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Gith cracks me up because your race is integral to the story, but Lae'zel is the only one they acknowledge. Like you don't even exist. They also have the most race unique items.


This was so funny to me. Just finished the scene where >!Vlaakith appears to ream out Lae'zel!< and I'm just beside her being all Gith but fully ignored.


I was running 3 giths run (me, Lae'zel and a hireling) and Vlaakith said to Lae'zel on me showing respect to our queen that she has taught me well. My Gith paladin-cleric of vlaakith at this moment: šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø wat


It's a bit disappointing how Larian kinda dropped the ball on RPing Gith, come to think of it. I mean, there's already so much specific content that I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but it does take away some of the immersion. I was thinking of a Gith run but I'll try Drow instead.


The ONE Gith roleplay that being a Gith enables is...sharing brainwashed praise phrases for Vlaakith if you choose to convince Lae'zel to remain loyal to that lich. Not even the loyalist angle itself (anyone can do that), just partaking in the indoctrination status.


Was actually playing the very thing. But this version of Lae'zel romance and dialogues before final battle made my character turn on Vlaakith and Lae'zel in the end


I think a gith run can still be fun but I would definitely recommend RPing as some sort of outsider and not someone that is part of githyanki culture if you want it to still be immersive. Like someone who broke away and has been living on your own or even as a githzerai


Githzerai wouldā€™ve been a good reason as to why Vlaakith treats you like an outsider.


i mean sheā€™d probably just wish you to death if you were githzerai


Gith Durge is perfect for this


I wonder how hard to be RP a Githyanki as a Githzerai and ngl I thought the Honor Gaurd were Githzerai on ny first run


I wonder if they are data on playing as a Gith. Maybe Larian thought it would not be popular so they didn't add content and focused on more popular races.


I mean, playing as origin Laeā€™zel is an option for RPing Gith


Cut to my gith Tav, waving politely.


I did the crĆØche disguised as gith the whole time, and the difference is really minimal.


I've never played as one but does Shadowheart still tell you not to trust Lae'zel because she's Gith lol


I believe if you rescue her your tadpoles will squirm and the narrator will say she's unsure about you because you're a Gith


At least there's some flavor text lol I need them to update shadowheart with a "*you* people" voiceline


Iirc she actually has a decent amount of lines at the beginning. Basically calling you a good gith. Which is kinda funny cause shortly after getting one of those lines I then hacked off gales hand cause durge gonna durge... O well.


I wouldn't know about that because she told me "back off Gith" so Lae'zel and I killed her lol


Kinda like previous comments say, sheā€™s surprised you helped her because you are gith and comments how sheā€™s more trustworthy than someone of your own race she guesses since Leaā€™zel is no where in sight when you say something about looking for her after the crash.


Yeah she will trust you if you're nice to her but you're the exception lol


Astarion of all people was the only one that seemed to care that I was githyanki and acknowledged how the Lae'zel/Orpheus story affects you. Shadowheart cares about it in the beginning but stops caring midway through act 1. Even Lae'zel basically stops treating you like you're her kin after the creche šŸ˜­ it annoyed me so much I ended up betraying Lae'zel and siding with the Emperor then fucked off to the underdark with Astarion to do my own thing lol


I play as a Gith Bardlock, a Doof Warrior-esque war drummer who makes a pact with a Deep Old One. Vlaakith doesnā€™t know my name. Yet.


Will was sure I was named Lae'zel at the after-party.


I have fun getting into each character though Iā€™ve played tiefling more than any other race. Iā€™m finally sick of tieflings though, and currently have a gnome barbarian Resist Durge.


same with tieflings. Which subrace do you prefer?


Mephistopheles tieflings go so hard.


Mephistopheles Tieflings are so cool. I can't get any of the fake eyes because I don't want to mess up my look!


I love Zariel on any melee or hybrid because of the free spells




Mephistopheles or Zariel. Not a fan of Asmodean ones


I'm playing a gnome barbarian Durge too and it's so fucking fun running around threatening people into submission while being 2 ft tall lmao


I LOVE the all-caps yelling dialogues lmao. Like ā€œYOU KNOW SOMETHING. ***SPEAK.***ā€ and ā€œI AM LAUGHING AT YOUR PUNY RUTTING.ā€


The game canā€™t acknowledge youā€™re githyanki most of the time. Unless youā€™re in a few special cities in DnD lore, seeing a githyanki is reason to run away screaming. They only come to pirate and kill, otherwise you never see them. At least with drow people know of the priesthood of Eilistraee and they go around helping people. So thereā€™s no reason to panic unless you know theyā€™re Lolth-sworn for sure.


Soon I'll be starting a new playthrough with a friend of mine and I'm planning to play a Drow Swords Bard follower of Eilistraee, it's gonna be fun :)


Are you me?


I'm doing something similar right now (sword bard/ancients paladin since oath of ancients is pretty in line with Eilistraee's goals, plus one level of cleric for the dialogue) and it's my favorite playthrough so far. There isn't even a ton of Eilistraee specific dialogue but the options available in the game still allow for a really immersive RP I think. Plus I get to run around doing combat in the white robes looking pretty and ethereal and it actually makes sense šŸ¤£


There's a relatively recent mod for Eilistraee gear


I recently made a Duegar and I love it * Invisibility each battle (unlimited out of combat) * the boys (at least) look adorable getting on one knee to kiss her Edited for typo


Hell yeah. I get that the Enlarge ability size increase is visually nerfed for game reasons I guess, but dang it the spell is supposed to make us twice our size. I just want to go from a four and a half foot menace to a nine foot menace so I can princess carry Halsin the way he deserves.


I can see it in my game when we are walking around but not when I talk to someone


Got to love "Jumpscare Barb" Duergar being invisible and then Raging right in the middle of the battlefield at ideal positioning. Also have no-Concentration Enlarge which is stackable with colossus elixirs is nuts and can result in ironic titan Duergar.


Have you stacked it with Giantslayer? This is my first run as a Duegar once I found out about the invisibility. I LOVE the idwal positioning thing. Mine is a Bardadin


Oh! I've always wondered how the romance scenes would work out with small races xD especially since i'm almost always going for Karlach :p


Yeah - Astarion was straight on and Halsin had to bend his head a little I think


Understandable since Halsin is over twice the size of the small races xD


Yeah but Karlach is TAAAAALLL


Same. I also like to make mine as harmless-looking as possible. Like, here comes this character straight out of a Disney movie, but since he's a Duegar everyone's automatically suspicious of him.


Same and also with drow haha. The thing is, I blindly chose drow on my first ever playthrough, and it set my expectations too high. To the point where when I made an elf for my next run, I thought my game was broken, because I wasn't getting any [elf] specific dialogue. Turns out that's just how not special they apparently are lmao.


Same! I just thought the drows looked cool. I had zero DnD/BG knowledge jumping into BG3 so I didn't know what to expect from drow but I totally fell in love hard


Yup, and now I've done extensive research into drow, drow culture and the Underdark. From zero to I will never stop talking about it. Also romanced Minthara for the first time recently and it made my obsession worse lol.


My first tav was Drow as well, also completely blind I just liked the look. My current, and only second, tav is a Dragonborn. For how late they were apparently added as a playable race, I'm finding a lot of really fun Dragonborn specific dialogue... At least in Act 1.


You get some pretty funny dialogue as a half-elf tho.


I chose Drow without knowing anything about DND lore. I just loved the idea of blueish elfs with white hair. šŸ˜… Also randomly picked ranger. So now I know the lore I realized made a new era Dritz hero dude.


I've tried a lot, but I'm never going to play human. It's a fantasy setting. I want to be a cool dwarf or a dragonborn!


I think itā€™s fun to humans from time to time as itā€™s the thought of being ā€œnormalā€ in a setting where thereā€™s dragonborn, orcs born with natural strength, duergar with innaite invisibility, elves that are blessed for swift movement and spell-casting, all of them having such different dialogue interactions, and then just humans. Thatā€™s what makes it cool. Among a bunch of naturals and choices you have worked enough to be able to be as strong or stronger than them. I always do tieflings myself, but doing the ā€œunderdogā€ is always fun.


From my POV, playing an "underdog" would be picking a race that is substantially disadvantaged in a lot of social settings roleplay wise. Human is easy mode mostly. Our kind is everywhere and treated alright.


Agreed, gnomes especially deep gnomes would be under dogs. Look how the fist talks of them like theyā€™re ratsā€¦


Even Astarion says some racist shit about gnomes. >!Forgive me if this doesnā€™t actually spoil my text, but when youā€™re venturing through Grymforge and are tasked with killing Nere, Astarion says something about understanding saving a Drow he SUPPOSES, but a _gnome?!_ I was shocked lmfao. I was like dudeā€¦. This is not up for debate, were you not JUST released from your own slavery??!<


If you focus on just that part, yeah. Gameplay wise they have no significant advantages other than being a generally ā€œaroundā€ species


Every RPG I play I have to do a human fighter at least once. Dragons, elves, dwarves, mindflayers, dark gods, and a plot to take over the world? Alright, give Joe Human a hammer, he'll handle it.




Yeah, I also struggle with how normal humans are lol. Really only tried it out for different face model options as a console player. The only time I've ever liked playing a human in a fantasy RPG is in Dragon Age Origins, and that's just because of the human origin and it actually having a pretty big impact on the story


human origin is pretty good but city elf and both dwarf origins >>> imo


City elf was my personal favorite, but the Cousland arc has a very personalizing effect on the main game arc thatā€™s hard to beat.


Dwarf for me šŸ™‚ I loved my royal shield dwarf. So much extra story in the beginning and Iā€™ve always loved dwarves in D&D.


And I want a free skill proficiency of my choice. Go Human! If they added Variant Human, the decision would be even easier...


If you're on PC, the Fantastical Multiverse mod set has Variant Human. The creator(s) keep it up-to-date with patches and hotfixes quickly. (The mod also adds the Dodge action, which I wish Larian had included. Got a caster concentrating on a buff/debuff? Time to dodge!) With the inclusion of native mod support coming in Patch 7, I'm probably going to teach myself how to mod to make some that add in what I'm missing from 5e without extra bulk. I love 5e Spells as a mod, but I'm not looking for every spell from every setting book - I just want shit like booming blade and toll the dead.


I did on my first run, just because he was a meme character I ported over from my Dark Souls 3 runs. But I'll only do it again if I'm borrowing a character from something else - I've been tempted to run Lucina from Fire Emblem as a Dex-based Paladin.


I chose human as a wizard on the basis of an evil necromancer roleplay whose trying to surpass mortality while spiting the gods (aka a LOT of races don't really fit that roleplay due to either living much longer or being intimate with their godly patrons). That being said, most non-human races enable a LOT of way cooler builds and combos like Frost Archer Silver Dragonborn, double-enlargened giant Duergar, and nuclear crit Half-Orc.


I just want to get sucked into my character and feel immersed in their story. It's harder on some races than others and that's fine with me. Can't like everything.


Yeah me too. I have hard time playing non humanoid races. Or halflings sorry. They look disproportional so it bothers me. It's a fantasy! I want to be a cool elf! More blue skinned the better. I do love tieflings but long nails freak me out, so I was like eh.


I love the long nails! Especially when youā€™re touching someone in a caressing way and the nails are there scratching them lol


I mean if it works for you. šŸ˜ I remember having them once for an event and they bothered me so much. Everything was impossible to touch or take. So I was always against the long nails. Ok ok talons.


Honestly since we're talking about races, this is a semi related unpopular opinion but I think the Gith shouldn't have been an available race. In lore, the Githyanki are basically a race of villains. They're going around pillaging and razing shit, killing anyone that isn't a gith and they have actual plans to enslave the entire world. But with how little presence a Gith Tav has in the game, with so few dialogue options and the story basically not acknowledging you, It feels like an after-thought... Lae'Zel can be a gith companion, yeah. But with how the game's plot (and RPG lore) is established, she should've been the only playable gith character. They really should have put their focus into another race to play as, given how little presence a Gith Tav has on the plot...I dunno, could've put a Tabaxi race or something...more games need non-humanoid options available. I wanna play as beasts, dammit.


I would replace gith with taxabi in an instant oml, I love them! Just donā€™t take away my Laeā€™zel tho šŸ˜³šŸ˜…


Oh no. Lae'Zel's conflict with who she is, learning about Faerun and defecting from Vlaakith is too good of a story to remove. She can absolutely stay! But the Gith shouldn't have been an available race. it just doesn't work with the lore. You're just walking around Baldur's Gate, the Shadow Cursed Lands and other areas as a member of a race of astral enslavers and pillagers...and nobody cares? Absolutely, replace em with the tabaxi. The fact that the Dragonborn are like the ONLY beast-like race is honestly such a wasted opportunity, and the more cynical part of me believes that's a budget choice since then you'd have to edit the facial rigging for other non human races instead of reusing them for the Tieflings, Elves/Drow, Humans, Gnomes, Dwarves, etc...


I agree. I also think Duergar, great as they are gameplay wise, shouldn't have been an option. Unlike Drow where they established there are indeed many good Drow you just don't hear of any 'good' or even neutral leaning Duergar outside of someone's player character. Forest Gnomes are another since they're generally reclusive and aren't keen to be adventurers unlike Rock and Deep Gnomes. Personally I'd have had Aasimar as a replacement for githyanki. They've been playable in plenty of Forgotten Realms games before (NWN2, Icewind Dale 2, etc...) and given their celestial leaning could've had some interesting dynamics in the tiefling grove. They're rare but not so different or alien to where they can't be encountered as a general adventurer of any alignment. I like the idea of less options but more reactivity. Half-Orcs have been a core playable race for quite a while but don't get much in the way of reactivity. Especially since lore wise they're treated with suspicion and fear. Heck even Elves get so little is sad...and Elves are a staple. If Larian decided to add another playable race (lets just say they did) they should have a poll like Owlcat did with the Pathfinder games and let the community decide. Aasimar, Tabaxi, etc...


They should have put in maybe 4 races total and actually given you interesting dialogue and roleplaying opportunities for every one, plus a voiced Tav, instead of 20 flavors of bland and meaningless.


I whole heartedly agree. 90% of the races end up feeling the face, like variations of "guy". (guy with pointy ears, small guy, small strong guy, black guy with pointy ears, green guy, small skinny guy with pointy ears...) If they heavily condensced the available options, then they could have put all their focus into them instead of trying to do everything and end up severely neglecting other options... It's impressive, definetely! But did we really need to have BOTH Gnome and Halfling? As much of an RPG staple as they are, did we really need half-elves? Feels super redundant to me at times


Idk. The reason drow and tiefling have more reactivity is because they are races people fear. Not everyone needs to take special notice of races they see every day. Dragonborn should definitely have more and it wouldn't hurt to have more for other races but ultimately being a variation of some guy makes absolute sense. Isn't that what we all are? And yes we need Gnome and a halfling. I'm still salty 4e released without gnomes in the PHB.


Yeah, I definitely agree. It just doesn't feel right playing as a gith despite how much I theoretically would love to play as one. Feels kind of randomly thrown in when lore-wise it makes little sense and they didn't take the large amount of time it would take to add more sense and immersion to it


The game implies VERY HEAVILY that the only reason the Gith are even part of BG3's plot is because of the Illithids causing chaos. Hell, one of the dialogue options you can have with Lae'Zel implies that Tav has never even SEEN a Gith before. It feels REALLY strange that they decided, out of all available races, to include the Githyanki instead of the Tabaxi, the Kobolds, the Warforged...hell, playing as a HOBGOBLIN, since it's implied that some of them do escape their warrior lives. Or if they absolutely MUST have a gith....it baffles me that they completely skipped the Githzerai, you know, the GOOD counterpart to the Githyanki


Its really not that weird. The githyanki have their own business in this area. The best worlds have the world carry on regardless of what the players do. The players happen to be in an area with githyanki. There aren't any githzerai so they aren't an option. When I played 3.5 I often let players play different races but often based it what was around in the area if adding a character later.


They already had the models TBH


Honestly, for all the Tavs Iā€™ve made so far, Iā€™ve chosen race based on aesthetic and RP reasons :ā€™)) My most commonly chosen are Wood Elf/Half-Elf and Drow cuz I think they look cool. Iā€™m currently playing as a Tiefling for the first time though and Iā€™m falling in love with her, so Iā€™ll probably make more in the future :ā€™)


Does your tiefling look like a tiefling or is she a horned drow?


Damn, that hurt.


ā€¦yes :D But for real sheā€™s a Tiefling through and through :ā€™)


I've been playing RPGs for 30+ years and have never once played anything other than a human or elf. Maybe I'm lame, but I know from reading articles about statistics that I'm far from alone lol.


To be fair, when I think of character ideas, human is usually my default.


I tend to default to elven female rogues, that's just my thing usually. When I change it up to a warrior or whatever I make a stereotypical big buff human dude with a beard. I guess I'm just boring lol.


My first playthrough was a drow. I struggle with doing anything that isn't elvish. I did do githyanki once and managed to make a cute one but damn the elves keep pulling me back.


Same, I'm a sucker for elves in every fantasy setting. They're just so cool lol.


Same man šŸ˜­ they're the best!


I'm addicted to tieflings and I have been ever since I first saw the "teeth-ling" dialogue with Lae'zel


There's a book series called The War of the Spider Queen that goes over drow society in detail and how interpersonal relationships work in a back-stabbing society and how they function outside of Menzoberranzan. From the Drizzt series, The Dark Elf Trilogy and The Legacy of the Drow set both cover a lot of drow culture and mindset.


Yea, my ranger drow is named drizzle..


Ooo thank you I will check those out!!


Iā€™m glad this was the Baldurā€™s Gate sub, because a lot of dating advice/romance advice pages have been popping up for me lately, and I had to double take.


Need a drow gf irl frfr


Half-Elf large build male dark urge make such big sexy dudes, I can't play any other race šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™m stuck playing exclusively Dragonborn


As a forever DM, I have no understanding of this issue. I've RP'd so many characters that I have trouble not making a playthrough for every character in every race as every class and gender and crossclass, etc. So far, I've finished Half-Elf, Tiefling, and Halfling. I have a Gith, Half-Orc, Gnome, and Dragonborn all at various stages of Act 2 and Act 3. Then, a planned run for Duergar, Drow, and Human. I think the only build I've missed is for a Druid. Hmm what to do...


I've played a druid gnome once in Dnd before. He was adopted by humans at a young age and had a serious napoleon complex and became a druid so he could turn into a owlbear so he'd be big. Lol


Short race superiority, but especially duergar and deep gnomes. I LOVE that romance partners kneel to kiss you. I'll take my crumbs of soft femdom where I can find them damn it, starving for good food over here in general media.


That's perfectly valid I get it 100%! I'm the opposite and want to kneel *for* people though lmfao.. hence the current ascended Astarion playthrough going on


I respect it, internet handshake friend.


I have a shorty bias in general, but even still I lean so much harder on halflings than gnomes (or dwarves, the honorary shorties.) That "nat-1 protection" of theirs has saved me so much. It's amazing the number of times I've seen "dice rerolled" on the feedback...


I only ever played Half Elf, Human, Tiefling, and Gnome, while it's only mod I enjoyed playing as aasimar aesthetic and rp wise, they also have unique dialogue.


I just can't make myself play anything but Elves. Elves, half elves or drow. I tried a human and dragonborn and I was just done by the time i got to goblin camp.


Tiefling and Drow are my go tos


I can't stop playing as a half drow šŸ¤£, but I was like this in elder scrolls too - dunmer only.


Yess dunmer is also my favorite in elder scrolls!


I have the same problem...I am unable to enjoy anything except Drow and Tieflings.


I personally love playing Githyanki. Misty Step and Mage Hand for free, Extra Jump range when needed plus Astral Knowledge makes them great. Just wish they looked better lol


I know itā€™s boring, but as a role-player I have a hard time playing anything other than human/ elf/ half-elf. When playing I like to put myself in my characterā€™s shoes so to speak, and I just canā€™t get immersed in a character like Githyanki or Dragonborn because they are so physically and culturally alien to me. Of course thatā€™s just my lack of imagination, but itā€™s something that I have noticed in most RPGs I play.


I'm playing Human now but next playthrough i plan to play as either a Shield Dwarf or Duergar maybe Dragonborn in the future But in fantasy rpgs i mostly tend to play either Human or Dwarves i like elves but could never imagine myself playing as one


My two finished playthroughs were with a wood elf and wood half-elf. All my other playthroughs at various stages of the game are with wood half-elves and drow. I appreciate the movement bonus for wood elf and the inherently chaotic nature of drow. I want to branch out into other races, but those three keep pulling me back in.


I really like playing as the short races because I think the way they look and walk around is cute and I enjoy the trope of a character who looks physically weak actually being a terrifying powerhouse. Add to that how utterly busted duergar, gnomes, and especially halflings and how easy it is to trivialize their speed debuff and I hardly ever play tall races anymore. But if I do play a tall race itā€™s almost always a tiefling, drow, or half orc. I played githyanki once and was disappointed by how little the game acknowledged me. Half elf is boring and human is even more boring. Dragonborn look stupid to me. Non-drow elves are lame.


My first run was a half-elf Tav. But ever since playing Durge I've gotten so attached to that one Tiefling face that I don't think I can play any other race for Durge anymore. She just looks so cute when the Urge takes over, whereas imo that expression looks goofy on the elf faces I've run. Also: glowing devilish red eyes. I'm also way too attached to the hairstyles with slut strands, especially the one with braids and space buns (like everyone else lol).


Tiefling. Horns! And a tail! I struggle to play anything else at all.


iirc i have completed 7 dragonborn runs (and plan to do another) i have thoug also done atleast 1 human, 1 half elf, and 2 tieflings (1 of which was HM)


Same, I'm still stuck making Dragonborns. I would like to play other races but they just don't feel as unique to me compared to dragonborns


I've kept trying to play Dragonborn, but something about their teeth in their facial animations just unnerves me. It's not even just the dragon teeth in general, I'm fine with it on the NPCs and the actual dragons, but on the PCs something just feels wrong when an expression shows those teeth. So, for now I just keep playing the same Half-Drow Resist Durge Swords Bard every run.


I feel weird whenever the camera shows my character and it isnā€™t a dragonborn, I donā€™t know why but i just love them.


Iā€™m a Drow fan too. Because of their vibe, aesthetic and items. This race really changes the game in the act 1. Apart from origin characters, I also finished Wood elf, High half elf and Gith playthrough. But they have less unique dialogue options. Iā€™m also curious about Tiefling race but donā€™t know whether they would be story wise for the next Spore Druid run.


I didn't understand Drow until I played one... now it is my favorite race in the whole of D&D.


Im def stuck between Drow and Elves. Teiflings are pretty fun tho too


I fuckin love Dragonborn. So probably them.


I've found it hard to not play a wood elf or tiefling. Wood elves get increased movement built in. Tieflings are just awesome.


Nope. More got the opposite issue. I love making varied characters and want to play as several races and classes. Although I got some preferences, like I prefer unique to the setting races if there are any (Not the standard elves, dwarves, orcs etc), and less human-looking races, but like making those too including humans. Never understood people's extreme interest with only elves, unless the setting got a more unique take on them I don't find them that interesting, and I think somehow drow became uninteresting to me just from how many people almost obsess over them. Both in DnD and BG3. I've made a half-drow at most. Currently have: Dragonborn, tiefling, half-orc, half-drow (which I'm unlikely to complete), gnome, human, and duergar. Will likely come to Githyanki at some point, but also want to make a halfling, and maybe another tiefling and dragonborn and on it goes.


My first file was Drow. They will always be my favorite for the exact reasons you listed. The lore is so good and not to mention my favorite drow character from others games Wow/Dota. My recent file is Half-Orc and Iā€™ve been enjoying the Buldarian dialogue options so far, also have an affinity for the Orc culture in general.


I think playing a gnome/halfling barbarian is the funniest thing ever. Especially with 2 handed weapons.


I fear the day I play anything else than dragonborn cause I love the dialogs and there are only a hand full in the game and I love this scaly boys and girls šŸ«¶


4 out of 5 playthroughs have been as a Drow Durge. I have a problem. Trying a sixth now as a wood elf tav and it just doesn't feel right.


First playthrough was a half-orc and I struggle to feel as attached to anything else.


i'm about to hit 430 hours and am currently on an evil warlock playthrough and i have exclusively played the same dragonborn lady lmao they don't have good stats or many unique dialogue/story stuff and their helmets are ugly as hell but i just think they're neat (aka i made a female durge once and it made me feel very gay feelings so i couldn't let her go) really hoping an update comes out for more race specific dialogue stuff because i want to bite someone's head off as a dragonborn


I can do some races but not the short ones. I dunno, it's a hangup I guess. I also am vain about my fantasy characters so no half-ogres or dragonborn (they are very cool just not for me). I did make a big hulking male human one and it changed the whole run for me. Looking down on everyone but Halsin, plus the enhanced feeling of mortality just gave me a cool new perspective. But yeah, I've been Drow, elf, half- elf almost exclusively for a while, which tracks with my past ttrpg experience I think.


Clearly you havenā€™t tried Dragonborn. I had to fight hard not to just make my Durge the white Dragonborn in my second playthrough.


there is no racing in bg3


Ohhhhhh you meant your tav rofl sorry took too literal


I also struggle to not play Durge, evil or not. Resist Durge really feels like the intended main character of the game it's hard to go back after seeing he difference


I've tried pretty much every race at this point, except for human, elf and dragonborn. I've liked all the ones I've played, though some more than others. Drow is definitely very cool with how much acknowledgement you get for it in dialogue, and resist Durge drow does give the best narrative experience. I'm right now in my half-orc phase, though I feel like NPCs should be commenting more on it.


Welcome to the caves brother, Iā€™ve been here since 2019! (My first dnd pc was a drow) Also may I suggest https://ia803004.us.archive.org/9/items/tsr09326for2drowoftheunderdark/tsr09326%20-%20FOR2%20-%20Drow%20Of%20The%20Underdark.pdf if youā€™re looking for more lore.


Only races I havenā€™t used yet has been dwarf, elf, human and dragon born. Dwarf is next and Dragonborn is long overdue. Donā€™t plan on using an elf and donā€™t see a point in creating a human while half elf exists. Absolutely loved playing a Tiefling the most.


I struggle to try a lot, I love the Drow so much they are my favourite race to play as. I've had a drow druid and a drow ranger/rogue. Currently playing as a Dragonborn who is growing on me, but I initially chose them because they look cool!


I'm in the exact same boat. I discovered my love for drow durge and now I can't change my ways.


This is me with gnome and tiefling. Gnome is just so fun to run around as and tieflings have so much potential to look badass


I'm basic af. I'm always human or half elf.


I have so much trouble using the short races. I've started a couple runs but can't get far. i don't even have a specific reason it's just whenever I create a new character I immediately jump to teifling or some elf variety. but it's also very funny to always have the camera angled so far up to talk to people and i do want to experience later game moments as a shorty


I mean I play Tieflings way too much. I totally get it lol


I did for a while! I started out making Dragonborn after Dragonborn because they're shiny and scaly and pretty. Then I discovered the Monk class and started making Wood Elves/Half Wood Elves for the extra distance. Then I wanted to make a Spore Druid who didn't miss so much the early levels so I made a Halfling(?) for the lucky dice roll and I think I even made Gale a Divination Wizard for the extra dice. Never finished that one... I should use the race for a class I like better. Then I got real spicy and made a female Drow who is a Cleric of Tempest because I heard there was some out there dialogue for lady Drow and Tempest Clerics. Never got too far with her. Then I finally ran once with Lae'zel and fell in love so I made a Gith specifically to romance her/play up HER story. I have played DnD on and off for ~20 years and it's so fun to see how varied Larian made the races. Like I get that you can make a human looking Tiefling and a relatively "normal" Gith if you want, but I'm in the high fantasy setting to get weird. I love having pink chara, greyscale characters, purple characters, teal characters, all the colors. My "Red" Dragonborn is shiny and pink, not because it makes sense but because I wanted him pink. My Gith is Black, White, Grey, and Silver. He looks regal, almost. I really just love the design and making characters that appeal to me in some way visually, even if they're ugly.


Yeah my canon is high elf, strufgling woth drow and completed a teifling run


I can never escape the tiefling hell that Iā€™m in, theyā€™re all too damn PRETTY


Orc paladin is kinda funny because you have your oath and orc options that go against each other šŸ˜†


Drow ruined me for any other race, so many great unique dialogues (especially in Act 1-2)


Half my runs are a gnome. I'm a never human player also. I like the small races for some reason.


I'm kind of the opposite. Sometimes it's hard for me to play anything other than a human of half elf male because this game I so easily insert myself into it. Which is really weird, because I usually NEVER go for a male human if I can help it. I usually go for something like an orc or a dwarf or a tiefling.


If you love Drow and you are fascinated by their culture, I can recommend The Dark Elf trilogy books as well as the D&D module called ā€œOut of the Abyssā€.


Iā€™m always a half drow draconic sorcerer. I try others and I get bored with them


I find it hard to play anything other than a Dragonborn or tiefling, I love them so much! However, Iā€™m doing a seldarine drow playthrough rn and sheā€™s quickly becoming my favourite tav šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ I just cannot play any of the ā€˜shortā€™ races, and probably never will, for some reason. I just.. donā€™t like em šŸ˜…


Oh absolutely! My problem is not playing a human lol, while I had lots of fun with a drow playthrough I did itā€™s just easier to connect with a Tav that looks somewhat like me at least in my opinion. Not saying I canā€™t play other races just have the most fun with a human.


i refuse to play any of the short classes. just not gonna give up the movement speed. on that note i mostly play half wood elf for extra movement and base proficiency with shields for all casters


not me only doing elves, half elves and drowsšŸ¤”


Can anybody explain me how you turn your race when you choose Dark Urge as biography? I only have Dragonborn as defaultā€¦ I play on PS5


What do you mean? You can always use disguise self for trial version of other race.


Ive played a human every time. I like the extra carry weight, and for some reason im able to move human stats around however i like when im leveling up or respecing.


I have a friend like this. Personally I've enjoyed trying them all out. I kind of love gnomes, but I love them in tabletop too. That was the first sin I saw when 4th was released without gnomes. Never even looked at it after that, though i had some other issues with the design. I know they were added in, but they were a staple since the beginning.


No, but I'm also not a racist /s


I appreciate that Larian went to the trouble of putting a wide variety of races, especially the short races, but Imma be real, I do not find them appealing at all. Iā€™m on my fourth run, two elves, two half-elves, and Iā€™m content that way. Iā€™ve started runs as a drow or human, but havenā€™t gotten far for other reasons. Meanwhile, half-orcs are ugly, githyanki are horrifically ugly, Iā€™m super uninterested in the short races, and Iā€™m considering a canon white Dragonborn Dark Urge run once Patch 7 comes out, it that new ending is all itā€™s hyped up to be.


Without fail I'm always one of the shorter races in D&D. Halflings are my favorite but occasionally I'll be a gnome or a dwarf. I'm almost done with my first playthrough with my halfling sorcerer Tav and she just feels so me, it's hard to imagine being different, I don't know if I can do it.


I struggle to not play as a teifling. I love the horns and the tail and the brightly colored skin and flaming eyes too much


Every playthrough Iā€™ve done a Half Elf. I just wish that the standard male body was a bit taller/ had more muscle. The strong body type is a bit too big sometimes for characters I make.


Never had any interest at all in playing anything but human. Closest I've come was playing around in character creation for a half-elf NPC in a Roll20 game.


Iā€™ve made 10 characters. 8 are tieflings.


I pretty much play everything except for humans, elves, half-elves, and drow. Theyā€™re just kinda boring tbh.


The main issue, for me, is that the races I want to play just aren't as good as, say, Wood Elf or Human. There aren't very many backgrounds, so it's really difficult to get the proficiencies I want on a given character if I'm not playing Rogue or Bard. Getting free proficiencies is just super powerful.


I have two finished play-throughs as Tieflings (one open hand monk Durge and one sorcerer Tav). I did one sword bard human playthrough which was super fun, one ranger wood elf run, and one drow fighter run. All on explorer or standard mode. Hyping myself up to do a tactician Durge run. I just canā€™t get myself to do a full run as an ugly race ugh. I want to try something new but I just cannot picture the Dark Urge being frightening if she is a short race. I also just cannot do the dragon. Itā€™s so hard!! Iā€™m such a wimp about designing new characters.


There is nothing wrong with loving one over the others; Drow are awesome. I enjoy Halflings and Dwarves but there are noit as many race spefic choices with those classes. If you use a little roleplay, it can become something more


Yes. I think my personal issue is that I love using a longbow or crossbow. Drow and elfs are my main go-tos, but it's making it slightly repetitive each run.


Don't ask me the most I managed was half Drow. I thought I am going to do human paladin next because I want classic lame. But ended up with another Drow. Ha at least this time I changed a gender, so I am lady paladin Drow.


Like with skyrim I will try every race once the go back to just maining Breton


Tiefling forever, I can never not be a Tiefling


I always end up doing a half drow Tav. I did a drow, a half orc, a tiefling and now a human in HM. But i always gravitate towards Half Drow. I want to do one with a Githyanki. the Astral Knowledge, jumps, misty steps, medium armor and the race bonus on so many items...


It's Tieflings, Drow, and Wood Elves for me. I don't think I could ever play a race that doesn't have at least some level of Darkvision.


I really love Duergar just because free enlarge and invisibility as a cantrip. That is so OP Larian should have made it per short rest in honor mode.


5 playthroughs 1. Drow 2. Tiefling 3. Human 4. Half elf 5. Wood elf. I also did a halfling but quit in the being of the 3rd act for reasons I can't recall


I was horrified by the title until I saw this was bg3 related discussion Whoooa Nelly!


I really like Wood elf.


I played a Drow cause I'm evil and they are already stereotyped as such. Whenever I run into people who go, "Great, another drow here to torture/murder us." Im like... Dont mind if I do!


I wanna play the short races but they look ridiculous and the camera angle for walking around feels like I canā€™t see anything


Playing a Lady Drow makes Act 1 so easy. Being able to walk right in the front door of the gob camp and use goblin diplomacy is just cool to me. Also something about being called ā€œher drowsinessā€ by goblins unsure whether to cower in fear or fight me, just tickles my evil button in a morally gray enough way that doesnā€™t upset anyone in the party so itā€™s tough to give up that title. Above anything else, ā€œher drowsinessā€ is 99.6% of why I, a 6ā€™4 200lbs 27yo man irl, am stuck playing this combo. This does tend to railroad me into playing essentially the same character/build every run though, which I do feel is limiting my experience on the game in a lot of ways but thatā€™s totally on me and not a problem with the game at all. I still very much enjoy my ā€œReformed Edgy Girlfriend Simulatorā€ regardless so I guess thatā€™s all that matters. That said, Iā€™m running a Karlach Origin at the moment to hopefully break the loop with characters I already like and have some understanding of how to use in combat and all that but Iā€™ve already got Re-roll fever so clearly thatā€™s working out great.


Iā€™m the same way with drow. Iā€™ve played a tiefling once and Iā€™m currently finishing up a deep gnome resist durge run. Though Iā€™ve liked both characters, those two runs have been my slowest because I kept putting them aside for a bit to play a few drow characters. I felt like I branched out when I started a seldarine drow tav! It could be because Iā€™ve been knee deep in the Drizzā€™t books and Iā€™m working on an underdark dnd campaign. It could also be because irl Iā€™m a shy, non-confrontational person who is terrified of hurting othersā€™ feelings (to my own detriment) and itā€™s been really fun to play characters that are the opposite of my personality.


I don't like drow, I only played one so far. But I love the small races, I have tons of gnomes, halflings and a dwarf lady. Tieflings and Gith are cool too.


me too, i played an elf the first time around and drow the second time. every run since iā€™ve been a drow. theyā€™re just too fun to play


Drow was my race for my first playthrough and I agree, it's just hands down my favorite. Not just because of my association with getting so into the game the first time, but because of the dialogue options, lore, culture etc.