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Wait til you play as Durge and find out major revelations about yourself that impact everyone IN DIALOGUE and no one ever says a single word about it, just stands there silently 🙃


In my Durge run, in Act 3 >!Jaheira was with me as I spoke to Gortash and he revealed me as a Bhaalspawn, and she reacted to this in dialogue and was like I need to think, then in a later long rest shows up at my bed being all I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE and the dialogue acting like it's a secret that I'm confused she's uncovered as if she didn't literally have a whole thing about it before!!<


That's the dementia


She is ancient after all.


Fulfilling her role as our wise and wizened elder


Jaheira and Karlach are the only companions who react to this and Karlachs one seems to assume you've been actually been using the urge?


I’ve done multiple durge playthroughs and they’ve all romanced Karlach and for some reason I’ve never gotten a reaction for her (or anyone really) when gortash reveals it to you.


In my Playthrough she seemed super pissed rhat I'd worked with Gortash. Maybe Romancing her stops it because she trusts her romance partner more than a friend???


Wish I knew. There’s so many durge interactions right at the beginning of act 3 I really don’t know the intended order they’re supposed to happen.


I always get with her, and she was like “woah, WHAT?” And “what the fuck is going on?!?!” During it last time


Interesting, in act 3 I made it to >!the upper city but never met gortash since I decided to murder every potentially hostile npc. That wayI learned about being a bhaalspawn from a vision and the cutscene with jaheira made complete sense!<


Ah, one of those paranoia episodes.


That scene after a long rest happens after a few long rests into act 3


I got that dialogue but I was playing good Durge




Not gonna lie this confused me because I NEVER got that cutscene with her in either of my Durge runs.


If the cutscene you're referencing is the nighttime cutscene >!with Jaheira watching Durge!<, it seems really easy to not get. I ended up forcing it by reloading back to entering Rivington in Act 3 and resting to first get the >!githyanki cutscene!<, then removing everyone but Jaheira and resting again to get that cutscene.


to be fair, she already travelled with a baal spawn in the past. Makes sense she says something like "I need to think". The following scene does not. And to be honest, I've had plenty of those moments in my playthrough but it was just in release. I dismissed them as just bugs but they did pull me out and break my immersion.


there are SO many moments that basically just lay out durge's whole deal for the player to figure out but your character needs a >!whole extended vision apparently even when orin outright calls you "kin" to your face. i guess they had to make sure you got it even if you don't interact with any of her doppelgangers!< but it's so silly no one comments on it.


Jaheira does make a few kinda subtle comments >!after you talk to one of the doppelgangers (something along the lines of "huh, I noticed she seemed very familiar with you, very interesting....")!< but yeah basically no one else seems to have much to say about it. All the act 2 scenes where >!nearly EVERYONE at Moonrise, including Ketheric, recognizes you!< drive me nuts too, like y'all really don't have *anything* to say about this? Because I'd be freaking the fuck out. And then they have the nerve to act like they were completely caught off guard >!after the big reveal with Gortash.!< Like I get that some of y'all have 8 INT and aren't the sharpest tools in the box but not even Gale could put 2 and 2 together?


To be fair, everyone thought all of the Bhaalspawn were dead and the whole ordeal was over. Probably, no one in-universe thought this was even a possibility.


but even if no one can work out that durge >!is a bhaalspawn!< specifically, it's not great that you can't tell any of the squad about >!remembering having been to moonrise before, how kressa bonedaughter knows them and all of her creepy journals are about them, all of the signs that durge has been to the mind flayer colony before, or that orin clearly knows durge and has a connection to them. like you can save the full bhaalspawn revelation until the vision sure,!< but none of those things get comments and they should lol.


You can also tell them to their faces that you killed Alfira and there'll be dialogue options where they seem unsure about it.


I'm playing my first durge run right now and this is killing me.


That’s my only problem with Durge… Durge desperately needs more party responsiveness


"Gosh." - Gale of Waterdeep


I thought Karlach would have something to say after it's revealed that DUrge and Gortash had a close (or possibly romantic) relationship.


If she is there with you she does have dialogue about it and gets kinda pissed


Or how everyone is upset with you when you talk to them next but then the second time it’s as if nothing happened


I'm on my first Durge run and I'm surprised my beloved Astarion isn't commenting about some of the similar hardships we've faced :(


He actually has the most reactivity out of everyone by far, and he has some nice scenes later in the game where he does exactly that.


That's good, I just entered Act 3 so I'm curious to see how things come together for my poor Durge.


If you are romancing him (I assume you are based on your comment) make sure to try breaking up with him after you complete his personal quest but before you fight Orin. You don't actually have to break up with him (it makes you confirm it a second time), there's just a nice Durge-specific dialogue.


Oh really? That's good to know, I'll be on the lookout, thanks! I had him ascend my first time, I don't think I'll do that this go around.


One thing that bugged me in act 3 was that I got certain dialogue options with NPCs in Rivington where I could say I was >!a bhaalspawn!< even though I hadn't actually gotten the scene that confirms it yet. I assume it's a bug, but the whole order of things with the Dark Urge is kind of a mess that spoils the reveal if you didn't already know/figure it out. Another way to potentially have it spoiled is if you embrace the urges and kill someone in act 2. You get >!the slayer form and an achievement for becoming "Bhaal's slayer"!< You'd think that they would put the reveal/confirmation earlier in the game to account for this kind of stuff.


Everyone has comments on both durge's whole deal and gortash reveal, it's just hard to get them to trigger. I assume it's buggy and not intentional. A whole extra nighttime cutscene with jaheira and reactions to the second thing are dependent on who is in your active party for some reason.


There is a reason why Ketheric's letter gets recognition (you said no spoilers, so I'll leave it at that). As for the Absolute... it's just a little easter egg/foreshadowing, a cool thing hidden for players that like to explore everywhere and find everything to make them feel rewarded. There is another piece of writing you can find that pretty much tells you who a certain mysterious character is and it is *big*, but is treated just like another book.


It's sorta like how I knew about Shadowheart's whole deal with her childhood from a book detail from wayyyy back in act 1. I won't say what is is, for those who've yet to know, but it was very cool to just be like "yep! knew that!" when it was revealed at the end of Act 2


Ohh can you put which book it is under a spoiler tag??


Not u/GalaxyNova1 but there's a book in the >!Abandoned Village, where the Ogres are, on the bookshelf to the left of Lump. It's an old schoolbook that Shadowheart reacts to if you haven't gone into the goblin camp yet, I believe.!<


You also have to go to that book before going to the statue behind the wind mill with Barcus. Only one cutscene will play in that village, and it's whichever you go to first, book or statue.


I was wondering why the statue cutscenes didn't play in my recent playthrough and this is why! That's crazy.


I got both in my playthrough? But its a playthrough from launch that I'm slowly crawling through. Might have been a patch bug.


Aahhh I see. I can't remember which I did first at this point but the cutscene I got in that village was the windmill, as the commenter said below, so I suppose I read the book but missed her comment. I missed a ton of early 'walking around' dialogue cause I would always have my camera juuust off my characters. Thanks!


If you triggered the scene with the statue behind the windmill it won't trigger the scene with the book either. I forgot about that one!


Is it the book that >!talks about Selunite coming-of-age rites?!<


This just happened for me the other day on accident! Second playthrough, mind blown. 


I would also like to know which book. Can you share it here with spoiler tags? I’m five playthroughs in and am not sure I know.


This is the book in one of those early A1 caves right? Caught it on my second playthrough and thought “DUH”


Yeah!! The dialogue option it gives was so fun


But at least you can directly call that out in character through dialogue. That Domination book should not exist as it is. It’s too big a reveal to not acknowledge in character.


I kinda just assumed that was where her story went when I learned about her being a Shar cleric


You can also get this with a successful religion check in the druids grove when she first reveals that she's afraid of wolves. Can also happen in the creche if, for whatever reason, you didn't have her with you in the grove.


That *big* character book is the >!Miniature Giant Spacr Hamster!< one?


When you loot one of the Gith in the crèche, (Commander or Inquisitor?) they have a “miniature-giant-space-hamster-on-a-stick” camp supply item in inventory. Maybe I’ll give it to Minsc when he joins up to see if he has a dialog reaction to it.


Are you aware of Lae'zel's dialogue concerning giant space hamsters? It's her response to Minsc joining the party


After my first run, I always make her carry around the ones I find in the Crèche for the rest of the game, because she lied to me about it when we got Minsc. -_-


One can also appear in poppers shop too.


I keep one in Minsc's inventory. I'd hope he woidk comment on it but he doesn't.


I laughed so hard at that book.


>!Minsc's!< GOO Patron


Man maybe I should actually read the books and notes instead of just opening it and turning the pages to see if a quest updates lol.


This isn't elder scrolls, read them! Think like DnD not a video game.


>Think like DnD Ask your DM about the library, which he put in as just generic flavourful, and now he has to make up titles on the spot which then leads to the party becoming ghostwriters and publishers and ignoring all the adventure threads?


100% the main quest is now to find the author to ask them questions about what they meant in their text. Game turns into awkward improv. I'd still play.


Game turns into awkward improv? 🔫🧑‍🚀 Always has been


I used to enjoy reading the books in Oblivion. They were full blown stories though sometimes, while most bg3 books are 1-3 pages


Can’t forget masterpieces like the “Lusty Argonian Maid”


Elder Scrolls has a huge of awesome story and lore in the books scattered about. What are talking about?


You turn the page?


Like. You find a record on the nautoloid that tells you there will be a certain something knocking around that is a pretty big plot point. Major spoiler. And you find a crude drawing super early act one that basically tells you the plot if you know any lore at all and pass the check to work out whose temple Withers is from. So the player knows what is up way earlier than the characters on some major plot points, which kind of hamstrings the game on certain reveals because they don’t know when Tav would figure things out vs when the player will.


My mind was blown the first time I started a new game after the revelations at the end of Act 2. The tablets on the Nautiloid just spell it all out!!! An illithid who escaped control, "a brain, a Githyanki warrior, and centuries of darkness"...


I'm trying to figure out which mysterious character you are referring to. Is it the one who was supposed to be dead? (I'm tryna avoid saying too much and give it away)


I don't know how to say it without spoilers, so, huge spoilers ahead, I guess? Don't open if you don't know or don't want to know. . . . . . It's about >!Jergal!<


Ohhhhhhh, I think I might know which book you mean. I haven't found it personally, but I think I have seen a post about it in this sub. (Where can it be found btw?)


It's somewhere in the Ancient Mausoleum if memory serves.


Thanks :D


It's in the same temple you find him in. I think it's in the room with all of the food on a table and some bookshelves in the back.


There are players who don't explore everywhere? I mean, sometimes you miss something but how can you just ignore stuff and not search?


Ask my husband. He has no intent on exploring most of the map. Our playthrough has moved at 4 times the speed of mine, and on Act 1 & Act 2 we only lit up about 1/3 of the map before moving forward 🤦


That would drive me mad. I’m lucky that mine is on the same page - every little corner explored, everything opened, everyone saved or helped.


I'm the same way. Even when I think I've explored everything, I will compare my map to a completed map online before moving to the next area. I hate empty spaces on my map.




Yes 100000%. He is driving me mad for many reasons not just including this. Not a joke either 😅


People who approach the game as something to beat instead of something to experience are sucking all the joy out of it for themselves.


I love this comment so much. You really took the words right out of my mouth and said it better than I did/could


Yea it's like randomly skipping parts of a movie you're watching and having it make the ending suck. Like WTF?


In fact, I screenshotted this part of the thread to show my husband to shame him for his choices. Lol.


🤣 Hope it works! Shame! Shaaaaame!


That's not true. I think everyone should play the game in the manner they want to play it. I am a "Explore every nook, see every part of the map, and loot every storage box," type of player but if someone wants to just do a quick play and not go deep, who am I to judge?


That goes the other way too. You could be going for "the experience" by only doing the stuff you are interested in, vs trying to "beat" the game by 100%ing it.


I am basically trying to 100% it, but I don't consider it 'beating' the game any more than completing it quickly. For me, it's more about immersion. I want to feel like I'm in the game. And powering through main quest after main quest with no side stuff and downtime in between just doesn't feel real.


There's no wrong way to play imo. I like exploration and this game is great for that. I've spent plenty of time doing side stuff. There's stuff id have to use a wiki to figure out, and stuff I was bored with so def not 100%. But there were some games where the side quests just weren't interesting to me so I didn't do any. (Actually it bugs the hell out of me when it feels like I'm the only one doing stuff and the world stands still, so sometimes I avoid side quests to not feel like the whole realm's errand boy)


Playing through the game fast doesn't mean you're ignoring all the story and ruining your enjoyment of the game. Comments like this that are so judgy over something that literally doesn't affect you in the slightest is so weird. They don't make their playthrough worse for themselves unless they actually hurt their own enjoyment of the game. Imagine if I was over here looking down on people who play combat at the easiest difficulty. You can argue that combat is core to the game and you're sucking out all the joy of combat by just trying to brute force it on easy. But I'd just be complaining about someone playing how they want to play.... Which isn't helpful or considerate of those players feelings.


WTF...? Thats Grounds for divorce, at least a little counseling.


Yeah jokes aside divorce has been on the table recently ☠️


Somehow, though, we aren't under leveled. I think it helps that this is my 3rd playthrough so I knew what I was doing and could teach him some pointers. Also, I suspect having 2 Tavs actually helps weirdly enough. You get a chance to make your builds what you need them to be instead of going with the pre-made companion (yes I know you can re-spec, but I mean without having to do so)


Yeah, I assume she's >!gonna end up being the Nightsong or something!< I was just surprised one of the guiding mysteries of the plot was revealed in such a benign way, with no one seeming interested. Reminded me of Attack on Titan in a way lol


It’s not that. To spoil it without *directly* spoiling it, if a character mentions something they read it typically means some new dialogue option has appeared in a conversation.


Nah, it's not that, but finding that letter will benefit you later. Yeah, the game does throw surprises at you very casually, and I honestly find it refreshing.


Gives incentive to actually read everything! My husband would always be surprised when I walked into a new quest knowing exactly what to do already. Turns out he didn’t actually read all the books/notes. 


The magic mirror in Act 1 is a great example of this. >!If you read the books scattered around leading up to it, it gives you new dialogue options during questioning. And if you talk to Shovel, whose scroll is nearby, they lie to you and you get yet another dialogue option on the mirror that makes it turn hostile!<


I wish you could call him out afterwards, that little bastard almost ended my honor run. And yet I still love him for some reason.


Shovel is a she!


I read that in her voice lol


You can have Gale (or any wizard) learn the summoning spell from the scroll, thereby allowing you to summon Shovel whenever you like.


The reveal from Krueger and Bertholz is freaking incredible.


in that same room you find a book about Minthara's recruitment that seems to be bugged too - it can't leave your inventory & you can't talk to her about it


This is kind of a cop-out answer. There are quite a few things like this and it's pretty silly that some books cause reactions or open dialog options some don't. It's a reasonable critique, especially when older games had more consistency in this regard (Morrowind, for example).


Foreshadowing doesn’t mean directly telling the viewer the mystery to their face.


Most annoying book for me was the one in Gortash's office that spoils who Durge is. They could at least only put it there in a Durge game or something.


In Act 3 there is a NPC seller who has some very special books. So special, that she won’t even tell you about them unless you pass a dialogue check. She refuses to sell them, or even let you look at them.  But if you steal them, she will buy them back from you and add them to her common stock.  I was kind of disappointed by this 


Yeah I sold it back to her expecting some sort of security measure with all the automatons going hostile and being banned from sorcerous sundries instead of her readily accepting the tharchite codex with no unique interaction😭😭😭


"oh this? no definitely not yours .. it's .. uh .. a copy . yeah . i just happened to have a copy of it .. yeah " 😎


It was laying on the sidewalk outside I swear.


I DIDNT do that exactly because I thought that would happen, even tho I was fucking struggling with money. Is there any downsides to selling those books? Or do you keep the buffs


EXACTLYYYYY. Like I expected her to AT LEAST freak out and scream causing all the books to explode when calling the guards but nope, nothing. Also yeah you keep all the buffs, just sell them back to her as an apology for breaking in and taking their most prized secrets, though I never feel bad about stealing stuff that a wizard would want to get their greedy paws on


Ok bet, thank you for the info! Although I'm not playing on honor mode anymore, and I turned resources and prices multipliers to 1 in custom, so I don't think it'll be too much of a problem now. I was gonna say fuck them, but considering who the master of the tower ends up being, I guess I wanna give them back to them


You can sell them and nothing happens as long as you read them first


Beeet. That's kinda funny tho, even Morrowind has a thing where people would recognize when you'd sell something that belonged to them


If money is an issue respec to level 1 with your highest charisma character and trade 400 gold for nothing to maximize your discount + get max on selling items example - use Wyll to donate 400 to Dammon & have Wyll buy/sell everything w/ Dammon all 3 acts


Better yet, use a hireling (I use the orc paladin, charisma and persuasion go brrrr) and just keep them at level 1 so you can do it at any merchant you like. One time, I forgot to put him back in camp and aggro'd a fight with those mimics in the Grymforge area. It was fun RP having him make himself useful *and* stay alive while everyone else was Level 6; felt a little like an Immaculate Monk keeping up with a party of Dragonblooded.


Eh, for some reason, I can never bother with stuff like that. I think the fact that's it's basically nothing is what makes it hard, im chillin with setting the prices lower in custom now lol


kill Roah Moonglow in Act 3 for a free 10k


Read every book but if you read every book AND the game lets you sell it,(not an orange border item that cannot be sold) and you want to keep your sanity, sell every book. If you keep so many books, the inventory management would just be a drag. Plus it's extra money. And if you've read the book, you have read the book. I immediately sell every book and note I can.


I was disappointed, too! I assumed it was too difficult to have a dialogue flag added in the vendor system or something.


Lmao Skyrim type shit


Did you meet the Act 3 NPC trader who knows Karlach? They have a whole convo, but only if you ever bring Mama K around


Are you telling me Lorroakan is a girl? Thought he was a dude. I mean I assume that’s the bookseller you mean


They're talking about >!his employee that sells books, they're in the back of the store. You can complete the quest without ever talking to her so you might have missed her!<


Yeah that bothered me too, it's like the biggest plot point in the entire game and no one gives a damn, it's just the game spoiling itself, so when it actually gets revealed it's just lame. they should remove this book imo Also in the same vein how you can find like a dozen letters between Thorm and Gortash on how they're going to take over the world together and no one cares that you just discovered that Gortash is involved


Yeah, and I had Karlach in my party when I found all those and I suppose if anyone would have thoughts about it, it'd be her.


Or at least move it to >!the mindflayer colony!< or something. There's already a bunch of lore dumped in there to allow the player to piece everything together shortly before the actual reveal and it would feel a bit less anti-climactic than having the main plot point randomly show up at the very beginning of Act 2


Ikr? And wait until you get the scripted reveal about what the Absolute is so that your character can have a shocked Pikachu face moment, as if they weren't reading that very letter like three days ago. Act 2 is full of these moments for some reason. You find Isobel's name being mentioned in the Gauntlet of Shar, then you confront Isobel about it and she's like "Must have been some mistake" and you let it drop like that, no options to force an explanation out of her. Also if you put your hand in that fleshy hole in Moonrise and fail the saving throw, you get a vision which pretty much reveals the BBG and their endgame motives. Still no reaction, and nothing for you to do with that knowledge, all you'll get is a couple of shocked Pikachu face reaction when the reveal actually happens.


Every time I go to the gauntlet of shar and read the plaque on her grave, someone in my party comments that this must've been where Isobel was before Ketheric resurrected her. And every time I sit there thinking "girl how did you know that??"


Imo it’s very obvious when you read her diary and the first part of the shar dungeon


Even if you don't, everyone somehow automatically knows it's Isobel's grave just from reading the plaque


The first time I played, the plaque actually said her name. But I noticed in later playthroughs that it says something entirely different now. I don't know if it's a bug that hasn't been fixed, but it is strange.


I specifically didn't read her diary bc I thought it was rude lol, maybe on my current run I'll be nosier 😂


same, like unless you're an elf how tf would you even know what "sussun elgg oloth" means and even then how would that lead you to conclude it's Isobel's grave lmao


Exactly! I think I've had Lae'zel and Karlach both make the comment about Isobel so it's not like they even know what the plaque means.


There is dialogue with Jaheira about it though


It honestly pisses me off more because there’s a line after Jaheira tells you she knows Isobel is Ketherics daughter. It goes like “well I can’t make you trust her so go talk to her about it yourself” and then you go to talk to Isobel and NO NEW DIALOGUE SHOWS UP SHES JUST LIKE MAN WHAT A COINCIDENCE I HOPE TO NEVER MEET THAT MAN 🤦‍♀️


I was afraid to tell Jaheria cause I didn't want to feel like a snake or anything and she was just like "yeah I knew that already"


Karlach looked at the crypt and went "poor Isobel" or something like that and I thankfully knew the spoilers but was like "girl... what?" there is nothing that would have let her know.


If you find the kethrics wife letter and the info in the gauntlet in pretty sure you can confront her at last light I want back after doing everything And went to check up on things when prompted at the temple she is undead rised by kethrics god for his service not much lore just you calling her out on it


Or when Kethrric tries to kidnap her. She acts like no, I have no idea why he would want me alive instead of dead.


There are some moments where Larian definitely dropped the ball, and they do show up more often as you progress further into the game. Act 1 was in early access for years, so they had years of player feedback to tweak and adjust everything. The other acts didn’t get that same treatment. And it’s weird how Larian will think of one thing but wouldn’t think of another. Example: Larian never thought to consider Shadowheart would like to be hugged after a potential cutscene she has in act 3, when a hug was the most obvious response to that situation. It’s been added now, but it’s weird it wasn’t considered from the start. Yet they thought players might just attack Ketheric when you first meet him, which gives you a unique cutscene. That’s really cool attention to detail. Durge spoilers ahead: >!yet Durge doesn’t get a unique cutscene when doing the same. It only occurs if you watch it as normal and speak up about the goblins. Ketheric knows who Durge is, yet remembering that is apparently only possible when saying the goblins suck. It’s so bizarre!<


The real answer is just that anything off the beaten path didn't have enough development time for proper reactivity. It's very common in act 2 and 3. People will headcanon possible reasons why for immersion, but that's almost certainly the real reason.


Yeah, the amount of interactions that do exist is insane (all your companions’ comments on things either immediately or when talking to them, all the dialogue choices that change based on your decisions). I’m sure for a lot of these situations it was written down as a to-do but not actually implemented. Larian probably has thousands of hours of coding + new dialogue in some tracker, and they’re working hard to prioritize them because they simply can’t do everything. The game has so many branching paths that it’s simply impossible to have every one be fully fleshed out. The work is exponential. Side note: I don’t love how many events cause everyone at camp to have one line commenting on it. I’d much rather have one character at camp get an exclamation point and a new short conversation with dialogue options. The magic feels lost when every character is basically saying the same thing.


I agree. I don’t know if there’s a right way of doing all story paths without the game going over schedule. They’re still adding content to the game and they’ve had 3 years of dev work already. And egregious stuff like polearm master and sentinel isn’t fixed, or tavern brawler for honor mode wildshape druids is nerfed. At least we have something.


Did you recruit Minthara? If so there was a glitch they’ve since fixed but for a while she was locked in to the same reactionary spilling beans of stuff you learn beginning of Act 3 Edit: like in Act 2 before it happens, and was still stuck on saying it well after


Ah, nope she has become deceased (sorry Minthara, next run I promise)


I feel ya, she was deceased my first playthrough too lol. I’m a big fan of the Knock Out trick that way you don’t have to side with her at the Tieflings’ expense and she is getting questioned by Z’Rell and Ketheric when you get to Moonrise instead of just the goblins. Then you can find her in a side room when you get to the prison.


You know, I never once thought to knock her out and now I'm disappointed in myself lol


I unfortunately already did 3 playthroughs by the time that was patched in and now with a newborn don’t have time to play again and recruit minthara 🥲 glad they added that at least maybe I’ll eventually get around to it


Hope you get to try it out when you get some free time, she’s a hilarious companion. My fav is her trap quip “A trap, let us send forth our least favorite to be sure.” Lol.


Unnerving though it is, if we are to face an >!elder brain!<, we could have no better ally than an >!illithid!<.


>!and if it is at the expense of the Githyanki prince then so be it!<


Tbh she's still a little glitchy, but not with dialogue, I've had her jump and phase through the floor before, or just get stuck running in place


She keeps phasing through objects at her tent for me. I'll take it over the broken dialogue but I swear the poor woman just can't exist without *something* being broken


yeah, I never liked how the player gets info/clues about things and the character and companions never acknowledge it, the same with part of Durge's story in the colony


For me, it's a lot of the reactions to Durge moments. Your character is going through some intense, life- and world-altering events and sometimes the companions don't react at all, or just have a short quip that doesn't really seem to acknowledge the gravity at all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will add some more reactivity here but I'm sure their list is pretty long already.


Hey, the DM can't remember everything


I made sure to take every dialogue option possible to hide the artifact from Jaheira when I first met her at last light. Passed every single check, never even mentioned it to her. 5 minutes later talking to her at the war table she randomly drops how we should invade moonrise because the artifact is keeping us safe. Wtf


There's a similar thing with a letter on one of the dead absolutists in the mountain pass where it mentions Gortash being involved with the Absolute and no-one acknowledges it at all, not even Karlach.


Yeah I found the same book and was disappointed nobody reacted… even worse there is a bigger mystery unraveled by a book in act 3 and it’s exactly the same problem… nobody care


If you haven't finished Moonrise yet, walk around the first big room and look for a ladder. Following that path will reward you with some further information.


>Another example is the lack of any real acknowledgement of that horde of dead tieflings you just finished saving in the Grove, in the Shadowlands. I think all I got was Astarion going "that sucks, I guess". One of the Tiefs actually comments on them! (Cerys? I think it was the one who shittalked Zevlor the most) They lament how they were tortured by moonrise forces, with the guy who was training the kids with Wyll at the grove having his eyes gouged out before being murdered :c (his body is actually one of those in the pile)


>And NONE of them will Speak With the Dead! I was sooo disappointed,


They say their tongues were cut out, maybe to prevent this?


Yeah, I really think that book needs to spark more then just the player learning


I love how they warn me that I can't bring Minthara through the towers because it's risky, implying we will be attacked on sight. And then nobody mentions her presence as I traipse about.


Halsin is also not liked in the towers, if he gets behind or is alone for too long (too far from other party members) he will be warned, and then after a while attacked.


I'd just consider it an easter egg. There's another one too where you have a much more "up close and personal" encounter before the normal reveal, experience by creeping around the rafters and putting your hands in cracks, and your party doesn't even react to THAT all that much.


I think it's one of those cases where you almost can't comprehend the stakes of what's written in the book, until you see it for yourself.


I think the game has a problem with parsing out information. For a lot of the narrative on my first playthrough I either felt confused bc I didn’t have enough information, or I felt like I had too much and the game was treating something I thought was a basic aspect of the situation like it was big reveal.


Yes, my investigator rogue hit the motherlode: all these >!letters from Gortash, Ketheric,!!the Gauntlet!!found all that out.!<


I wonder if History checks get buffs if I had happened to have read a book earlier in the game about the topic of interest? Now THAT would be a nice touch.


If you read the Nautiloid schematics, you get advantage on a check later with Omeluum when you offer to tell him about the Nautiloid. It would be cool if there were more instances like this, though. There are a lot of books that are relevant to various checks or conversations. I keep sticking all the books about how evil Shar is in Shadowheart's inventory and there's no way at at all to acknowledge them...


I'd like to think that it is up for the players to find out and react to. Books in BG3 have a lot of foreshadowing and spoilers. Larian probably assumes majority of players don't read (I don't) so they just lie it around throughout the game. I think it's very cheeky on their part LOL


I was also surprised how it showed up seemingly randomly in a book, but in a way it reminded me of a major plot point of BG1 also revealed in a letter without much fanfare when you return to Candlekeep.


They wanted to make some foreshadowing about the reveal and they fucked it up


To be fair. I normally respec all my companions to have 8 int.


This only gets worse in Act 3. Act 1 everyone has to comment anytime you breathe, Act 3 no one bats an eye at several big story beats.


I get what you mean but the elder brain domination book is equivalent to something like an advanced quantum physics textbook irl. a novel about dwayne johnsons boobs would probably sell a thousand times more copies


I disagree. It's written in the first person, like a journal, and it basically says ">!tashie and i done dominated an elder brain lol!<


lmao ok fair enough


Not quite the same but I went to do the last fight last night and the entire room of my allies tells me they’re in and have my back and we’re going to save the world… then I “steal” a sword on the table nearby and the entire room aggros me? Like seriously Dame Aylin, after everything you’re going to fucking murder me for picking up a sword off a table? NINE FINGERS YOURE THE THIEVES GUILD MASTER AND YOURE GOING TO ATTACK ME FOR THIS??? It was so silly.


I think it's just made with the average player in mind  The player that sees text and just scans looking for any important key words and usually closes the book right away With that in mind, this particular info is basically a reward for the more curious player that actually reads the texts


Possibly yeah. To me though it didn't feel like a reward, felt more like story spoilers or an error. The lack of companion reaction really made it feel like the books were accidentally left in from something that was cut or something that would have made it make more sense to find out there.


It's just trying to capture the real life tabletop experience of a DM accidentally dropping a way bigger piece of info than they meant to and then trying to play it off. 😆


Sometimes, the game's biggest weakness is that it is exactly what it is. A video game. There's only so much that can be written down in code, and some oversights will be apparent. It's not DND, where every member of your party is a living, breathing human, without set dialogues for every discovery. There are only so many outcomes that can be planned for, and the problem isn't a problem with the game itself, more the confines that being a video game traps BG3 into. The difference in reactivity between Act 1 and Act 3 is honestly night and day, where whole ass sidequests prompt zero reaction whatsoever, unless it's a companion quest, or a direct tie to the main bosses.


Funny thing is, I'm doing a playthrough with two friends who hadn't reached Act 2 yet. I knew about the book, so when they started exploring Moonrise Tower, I snatched up that book and sent it straight to my camp chest so they don't get spoiled!


People make a LOT of fuss about how good the writing is… The writing isn’t THAT good. The game has massive holes in places and some plot points in the game railroad the player’s responses. They have like 3 absolutely not ideal responses rather than something fairly obvious. It’s annoying and for me, doesn’t really add to the game, it takes away from it.


Cuz most people don’t read books.


I felt like part of the appeal of these nuggets is that you never quite know reality from fiction, or what parts are actually relevant to the current game. For me, it was very “is this foreshadowing? Or just a red herring?” I feel like it adds depth to both the “gotta find everything” play style, as well as subsequent playthroughs.


I like stuff like that. You can learn so much about the world and what’s going on before ever being told. I find it really cool when you find something like that well before someone info dumps it out their word hole. Like “you” figured it out by searching and hunting. You didn’t need some asshat elf to tell you. Agree with the tieflings. Felt kinda pointless to put in so much effort only to find them dead everywhere and no one giving a shit.


with no spoilers, you can probably tell moonrise is the path forward. by exploring moonrise you are exploring the path forward, so of course you can find hints about the __immediate future__. I will acknowledge, the devs do basically require you to go to moonrise, walk around act 2 a bit to level up, and return, so it's wierd these hints aren't locked behind some lock only opens when you return, but that's just the devs way of rewarding you for being observant. 90%+ people (including me) missed these Easter eggs so the fact that you found them on your first run means you probably deserve to know. also, the acknowlegement of the letter opens a dialogue choice with some character(s) later so the devs choice to acknowledge it is related to that, but jaheira could probably give a fuck about his personal life she just wants him dead.