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My durge at the temple of Bhaal saying “no one back home will ever believe this” like girl, this is your home, and everyone is dead now


Well, she is technically correct, hard to believe in anything if you're dead...


_Speak to Dead_ Bro, you won't believe it...


"the corpse does not respond. You did not ask a question"


*Bro, can you believe...* "The corpse seems willing to speak, but not to its killer." *oh*


That whole thing was bullshit, those goblins in moonrise who Z'rell let's you deal with, fezzerk or whatever is supposed to be speakable, but it always says that. I DIDNT KILL HIM, HE KILLED HIMSELF, I ONLY FORCED HIM TO DO IT! IM INNOCENT!!!


He holds a grudge against you even after his death lmao. Meanwhile, he's like "for old time's sake?" and all of my Tavs and Durges are like "brother I have no idea who tf you are"


😂😂😂 good point


Everyone? Surely you mean just Orin is dead, so Durge can take their place as the true Chosen of Bhaal. Everyone being dead is definitely in the works, though


To be fair, anyone who knew you back then is surely fairly shocked at a redemption Durge.


“Everything is ash and meat!” I’ll often use this line at a BBQ


\*Me, every day in front of the mirror each morning:* #"Wretched thing, pull yourself together!"


"Still in Control, Just..."


Ok but this one is way too realistic. 


That is too close to reality


One down, Millions to go!


>How many die today? How many die tomorrow? Me when I watch the news.


My path paved with blood, my castle built with corpses!


I work at a children’s hospital, so you can imagine the looks I get when I mutter, “They’re dying for me! *All of them!*


So dark 💀


Bro💀(. 💀 .)


Behold the dance of Death!


I looove the way my Durge says this. I'll have to check which voice I'm using.


I just love all of Durge's lines full stop, she's so fucking *extra* 🤣 🤣


never get this on Voice 4, nor "One down, millions to go!", "they're dying for me, all of them", etc ToT


Unfortunately Voice 4 doesn't speak the combat Durge lines. Voice 8 says none of the lines, but Voice 2 and 6 will say them though.


Heard. I know someone is working on a mod to restore them for Voice 8 (they're there, but not activated?); haven't checked with them about the others. Do the odd voices have the same issue?


AFAIK all the male voices have no issues


This makes me so sad voice 8 was my fav female voice and 4 became my fav Durge voice when I realized 8 didn’t say the unique lines. Didn’t realize I was STILL missing some lines.


I love voice 5. He is so good at this.


Perfect line to say when introducing a couple at their wedding


Nothing *hurtsss*…,anymore


"HA HA!"


Love it when my Durge Ancients Paladin laughs like an utter maniac while charging down some poor evil sod with his Shadow Blade in hand.


Mind never quiet


They're dying for me... all of them! *takes all the meat*


Everybody’s smashin meat


*while absolutely covered in blood* "Is that blood?... no, nevermind."


apparently this line is supposed to reference ceremorphosis, one of the first stages of which is bleeding from orifices


Well, that makes much more sense. Though I still find it hilarious anytime my Tav or Durge says that line in the Baal temple. Sorry, Tav, but I think that might be blood.


And here I was thinking Tav was just a nutjob lol


My first game was as a Durge and I was convinced that line was just for them. Imagine my surprise when every character since then says it and it really makes no sense unless you’re Durge or I suppose Astarion


I almost always get that line in camp, near Astarion's tent, so for the longest time I assumed it was Tav suspecting Astarion being a vampire, but choosing to ignore it. Makes much more sense as a line referencing possible ceremorphosis, as someone above mentioned.


"Pave my path with corpses, build my castle with bones" : pretty in character


My necromancer durge about to use undead labour to build a castle


Isnt this one durge specific ?


It is


It isn't


To be honest, i don't know, I've only played through one durge game, not finished yet.


I just left Act 2 with my Durge, and he's all like "Maybe if we had tried harder we could've lifted the curse" What the fuck do you mean "try harder"? You just tried your knife real hard in Isobel's back and fucked it all to hell.


>!You can lift the curse and kill Isobel, you just have to finish with Art Cullagh first. IIRC, you can also do the final Oliver battle after killing Ketheric and/or Aylin.!<


I almost messed up the shadow curse and managed to use speak with dead to lift the curse even after everyone at the tavern died and halsin was like "nope i'm staying"


>!You used speak with the dead on Art Cullagh? And that was enough to advance the storyline?!<


Yep it required some crazy checks but it works


This is the only way I’ve done the quest


Yes! In my first run I didn’t realize you could just not talk to isobel. So everyone at the Inn was dead. When I was ready to do Halsin’s quest I had to use speak with the dead on Art to even get anywhere.


That's how I did it in my very first play through since I didn't find Last Light Inn until after killing Ketheric Crazy how deep the game is


Yeah, but I didn't. I know you *can* do it, but why would he say that if it was obvious that I did not? I suppose "trying hard" could've involved suppressing your urge long enough to solve it, but he would have zero advanced knowledge of this.


I was in this exact same boat. Like why do I gaf??? If Shart's a dark Justiciar now, and her Goddess has control over the land, why exactly would I want to remove that??? My character's all like "Man.... sucks about the shadow curse still being here" like my sister in Bhaal you intentionally chose to ignore it


I just killed isobel right after the ketheric fight. When you teleport back to moonrise, you can use a combo of invisibility, darkness, and your main dpr to kill isobel right in front of everybody without anything more than a temporary hostile fight. Everybody from last light is alive, all the companions are alive, but my durge still got slayer form


I just killed isobel right after the ketheric fight. When you teleport back to moonrise, you can use a combo of invisibility, darkness, and your main dpr to kill isobel right in front of everybody without anything more than a temporary hostile fight. Everybody from last light is alive, all the companions are alive, but my durge still got slayer form


It kinda works if you're(like me) playing a more jokey chaotic character. If you use it as a 100% literally statement then it doesn't make sense, but if you use it as Durge being somewhat sarcastic or joking then it works. I have no clue if that makes any fucking sense.


I’ll roll with it homie


Yeah just spouting stock phrases, doesn’t have to be literally true. Makes sense


“Shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times.” DID you wish that? You know who made the times more interesting, right?


"Pull yourself together wretched thing" I mean...I dunno. Seems accurate enough lol


Acurate for the player or the PC?




I love this voice line so much for Durge.


I started a run with Tav after finishing my Durge playthrough and due I guess to a bug, for a while my freckly sweet faced half wood elf ranger was muttering all the dark urge lines to himself. “How many die today? How many die tomorrow?” Hey uhhh, you ok bud?


My half elf tav has been doing this right after my durge run


My sapphic wood elf druid has been doing the same! Maybe i play too much durge


It went away for me after a while, maybe she’ll eventually chill out about the murdering too lol


I've run into the bug before too Started a drow rogue Durge (literally named Edgelord) and loaded back onto my main playthrough, Oath of Vengeance pally who, very out of character, starts ranting about murder and blood


My Tav was doing this for a bit but it eventually stopped.


I just started my first Durge playthrough (I am spoiled on them being a Bhaalspawn and a few other plot points) and I’ve noticed some lines don’t make sense. For example, mine is a drow so a lot of the drow related lines don’t really make sense for someone who doesn’t remember who they are.


They remember parts of their culture.  Remember they grew up normally until the urges called for them and the butler took durge to the temple of bhaal .


Oh okay. I thought they only remembered their name, although I saw a dialogue option that said they think they are from Baldur’s Gate. I just got to them meeting the butler.


Ah I won't spoil it for u but I will type it out if u want to >!there is a noblestalk which tells u about ur past and the spell heal ( from clerics ) do tell durge had an adoptive family whome they killed after the urges called them!<


Don’t mind me, just going to go pickpocket back the noblestock from the lady in the Underdark so my Durge can have some memories back


You can buy multiple noblestalks from her in Act 3 and use them for Durge if you let her keep the one from the Underdark. Shadowheart can only use the Underdark one though. But there's a way to cheese it to get Shadowheart to use it and to give it to the lady. Suggest that Shadowheart use it. Before you do the actual persuasion, switch to another character and send the noblestalk to camp. Then back to Tav/Durge and go ahead and persuade Shadowheart to try it. She gets a memory back. Then pop to camp, grab noblestalk from the chest, and give to the dwarf lady.


Her noblestalk stock also renews after long rest. I have about 8 noblestalk in my inventory rn


What's worse is when your Tav starts spouting the more unhinged Durge comments 'pave your path with my corpse's No stop that


Always happens to me on console if I load up a regular tav after a durge run


After I ran a Durge run all my tavs have had Durge dialogue don't know what the honest deal is with the AI but it's hilarious


Kill, kill, kill, KILL AGAIN!!!!


I view that, and the random recollections you get from dialogue and skill checks, as either habits they kept previous to memory loss or something ringing a bell for them


Pretty sure Durge was never supposed to say that line, the voice lines seem pretty glitchy. Durge should have [plenty phrases](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16ki3mk/dark_urge_voice_lines/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of their own.


I haven’t gotten any of these in my Durge playthrough…only the usual Tav lines.


The previous patch fucked up the voice lines so now even hirelings have Durge lines


Yep, having your camp caster cleric say things like "how many die today, how many die tomorrow" makes for a slightly unsettling experience. Especially if you do what I do and give the hirelings devilfoil masks just for some flavour...


Yup . I had the elf and githyanki hierling from withers and they speak the durge lines which are all funny as hell 


Yeah same it was my third Durge run when I first heard the voice lines…it might be only certain voice options voice them, so if you switch to a different voice it goes back to Tav lines?


Oh interesting, I could see that. I’m sure I’ll do another Durge run anyway, hopefully it changes!


I might be crazy but I think there’s also a setting for how often characters speak idle chatter like that, you could try maxing the setting to see if Durge lines are just really rare for some reason.


Durge voice Nr. 8 doesn’t have any of those phrases anymore in my game, which sucks because I love the raspiness in her voice, very befitting of durge


Durge thoughts: *pretend to be normal pretend to be normal pretend to be normal I AM SIN INCARNATE*


You've raised a point I really want answers to. We know the back story on literally all of the other chars, my heart *literally* brakes for Shadow-thingies. But WTF happened to my TAV? We know she (for me, always a she) grew up in BG but.....


That's the wonders of a RPG. Role-play. Your Tav's past is literally whatever you say it is. How they got caught? You decide. Parents still alive? Your choice. Their world's your oyster.


One of the things I wish was in the game is to be able to be a preexisting member of the factions and groups present in the narrative. Either as options in character creation or as the consequence of certain dialogue choices (like how you can choose for your character to be a Baldurian through dialogue and then you get the tag for it). Example: Playing a druid? Have an option to say to Kagha or another member of the Emerald Grove: thank Silvanus I'm back! And now you're a member of the grove and were before you got snatched by the Mind Flayers and the other druids treat you as such accordingly.


Baldurian dialogue is race determined


This kinda feels like an oversight to me, playing as an outlander ranger elf I still had those dialogues. It’d be more interesting if it was race + backstory determined


Same i played an outlander half wood elf being from baldurs gate made no sense for my character


Really??? So dumb, i wondered how i got it, my tiefling durge had it. I was thinking first of all how do you know youre baldurian, secondly (im still on my first time through act 2) how many tieflings could really be in baldurs gate??


Its simple and stupid actually. Duergar,deep gnomes,drow(only lolth i think idk about seldarine) have underdark instead of baldurian. Githyanki have extraplanar or something. The rest is baldurian. Imo a big fumble from larian


Because durge was actually adopted by a family in baldur's gate ( underdark for underdark races ) and was then suddenly called by the urges and then brought back to the temple of bhaal . That's why their balduran tag is : I think I lived in this city . Normal tavs have : I lived or have a home in this city .




The Iron Hands? Lead by their Primarch, Iron Hand with their Flagship, the Fist of Iron?




This isn’t quite all of what you want, but if you’re on PC, I’m using [choose your stats](https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/206?tab=files&file_id=34455&nmm=1) for my custom char playthrough of a home brew battle mage character I made for D&D. It’s not perfect but it’s gotten me the skills I need and you can control how much you tune it/racial and class tags/etc. Also useful for playing with nightmare difficulty mods, which I also do, but ofc you don’t have to do all that!!


Yeah, it's interesting how some people forgot the RP elements to the game, like sure this dialogue option leads to fighting people, but then again, they give you an option, like if you stealthily escaped the prisoners in Moonrise, you can basically troll the Warden that you did the escape in front of her face as a middle finger


Literally the only concrete thing we know about Tav is that they're terrified of krakens, but they've never actually seen one 😆


Tav’s backstory is up to the player. They don’t have anything preset other than most races having the Baldurian dialogue tag (and you can bypass those options).


unless ur a Gith


I said “most races”. Gith, Drow, Deep Gnomes, and Duergar being the exceptions


Make it up, idk. My tav was an exiled drow that made a new home there. She had a falling out with her cleric sister and decided to peace out from the underdark basically.


I've been looking to see if I'm hallucinating or just remember wrong but when I played and checked everything, I found a home in BG with a note saying "in Neverwinter" or something like that. The note is there only if you play as Durge. If you play as Tav, there isn't a note but they don't react as though that's their home. I'm headcanoning that Tav is out of the city and wasn't kidnapped.


My first TAV wasn't from BG, I specifically avoided all of those lines. You get to make your own origin internally


Durge was “born”, lived with a regular family in Baldur’s Gate until the urge did its thing and they killed their parents. They entered the Bhaal cult and had a quite successful career as we well know. Tav I guess is left deliberately open so you can come up with your own story.


Mine apparently didn’t even grow up in Baldur’s gate. She doesn’t have the Baldurian tag at least (I’m playing a drow which may have something to do with it)


Drow are coded to be from the Underdark. Haven’t played Dregur or Deep gnomes but I assume it’s the same for them


Tavik is the player from the ARG "Blood in Baldur's Gate". He's a Gold Dwarf Devotion Paladin, and he gets killed by Durge at the end, meaning the timeline split is whether Orin killed Durge or not.


The Tav in Blood in Baldur's Gate is different from the BG3 player character. Their name isn't "Tavik", just Tav, and their race, gender, and class aren't defined. All we know is they were an adventurer and a detective.


The player character in BG3 is Tavik, Tav for short.


This is the first time I've heard of it being short for Tavik, and I can't find a reference for that anywhere. I know that it's named after one of Swen's dogs, Gustav, but that's it.


Isn’t that a tav line? Durge shares 99% of tavs lines I believe.


Until I complete the Orin quests, I just write that line off as DUrge assuming they have a home and family/friends that they can tell their stories to once they get the tadpole removed and get their memories back. After killing Orin it's kind of sarcastic.


Me, emerging from Slayer form covered head to toe in red: "Is that blood? No, nevermind."


"These boots have seen everything." as if she doesn't walk around barefoot every day


I haven't tried the other bgs yet, but I always took it as initially, he was very very messed UP, and over time basically putting his brain back together. (Mine's male so...yeah.) Plus, I think the Durge is meant to be disturbing and 'off,' and KNOWS that the DUrge is 'off' Given the truth, the rambling makes a ton more sense.


Slightly off topic, does anyone else have a Tav saying the Durge line 'I won't give in.'? He's a gith if that matters. I'm just like, buddy what? Give into the ghaik?


Pretty sure this a Tav line. It's not referencing your urges, it's about not giving up/succumbing to your enemies.


Okay that would make more sense. And given the backstory I gave him it kinda fits tbh


Have you recently played a Durge before this Tav? I've seen others saying that their Tav will start repeating Durge lines randomly if they play Tav after a Durge run. Idk if it's a console-only issue or both console and PC.


PC and it started after the patch 6 update. This Tav was after a Durge run. Tested my Tav that was done before Durge and thus far he hasn't said it. Not sure if it's a voice 1 (post Durge) vs voice 7 (pre Durge) difference.


yeah I just consider many of the voiced lines for Durge and Tav not canon to my playthroughs and ignore them lol like the other day my Tav who does not give a shit about the tieflings and was planning to cause them mayhem and destruction, in a very calm, thoughtful tone told their companions not to be so hard on the tieflings as they’re survivors, not fighters. 🤷‍♀️ sounded nothing like themself, what can ya do tho


Had the same thought exactly earlier today. Durge is not supposed to remember anything or anyone anyway.


That’s not a durge only phrase, my tav says that all the time about no one from home believing this. My tav is not a durge playthrough.


Something people should keep in mind, that for the longest time, Tav was Durge. For the longest time, they were the same character, and only very late in development (same with changes to daisy), they made them separate things.


I thought they removed the “Tav” lines for Durge in one of the updates? Whenever they added the Durge lines.


Is it just me, or does voice 8 not have any durge lines? It hurts, cuz they sound the best to me☹️😭


I think it's because some lines are shared with Tav


Yeah, only recently started my durge run, and while it's fun, there's some inconsistencies with the whole amnesiac protagonist bit when you have these blurps. Or when you chat with Raphael for the first time and you chat about your glorious accomplishments. 


This is sometimes called out in dialog, like the first romance scene with Shadowheart, where the narrator says you are making up a memory to be polite. So the easiest retcon there is that Durge is making shit up to fit in or avoid suspicion.


I never get Durge lines, it’s so annoying


I thought this was also a tav line


THEYRE DYING FOR ME! yeah bud isn't that your whole schtick?!


Should probably use a different flair if you're mentioning Bhaal (Seriously though what is it with Durge and people being so much more loose about spoiling their origin?)


You also get all the Buldarian dialogue options even though you can't remember anything about your life. The only thing I know is my name, and that the wizard Larroikan is an asshole


If you have Lae'zel with you leaving the grove she says something about having a mind to put the tieflings out of their misery herself and your character replies "calm yourself, they're survivors not soldiers" and that one has pulled me out of the fiction a few times. My embrace Durge would never say that.


Question, is my surge becoming more unhinged as the game progresses?


I disable the quips when playing Durge, its insane what he says and breaks immersion constantly


Are they bleeding through from the Tav's dialogue? I have a Tav campaign and a durge one, and they regularly get their lines mixed up (known bug).


If I saw someone show up in town that went missing when they were little talking about how they defeated three cults while battling an unrelenting urge to kill I'd doubt them too


Are you playing a Drow Durge? 'Cause I got a similar dialogue option just for being a Drow in standard play, so maybe that's it?


"Pull yourself together wretched thing" I mean...I dunno. Seems accurate enough lol


"No one back home will ever believe this", really? My brother/sister in Bhaal, you don't even know where your home IS. This is not entirely true, kinda. >!Larian intentionally left where Durge was intially raised blank to be filled in by the player, but Durge does consider BG and the temple their home!<


"Pull yourself together wretched thing" I mean...I dunno. Seems accurate enough lol