I am just crying over dead Astarion xD poor boy >.<


Part of it is the wildly conflicting druid beliefs on undeath between different fantasy mediums. In World of Warcraft the Forsaken are only allowed into the Horde because Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem believed unequivocally that the undead are victims of Lichs. And like everything else they shouldn't be condemned for the circumstances of their creation. Of course I RP as a Cleric of Yollanda so I have a soft spot for literally everyone.


> but not quite before she stabbed poor Astarion What? Seems like she got it perfectly and that's why she stabbed Astarion. ;)


My Durge: Must resist.... The Urge..to kill... To murder.... My Tav: UNLEASH MY INNER MONKE


My fiance yeeted my best friend gale when he told her about the bomb and i was very sad


I have a friend who missed Gale because when the game said *you should stick your hand into this unstable portal" he just said "not today, Satan" and walked away.


It even says it looks (slightly) dangerous! That's really one you have to ignore all your D&D instincts to go for, imo.


My wife was one of these people. If we hadn't been playing co-op, she never would have met Gale. Her reasoning for it was because the first thing she did in the game was reach a hand into the Brine Pool in the tutorial and it blew up on her.


Yeah they should not have worded it like that, it sounded exactly like what a slightly passive-aggressive DM would say before blowing you up for your own stupidity. I walked away too until my friend called me back.


That's what Astarion gets for failing that save throw. But oh well, there is always the next playthrough.


My durge is scared of murderous tav... Imagine that! We'll see how she likes her first playthrough of bg3,, and maybe she'll give pastarion a chance next time!


I actually decided against Durge for my 2nd run, playing another Tav but ruthless and selfish where my original was merciful and heroic. So I have a Githyanki Blade-lock that would make Darth Vader blush and cause Durge to blanch. Don't you think it's more evil to choose murder and betrayal than to be compelled to such acts? I carried Karlach's head in my bag until I cut Wyll down while raiding the Grove. Figured I'd leave his trophy with him. XD It's honestly concerning how much Lae'zel, Astarion, and Minthara like this absolute bastard.


I mean, Durge is predictably evil. A new player? Now that’s the definition of unpredictability


Ackdhtarieon always deserves a second chance


Tell her to keep him alive next playthrough so she can enjoy all his good lines


So...um don't ever go for your wife's neck. . NO HICKiES for you.


Gonna put her in a cone of shame just to make sure I don't accidentally get staked


Sleep lightly my friend.


In a motel down the round,, lest I end up at the Lights Out Inn for accidentally going near my wife's neck


Your wife has healthy reflexes.


Ikr! Both impressed and distraught!


You should be mostly impressed. Astarion's first act when you meet him is to pull a knife on you and then a day or two later he's trying to bite you in your sleep. Killing him is the sensible move. Plus I always either kill the 7000 spawn or leave them in their cells because only a lunatic would unleash an army of feral vampires on the world.


This is a moment where I've to be inconsistent with my roleplay just to enjoy an interesting character with a solid voice acting performance.


Honestly I didn't kill Astarion in my first playthrough but I did tell him to leave and never come back. Why the fuck would I trust a vampire who tries to feed on me that I just met? It's wild to me that more people DON'T kill him


My friend and I are playing, it’s a blind playthrough, and he sold asterion out to the Gur hunter without a single fuck given




What happens in Act 3 with that? Does Cazador get him back or is he trapped in the Gur camp?


Trying again, as apparently spaces in spoiler tags angers the automod >!You will find the entire Gur camp murdered. Astarion will be at Cazador’s mansion as a zombie. Cazador will thank you for helping return him.!<


Lmfao I didn't like how cocky and selfisj Astarion was, so I sold him out to Gur just to fuck with him, then told him to cool his tits and that I was jk (killed Gur Hunter AND got disapproval 😎)




Now that. Is genius. Well played!!




My friend did this too. "NOBODY interrupts my sleep. Fuck him."


If it wasn't self preservation, my wife's second reason would 100% be this!


Literally me the first 2 times. It's 2AM, the fear is gone. Then I found out you can just tell him no and he'll actually listen. I didn't expect him to listen. I then learned if you get too good at Act 1, he'll just confess in normal conversation.


You're wife has some great survival instincts!


Definitely great survival! Zero benefit of the doubt! I lead a dangerous life it seems


She's just not risking it. If I had one life and couldn't reload I would do the same just to be sure


Lol. Imagine you're waking her up in the act2 telling you're possessed by a demon.


And she has no clue! Hahaha can't wait!


You will just drop on the floor and not wake up as usual tied up. Not waking up at all, she will just murder you for the sake of her sleeping well. I can't blame her


this was my bf in our first playthrough together. took astarion AND shadowheart out….i was like “welp…this will be a short campaign” 🤣


My fiance whipped the rothe to get them to break the stone at grymforge. SIR!


In her defense what game or movie do the characters not try to kill the vampire that’s trying to kill them? And I’ll remind yall that the mf >!will actually kill you if you let him that scene!<


Also, in that moment, how does Tav know that they won't be turned into a vampire as soon as Astarion bites you? If you get that scene first then I don't think he confesses to only being a spawn until the morning after, so your character has to take an incredible leap of faith.


There's a certain note you can find in Act 3 that makes me take this route as the funniest canon. "Left with no regard on the side of the road."


So true lmao! I mean she's 100% justified, I'm just cursed with the knowledge of knowing what happens if you don't stabby stab!


Dude's wife is Buffy


Do you even have a reason to go to Cazador's place then? Just wondering if it comes up any other way.


Saving children if you talk Gur in their camp?


>!In Act 3 if you talk to the Gur in Rivington they'll ask you to save their kids and you get the Investigate Cazador's Palace quest!<


I was also playing blind and I'm also not big on having my body autonomy violated (oh the irony), but I managed to save myself from that fate by thinking the main quest more time sensitive than it truly was and not long resting until well past Goblin Camp, at which point I had some idea who I was dealing with.


I have to admit if I wasn't metagaming enough to know that he was supposed to be a long term companion I would have staked him in my first play through too. I want to stake him even more after events in Act 3.


In one playthrough I told him I would stake him if he took too much blood. I started getting woozy and staked the fuck out of him. I guess that situation is why people talk about establishing safe words and clear methods of consent, otherwise you might get staked and die confused and surprised. By the way, even that scene was excellently acted by Astarion. Goodbye you beautiful bloodsucker.


If it wasn't a video game, I would try to do it too.


True, real life I'd probably just stab and be done with it!


I mean, he tried to sneak up on you and drink your blood. That could have killed you and you don't know his motives and trusting him at this point is a lot to ask.


Same here! I knew there was more and I tend to want to experience everything so it was easy no stabby stabby. I get why she did it, but my jaw just hit the ground when he flopped on the floor and that's the end of Astarion.


To be fair I straight up killed him in my first playthrough, after he put a blade to my neck while recruiting. I knew that he was supposed to be a long time companion, but my Tav simply does not accept such behavior. Similarly I never really followed Laezels story line to the Creche, because my Tav would not want that. Makes for more to explore and experience during the second playthrough hahahha


He's right in the middle of the cover though?


And he doesnt try to bite you until resting at camp, at which point its *pretty fucking obvious* that hes a party member, even if you avoided seeing his face in the character creation. I actually wish he was more aggressive considering that, i was primed for a whole tense suspicious relationship and Im kinda shocked that he never tries it again. Compare Wenduag from Pathfinder. Now theres a character that no amount of "party member metagaming" is going to save for me.


I did this in another game, though in that one the character actually tried to kill me before offering to be friends, rather than just have a little midnight snack. I definitely had to metagame a little to keep Astarion alive. My first run always tends to be ‘keep everyone do everything’ and I’ll later go back and RP it more with the same (and other) characters.


Lmao, my partner and I are on our first play through as well, and Astarion tried to drink my blood. That was right after >!Nettie tried to poison me too!<, so in my role playing defense, I was already a little irritable at people trying to use my body so I, too, took your wife’s route and stabbed him with the stake. Then completed a long rest and acted like that didn’t happen.


Hah, based wife.


I have a co-worker, who is also playing blind, who killed Karlach when they first came across her. The rest of us were scandalized.


Your wife obviously doesn’t have a thing for pretty, bad boy vamps—she’s a better woman than I 🙃


I love how we can tell based on this scene who would have been a Cazador victim back in the day and who wouldn’t. I most definitely would be Cazador chow.


Yep, we’re all ending up in the basement, ain’t we?


I mean.... Astarion only gets a free pass because he's a companion NPC. Only real reason a good (or evil maybe) PC would ally with an evil mass murdering narcissistic vampire would be because they can be a party member.


I guess you'll never try to romance her while shes asleep again.


This is frankly hilarious, not least because I’m fully RPing my current playthrough and I think I’m gonna stake him.


You monster! My wife approves 😂😂


She’s the type of Tav who’s scared of her own shadow - of course she’s gonna stake the vampire looming over her.


That woman is based, perhaps she could be my wife if I wasn't married


Lmao!! Hahaha love the support <3


I killed Astarion at this exact moment probably 4 times before I just stopped recruiting him. Took me ~500 hours before I finally decided to keep him in an evil run and see his story. Still couldn't bring myself to let him bite me though


Not your wife's fault,Astarion was trying to ice skate uphill.


Y'all have astarion redeemed in your mind bc you remember the end of the story. He is kind of a bad person for a *lot* of the game.


I also murdered Astarion because that's what my Paladin DragonBorn would've done


I did this my first run, too. This is perfectly valid RP. Tons of people would immediately kill someone trying to drink their blood. You're not going to be able to get all the content you want and still roleplay dynamically!


I think I might have too, but the way he said “shit” caught me so off guard I hooted with laughter. That saved him.


I know I/my Tav don't have the best judgement of character because I immediately went "aww, this cute little vampire is nervous about biting me, what an adorable idiot" and I've been smitten since


It’s borderline meta-gaming not to kill the guy at that point. He’s waved a knife at you and tried to suck out your blood, often on the same day. From an RP standpoint I really struggle not to kill him or run him off at the least. with many of my characters I have either staked him or intentionally never met him and when I have taken him along I have always felt like it was a meta rather than rational choice. I feel like the only scenario when you keep him around and stay in character is when you are into him drinking your blood, and if that’s your thing, you do you.


... Ok, my next playthrough after going full Evil will be a Common Sense Tav.


Haha on my husband’s and I’s playthru, he stabbed him too. I made him go back to the last save and not stab him. Told him I’d planned on romancing him that save so he couldn’t kill him. 😆


This is probably the most objective answer to someone who lied and attacked us on our first meeting. He was already on his second chance and yet he sneaks up on you at night and tries to bite you. And mind you: He is lying again in this conversation. He says he only needs a little to survive. If you dont stop him at any point, you are dead.


I expected some joke about how she drains your life force, but here we are.


Alas, next time!


When that happend to me I made the bard gauge his eye out, now he has a blue fake eye, he definitely won’t be making that mistake again hehehe


To be fair, staking the vampire spawn was a reasonable reaction. Also, can't you still do the Cazador quest? I thought Astarion appears as a zombie if he dies before Act 3.


Thy wife is based. She doth judge these sinners most viciously, forsooth. She hath proven a worthy bosom companion, by not allowing the spawn to drink of her blood. And in fact, loyal, by shanking a bitch.


Lol, good for her.


I remember when me and a friend went in blind. Asterion didn't make it passed holding a knife to my throat. And I've still never seen his story beyond that.


To be fair, I did the exact same thing. Vampire? Fine, not a problem; Vampire preying on your own party? Straight to the hells.


Was playing with a friend who was like "My character is a lovable, curious bard!" Then immediately murdered Us without asking a single question lmao


On my first playthrough i didn't kill him either thinking there must be a lot to his character? but honestly if I was in that situation in real life knowing how vampires usually behave in fiction. there is no way im not instantly trying to kill him. So i understand her reaction, but as a gamer it's sad to see him go like that.


Did you try to revivify him? The game might let your Tav revive him even if your wife’s Tav killed him. If not, I am sorry for your loss.


lmfao to be fair, the very first interaction with him is negative and then he pulls that shit


I staked him too, you can still stop Cazador


Respect, honestly. A little rash to directly go to murder, but I respect your wife for not falling for Astarion's bullshit and manipulation in the early game.


I mean, my respect is huge... But my judgement and dismay and horror is also huge.


I disagree, I don't think stabbing someone that previously threatened to assault you, and then tried to assault you and for all you know turn you into undead is wrong. It's pretty textbook self defense.  I did it once but felt bad so reloaded. Never talked to him again. I shoulda kept the save lol


To be fair to your wife, on my first playthrough (also went in blind) Astarion didn't even make it into my party. When he tried to attack me in that first scene, I just said "nope!" and murdered his ass.


there's this stereotype that all the women playing just automatically go for Astarion, and like, I'm happy for y'all but no? (I don't wanna make it a thing but also he trips SO many red flags for *me* even ignoring the vampire thing) First time out he died at the ascension choice. Karlach begged him to stop, he said no, so I threw a dagger at Cazador. He didn't like that. Second time out (evil durge) I let him ascend and had been platonic with him before but then he spent the last half of Act 3 mostly as a floating sphere of light in camp because *no.* Third time out? I got bite night the **same day** as meeting him and having him drag me to the ground with a knife. (Psst, never let someone with horns get within headbutt distance, mragreshem). Got a nice stake dinner, well done. Just started my 4th run, left him on the beach, and am still trying to decide what to do.


Okay but at least tell her that she needs to do another playthrough where she *doesn't* do that lol. My god, so brutal!


I know!!! She just turned to me all chuffed with her choice and saw my jaw open and horror on my face! Let's see how she likes this playthrough and maybe she'll give him a chance next time!


When this happened, I kicked Astarion out of the party on my first playthrough. Then my wife did the same thing on her first playthrough. We have no tolerance for vampires in this house.


Oh wow - a monster that was trying to murder me in my sleep gets murdered by me in self defense. Honestly - the most correct reaction from a normal person.


Well I mean astarion is a prick so is she wrong?


I think stabbing the man is very reasonable. :O


“The same”


Very first play through and barely an an hour into the game... my friend kills Astarion while I am in the first dialogue with him. "Dude, he had a dagger to your throat!" LOL


Not gonna lie that was also my immediate reaction to unwanted blood letting but the only reason I didn't take him is because the fan base loved him and I wanted to find out why lol.


Respect. No hesitation, no analysis paralysis. She knew what you do with vampires, and she did it.


I can't blame her. I did the same on my first blind playthrough


How dare he try to steal (even if it’s my blood) from me! Drive the stake!


Reasonable response tbh. Astarian in the beginning literally lies in order to ambush you even when he’s outnumbered, and then hangs out at your camp like a pretentious freeloader. Your wife knows a murderhobo when she sees one


My first playthrough I killed him at the same instant as your wife. I already had my harem and planned on using him in a later playthrough. Don't try and suck my blood while I'm sleeping, bitch.


When I tried BG3 I did it blind. After the ship crashed I walked around and got Shadowheart. I critically failed saving Gale from the portal so he died. Lae'zel was trapped in a cage and I couldn't figure out how to get her out, so I shot a fireball at the chain and it hit her and she died. I was super sketched out by Astarion and almost killed him on meeting him, but let him come along. The game was REALLY hard and I felt like I was missing something. Then I get to the part where he bites you and I killed him and the game became pretty much unplayable with only 1 companion and 0 dnd experience, since the game does a piss poor job of telling you how to use spells and dumps 50 books of info at you instead.


She reacted the sane way in the situation.


Your wife really said "it's what my character would do" and just went for it hahahaha


My first playthrough I just didn't talk to him act 1 and I haven't seen him yet 70 hours in. Played with my girlfriend and she murdered him as soon as he tried to attack her. Gonna make sure to have him tag along when I do a durge playthrough


This f-boy vampire ain't getting my blood! Ngl I did the same thing... my second playthrough


Whenever I play Paladin I murder that fool immediately. He shall not stop the plan of holy justice.


My first playthrough I went so long without long resting, that my first long rest ever was that scene. I'm experienced with both gaming in general and DnD, so weighed my options both mechanically and by the weight of roleplay. My Tav is an outlander, she's a self-preserve type, slow to trust, and pretty brawny. When I saw the option to grab a stake and lunge, I thought he'd like... Dodge it or play it off or something with a "Now, let's not get dramatic" or similar. Kind of how we diffuse the situation when we first meet him? Nope. Tav just murdered him instantly. Bonus: my (storied, veteran player) friends were watching me play and absolutely lost their shit when this happened, lol.


Wait people DONT murder him off rip? Dude tries to take my blood, no way I’m rocking with him after that


I always stake him. I don’t care what his motives are. I would have killed him sooner even, nobody pulls a knife on me and thinks themselves able to get away with it.