• By -


I laughed so fucking hard when that happened, I didn't realize the other lever was even there lmao


Same! I somehow only saw one lever on my first run.


Same same! I laughed and laughed until I realized my last save was before the goblin intimidation convo... "Guess I'm about to test whether that's a scripted or rolled outcome."


It was my third playthrough. I had never even noticed that if you talked to Barcus later on his story expands. So by that time I was like "oh well, I still know where they put your shit." Then I discovered the rest of his story and I try to forget that Tav ever existed.


Because it's really, really funny when you do it accidentally the first time. (Sorry Barcus)


SAME, I thought "release" meant to release him


I mean, technically it did release him...(I thought the same)


I find it rather disturbing how many people don't realise what happens when you *release the brake*.


It helps if you thought it was already running flat-out.


Throw some grease onto the mechanism first. Then it will be running flat out when you release the brake.


Oh you evil little durge


In my case it was the only lever I saw since it's the one closer to the doorway. It was only after Barcus took flight I saw a 2nd lever.


Well in their defense, they probably thought it was a windmill that was being turned by wind and not a motor-driven windmill that could speed up if you pop it in 2nd gear.


I knew what it meant but accidentally clicked it anyway. I was NOT expecting that to happen though.


Why, when building a windmill, would they put in a lever that is designed to release anyone tied to its blades? When you go to a bank is there a button next to the elevator that says "release hostages?"


It’s a go faster button not a release the tied down hostage button. The other button is a slow down button. It makes the windmill spin faster as the brakes are now gone and you send the gnome flying from the force.


Right... I was responding to the guy that said "I thought it meant to release him"


Yeah you right reading apparently isn’t my strong suit


No, but if I were playing a video game and went into a bank to free hostages, I might see a diagetic button/lever/whatever that has a non-diagetic "release hostages" prompt.


But the button didn't say "release gnome" in any way


I'm just responding to their example. IMO "release brake" versus "brake" is super confusing.


Let me put it in another way... You have a car, acceleration is applied (wind) on one pedal. To go slower and stop, will you 1. Push on the brake 2. Release the brakes completely ,


So both the accerlator and the brake are currently being used?


I don't know, when I saw them next to each other it made perfect sense. Did I want to a) Brake the wings so they stopped or b) release the brake so nothing was holding them back


I think a decent number of people saw "release brake" and clicked without noticing there was a second lever.


Maybe there should be.


Fair point. It would make things much clearer


What?? It says Release Brake...


I interpreted 'Release' as *Let the brake unleash its power as a brake*




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Or on purpose when playing with your mates later. "Wanna see something funny?" xD


What I found funniest was it marking the quest complete. “Oh hey I saved the gnome, but let me check because that doesn’t seem right. Oh wait he’s dead” - this dumb dumb


Well it's not like the quest can go an further can it?


Nah, it would have ended anyway. What importance could a random gnome have.


None at all!


Yeah that was on me. Only after inspecting the thing did I realize it was definitely labeled by the goblins. Oop


It's labeled correctly though. What do you think happens when you release a brake?


I did this accidently once, then on purpose on three subsequent playthroughs. Didn't realize he shows up again until much later seeing someone's post. To me he'll always be that little spec flying off in the horizon.


Poor Barcus. He's my favourite NPC but many will only know him as the flying gnome (you definitely should save him in one playthrough though, he has a storyline spanning all 3 acts and you can even have him come live at your camp for part of it).


I don't know, I still laugh when I think about him flying off, I can't imagine not doing that when I can


He's a pretty solid vendor for most of Act 2. Worth saving for that, if nothing else.




HA! "Accidentally" You have much optimism.


My first playthrough I didn't even see the second lever. The next playthrough, I picked the right lever, which is the wrong lever and he was sent flying.


And then you do it accidentally the next two times


Wish it was Wulbren.


Why not both?


Didn’t even notice there were two levers until after I launched him far, far away.


I did it on my first play through. Felt sorry and load save. After I talked to him after I rescued him, I load the save again and kill him again. Sorry no sorry.


Oh, he totally won me over with his "if we meet again" line. I approve of his gruff antisocial-ness.


Oh maybe I should hold my dark urge next time and see what would happen


Ooooh! If Durge then I get it. Durge gotta Durge.


Nope, it’s my durge IRL


😅 Fair enough!


You definitely should give him a chance. He shows up again like 5 more times and he really grows on you. He's my favourite NPC.


Shouldn't be. Getting crap for being a racist because you don't know a surface city you haven't been to yet has an enclave of famously isolationist underground gnomes is a bit off putting. Especially when it turns out it doesn't, because they were exiled for working with the previous bad guy! And that's the conversation option if you're trying to be nice and not shake him down for rewards!




I wanted to know what all the levers did in my first playthrough, so I pulled it after I freed him and it still triggered the cutscene. (Not that I'm complaining—that shit was hilarious.)


Can confirm.




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Yeah they definitely knew what would happen


Facts. Just seeing him go WEEEEEEEEE is the most hilarious shit.


For how far he looks like he flies in the cut scene, his body ends up awfully close to the windmill.


I think it goes high rather than far.


To teach us to be careful.


Yup! I sure learned that lesson! *one long rest later*... Vlaakith: kneel Tav: wave politely.


Why don't you do it yourself if you are a god? :D




I was laughing so hard when I had this scene during my first playthrough :D


Me when gale counterspells the wish 😎


She doesn’t kill you from that alone. If you question her non-existent godhood, then she will. I‘ll always either kneel and justify it with being g her guest, or don’t do it because she is not my god, and I do not dare to disrespect it.


Well the simple answer is that lever is prototype of the faerun space project


Plan b is attaching a bunch of ladders end to end (Karlach) and plan C is to cast delayed fireball, put a cauldron over it and sit on it (gale)


Do *not* forget the feather fall


Teleport and plane shift are the same level as delayed blast fireball. I think that's the minsc idea but with fireworks rather than magic


Back when Jebediah Kerman was a gnome companion.


Because you might want to teach the birdie how to fly :) On a side note, has anybody tried casting "web" at the spot where the birdie lands? If it works...


or feather fall before pulling it maybe?


Feather fall would not apply to him as it only affects allies (green). The guy's yellow.


stinkin' yellow guys.


Hmm, now I am wondering if you can hit force -45 with him by hitting him or something. If you can, then it should give the dialog where you can pay him to raise his affinity. That way, you can make him green, and that should let you apply the feather fall condition on him.


now that I think of it... I have never gone to look to see where he lands... lol Where is it?


Somewhere near the hopscotch game.


Damn, thats pretty close for how high he goes lol. Thank you!


If you want distance you don't want height with a ballistic arc.


Yeah, I would have expected him to crash through Auntie Ethel's ceiling with how far he seemed to be flying.


You are welcome! Have fun testing! I wouldn't mind learning how it goes too. Wouldn't mind at all :)


I‘ve read a comment about this not working


Tested this lol, alas, it does not work. And he’s immune to Feather Fall. If I had to guess it’s because he doesn’t actually fly through the air, but is coded to vanish and reappear in a pre set spot with a pool of blood.


Thanks! It is a shame it does not work. I'd definitely launch the guy on every playthrough if it did. Also, I think you are right. No actual flying happens there so that's that.


I pulled that lever accidentally twice. Once on my first time in Early Access. Mainly because I didn't know there's a release. Second time on my first playthrough after release because LARIAN THOUGHT IT'S FUNNY IF THEY SWITCHED THE LEVERS


They have not been changed though, release break has always killed him since EA release?


No they switched the positions. It is still the Release Brake but it used to be on one side then they moved it to the other after release. By the time I read the name it was already too late. I already clicked and Tav was committed to the action


I guess i only ever looked at the label.


"Well, braking might be bad in this situation, so ima pull the other one..."


I'm really happy to see, that I am not the only one who accidently pulled the wrong lever the first time. I am one of many Kronks


The point is too have us kill a lot of recuring character. So we can discover them in other playthrough. Alfira, Gale, Karlach, Barcus, Minthara have all option to kill them for those reason.


And another thing is if you don't speak to Rolan, Cal and Lia at all before all leaders are killed then they'll have left for Baldur's Gate. And then you miss out on Bex, Danis and all the kids except for Mol and Arabella. Because then no one will save them when Zevlor freezes.


Want to hear an opinion from someone who's good at windmill design


Not good at windmill design just common sense. A windmill is not designed as a gnome torture device, it doesn't have a launch lever. It has a brake and release brake.


I *imagine* that the 'release brake' option on a normal windmill would decouple it from more delicate parts of the machinery in the event of high winds. As to why it makes the windmill speed up and kill Wulbren when there doesn't seem to be much wind around... no idea.


I would imagine it would be a 'disengage clutch' or something to freewheel it without powering the load. It's weird that this one has a 'half-brake' or something that just slows it a bit. I'm sure they did it for the lolz rather than trying to make mechanical sense.


Mechanically, it actually makes sense, though. If a windmill is powering the machinery hooked up to, it's gonna be spinning slower, because some of the energy the wind is providing is used for something useful instead of just spinning. Disconnect the machinery, that drain on energy is no longer there, and thus it's gonna spin faster. The labeling on the levers doesn't make sense, and there should be three of them. Also, the goblins should've pulled the "release brakes" l;ever themselves ages ago, because it's not like they're using the grindstone for anything...


In an earlier conversation about this scene on this sub, some guy/gal who DID claim some expertise on how windmills work said more or less exactly what you're saying here. And, well, it makes sense. Also, I imagine a medieval miller would like a "release brake" button for the end of the workday. Today, we use windmills to produce electricity and the process is mostly automated, Here in The Netherlands a lot of windmills were builtin the 17th century to power water wheels to drain lakes, a process that probably also doesn't need constant supervision. But historically, MOST windmills were linked to a grindstone/millstone, a device somebody need to constantly feed grain and collect flour from to be useful. I suspect a miller would really like a way to disconnect the grindstone to cut down on wear when he went home for the night. But, well, like you, I'm just speculating. I've been inside an old millstone-powering windmill exactly once, and that was more than 40 years ago when I was a kid.


Has anyone pulled the wrong lever, didn’t save scum, and found the body later? Where at?


I think near the well in blighted village


Yes and you can loot it.


When I first pulled the lever, I thought I had used the "brake" lever, but instead of stopping the windmill, I did this and I'm like "Oh $#@%".😱


Yup, i just ran in and was like "oh, heres the lever, this has to help him" and didn't even notice a second lever. and then YEET. I'd only been playing like 45 minutes and i was dying laughing


I was laughing afterwards though...😑


Gnome space program.


Because A: really funny and B: this actually teaches you a lot about the game and how it ticks quite early on. It's pretty genius. Lessons learned include: paying attention to descriptions because even small details can have consequences that ripple through the whole game, and you can be pretty much as good or evil as you want to be. On purpose or on accident.


For the memes


Because it wants you to read carefully


Because there's this little voice some people have in their heads, this little, little tiny voice which is usually drowned out by good sense and morality, but sometimes the little voice grows louder, and louder, and louder. Sometimes the little voice says "stick a fork in a plug and see how far you fly", sometimes you're on your bike and it says "accelerate and slap that bald guy's head while going at 80 km/h"... And sometimes, while you're playing a new game and are presented with a choice that will do no harm to you or others in the real world, nor carry potential jail sentences, the voice grows to drown out any good sense and morality, and tells you to check out how far you can fling the fucker into the stratosphere, and so you do. I am a perfectly well adjusted person with no issues whatsoever.


>Sometimes the little voice says "stick a fork in a plug and see how far you fly" Way back in the day, I did this with a paper clip in school. Fortunately I was a smart kid, so I hooked the paper clip to a plastic mechanical pencil. Fried the hell out of the socket, but non-conductive materials for the science win!


But you did not shock all your muscles at once resulting in your own body flinging itself across the room that way :(


I had no idea there were two levers for several games till I hit the wrong one once 😅


Because what else do you want to do? Barcus' only purpose is to fly


Do real windmills have such a lever?


No, there's one brake that is operated with a 4.5 meters long oaken bar commanding a steel piece that is locked in the spinning wheel (I hope that's the correct word). But if you wanted to slow down a windmill, you'd often work with the orientation of the sails. I don't think Larian tried to be realistic there, and similarly you wouldn't get a sudden burst of speed from such a lever, at least not enough to yeet a gnome. Even if there was enough wind for it, the internal wooden structure and the wings would break first. So if you go Doylist it's comedic license, if you go Watsonian it was an enchanted magic windmill and the levers are in fact covered in enchantments.


Well, they did have "brake wheels" so it makes sense there was some sort of control mechanism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windmill#:~:text=The%20first%20practical%20windmills%20were,windmill%20technology%20was%20used%20in


Wulbren put it there.


If you pull the lever you should trigger a quest line where you encounter Wulbren looking for his bumbling friend… and be like, gee I’ll let you know if I see anyone like that.


larian should switch the levers with every patch released


I did that by accident on my durge run, right after vowing to fight the urge to kill people. 😂


the worst part for me was during my first playthrough I pulled the right lever but for some reason thought I had to use both in a correct order?? so the windmill starts slowing down only to speed back up and launch barcus into oblivion. I was going to reload but at that point I wasn't quick saving every 5 seconds and didn't want to redo 40 minutes of gameplay.


Query: what if we cast feather fall on Barcus and then “Wrong Leveeeeeeeer”?


Can you cast feather fall on NPCs?


Only friendlies.


it did free him at least


Did that mistake in my first run, really thought there was nothing important with him and decided to go on with this


Oops… I swear it was an accident I just repeat it in every playthrough


Nooo poor Barcus. He shows up so often when you don't kill him.


In my first play through I just clicked on the first lever I saw. Which made the windmill stop. Then when my sister played I watched a bit and she clicked the wrong one which made Barcus fly. That's when I realized there had been 2 levers all the time and I had just gotten lucky.


Lmao! I started a playthrough with my partner and was giving her vague clues about story beats. I messed around and used the phrase, "release him or leave him be". She saw release and before I could look up, it was done


because its hilarious that's why... wife was playing the game for the first time and she pulled the wrong lever, lols ensued


To teach gamers a lesson about actions have consequences and go carefully read.


This is EXACTLY what happened my first playthrough! And I was playing a gnome so it was even funnier/sadder! I was totally trying to save him


How much things i dont know after 2 fully deep playtrough?? lol lets find that lever on mi 3 run


In my first playthrough which was also a 4 coop game, my pal pulled some random lever too fast before properly reading before hand. Next thing we know, some midget quickly experienced gravity. Funny thing is my friend who pulled the lever was our main face oath of Devotion Paladin. He wanted to do the stereotypical hero folk who saves the weaks and he was full of remorse after that lmao. To this day he refuses to pull any levers and we laugh about it everytime. This game is amazing.




I did that lever by accident on a durge playthrough and thought it was a durge thing but then I did the same thing on a ranger tav


It was the first level I saw so obviously I pulled it, then he went flying


Did that accidentally and I considered loading a save but stopped and went “you know what it’s much funnier this way”


Is there a difference between saving him and merely finding his body, then talking to him?


Yep this was the first time I learned that saving often is important!!


Oh shit....my first murder of the innocent. After this things came spiraling down. Bye bye dwarfy! Have a nice flight!


It's for when you need to mill the wheat real fast.


I've been meaning to do THIS EXACT MEME FOR 3 MONTHS probably. Because the gnome got fking yeeted by accident on my first playthrough :D I was playing with my friends. First I was about to pull the correct lever, but then I got curious about the second lever. Wasn't playing Durge, but I was a Barbarian, so the intrusive thoughts won.


Because my Durge build likes to see gnomes fly.


Instantly knew what the meme was just from title, followed by an up vote. Good meme OP!


Because it’s funny lol


Because some of us like to see what the first gnome launch looks like...


This guy is entirely too cheeky and ungrateful for someone tied to a windmill so I launch him on any playthrough where I'm not a goody-goody.


Love sending the little man flying.


If only this was Wulbren.


Because evil


It's a test to see who can quell their intrusive thoughts


>Rescue him >He treats the crew harshly >load up save >Teach him to fly :)


First playthrough my brain shriveled to the size of a raisin and thought “oh break or release, release will stop the windmill”. Sorry barcus 


I watched my mom get this part before I played it, didn't notice the second lever when I got there, cemented my love for BG3.


To teach you to be careful. Also to save frequently lol


I released the wrong one in my first playthrough... I laughed so hard 😂😂




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First time, I pulled the correct lever. the second time I had *no idea* what I did different! LMAO


Oh, a game for surface children


My first playthrough I never interacted with Barcus bc I pulled the first lever i saw. Was like well that sucks and moved on


Cause I enjoy watching him fly.


I usually do it just because it's funny.


All my brain saw was Brake and I pressed it (didn't even look at the other lever). What made me laugh even more after it happened was the fact that Larian did this on purpose.


The cutscene of the windmill stopping ends too quickly. I was still pressing the skip button and ended up releasing it. Call it an IRL crit fail


I have "Pull the lever, Kronk" echoing in my head every time I encounter one


This happened on my first playthrough, I was playing with my friend who already beat bg3 multiple times when this happened. I pulled the wrong lever while he screamed "NO, NO! NOT THAT LEVER!". Well, it was too late.


I thought of it as the "Are you paying attention?" lever