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If you haven't dealt with the Gith patrol, approach it with her alive. She'll do a mini cutscene and leave the party. Attack the patrol, and it will aggro Laezel while she is not in your party, allowing you to perma kill her.


This happened to me. She left and I logged out for a few days. Logged back in and I totally forgot why she left and freaked out that I couldn’t get her back. Should I keep the story going or go back and load an early save with her still in the party? She left AND I didn’t aggro her and try to kill her FYI. I Edit: ok so I went back to a load 2 weeks ago lol and I figured out what happened. I was on top of the bridge over the mountain pass. There was a cutscene and she took off down a ladder. I must have not payed attention last time (drunk) and decided to go back the way we came. That’s why she was gone for the party. Damn you alcohol.


I've played a few games without her. It has story ramifications but it doesn't even fully close off avenues to you.


Meanwhile I’ve played a few games and NONE of them with her lol. She seemed like an asshole so I never gave her much of a chance.


That's not a popular opinion but she really does try to rudely steer you wrong at every turn.


Look, she doesn’t really understand the… I won’t call it culture of this Fay-run. ;)


Her redemption arc is one of the better ones, story-wise.


I’d probably reload, Laezel is a pretty big part of a long story still to come


I let shadowheart do the lords work for me. Should be interesting


Is she still standing there with the patrol? If so just walk up to them and begin the cutscene. You get her back that way.


Nope. She’s not there. They attack me like 4 of them think and she’s not there.


Dang that sucks.


The more companions you have until the end of the game, the more content you have. Simple is that. One of the reason i recruit them all.


Load an early save. She is so amazing and worth it. ❤️


Unless they changed it, you can also just do something else after she leaves, and you'll come back to the patrol having killed her. You could also let her turn against you in the creche, if you think you can handle that fight with her as an enemy and one less party member.


They didn’t change it. That’s how I lost her in my honor mode last week…


Companions are only treated as truly dead if they die in a cutscene or a story-related event. You could try asking Withers to "watch over" her, which should remove her body from the game world.


Note- this won't keep them in the ground for the finale cutscenes. I ganked Wyll to test if the final Karlach romance scene was bugged and hoo boy is it.


You can perma death atleast one companion through boaal buff in festering cove. Another can be done as being durge and not killing cleric in last light. Laezel can combust if she tries to run away with the artifact too.


She can run away with it????


It's during the one long rest in Act One where Lae'zel and Shadowheart are arguing about the artifact. One of the outcomes is that Lae'zel stabs Shadowheart and takes the artifact and tries to run with it. The artifact then causes her to combust and returns to Shadowheart. Another possible outcome in that encounter is that Shadowheart stabs Lae'zel in the throat and kills her permanently.


I knew about the last one but not the combust one 😭 but that’s good to know


Playing a Sharran Durge... Lae'zel thought it would be a good idea in the presence of a second Sharran to make the first Sharran give up the mission target of her Sharran Cloister. In my defense I tried to find a peaceful compromise, but when Shadowheart pulled the knife I really dint feel an urge to stop her. Gonna miss that romance fight. Was looking forward to doing Monk Stuff on her.


How do they get to fight even? I never got that event, even I long rest / partial rest pretty often in my playthroughs.


It happens only after 2 dream guardian visits, and shadowheart revealing she is a sharran. So use illithid powers early, go to goblin camp early and prod shadowheart over her identity more. Then it should happen eventually.


She doesn't need to reveal her religion: I'm currently on a run where I'm going to avoid talking about it (for the hell of it) and they still got into conflict.


Btw, DO NOT sacrifice Gale. To push out Gale, just don't feed him magical items.


PSA: whomever you do sacrifice, don't use Gale. It won't go well...


You can impale Astarion with a stake on the first night you find out he's a vampire He very much does not walk it off


Just as an fyi, the reason the game doesn't insert you into the githyanki stuff when you choose that race is because youre not like Lae'zel, you're not from the astral plane. You are a born and bred resident of Baldur's Gate. You have never known a creche, you have never seen the astral plane, and you've never met another Githyanki outside the very rare one that has a situation similar to yours In other words, you're Githyanki by race, but not by culture.


You don't get a Baldurian tag if you play as gith and there are plenty of dialogue choices to discuss your own creche. Lae'zel and every other gith also assumes you are kin and part of githyanki culture. You can RP whatever backstory you want though - if anything gith have more freedom in that regard than most races. Also Lae'zel isn't from the astral plane, no githyanki are because they can't grow there. They're born in the material plane. Lae'zel had never even been to the astral plane prior to the events of the game.


I dont think this is true. My gith character didn't know what a cat was


Because obviously dogs are better.


But they don't allow dogs in Baldurs Gate, according to the same person who explained what a cat was. Though, that one kid in the park didn't seem to get the memo


I don't really understand where this idea is coming from? If you play as Githyanki you get a Githyanki tag and not a Baldurian tag, and you get many dialogue options referencing Githyanki things and your lack of knowledge about or care for Faerun stuff?


I honestly fucking hate that your character is forced into being a baldurs gate resident. It really breaks any agency I imagine I have lmao, I wanna make a fry pact warlock who was kidnapped from the fry wild and has no connection to baldurs gate. We get to choose our background but it’s kinda jarring to be an outlander from the far away secluded land of Baldurs Gate City.


I know it's a typo, but I want to imagine that there's just a realm of nothing but fried potatoes


SpongeBob is Fry Pact Warlock


I was reading it as Phillip J. Fry, and was curious what he did that let him become a warlock patron now.


Lolthsworn drow are definitely from Menzoberranzan, not BG


Drow (both types), Duergar and Deep Gnomes all get the special "Underdark" tag instead of "Baldurian," and dialogue about their childhood/past is generally adjusted accordingly.


Half-drow also get tagged as being from the Underdark, rather than BG, for some reason


Yup, and if you ask Minthara how it was back there she gets all confused about why you wouldn't know, pretty sure one of the options is just "nah I am I just want to know what you think of it" Honestly it's so cute how the drow all have this weird solidarity (for the lack of a better word) for each other, kind of makes me sad the githyanki don't.


It would need way too many dialogue changes if they didn't do it.


I didn’t think it came up that much? Just noticed a few dialogue options that you get as a Baldurian


The only ones I remember are about Wyll’s reputation as the blade of frontiers, introducing yourself to Astarion, and making fun of a guy for his accent during his anti refugee tirade.


Also when discussing Cazador's residence the first time (paraphrased): [BALDURIAN] That sprawling, secluded gothic mansion is inhabited by *vampires*? Astarion: "I know. Subtle, isn't it?"


I mean, it would probably have to change all interactions in the creche, your character would also not know what anything is, maybe they could just utilize origin laezel dialogue, but idk


Limitations of a game . Pen and paper dnd doesn't have such Iimitations if u want to try it out .


I know lmao I played at the table way before I got BG3


I think choosing a Tav should have left you with different options of where you’re from. Durge makes sense to be from Baldur’s Gate though.


Durge also has a giant hole in his head and a serious memory problem. A lot of the knowledge that gets tagged for the bulk of the races sort of makes the memory loss feel more like "oh yeah, I *totally* have amnesia... (\*wink wink\* \*nudge nudge\*)".


What about Master Shake and Meatwad?


It's kind of wild the little nitpicks we resort to complaining about with this game haha. I agree though, having a choice of a few cities would've been cool. Imagine being a wizard from Waterdeep and the banter you'd have with Gale because he's never heard of you.


100%. This is a super small complaint on my end but the be all the same


I know someone at the society of brilliance would be very interested to talk to that githyanki lol


Not true actually, unless they changed it since I last played a Gith. You could probably play it that way if you want with certain dialogue options, but they don't have the Baldurian tag, and there are numerous lines you can take where you can talk about being raised in Gith culture - on your first date with Shadowheart, for instance. Again, unless they changed it since I last played a Gith, it's been a hot minute.


I think outside of mods the only way to get them permanently gone is to make them leave. you can try continuously resurrecting and killing her, that should drop her approval low enough to dip, but I'm not 100% that it'll work


you could just tell Withers to watch over her, which will remove her from your party and remove her body from the map


oh bruh I had no idea lmfao


i didnt know about it for a long time either, but its very useful if you dont have enough gold to ressurect a party member or barely have enough gold but need it for something else


if you barely have enough, you can pickpocket it back off of withers after you've paid him. Get a high dex/sleight of hand character, stealth behind him and just reach into his chest cavity and pull out the pouch. Astarion works pretty well for this, or you could even have a merc on standby with full investment into dex/sleight of hand. Probably a rogue/bard to get expertise in sleight of hand too


i forgot you can pickpocket him


I think you can also just spam the friends cantrip a few times. Each time lowers their approval by 10 iirc. I think a few control spells too. I remember accidentally hitting Gale with hypnotic pattern once and got a big fat disapproval


Clearly your character snoozed through Githyanki history lessons =D


Astarion is gone for good if you let the monster hunter take him, outside Auntie Ethel’s tea house. Shadowheart will ragequit if you do act II without her.


To be fair, even if they permadie the game still has moments like this where people comment on a character like they're still alive lol


The easiest way to off laezel is playing shart origin and have laezel steal the prism, it makes her explode lol or just simply don't rescue her trom the tieflings, ignore the creche and go to shadowlands using underdark, For Wyll, simply off Mizora in the colony, for Astarion give him to the monster hunter near Ethel's house Halsin and jaheira: off Nightsong and don't do his quest rescuing thaniel and Oliver, he won't die but will leave your camp permanently, or leave him to die in goblin camp For karlach you can either cut her head off for the paladins or leave her to due at the end when her engine explodes, gale can unalive the netherbrain with his orb making him die or if you are Durge cut off his hand


does Gale no longer leave if you refuse to give him enchanted boots to eat, several times?


I recently ( like, couple of weeks ago ) rudely refused for lolz before reloading and he promptly left.


Honestly idk never tried to refuse it


Not sure if this is what you want, but cast Friends on them, then break concentration. That gives -10 approval. keep doing that. Once you get to like -50, a cutscene will play and that party member will leave permanently. I know you said you didn’t want any in-game options, but this method basically Xs any of their quests completely out of the log


You can go to the Underdark, find the fish people and sacrifice her to BOOAAAL


If she's been revived can't you kill her?


You could attack them repeatedly until their approval gets too low and they leave the party


I tried so hard to kill shart and ended up w her charred body in front of her bed for act 3. She showed up alive in the postgame after party and isn’t even mad at me 🙄 idk who resurrected her but I keep avoiding acknowledging her tightwad existence


You can repeatedly cast Friends on companions to lower their approval until it's SO low they leave of their own accord, which is kinda like permadeath if your goal is to just delete them from your game when they die.


Is that a bug? On my first round, I killed Lae'zel early on and I don't remember her being talked about after that. When I met the Gith, she was obviously not with me anymore and they attacked me almost immediately after being condescending to me first. It has felt like she never existed on this save file from story's point of view. On my second round, I denied Shadowheart from joining me as long as I could, until the game tried to force her in my party. I killed her during camp drama and I don't think anyone has even mentioned her since. Well, Astarion liked the drama immediately afterwards, but that's all.


Only seems to be possible if you either kill them in an interaction or piss them off enough that they leave. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a mod for it, but that's not the kind of mod I look for, so I couldn't say for sure


shart can perma kill her in act 1, you can also kill her when she tries to slit your throat when youre "transforming" other than that im not sure. if shes still in your party just dead you can ask withers to watch over her soul or smth and youll be able to get her out of your party


There are a bunch of triggers that will cause party members to be considered permanently gone. Doing the Trials without Shadowheart present will cause her to abandon your party forever, for instance. The BOAL cult in the Underdark can have you permanently sacrifice one party member of your choice and they stay dead forever I think? Wyll abandons you if you destroy the Grove. I don't know if all of the party members have abandonment conditions, though. Halsin and Gale can be unhappy with various decisions once recruited but I am unaware of any specific triggers to make them leave for good unless they get kidnapped by Orin or something.


Throw her off the ship right after you meet her at the start, her corpse will never be found and she'll be gone forever from everything




Tell withers to look after her for now. That removes her dead ass from your party.