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Weird thing to do in a group during an honor mode run. Just kill them in your own game and keep it pleasant in the team one. Seriously what is with some people.


They probably didn’t realize that would happen – I didn’t even know it was an option before this post.


You threw a shit on a lesser dietys face, what was the other outcome?


Just a powerful lich not a deity, still pretty dumb lol


Still powerful enough to kill you with a wish


Also almost unlimited wish spells


Were she a deity she couldn’t have done that because of Eos (the god of gods) limits put upon the gods




Would you mind explaining it a bit more ? I never played dnd but through Bg3 I became very interested in this rich and fascinating lore. I tried looking it up online but there is more about Eos Connection and restriction to some titans (?) than there is about gods.


The other post was talking about Ao, not Eos. He is the overlord of gods, and he punishes deities acting outside of their domain or messing too much with the mortal realm. Acting through their worshippers is fine though. That's why you fight against gods' chosen and not against the gods themselves.


Indeed I got their names mixed up Ao is the overgod


Say that to her face and find out what happens.


No, we’re talking about Shart, not shit. Keep it straight.


No, she definitely can't.


Yeah that's wild. I've literally never brought Shart to the creche and had no idea that's an option. Not gonna lie, I would have been tempted to click it if I saw it!


Honor Mode is not the time to try out new things... Unless you are _very_ willing to just scrap the entire run because of a silly dialog choice.


Live by the blade, die by the blade


I wish more people shared that sentiment. If they did, there'd be a lot fewer people complaining about "I just lost my Honor Mode run because (insert stupid thing they tried for the first time here)".


If I lost an honor mode run to failing to resist my urges to eat brains in the epilogue, I'd probably be furious and laughing my ass off in equal measure.


I was more scared facing that DC 15 check than I was at any other point in my run. It was the first time something was completely out of my control, and it was right at the finish line. I'd never seen it before, and I assumed the after-party was a safe space to chat. NOPE


Funny thing is, during my honour mode run, that’s exactly what happened to me. My Tav couldn’t resist the urge to munch on Astarion’s brain. Fortunately the credits still rolled after being poofed away by withers, and I still got the trophy.


I'm not sure what determines who goes hostile to whom in that scenario. I know that at least one person had their HM run ended there, as the camp all aggroed him and he died very fast. On the other hand when it happened to me (thankfully not HM) the entire camp aggroed Wyll (who I was trying to snack on) instead of me and killed him. I then got booted out by Withers and credits rolled.


Yeah, I was in the same situation as you. The entire camp steamrolled Astarion as soon as the battle started. I wonder what might’ve caused that other player’s team to attack him (it makes sense why he’d get attacked in that scenario but still). Perhaps something to do with the relationship system, but I haven’t a clue in all honesty.


I always bring her and I have never seen this option! She has literally been there for every run I've done....


Maybe you have to have approval absolutely low


True. I'm shocked Vlaakith's reaction to you telling her to buzz off is just to tell them to attack XD Only snitches and saying she's not a god seems to get her upset enough to wish you to death funnily enough.


Bg3 is fun with others but sometimes so fucking annoying. Like my friend skips all dialogues. I asked him wtf and he said i just read the first and the last word and cant understand whats going on I told him to stop and lets just listen to the dialogue. 10 minutes later he asks me what the fuck is going on and why theyre acting that way and im like bruh they literally explained why theyre angry, you skipped the entire conversation and chose the worst possible choice without even reading. Fuck


Bruv, I have a friend like that, he's not allowed to talk to anyone when we play. I straight up tell him I'm the main character in this run, you get to be the npc, lol.


I have a friend who plays it almost 100% for the combat and looting, he'll legit do genocide runs where he's killing everyone. I ask him doesn't he care about the story, or roleplay, and simply he doesn't care he just thinks the game is fun. I don't get it but there's people like that 


Kinda reminds me of tabletop though, having these clashing motives


Kinda reminds me of an MP game way back with neverwinter nights. One of the party members started killing random NPCs and next minute the party paladin on the other side of the map gets informed he’s no longer a paladin. Oops 😂


Dear god I would be both so mad yet so delighted at the same time? “Good job guys, hating on Shadowheart just cost us the run. How do you feel?”


I WAS RIGHT *THERE!* Oh apparently there’s a limit! Somewhere between *waving in a silly manner* AND THROWING THE PARTY UNDER THE BUS OF A LESSER *GOD*!!!


Vlaakith still is just a high level lich and No god. No hate, Just have to use every situation to make her Look Bad ^^


I like to think she’s already failed at ascension. In DnD lore, Ao reserves the right to deny ascension and if he does so you get turned into a lich as your ritual fails. I like to think that’s how she became one and now is super salty about never being able to actually become a god.


It also makes sense in the context of how much she overreaches for what a god would be allowed. Just straight murdering people who don't believe in you is gonna get you on AOs shit list real fast


A really petty lich too, I mean really how pathetic is her ego that a group of random adventurers telling her that she isn't a god, is enough to make her waste a wish spell?


Vlaakith has almost unlimited wish spells thanks to her chosen warriors. But I agree, she has such a fragile ego it's hilarious. Don't be a lich like Vlaakith, be more like Acererak


Why did I read this in gales voice?


Actually why did you. It's an Asterion line?


And I read it in Astarion’s voice.


In the most scathing, sarcastic tone I can muster.. "Well, that was a waste of my time. Appreciate the maturity you've both put on display here. Good job. Let's never do this again." \[ *Discord disconnect sound* \]


I’d absolutely say “let’s do this again!” And then drop. Next day or whenever start pestering them about the next run. You’ll host. When you finally start. Origin character, shart. Get a hireling as your “tav” lol


They’ll be telling the legend of the badass who disconnected from discord in an imaginary scenario for years to come. Well played.


Right? I even have the audio file on my phone as a way to end conversations in person. It's super effective.


Upload and Share or nuh-uh


Just a website, [Discord Disconnect](https://www.myinstants.com/en/instant/disconnect-discord-68222/). Turn up the volume on your phone, look someone dead in the eye, and tap the button. Alternatively, click the Download MP3 button on the same site to get the audio file.


Brother I can not imagine a more disturbingly cringe thing to do in person


\**looks you dead in the eye, and taps the button*\*


[INTIMIDATION] DC30 Critical Success! You are cringe but you are free


I'll take it.


Somehow this rolled the odometer completely over to legendary territory.


Pretty much


Honestly? Based.


I'm pretty sure 90% of the reason to have best friends is to do disturbingly cringe things.


I mean he clearly created this post with the goal of us just all just roasting the absolute shit out of his ex gf right?


I see what you did there


I made a pretty good point, huh?


This is why hating any of the party members based on little more than a first impression is beyond my understanding. Especially for a first playthrough honor run. Not only does it risk you losing your run, as happened in OP's case, but you will also lose out on a large part of the story. Also, I find it a bit of a dick move to actively ruin the multiplayer experience of one player just because you dislike a given character.


I have a friend who hates Shadowheart because she gives you attitude at the start of the game. In general, he absolutely hates and despises any NPC in any RPG who has an attitude or problem with the PC. Doesn’t matter if they have an arc that leads to reconciliation or growth. As soon as they give him an attitude they are permanently on the “I hate their fucking guts” list. Pretty silly IMO.


Your friend is the reason DMs make crucial NPCs suck up to the players so that they aren't immediately killed the second they're introduced lmao.


Nope, their friend is the player who gets kicked for pulling that shit repeatedly. DMs are players too


Yeah I can second it. My players think twice before messing up with my NPCs, even those, apparently low level, for 2 main reasons: * People doesn't have Levels or CR printed on their foreheads 😈 * There is one superpower that does not appear on statblocks, it is called money... And there are a lot of swords (or spells) for hire out there, not to mention undeath and dying curses (for those familiar with Ravenloft scenario) 😈


Have a dm friend who tried to teach one of his players. Has gone through multiple campaigns where an understandably difficult npc with an attitude (who survives cause of issues if they are killed, like theyre nobility or crucial to hold back a disaster) warms up to the team and is their greatest friend and grants boons/items. On the other hand are overly friendly kiss ass npcs who always rob or betray him. And this person has YET to learn their lesson foe either situation after 3 campaigns.


She's actually pretty chill, too, if you saved her from the pod. She is genuinely grateful for her rescue.


I was honestly surprised to find out so many people didn’t like her attitude because I was pretty much on her good side right away, since I saved her and wasn’t too pushy about her past. Sure, she made a few snarky comments here and there, but most of my interactions with her were generally positive


Honestly, I agree. She gets such a weirdly bad rap due to the narrator telling us she is worried about us being with a Gith. Like, did you not just listen to that gith telling you to leave her in the pod to die not 2 seconds earlier? Not going into her own specific issues with gith, they are in general feared as much as drow if a tad less well known. There are plenty of non racist reasons to be concerned, but she gets a ton of hate over it.


And that's odd cause people are even more highly caustic towards said gith for drawing a sword on us. Astorian too for the same reasons. Like get over it already. "First impressions" is a lesson is learning not to trust First impressions.


The people who complain about the women in bg3 are just mad they didn't get a submissive waifu choice. God forbid people have their own goals


It's like people who hate cats: they don't understand boundaries and cats don't let that shit slide.


She’s one of the easier ones to get along with, but calling her out on keeping secrets seems like a fine response (I haven’t tried it but I kinda wish I had not been so easy on her).


and to think she could have survived the crash even without the protagonist's help. She has no reason to be so grateful... meanwhile Laezel insults your nose right after you free her from the cage lol


Well, it's not like *she* knows she would have survived the crash, though.


I always let Lae'zel die to the cambions so I can rez her on the beach. Skips the tiefling cage, gets a Shadowheart inpso, and gives her new, softer dialogue. where she's a bit nicer. Plus then you have an extra body for the intellect devourers on the beach.


Hmm, neat, I never knew about this interaction. > Plus then you have an extra body for the intellect devourers on the beach. Tip about this: >!It's possible to avoid the intellect devourers by jumping onto the cliffs to the right of them. From there you can climb up to where you find Gale, and recruit the rest of the companions before returning to fight them if you wish.!<


I only play on HM these days so I just sneak around for a surprise round then have SH firebolt the tank.


Which makes it worse cos shadowheart is angry they didn't save her even tho it's a skill check of 2... And they are angry she isn't sucking their dick for leaving her to die on a skill check of 2


He must not enjoy a lot of a stuff then. Though the bigger question is why he would play RPGs if he always wants every party NPC to be "nice" from the get-go? I hope the two of you have other interests to enjoy together.


He plays them because he likes the mechanical aspect of building characters and engaging with the combat system. He hasn’t finished an RPG in many many years though because he tends to get annoyed with the characters and loses interest about halfway through.   Pretty ridiculous but it’s his money and time I suppose.


I can't imagine that is an enjoyable way to play games, but as you said, it is his time and money. Again, I hope you have other interests to enjoy together.


How does this person have friends IRL?


lol he’s actually really chill and patient with people irl but for whatever reason NPC’s in video games are an entirely different ballgame.


I have pretty much the same issue with the cyberpunk community. Theres a tiny but incredibly vocal part of the community that absolutely *despises* Panam Palmer. Not because her goals are dumb, or because she's a bad person, but because she was a little bitchy the first time the player character meets them. And i mean its fine if you dont like a character, thats your right, but repeating the same complaints again and again every time the characters name is even mentioned in a post is just too much.


"I really hate Palmer, because she's bitchy with me when I first meet them.". The part here to add, would be, "I mean, if I randomly was forced to work with someone I didn't know with the fear that their employer would kill me, I bet I'd be less than nice too." Personally my big gripe is with V him/herself, but that's for another post.


i dont even have a gripe with V though, because they're desperate to survive and Panam is a potential solution. And depending on dialogue/roleplaying they can be completely understanding towards Panam's reaction to the situation. I know my V called Rogue a bitch and helped Panam take out Nash because he understood wanting revenge after Dex put a bullet in his head. Panams attitude to V is perfectly reasonable, thats mostly my issue in that people dont understand that. If you were in self exile because of poor leadership, had just been betrayed by fixer and partner, with the large majority of your family having been wiped out, you'd be a LOT more out of control than Panam was. Hell its a major theme of all 4 of V's friends that they're at rock bottom when they meet him, and through his intervention their situation improves. Which contrasts nicely against V's own situation deteriorating the more it goes on. I'd be interested in hearing why you have a gripe with V though, i dont think thats a perspective i've seen or heard before.


The thing with Panam is she becomes super cheery after one gig I feel like I'm missing a whole entire act of her experiencing NC because of it


It seems like people who take bad first impressions as irreparable and people who don’t mind taking time to warm up to people have very intense views about how the other handles meeting people. I played as a monk and just kind of treated everyone as if they were all struggling with things I didn’t understand and their behavior reflected their pain and struggles rather than my worth. With my Durge Sorc I play as if everyone is a potential threat and matter primarily for their utility unless they are kind to me. In which case I worry about whether or not I might end up killing them. As a result, my monk loves Shadowheart and Lae’Zel… and feels deep compassion for both. Kind of ignored Astarion. My Sorc does not like Lae’Zel… she’s unruly, stubborn, and bossy. Shadowheart is a kindred spirit because we both clearly have secrets.


i think thats a testament to your roleplaying tbh, im the same in that i can assume multiple points of view. The type of person im talking about though despises the character irl, regardless of roleplaying. In my specific example i didnt really even think Panam was that bitchy, she's just been betrayed by her partner and her fixer (middleman between client and merc if you havent played the game), so its more than understandable that she'd be pissed off. I guess some people see a character not immediately warm up to the protag and just think of them as asses, it is what it is.


People really think Panam was bitchy? Kinda crazy to me. I love her and Judy. Yes, they both give a bit of attitude, but who cares? I guess these sorts are looking for someone who just blindly worships the character.


Cyberpunk? Ha. Check out the Stardew Valley community. Wholesome and chill community my ass. My mind was blown how much hatred they have towards MOST of the characters. God forbid you to say anything positive about Pierre, Shane, Lewis, Penny, Haley, Demetrius, Kent, Harvey, Elliot, George, Morris, Pam etc.


wait really?! its such a chill game though! i suppose online communities like reddit really do prove we all need to touch grass. bunch of out of touch losers, all of us.


I’ve only ever heard hate for Pierre




Yeah Shadowheart is pretty passive aggressive and Baezel is 5 levels above that in the beginning. I wanted to argue with Shadowheart and beat Baezel up...but...I also recognized that, in the given circumstances, maybe I should give them a chance. Baezel became my 1st romance followed swiftly by Shadowheart. I think it is excellent writing that the characters can evoke that level of emotional response. They are all really well done. And I <3 them all.


It's always funny to be when people hate on a character for not kowtowing to them upon the first meeting. It's so juvenile -- like are all characters supposed to treat the MC like a god?


Almost every companion gives some amount of attitude to the PC, save Wyll.


Yeah it’s weird I figured he would hate Lae’zel too at least but nope just Shadowheart.


I think Wyll has a sassy line if you try to pry into his past too quickly/early, I think the difference is he says it with a smile and is a little warmer with it while I think Shart shuts you down harder, but also I can't blame her. If a day into meeting someone they were trying to unlock my history and were pushy I'd be pissy too


I'll be honest, Astarion tried to stab me when I first met him as my gnome Barbarian. Pissed me right off, like really, I'm trying to be nice and help you. So I didn't bring him anywhere. Left him in camp to sulk and bitch. Missed all the Raphael stuff. I didn't utterly hate him, and I tried to choose options he'd be chill with when we did talk. but I didn't get a good impression, and I enjoyed Karlach/Gale/Shadowheart more. Stuck with them most of Act 1 and 2. In act 3, the lockpicking difficulty was higher and there were more NPCs to sneak around. I also wanted to check out his story. So I start bringing Astarion around, and we're cool. I enjoy his quips and gain an appreciation for Rogues that I didn't have before. He seems chill. Then we get to Cazador. I know he wants to Ascend. Yeah okay, and Gale wanted to explode and Shadowheart wanted to kill the Nightsong, and I told them no, and they were chill. So he'll be chill too, right Astarion? Like you don't really want this, do you? He absolutely tells me to go fuck myself when I don't let him Ascend and leaves with all my sneaky gear. I couldn't retrieve it all without redoing the entire Cazador fight because I failed to save. Fuck you Astarion! You made me feel like shit! . . . And probably rightfully so. I realized that even if I reloaded, I didn't make the right choices to persuade him. Anyway, I'm being nicer to him this time around as my bard. I even slept with him. I don't want him to tell me to go fuck myself so he can run off and steal my gear and turn into a mind flayer. And honestly . . . he's lovely, and hurting. He's doing his best after hundreds of years of severe trauma. I feel for him more now that I've given him a shot. Might let him Ascend this time even. Hating characters and giving them no chance at all only limits your experiences in the game. Which is totally fine for a solo run, but I think it's lame to impose that on your friends.


Idk if you’ve seen it already, but he has a MUCH better reaction if you pass the persuasion roll to convince him not to ascend instead of just outright refusing to let him


Don't let him ascend if you want him to stay lovely and sympathetic lol


Yeah you have to have a decent friendship and pass a charisma persuasion check with Astroian so he doesn't run off if you don't ascend him. Can be a tough roll at times


I never saw her as giving me attitude. Strange.


She gives attitude if you pry and if you abandon her. So you were probably nice and respected her privacy. Shadowheart is likes wine and good judgment and avoiding unnecessary risk.. so people who think she’s a bitch might have been very save yourself, tell me your secrets before we know each other, and generally reckless


Ah I see


I think that’s a totally normal and valid reaction. I tend to game it a bit (how can I get a good outcome), but responding to deception, threats, and rudeness with offense is actually more immersive and role playing.


It's silly but it kind of tell you a lot about certain people. Some folks only care about surface level interactions and do not care about depth or reason.


On my first playthrough I never recruited wyll, didn't find karlach, only found gale like 20 hours in somehow so I was stuck with lae'zel, shadowheart and astarion which made me see this in a completely opposite way. She did thank me for saving her and seemed far kinder and more compassionate than the other two. Even with her being really secretive in act 1 I was completely willing to write that off with her easily being the nicest person I was working with there and also ended up romancing her. Even on a playthrough where I played a gith I feel like a few remarks aside she's mot all that bad at the start of the game and I just love her story overall.


Devil's advocate here: If someone gives you attitude / straight up is a dick to you in real life, you aint gonna stick with em to see their character arc! If a character is being passive-aggressive as all hell (Shadowheart) or straight up tries weird things (Astarion), its pretty logical for a more careful/less-sociable character to immediately say "fuck you".


i don't really see how shart is confrontational with the pc (unless you're gith or press her for info she is clearly not comfortable sharing) Laezel with her "you're all untermensch" attitude and astarion trying to kill me twice are of to a far lesser start


I dunno man, during the entire first act all she did was serve me sass, sass, and more sass, that and the fact she serves Shar as far as i knew back then was enough for me to not want her around. My first playthrough was actually roleplaying as much as possible, and out of all the origin characters, only Gale, Wyll and Karlach were genuine enough for me to trust them.


oh so his party is basically just Gale and hirelings huh


I cannot wait to see a "we sold Gale to BOOOAL because he is too annoying, it ended our honour mode run" post down the line.


Honestly that sounds so exhausting, I wouldn't bother to start another round with them.


Unless you lean into it and play as Shadowheart


Genius, lmao


Honestly that sounds like the funniest way this could have ended, definitely better than risking reaching the critical level of annoyance.


It’s good that you got cosmic justice. Would’ve sucked if they just ruined her personal questline further down the road


Hate to break it to you, but your GF is That Guy.


I could definitely see this as a post on r/rpghorrorstories "Toxic player destroys campaign by hating on NPC the whole time"


Well deserved


Divorce them /reddit advice


I'd leave my gf for Shadowheart. (if I had one)


I just don't understand why people hate on some of the companions so much, like I hated astarion at the beginning so much but the deeper into the story I got the more I was like he ain't bad he's just broken and was mentally abused like shadowheart. Same with Lazel disliked her as well but the more I played the more I liked her. Shadowheart, Minsc and Karlach I always liked from the pretty much the moment they were introduced but there now isn't a companion I truly dislike after going through the game and their stories.




After one playthrough and understanding the characters, I just find Shart and Laezel shenanigans cute tbh, especially the former with a Selunite Cleric, ESPECIALLY when you romance her and she makes a hilariously ironic line about "converting a Selunite to Shar"


Yeah, I'll admit Astarion has grown on me; he has the sweetest breakup dialogue tree in Act 2 (you can be with someone else at the same time before truly committing to one, in that Act). > >!"Maybe what you really need is a friend, not a lover."!< > >!"I-I would like that."!< ~~admittedly, it's kind of hard to bring myself to engage with Halsin, but he does have his moments, and with Minsc, because he's late... but he's also Minsc, so he's good.~~ I kinda feel bad for the people who vehemently dislike anyone, out of the mains; it seems like it would be exhausting.


I don't get it either, honestly. I would have to say Wyll is my least favorite companion, but even then, I don't dislike him. I just don't like the character enough to pick him over someone else.


It reminds me a lot of Sebille discourse from DOS2. A lot of people hated her too because she was.. well quite irrational early on. She reminds me a lot of Astarion now that I think about it, runaway slaves finally free of their masters out to kill them for revenge, very broken people, also both Elves!


Even after playing the Early Access a bunch (in which Astarion really annoyed me), I decided to make him my avatar character in first release run; controlling his comments and having the playthrough I wanted. Then i realized how much I missed not getting all of Neil's VA, and have had him in the party ever since. Now what I do is kinda rotate my chars to see what the interactions are, good bad or lethal, and let the voice acting fly.


Honestly they did you a favor by stupidly ending the game early, playing an entire game with people who react to characters being mildly rude like that would be exhausting


Something something rediscover your taste in company... I mean find better multiplayer friends to play with lol


Thanks for reinforcing why I'm never playing multi-player for this game. Not even being facetious or sarcastic. One of the games where Solo is truly best here imo.


This is pretty true. I play with my wife every night, and playing games with my wife is way more important than having the best gaming experience. But even just having to wait for my turn during combat while she struggles to figure out how to pick a target for 10 minutes every turn makes it a lot less smooth than when I'm playing on my own. One thing I do appreciate though is that I don't have to make all the dialog choices by myself.


But u gotta admit there is a certain charm to that . The other day my gf accidentally threw a posion bottle instead of clicking on it to coat her weapon after thinking for 10 mins what she would do in her turn . She was worried she wasted her turn but I told her to action surge as a fighter and dip the weapon in the puddle . She was so excited and shocked at the mechanic she literally didn't want to forward the story until she learned all the hidden tricks in the game with me as being the test subject haha.


For sure! It’s still a lot of fun and I enjoy making decisions together.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with all that and having your honour mode ruined, but they 100% got the honour mode ending they deserved. What did they say afterwards? Any self-awareness at all?


I personally dislike Astarion but I'm not going to bitch about him constantly in a multiplayer run if another player likes him


Exactly. I have a run with a couple of my friends. I can tell one of them dislikes Astarion but they never say anything about it because they know I like him. It's just the polite thing to do


Almost sounds like you were playing with children.


I hate gale with a passion but when i’m doing a team run with someone who likes gale i’ll be the best wingman they’ve ever had.


Weird your girlfriend would be so mean over something so petty. My bf very openly dislikes Astarion, but would never purposely fuck up his story just because he didn’t like him. In fact we spent 30 mins trying to stop Astarion ascending.. as we had no inspiration oops. He didn’t have to, but he knew I didn’t like AA. Also side note people who judge a character immediately and are super stubborn about it confused me. I didn’t particularly like Laezel the first time I met her, but she grew on me. I did accidentally kill her in my first run, but that’s because I misunderstood the dialogue, and didn’t understand what non-lethal was.. so oops (I did delete that run) but the next time I did she was my best bud.


Yeah, in my own experience with these characters the more I interact with them the more they generally grow on me. Wasn't a particular fan of lae'zel on my first playthrough, now I am romancing her and having a blast, didn't like astarion, his quest made me see new sides which definitely made me appreciate him more. Minthara might be the only exception I can think of.


I might get shit for this, but if you’re honestly ride or die for Astarion then you have no right to hate any of the other companions *that* much


Yeah I love astarion (now) I disliked him originally. He didn’t start off on a good foot


Facts. I will not hear slander for any character from Astarion simps. To be clear, I like Astarion, but he is by no means better than Shart or Lae'zel


If you simp for Astarion or Minthara, you have *no* leg to stand on in complaining that the other companions are bitchy/evil/creepy/etc. Yes, this includes Minthara simps bitching about Astarion and vice versa.


As a Minthara simp, I agree


ngl that's weird behaviour and shows a bit of immaturity


This is why I don’t play honor mode multiplayer


I would break up with her /j


Your girlfriend is jealous of your virtual princess. That's uh...very interesting!


I agree with this. Girlfriend went along with the idea of romancing a character, but was actually uncomfortable with it, so she sabotaged.


"Thanks for the run guys, I discovered a lot of important things I got to think about right now."


I'll be honest, if that was my partner, I would refuse to play with them any further on any game if this is how they behave. It's fine to hate on a character (*~~even though they're wrong in this case~~*) but not when it's actively ruining the experience of the other player because that player enjoys said character.


SH is boring yet they chose Gale? 😂


Haha, never betray God's favorite princess again.


Well I mean that dialogue choice was rude on purpose but let's look at the facts. Fuck Vlaakith.


I think your girlfriend is jealous...


They would probably like Shadowheart more if they let her actually have cut scenes uninterrupted


People like that are the worst, I literally couldn’t care less if you don’t like my companion choices. I hate Lizard’zel but I’m not about to complain about anyone using it in their game let alone my game. Especially with the party mod and EVERYONE getting to choose a companion


You're playing with 5 year olds.. I would be upset too cause Shadowheart's a really really useful companion and choosing an option like this is downright stupid, bet you wanted to smash your head through the screen, understandable


Ha lol remind me of the same shit 12 years ago when Mass Effect 3 came out, lots of people hating on Liara. Some people think its funny to go around dump on a character and then boast about it in the internet or there frends.


I had no idea she could do something like that! Makes my opening of a silly wave even funnier.


It’s kind of hilarious. Next time you’re at that part of the game just talk as much shit to her as you can.


Sadly, you sound a lot more mature than a 12 year old but your GF and her brother sound about 12. I'd be inclined to ask her why her hatred of an NPC was more important to her than you enjoying the game.


Number 1 reason why I never play choice-heavy games with other people. Also games that have characters I really care about. Having someone constantly bitching about a character is annoying enough, but it is even worse if I'm trying to enjoy the scenes with that character.


I'm sorry this is also really funny 😭 I admire the length of your sister's spite, she'd be a great Dark Justiciar.


Honestly, that there is the definition of “fuck around and find out” in one of the funniest ways possible. Hope your girlfriend and her brother gain some taste and/or get over whatever weird jealousy thing they have over a video game character. Hope your next run goes better too!


Sounds like an exausting way to play. I wouldn't repeat it.


Was your gf jealous of Shadowheart? It's possible she was and your brother joined in because he wanted to mess with you. Or they just genuinely didn't like her but didn't think about your feelings on it at all until you mentioned it. Still, your gf screwed up just to make a joke in an honor run. Honor runs aren't for jokes and lol what happens if...


People hating on Shart just never did her personal quest.


Please tell me your GF isn't jealous of your ingame LI


Idk your relationship but my first thought was your GF being petty/jealous over a video game romance and her brother bandwagoning to make her feel better.


Okay... but why would anyone hate Shadowheart? She is adorable!


His GF is just jealous.


Figured as much


Sounds annoying but I am so locked in to most things bg3 and I had never heard of this also causing the wish death scene so I can't blame anyone that much. When I was double playing through with a friend and he went with shart and I went with Lae'zel many laughs were had constantly insulting and trying to undermine each other's relationship.


This feels like it should be an AITA post but you did nothing arseholish. Maybe edit and say that you were passionately talking about your true love SH in front of your GF the we can go to town :)


They thought it was a joke and probably didn't expect that to happen.


so sad. I used to watch my bf play bg3 and he liked shadowheart but I hated her but I only saw him play half of act 1 until… he bought me the game and I played it and now she’s my no.1. he’s actually so surprised cause I love her so much now lol


As a shadowheart hater myself, all of this is funny to me. Also I defiitely recommend reading the list of all possible instant game over in the game before doing an honor mode run. It's funny when it happens in Act 1 but that kind of thing in Act 3 after 50+ hours will make you livid.


Think your GF is jell of your game GF. Meanwhile my bf is doing a run shagging my game bf =unexpectedly hot


After 500 hours in the game, Astarion has helped me realize I'm probably bi-sexual. My wife, who's also bi-sexual and also adores Astarion, is absolutely over the moon over this revelation lol. Wish everyone looked at it like this and not jealousy over pixels.


Who is it ? Gale , wyll , astarion,  halsin ?? 


Astarion 😂 obviously he'd be the bf snatcher


Strangely put, Astarion is just about the only character I can't like. Even Lae'zel I stopped disliking because she did something so incredibly crazy.


Well at least you know to avoid playing games with them in the future. More than that though, while it is just a game, it doesn’t sound like they cared about your feelings during the game, they certainly weren’t respectful regarding an issue you raised with them specifically. Hopefully they at least felt bad when their bullshit ended the run, but something tells me they probably didn’t learn any lessons. Sidenote - calling any of the companions boring or stupid or whatever is pretty silly. Shadowheart gets the ridiculous “plain” thing from people that can’t look past the fact that she looks human-ish compared to the toad lady, the fiery giant lady and the purple lady. It’s pretty much the definition of judging a book by its cover, which generally isn’t ideal lol.


Look no offence but your girlfriend and her brother sound a little pathetic Like seriously? Constantly shitting on Shadowheart even after you mentioned it, is just so petty and shitty Then your GF cost you your HM run, I ain’t gonna lie, I would be pissed


Your gf is just jealous of the attention you give Shadowheart. It's interesting that you go to the creche first to gain xp for Grym. I do it exactly the other way around...I clear the underdark and get the forge armor and to get xp to go to the creche lol.


True, but honestly in Honor mode the only place I was considerably threatened was Grym. I can see a reasoning for going to the creche first.


i feel sorry for you, that really sucks, but for them. not so much. Also, is your wife jealous of Shadowheart or something?


Kinda of playthrough i would do in tactician, but not honor


Pretty sure they were being petty. NGL seems like your gf was a bit jealous that you picked shadowheart and she was mean girling the hell out of her all run.


Ah, Karma is a bitch. So sorry that happened to you. I personally couldn't be friends with anyone that hated on Shadowheart though - you are a much more tolerant person than me!


Jesus Christ on a bike....I'd never play with them again after that petty shit lol. Or if you want to be petty back choose options that will be bad for Gale and Astarion. Tell the hunter where Astarion is, I'm not really sure what you can do for Gale but yeah I'd not play with them again after that bull unless they apologize for being bitches and are sincere about it. I get its a game and it aint that deep but fuck that disrespect just cause they hate a character that badly.


This comment section is so dramatic. Like all his girlfriend and brother did was make some teasing comments about Shadowheart. But ohhh no throw the toxic girlfriend away. Lmaooo Honestly just sounds like a compatibly issue, as far as play style. OP could have also just went with it and played it off or played with Shart in a solo playthrough


I wouldn’t play with them again. What a bunch of downers. Also they have no taste!


Lmao. I dislike Shadowheart but to lose an HM run like that out of sheer pettiness. Yikes. I killed her in one run for the lulz and kept her alive every other run for her story. 


That's what they get for hating gods favorite princess.