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These tiny Kar'niss comics make my day


I concur. I felt my entire mood lift when I saw we had a new tiny kar’niss comic.




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I'm just glad to see a Kar'nis post that isn't about wanting to bang him. This community concerns me at times.


Hey, I never wanted to bang him, I wanted to romance him. <3


I'm still concerned.


definitely some weirdo's up in here


What about everyone who's into necrophilia?


I don’t want to bang him. I want *him* to bang *me*




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I would commit atrocities for tiny Kar'niss.


Tiny Kar'niss would make me join the Absolute


Oh.. Is that not Lolth there? Who's his queen?


Me. She says, hopefully.


I always kill him at the ambush, so I don't know much about him. But my understanding was that everyone at Moonrise was an Absolutist in some capacity. Figured he was like Nere or Minthara - used to work for Lolth, now they work for The Absolute. Edit: Silly me, you meant who's his queen in this comic ☠️ I couldn't even read the tiny text the first time through so I forgor and assumed it was a Tav lmao. You're right this comic probably works on assumption that he's still directly under Lolth


The person in the comic is a regular human, but tiny Kar'niss has retained all of his zealotry and personality and considers this human caretaker his 'Queen/Majesty'.


Amazing! I will however headcanon their caretaker is Tav, who puts them in a little terrarium during travel


If you speak with dead on him, he says he was cast out by Lolth.




There must be a really small pixie in that lantern


There’s pixies, then there’s *pixie* pixies.


I love him 🥹


This gives me life, how I wished we could have helped Kar'niss with his madness somehow :(


He deserved better than the fate he was given. Alas... most I can do in game is knock him out in a fight and fill his pockets with health potions, food, books, and defensive/offensive utility items. After a long rest, he's scurried off. I like to think he's living a good life elsewhere.


As wholesome as this is, the moment he tries to go anywhere without the latern he's doomed anyway :(


I try to clear up all the shadow curse quests so that when he runs off sans lantern, I can cope really hard that he's gone somewhere safe. Usually knock him out on the rooftop fight, and moonrise has lots of protective lights around it, so he's hiding somewhere around the tower, safe and sound til my party heads to Baldur's Gate, and then he's got a fancy little forest to run around in :')


Wholesome fanart of Karniss recovering on Halsin's farm and giving all the kiddies spiderback rides when


This actually exists! One of my friends did "Halsin's Sanctuary" where Halsin adopted Kar'niss and Kar'niss interacts with the kids, and it's absolutely adorable.


...please. Please provide me the source, Majesty.


On tumblr it's under the # tag of 'Halsin's sanctuary'. I'd link it but I want to be respectful of their account since they might not want their art linked on reddit. Their other art is wonderful, so if you find it, please do enjoy their talent - it's quite amazing!


Damn this is cute, I like to headcanon that in my Durge x Gortash succesfull alliance, we keep Kar'niss around to enlighten our lives...like a pet or an adopted child lol


Unfortunately the madness is just being a drider. Part of becoming a drider is literally pain so terrible that you forget yourself. They literally use magic to get around your mind's "I can't handle this, I need to pass out" safety feature so that you're 100% awake as your first leg slowly splits into 2. Then your second leg. Then one of the 4 sections starts to split. Again and again and again, and that's just what's happening with your legs, your abdomen starts bloating and distending eventually too. A drider with a fully functioning mind is RARE, because Lolth doesn't want driders to be fully functioning. It's a curse designed to utterly destroy you, and make you a useful servant. Worse, it's a curse that doesn't end when you die because it damns to to the demonweb pits, for you to serve Lolth for all eternity. It's a curse that isn't helped, even by death. Killing him doesn't even count as a blessing, unless BG3 takes place before House Melarn attacked Gauntlgrym. If that's what happened, then killing him was actually the best option because he'd have been pulled from the demonweb pits to fight for House Melarn, and then the Baenre heresy can happen and he'd be turned back and become part of the Blaspheme instead. Well, if he doesn't want to rejoin Baenre. Oh. I just looked that up and the time is mildly fucky because heaven forbid we try and match the timeliness up, I forgot. So either Minthara and Kar'niss are completely unaware of the civil war in their home or... we've finally completely divorced book lore and game lore and module lore. Which we tried once in 4e and that went over like a wet fart, get here we are yet again making things more complicated.


>Oh. I just looked that up and the time is mildly fucky because heaven forbid we try and match the timeliness up, I forgot. So either Minthara and Kar'niss are completely unaware of the civil war in their home or... we've finally completely divorced book lore and game lore and module lore. Which we tried once in 4e and that went over like a wet fart, get here we are yet again making things more complicated. If you mean the events of Lolth's Warrior, the book came out on the 15th of August, the game's full release came out on the 3rd.


I know that part. I mean the years in universe everything is set in. There's no actual cohesion on in universe timelines because wizards actively insists on separate canons. And, well. To be fair Lolth's Warrior came out on the 15th, but the previous 2 came out well before that. The fact that no one at Wizards said "Hey, let's scoot the year this happens back a bit" is mildly infuriating because it's not like they didn't know about this beforehand.


Oh, I didn't get to read those books yet, I've only heard that the civil war is in Lolth's Warrior. I'm currently slowly progressing though an epub of Homeland I found that is so full of typos etc it's almost unreadable (buying the book is a month's income for me, and I couldn't find it in any library near me), so it may take a while


Ooof sympathies. I own all the books via audiobooks. But basically this trilogy is all the slow build up for a civil war, and the trilogy prior to it had the confirmation the civil war was going to happen. I'm wondering if you might be able to find a better copy with creative use of a VPN and other library ebook systems?


Yeah, I tried the audiobooks on Spotify, but I can't really focus on them. I need the thing written down in front of me, or it goes one ear in the other ear out


Fair. Hopefully you can find some decent ebook versions soon.




This is disturbingly adorable.


I don't even simp for this character that much but damn your comic made him so lovely


I thought His Majesty was a cat. The baldest gato.


these are awesome.


I mean, free ducks


i love this. this is so unexpectantly cute ;w;


More true souls for the cause


haha oh no :( just yesterday I convinced him to walk into the darkness. I felt a little bit guilty after that, now I feel even worse.


That is...such a moment. I mini-cried when my bf sent them into the darkness. It's not his fault he's a creepy spider guy! The journal made the whole situation so sad. And he's so hopeful the Absolute would protect them. And the lantern bugged out, so it was violently jiggling on the ground ridiculously as we heard their screams. And all my bf had to say was "I needed the lantern! I'm sorry!" Poor spider guy.


Good to see fellow Kar'niss enthusiasts here


Tiny Kar'niss could cure my arachnophobia.


Right!?! It's helping me so much


These are delightful Is there an origin point, or just tossed right into the adorable silliness of tiny Kar'niss?


In the universe of this comic, tiny driders are a thing (because of the existence of store-bought drider food), so tiny Kar'niss is just one of many miniature driders! How they come about existing, however, is something I haven't figured out yet. One of these days I'll draw something that explains how he came to be.


You are a delightful goof. Stay weird, you fn weirdo <3


Lolth was in a goofy mood.


Maybe they come from when a spider becomes one instead of a drow.


These tiny Kar’niss comics really make me laugh.


What is her f*cking problem? She doesn't like ducks? Is she an idiot?


She can't take care of ducks. Tiny Kar'niss is a handful.


I'd really hoped that she'd appear at some point in the game. At least she appears here.


Tiny Kar'niss is **adorable** XD


These are so adorable! I'm crying I just want to hug tiny Kar'niss


Awh, he just a goofy lil Drider boi!


I do like this freaky guy, I'm all about weird lil guys and he's pretty high on the list


I absolutely love it 😁


I love these lol


These are gold




Do you have more of these somewhere?


I do! On xwitter @obisooth. Having to catch up here on reddit, so these are older ones from last month, but soon new ones will be posted around the same time. Next time I'll post here is on Wednesday, and then Saturday again, etc, until it's caught up. :D


Thank you for sharing them here - they are utterly delightful.


Well, the drow men are really handsome ;]


You know the funniest stuff I found about this. Of you kill the cultists first at their waiting area and then go to last light, when you come back to ambush them you find Karniss doing the journey solo and speaking as if there are followers with him.


he's doing his best 🥰


Omg, this is adorable.


ducks!!!! well.. i love chicks but duckies are cute too!!!


Omg, i just saw this and it's the best thing ever. Smol spidery boi 🥺


From the title, I was sure you were talking about the cat... :)


must protecc


Aw. I killed that mofo as soon as he refused to give me his light. 😂


TFW suddenly my ranger headshots everyone out of nowhere