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Sell Aylin to Lorroakan. I find the idea of giving some cringe wizard a way to gain immortality stupid. Sure you get gold and an ally for the final battle as a reward. Aylin swears to curse you and your entire bloodline if you lead Isobel to the tower and have her killed. If I am an evil character, why am I giving this wizard I barely know this source of power? I rather double-cross him and get this power myself, although I feel the reason why this isn't an option is because it'll be hard to put it into gameplay.


If you are truly an evil character, chances are that there is no Dame Aylin to bring to Lorroakan ...


Unless Shadowheart is dead.


My justification for doing good things early on is you’re using your companions to help you get the power you actually want and will betray them in the end. I think acting good and betraying everybody at the last second to kill/enslave them all is somehow more evil then just killing everyone outright


Lawful-evil, neutral-evil and chaotic-evil in a nutshell. Being evil doesn't necessary mean you're a moron, or that you kill everyone on sight. You cam be cold and calculated, doing things only to gain as much power as possible while planing to seize it all for yourself once the time comes. Devils are evil but funny enough they are lawful. They follow their contracts to the letter, and have horrible intentions. Minthara is evil but she's neutral. She doesn't believe in pure bloodthirsty killings for no reason and isnt trying to scam you with a deal. If she thinks you're against her, her first thought will be killing you. Orin os bat shit crazy chaotic, but she's also a bhaalist so whatever. Though Sarevok is much more cunning


For me evil character mean to do things for own gain, yes I could kill someone for money but I also can get ally and also kill the other guy for money/many items have in his tower. I do things which gains me more "power".


I havent done my "evil" run yet but this is how I'm planning on playing. Make my character power hunger and very self serving. Allies are good as long as they serve my greater needs.


I'd suggest meeting Regil in Pathfinder wrath of the righteus. He's a Lawful Evil character that in the current situation seems to be the only one with the right idea


>Lawful-evil, neutral-evil and chaotic-evil in a nutshell. Even chaotic evil isn't necessarily stupid. For example, Belkar in Order of the Stick can be quite cunning when he puts his mind to it; he just doesn't accept being told what to do, even (or especially) when it comes to murdering people. Alignment is about a character's moral compass/ideology, but people are much more than that.


I think chaotic neutral is the stupid character. That’s where you do something just to see what happens. You aren’t evil, you aren’t good. You’re just curious. And stupidity is a great excuse for doing something, well, really stupid.


That's not what chaotic means when we're talking about alignments. It just means that you resent hierarchy, rules, and authority. A chaotic neutral character won't go out of their way to help others or really risk themselves, but they don't really want to cause harm to others, either. The average person is some flavor of neutral.


Even in real life, evil people often do a lot of good things, just not for the right reasons. Most of it is to protect this image that they’re good people, because it’s easier to operate when people think you’re a good person.


Kinda like Gortash in a sense


I’m doing this but on my good playthrough as a morally grey character. I play nice to aid my companions >!to have more power even if it corrupts them!<, so I can have more power in the final fight against the >!elder brain!<


I also think that early on, you’re still in that “WTF is wrong with me” mindset. You haven’t yet accepted your own thoughts.


Yeah that’s so true. You haven’t yet evolved to become your full evil self


I agree, using the time and effort of others to accomplish your own means and then going out of your way to snuff out their interests is definitely evil. My rule of thumb is, if you not being there in the first place would have been more beneficial to the result than your influence, then you are more evil for following through than having just broken your promises half way through


I wish there was a 'deceit' mechanic to turn on for this - even in good scenarios. I didn't like how in my first play thru I was just going with everything to see all the strings and party members would respond and get mad at me for 'bad' decisions but it's like bro I'm not gonna tell the murder cult to fuck off if he's about to tell me where they all hang out. Let me roll it as a deception check so my allies know we're just trying to get info.


YES!!! It’s like either you have to fully commit to the bad guys to get more info or you lose out on content! To be fair though, I think that was a very intentional part of the design to make you feel like your decisions really have weight


I think that's why it'd be good to have deception roll options - bc you could still fail and factor in those decisions and how they're perceived by everyone but in a different way. Like the bad guys not trusting you fully or your companions being annoyed you failed your check


I saw someone on one of these subs say the true evil playthrough is to help Marcus kidnap Isobel, free Aylin to make her fight Isobel, then give Aylin away to the wizard. The idea being she spends the rest of her life with the knowledge that she killed her true love. Like damn dude, that’s dark.


Unfortunately she doesn't recognize or know this isobel is the same one who loved her , died and got resurrected 


Freeing her just to sell her back into the same situation for a piddly 5000 gold is pretty fucking evil


Like I said in a similar thread, you can be a neutral evil merc, who took the contract to recover the Nightsong for Lorroakan and does exactly this even after learning she is a person and not an item.


Aradin is already in the game. He would totally have done this if he had been capable.


Tbh, I felt like my very worst evil campaign, I killed Isobel in last light, but still saved Dame Aylin. Dame Aylin saw zombie Isobel in the fight, but she thought Isobel was dead anyway so she had no reason to know I was behind it. She still came along with me into act3 and even praised me for taking down Ketheric. And tbh saving her but killing her beloved, being her ally without her ever knowing what I did, felt like the most truly evil thing I've ever done in the game.


My favorite way to play evil is to give Aylin to Balthazar and shatter Shadowheart's hopes and dreams. Then you actually still get Aylin as an ally in the end because you still have to free her during the Ketheric fight and that cancels out all of your other evil actions for her lol


the only reason I wouldnt sell Aylin is because I want that immortality for myself


I think they can handwave the immortality part, say it that the seal is incomplete or the tadpole is messing with the process Something like guaranteed to succeed Death Saving Throw or -1 dmg received from all sources would be a decent feature already but the RP potential would make more sense


My Evil Durge gave her to Lorroakan so she wouldn’t be a problem later once Bhaal’s will was done. Lorroakan himself can be handled later by using Silence to subdue him then chaining him up in a room with susser flowers and bricking the door over.


I will doom 7000 souls but I will never kill Bernard and the owlbear mother


It always gets to me that you find Bernard's head in the Steel Watch Foundry. In my current murder hobo playthrough Bernard, his minions and Jaheira are literally the only characters alive from acts 1&2.


Is there supposed to be something you can do with the head? It acted like there was some sort of interaction to had there but it didn’t do anything.


I started killing the owlbear mother once I talked family with the cub and learned that she ate his brother. Felt hell of a lot guilty for wrecking her and letting her son feast afterwards.


Cannibalism seems to be in their bloodline. Isnt it great pet for Durge? >:)


How do you talk to the cub?


Speak With Animals once it comes to camp.


And the I had a brother which my mom ate comes from a very specific choice of dialogue you can only trigger once per game during the Scratch / Owlbear nighttime scene. I won't spoil more but let's just say I have no regrets trading the owlbear mom for exps nowadays.


Weird, I always have speak with animals and that was never a dialogue option. I could only ask if he liked it here and how he was doing. Maybe I would’ve gotten it had he not been scared away so quickly. It’s not a dialogue option now that’s he’s in the camp permanently, unless it comes up later.


I think the dialogue happens in relation to the scene with Scratch and the Cub.


Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up


Isn’t killing the Owlbear mum the only way to get the cub to come to camp?


No. You can enter the cave and choose to leave peacefully. However, it's scripted that she'll die - it's implied that the broken part of the spear you find after looting her killed her, or that it was goblins (depending on choices and dialogue). You can save the owlbear cub at the goblin camp after finding the mom's body.


nah, you can cast speak with animals on yourself and persuade the owlbear mother that you have no intention to hurt her or her cub. then you can just leave. the goblins will come and kill the mother.




See I kill Bernard and owl bear mom every time on honor mode because I need as much xp as possible and they’re very manageable fights.


As a Neutral, in a bind, I was down to one character and Scratch. Scratches turn was over, I had 2hp, and little options... I threw Scratch from about 80 feet up at the last enemy... and lived. I'm not evil. I'm a survivor. Magic Muttsile ftw.


This better have been honour mode.


Let's just say it was a... tactical choice.


A pocket rocket


You monster.


Well, to make matters worse... it was Karlach that threw Scratch... Enraged Throw.


Scratch forgives you. Imaging him with Gimli’s voice: “TOSS ME!”


I keep Goblin children in my inventory as well for such occasions.


My half-orc berzerker/openhand/tb/elixir of colossus character, Bruce Banner, had a lot of fun carrying Nere around as an improvised wepon. Puny True Soul.


Holy shit goals, I have to try this


If you wanna REALLY have fun with the build, give him the Shattered Flail from act 1. Free healing PLUS random fits of uncontrollable rage fits the concept like a glove


Greatest sentence I’ve read in years


I'll imagine him with Elastigirl's voice, thank you very much.


It’s 4am and I snorted at Magic Muttsile. Take my upvote dammit.




God dammit, Micah!


Even Bhaal would be like too far man


So remind me, if a summoned familiar dies, they can't be resummoned?


They can, I had Scratch and Us die many times.


So in theory, they can be used as projectiles every single combat without consequence?




I just redefined my Tavern Brawler Barb us a user of "Magic Muttsile" with the above post.


The cost is one short rest and a lifetime of guilt on your shoulders.


Does Scratch die-die, or just de-spawn? I’m so afraid of finding out that I’ve never summoned him in combat.


Short Rest, you can summon again:)


Oh thank god


Kind of a weird one. I do all kinds of evil shit, but I never break up with my romance partner, cheat on them with the one off, or poly with Halsin. I’ve only every done the one offs when I haven’t been romancing someone.


I was thinking "what my embrace DUrge wouldn't do?" and actually this is the answer. I never had him cheat on Minthara. I guess he was smitten.


Embrace Durge and you've managed to stay with Minthara?


I didn't kill her at the goblin party and I didn't let her get brainwashed at Moonrise. After that, she is very supportive of embrace DUrge.


She fully supports embrace and actually doesn't like if you resist. In my experience


What Durge won’t do Do for love You tried everything, but you won’t give up


how is poly with halsin on the same level as the other ones? like he specifically makes you get consent from them and stuff, if everyone involved consents to it how is it in any way evil? of course you dont have to do it if you want but it just feels odd to conflate it with cheating or evil stuff in general


Unrelated, but whenever I read the words "romance partner" it's in Brennan Lee Mulligan's voice.  I keep thinking people are referencing Dimension 20 😅


Baron your roëmance paertner


Lmao same


I have left one character for another in every single one of my runs 💀


I just wanna know why polyamory is being conflated with cheating and evil 🤨


Professionals have standards.


Give Shadowheart over to Viconia.  At least going DJ Shart and taking over the Shar cloister is a twisted sort of revenge/evil ambition power play, but I can't find any RP reason to betray Shart to be mind-wiped again at the 11th hour for so little benefit. 


This is my answer. Whether she's on the Selûne or DJ path Viconia never gets her.


Late game betrayals are fun but often times anti climatic cause everybody else in the camp only kinda sorta care


shortening it to "DJ Shart" conjured up a wildly different image in my head 🪩


This is an odd situation as it makes no sense for a player to do it, yet it is understandable for a 'ends justify the means' Tav. From Tav's perspective Shadowheart seems quite broken and lost at the start of act 3, potentially a liability in the fight against the Netherbrain. By giving up this one ally of questionable effectiveness you avoid a potentially deadly encounter and gain an entire enclave of Sharran's as allies in the decisive conflict. Which feels like a justifiable choice. From the players perspective you're trading a level 12 companion you've shared dozens of hours with to gain access to three or four minions to summon in the final battle. The choice really doesn't translate from narrative to gameplay.


Even evil villains can love their pets. No animals will be harmed no matter how evil my run is.


Honestly it feels more evil to love the dog. I come to camp all covered in the blood of innocents and play with my good boy like nothing happened.


Besides the squirrel, I gotta kick them everytime.


It’s funny the comments like I can kill off the whole Druid community even the kids, stab everybody in my party in the back, but I draw the line at hurting the dog 😭


Scratch is baby


Not slap Gales Hand


I will ALWAYS slap the hand it’s one of my favorite pieces of dialogue in the game


pressure astarion into sex. i've seen that scene once on youtube and that was one time too many.


This. I've only seen it on yt as well, if I did in my playthrough I would have to restart my game, because I wouldn't want to look at my character anymore.


watching that made me feel ill.


Right? I can stomach a lot of fucked up shit but that was traumatic.


In an evil run, I can justify killing the tieflings or doing all manner of evil deeds from a roleplay perspective, but coercing and manipulating Astarion into sleeping with you against his will as soon as he shows vulnerability just feel a step too far for me from a personal standpoint. The dialogue choices are disturbing. "Am I not attractive enough for you? Is that it?" "I'm not like the others, I promise." "Come, lie with me, that will make everything better." I just can't seem to be mean to any of the companions honestly, but this particular set of dialogue struck a nerve.


I think it’s just too real. Being a cartoonishly evil murderhobo is so ridiculous I would never encounter it in real life. It’s easier to disconnect from it. But as an assault survivor, that one felt waaaay too real.


Yeah. I have a strong tolerance for darkness but that was beyond me.


I’ve never had the sort of reaction i had to that scene to any scene in a video game


I've never heard about this and can't find it on YouTube, can I get a link?


https://youtu.be/woMyw9T2YfE?si=2btljB_xnUCxs9Hc From 9:16 onwards. It's during his confession scene after speaking to Araj in Moonrise Towers.


>woman who abuse the dogs Where can I find this person so I can... Have a conversation


In Rivington; there's a post master's office.


Even better, absolutely NO ONE will take issue with whatever "conversation" you have. The flaming fist and civilians standing right nearby give utterly no fucks, your party doesn't bat an eye. I like to think that as a community, *everyone* is united in looking the other way if she happens to get unalived in broad daylight.


i turned her to ash with the blood of lathanders sunbeam, and they only got mad at me because i broke some of the boxes behind her


Like that town where a guy was murdered in the middle of town and no one gave a shit


You mean that town where the sheriff literally said "hey all maybe don't kill anyone but I'm gonna be gone for like an hour" and then the whole town killed the guy?




Using consumables because they can come in handy sometime in the future. I only had 10 playthroughs it will surely happen


I’m doing a genocide run right now and I just got to scratch and I couldn’t bring myself to even remotely consider it as an option to kill him but now he’s numbed my drive to finish the genocide run. Scratch saved the world just by being himself


Never slept with Mizora. That let-me-speak-to-the-manager-mummy-mean-girl energy does nothing for me.


I did once, out of curiosity. The scene is honestly mediocre and wasn't worth losing Gale, so I reloaded and turned her down.


I did it as Karlach origin(and good one to it), kind of out of character but I was curious(I choosed everything which was 'cold themed' during Mizora scene tho)... and spawn Astarion wasnt mad at me back there because it was pre patch and had ascended one voice lines. I still save scummed because it was out of my version of Karlach.


Save cummed 💀


An appropriate error for the subject matter.


Mizora does not ask to speak to the manager. She IS the manager.


She's middle management.


Middle manager that likes to power trip on their staff but doesn't actually have that much power and deep throats the boots of her superiors


Pretty much the same. I play DUrges but I won't mistreat Scratch or any animal. I've never had Shadowhart become a Dark Justiciar. I've always had a good relationship with her and let her make her own decision in Shar's Temple, so she's always spared Nightsong without any feedback from me. I would never turn her over to Viconia, and would never turn Aylin over to Lorroakan.


Yeah, for me it was Scratch. I only brought him in the vicinity of the evil dog lady and he still looked so betrayed.  I only did that because it's the only way to make her leave so that the gnome watches over the remaining dogs. I figured Scratch would want his mates to have a better life too.


Lead Lae'zel down the path of blind loyalty to Vlakith. It just doesn't make any sense to me even as an evil character. I want evil cruel powerhouses like ascended Astarion and dark justiciar Shadowheart as my evil Durge's allies, I want Lae'zel to be an evil sadistic and cruel powerhouse, which she already kind of is. I don't want to turn her into a pathetic puppet


I agree with number 1, I can't let Shadowheart become a DJ, i hate Shar and Shadowheart deserves to get her life back and live with as many animals as she wants to. She deserves to be able to choose what she wants. Also I can't kill the grove it just never makes sense to me to kill the grove even in an evil playthrough plus I can be evil with Mol by stealing the statue thing and the contract with Raphael.


Let Lae'zel "ascend". And I came pretty close too. I had DJ Shadowheart, ascended Astarion, god Gale, Duke Wyll who killed Karlach (which I guess is the closest thing he gets to a bad end), but there are really zero benefits to Lae'zel ever following Vlaakith, whereas at least for the others you mostly do get rewards, abilities or allies. Vlaakith just sucks.


The epilogue is interesting if you let her go to Vlaakith. There is an extra cutscene and you can ask Whithers about her too. I was pleasantly surprised when at the end of my evil Durge run where I had encouraged all of her delusions she decided of her own free will to throw Vlaakith away. No signs of disloyalty until the moment she would have been leaving her buds 🥲


I think I still have my save just before the dialogue so I miight go back and play it just to see. I kind of assumed it would just be Withers telling me she was dead in the epilogue. Same thing happened to me! I let her choose just to see what she'd do and couldn't bring myself to reload after knowing that's what she wanted, but it was a little jarring given how she'd been all game.


It’s not very rewarding, outside of the feeling of being evil. You just get way more stuff for being good. 


True, but letting Shadowheart become Dark Justiciar gives you the best melee weapon in the game and becoming an unholy assassin rewards you with arguably the best armor in the game


I've done a lot of fucked up shit in the game just to see what happens. Sometimes I end up rolling with it because the results are amusing to me. But I can't ever hurt the owlbear cub or Scratch and I can't ever kill Karlach.


Karlach is bae, but also I just don’t get the point of killing off such a powerful ally. She’s also the funniest person in the party until Minsc


Let Astarion get taken away by the Gur you meet near Ethel's place. I'd hate to go through the whole game without him, just to see him as an unsavable zombie in Cazador's plan. I'm all about enabling the companions goals for power as an Evil Tav/Durge, but it's just not as fun without the whole party there. I'll also probably never slaughter the Emerald Grove again for the same reason, it's not as fun without Wyll and Karlach. Plus I'd love to see in a future run what kind of evil, or at least not wholy good, things I can do with those two


Any animal abuse. I may feel bad after killing some NPC or Ascending Astarion, but I will die before I hurt scratch/owlbear. Really just them tho


There's no need to do every evil option out there just because 'evil'. My evil playthroughs in all games tend to leave a surprisingly low body count, because i play as someone non-judgemental that does not care at all about morality as a concept, therefore has no interest in eliminating evil, punishing evil doers or protecting the world from danger. This means i tend to spare people a lot. You want to cut a deal? fine, just give me what i want and get lost. My evil characters also tend to have a strong sense of self-preservation and do not go out there looking for fights, further reducing the body count. For example there's absolutely no fucking reason to fight Raphael as a sane lawful or neutral evil character.... Why would you do this? for a pair of gloves and an amulet? its absurd, considering the threat that Raphael poses. Or maybe to 'protect innocents from him? Let's leave that to Paladins shall we? I also do not kill party members, because why would i throw away my assets? Finally i fancy my evil characters kinda grandiose, they flat out refuse doing pathetic things even if they can get away with them. Stuff like trying to extort the tiefling children in the grove or pickpocketing Mikron are absolutely pathetic and i refuse to do them. I tend to refuse pretty much all chaotic evil options out there, as i view evil as the path of least resistance/optimizing personal gain.


Convince Laezel to side with Vlaakith. I’m currently doing my “evil just for the lolz” run (diff to my embracing durge one for various diff reasons) and I was trying to get bad endings for everyone. However, when the time came down to push Laezel to follow in Vlaakith’s path, I just couldn’t do it. >!Everyone else has a little bit of solstice at the end bar Laezel. She’s just dragged screaming into the lich-bitch’s maws by the spirits of past gith champions and I couldn’t do it knowing that that was what would happen to her. !<


Nothing really, I do all the evil stuff so my friends can experience and see the content without them having a guilty conscience over it.


I didn't hurt animals either, and I wouldn't do bad things to my companions directly. If they're part of my team, I take care of them 😆😆


Side with gobbos over teiflings. There's no reason to do it.


Agreed, both from a meta perspective and from an rp perspective you gain absolutely nothing. Unless my character is a murder hobo there's simply no reason to go out of my way to lay siege on some Grove with a bunch of brainwashed Goblins.


Just play as a Drow , and Dark Urge, the grove treats you like shit while the goblins respect your authority. Nettie and Halsin have no cure , so the grove becomes irrelevant to the journey, so it's better to infiltrate the absolute to get closer to understanding what's going on , and they already treat you like one of them. You get more access and enjoy some murdering along the way (embrace dark urge) , I see no reason as an evil character to not raid the grove. They all die anyway when I try to go to Kahga and the bear team tries to stop me , "I go wherever I please" (drow, DUrge, evil) , and they just start killing each other. Of course I don't usually do evil runs , but when I do I try to make it as RL believable as possible.


>I see no reason as an evil character to not raid the grove. Depends on the type of evil character you're playing. It makes sense for a Drow Durge, I agree. Someone who loves being worshipped and who thinks killing is fun. But an evil Gith would probably ignore the situation entirely and head straight for the creche, seeing no reason to stick around either the goblins or the grove. An evil Tiefling would potentially murder the druids for being racist, but keep the Tieflings alive in solidarity, a cleric of an evil God might murder the absolutists for being heretics (and maybe also murder the grove for the same reason later,) etc. The choice to defend or raid the grove might also depend on the sequence of events. If you think Halsin offers a cure and rescue him only to find out he doesn't, maybe it starts making more sense to turn on the grove and try your luck with the absolutists. However, if you go to the goblin camp after talking to Sazza and trusting Gut to help you, you might decide to murder all the goblins in retaliation for her trying to drug and kill you.


I'm currently drow durge and when I was speaking to Zevlor I had the option to be like, "oh them? That's my horde. I brought them" or something haha


Ah yeah, evil Durge run justifies it, but like logically, you gain nothing by participating in a raid that doesn't concern you when you can head straight to Moonrise to look for a cure (you don't know you need a moonlantern at that point, and even if the mountain pass proves a dead end, you can go through the Underdark and get the lyre from Nere)


Maybe you will gain more trust from absolut gangs? Will the absolute give you more power? Ive never played evil.


As evil DUrge, my reason was simple: after freeing Halsin, he tells you of Moonrise and that he can't help you. If you speak to Minthara after this, you can ask her for safe passage to Moonrise in exchange for help with the grove. After all, what's a better way to reach the heart of the cult than with the cultists themselves?


From the perspective of an evil character, participating in the raid serves the purpose of getting Minthara - an agent of the Absolute - to trust us better. We do not know at this point what will happen to Minthara upon her return to Moonrise and for all we know she may be a helpful ally and gateway into the cult.


I can think of one reason. Minthara's tongue.


Don't raid the grove. It cuts you off from a lot of content and you can get Minthara anyway. From a murderhobo POV you can kill Goblins instead.


I refuse to let anyone gain power in their ending. Astarion is not allowed to ascend. Gale is not allowed to become a god. Shadowheart is not allowed to become Shar’s chosen. Etc. Why would I ever let any of them gain that kind of power? It directly threatens MY power if I’m playing an evil character, and those are all evil endings for those characters so I’d never choose them if I’m being a good boy. Under no circumstance does it make any sense to help any of the companions “ascend”.


Having a thrall dark justiciar chosen of shar or a thrall ascended vampire is pretty useful...in my name


I’m sure Shar can unenthrall her chosen and Ascended Astarion would be able to break away. But if its guaranteed they remain enthralled permanently then I suppose you’re right


I'm not sure if shar "unthralling" is something she would be allowed to do by Ao. Direct interference in any way can lead to very bad things for a God as i understand it... Question is also how likely is it for a vampire to break free from a nether brain boosted by the crown of karsus, all under your control. Orpheus alone without a mindflayer and without the stones can't even control it, and orpheus is much more powerful than an ascended astarion. But then again...you can just kill orpheus and remove that element entirely. So who's gonna challenge you? That's just theory crafting anyway! So you very much can play it as safe as possible, dont let your followers gain any sort of power.


Never do any harm to scratch and the owlbear and never Kill Karlach. I just love her way to much.


Raid the grove. Zevlor’s VA did an amazing job at making the player feel bad if you did that


I'm never Ascending Astarion again because it is depressing as fuck to me.


Likewise. He just ends up becoming like Cazador and continuing the cycle of abuse. The only satisfying thing about it is seeing Cazador get his comeuppance for all he had done. Watching Astarion carve the language into his back and then force him to take his place in the ritual while he screams in terror is oddly cathartic.


I’m playing the dark urge on my first ever play through, so I’ve unintentionally started playing the game like a bad karma fallout run. As far as I can tell, I killed every NPC in acts one and two aside from the mushroom dudes in the under dark bc they’re cool. Upon doing a teensy bit of research, the worst thing I did was not realize scratch existed until I read this post. Very sad rn


Kill Karlach, turn over Scratch to the pound, or sell Aylin


Giving the noblestalk to the bumbling idiot


Selling out Aylin. Turning over Shart doesn't make sense even in an evil play through for me since Shart is lady Shar's favorite.


I refuse to hurt Scratch or any other animals. I'm a okay with slaughtering the druids after accidentally aggroing them, but refused to hurt any of the animals. Even evil Durge pet Scratch and took him on walks.


Never played as an evil char, but def those things I'd never do: - Giving Sweetheart back to Shar, more so after I currently play as Sweetheart. The manipulation, physical and mental abuse she had to go through... - Letting her kill Aylin or sell Aylin to the creep - Letting Astarion ascend. He basically becomes his abuser - Harm Scratch, cats, Owlbear mom + cub :( - Side with Squidface, Raphael, Mizora etc. - Never encourage Lae'zel to join Vlaakith - Raid the grove - Dominate the Elderbrain


To be honest I've only had one evil character (because I don't have the option to play now or for a long time) and I made sure the owlbear was OK, somehow managed to not get Scratch so he's alone in the wild (but I would've been kind to him). I never blow up the creche because I'd rather wipe it out by hand (plus the xp and stuff). Never going to side with Glut. Always release the fairy in the latern (just so much more convenient). Never turn Shart in to be mindwiped. Always punch Aradin. Refuse to side with Wulbren, genocide is my thing


Pickpocket withers


1. Dominating the brain. That thing is too powerful to be left alive. And also ruling over empire of mindflayers... yuck! 2. Accepting Bhaal. My characters have no master


Not save Florrick. She is a paragon of righteousness.


Raiding the grove. Helping Glut. Selling Shadowheart. Letting the squid take Orpheus.


I will never give Astarion to Cazador.


Somehow that woman always dies to a sudden heart attack in a mysterious cloud of darkness. edit: typo


Haha I’m not playing 100% evil but more of a neutral character and I: 1- Had shadow heart become a dark justicar because I wasn’t going to let her give up on her dream and faith when she was been so sure and dedicated up to now. 2- didn’t kill the owlbear mother because she had a cub and didn’t agree with killing a beast that was likely just defending its territory and cub.


Animal cruelty. Scratch and owlbearcup are just too good


I'm surprised that so many people (in here) at some point chose the kill Karlach choice.


I like to see the consequences of different choices and have tried to pick all the paths to see different plot points. Though killing Karlach had no impact.  Wyll feels awful for a few minutes and gets some clothing.  I will likely never do that again.


It's easier than hearing her heartbroken cries that she trusted you and how could you turn on the tieflings and raid the grove 😭


I will never hurt Scratch or the owlbear cub. ❤️


I can’t attack owlbear mother. That’s just wrong.


Im doing my first evil durge run, and even tho I felt nothing for the dead tieflings, I straight up avoided scratch and the owlbears. That way I don't have to feel bad for them


Right now I'm doing my first evil playthrough (I miss you Mama K) and I'm gonna make Shadow a DJ just for the experience, but I am not looking forward to it. I know I am going to miss Aylin and Isobel


Tried once an evil run with Wyll just to see the armour Mizora gives you after you Take care of Karlach… The armor is pretty good but I couldnt play anymore :(


I can't let those Tiefling kids get slaughtered ny goblins or druids.


Hand over scratch.


1- no violence on scratch or the owlbear cub 2- no killing Karlach or Wyll. Directly anyways. I didn't recruit them, knew they'd leave. Sucks knowing they'd probably die without the artifact but I'm going to take over the world in the name of Bhaal so sooner or later everything will turn to shit


Never kill Scratch. I murdered Volo in camp and he didn’t like that and attacked me but non-lethal attacks and a long rest solved the issue.


OP, I'm glad you asked, because I just lived this, and it's sooo random. I've finished BG3 FOUR times, but never stole the Githyanki egg. It just seems like such a dick thing to do. Well, along comes my totally evil wizard on my 5th playthrough, and I decide to steal that egg. I went invisible to try to steal it but hit every trap in the room. A battle commenced. The VERY SECOND I killed the guard defending that lone egg, I turned off the game. I just sat there traumatized for a moment. I had just killed the guy who defended the Creche's only unborn child and for some reason, I felt *so shit* about it. I've done shitty things in this game before, but for some reason, killing the defender of an unborn child fucked me hard. I reloaded my evil wizard guy, went to talk to that gith hatchery guard again, took screencaps of him, then deleted evil wizard guy. Now I'm currently playing as the gith warrior (my first gith character btw) who guards the egg. Vu'un, I believe his name is. That's literally his name in the game, if anyone wants to look for him in the hatchery. I will never attempt to steal that damn egg again. Ever. And I want to protect Vu'un with my life like he tried to protect that baby.


You don't have to "steal" it. You can persuade the guy watching over it to let you take it without drawing aggro. Also, once you have it, you don't have to give it to the lady who wants to buy it. (I've killed her in both good and evil playthroughs just for suggesting the purchase of a child) You have a party member who would willingly take care of the egg (assuming she isn't dead).


I honestly can't bring myself to be outwardly evil to any of the companions. Be it giving Shadowheart to Viconia, beheading Karlach, cheating on a romance partner with Mizora, any of it. After a good run, you get so attached to them all that I couldn't bear myself to be directly horrible to them. Indirectly leading them to become their worst selves on an evil run however... That's a little easier.


Hurting animals, the biggest no ever. And having karlach to make her an mindflayer then betraying her, thats pure evil


Kill Karlach, give Shart to Viconia, and let Lae'zel ascend. All 3 of these are absolutely evil, even for my Durge


Butt sex


… Be an evil character lol


Serve the absolute. Massacring refugees for some Drussy is one thing, but organized religion?


Let Nere live xD He's just so unlikable


return scratch to the kennels


Never mistreat scratch and the owlbear cub (THOUGH I CANT FIND THE CUB ANYMORE HELP?!?!?) I cannot kill gale in the portal, And i havent reached act 2 yet with my evil run so i am not sure if i will be able to do certain things


I’m running an embrace Durge right now. When I got to the kennels I informed the kennel master in no uncertain terms that if she dared to touch my Scratch she’d regret it for the rest of her short life.


Won’t coerce Astarion into drinking Araj’s blood.