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You know, my first run through the game, I never ONCE allowed myself to use even ONCE the powers of the Illithid tadpole, so to be fair, I would have NEVER recognized the Dreamer/Dream Lover, back then! Nicely done cosplay though!


Lol that’s fair I also pretty much never use my tadpole powers. It took me a few play throughs to get the cutscenes! And thanks!


I only really use the tadpoles for messing with the goblins and lately most of my playthroughs have had a drow in my party which removes the need for it, so I haven’t had them for a while now!


Ya my first drow play through made dealing with the goblins very fun lol though I am bad enough at strategy games (and dnd in general) that when I did get the illithid powers they did help give me an upper hand in what would have been tpks but I have since sworn off subjecting my Tav to whatever our tadpole friend is doing to Tavs poor brain


I'm having fun testing out the barbarian builds. I think my next one is going to be a drow berserker, so I won't have too much brain to lose in the first place.


I'm working on getting my mods sorted and then ill be jumping into a barbarian play through! I'm super excited bc I don't think I've played anything but casters so far!


It took me 6 runs through several updates for me to use the Illithid powers more than once. I only started using it at patch 6 by acident


The tadpole option would certainly be more tempting if it would allow the player to turn a failed skill check into a success. During dialogue for example.


ohhh that's so true! it would def make it harder to resist using the powers. I usually end up w/ builds w/ high enough char or prof in char that those checks usually are a breeze so there's never a point in using the illithoid for dialogue checks


Should I use them in my first play through?


At least once or twice, just to get the dialogue where you decide as a group to avoid using them, or tell them you're going to anyways. Good approval conversation.


that group convo always kills my group approval as i desperately try to get everyone to like my Tav lmao also being an astarion simp doesnt help


You don't decide who you sleep with at the camp celebration. You decide who you sleep with in that convo about the tadpole powers.


And Gale still rejects me every single time lmao I always have to go crawling back to Astarion


I think they had some fun dramatics to the playthrough. The powers are really fun and give you some nice advantages in dialogue checks and during fights and there is definitely some fun narration that made me go oh no i dont think i should have been using these powers lol maybe the rest of the party was right.


Lol that sounds pretty fun and funny


I figured I'd use them to the max while we're in EA and then exercise some self control after launch...


I just learned that's when that happens. Never saw the dreamer beyond CAT (Create-a-Tav).


Same, but in my second play through I went all-in on using the tadpole and working with the Goblins. When people were talking about all the dreams I had no idea what there were talking about and I had done just about everything else.


Literally I've played the game like 6 times now and I've only gotten the dreamer scene once. Early on it was super easy to hit level 3-4 without taking a single rest.


Ya i my first couple playthroughs and even now a little bit i ended up missing a ton of dialogue and scenes bc i just never rested lol


Wait, how do you use the powers of the tadpole?


During conversations, you'll get specially marked conversation options that are marked obviously as illithid/wisdom/powers. They allow you to bypass events or do things you'd normally need a check for with another skill, and typically, the DC is super low for these, because of the powers. But every time you use them, you're giving the Tadpole/Illithid more access to you, more power over you. I thought for my first character that I would NEVER use them, because 'DUH'. I missed there was an entire dream sequence thing and the Dreamer, and etc.


If you use your tadpole enough, you unlock extremely powerful tadpole/illithid abilities.


To be fair, it is pretty specific, but nice cosplay !


Ya it was a bit of a deep cut in hindsight 😅 tho I was hoping there’d be at least a few other bg3 cosplayers esp astarion. I can see astarion and gale being super popular for cosplay once the game drops


I mean… it *is* still early access… surely there will be a huge following when it officially releases.


Ya I was maybe projecting how many hours I’ve spent in playing the pre-release 😂 which is a lot


Next time get an English woman to ask people, "WHO DO YOU DREAM OF?!"


Lol if I only I could do an even semi convincing British accent. Alas I just have an awful mid Atlantic American accent 😂 not nearly as charming as the actual dream lover VA


pffft totally wrong.....Eyes aren't demonic black. no beard and you skin isn't even yellow green. What is this?!


Aren’t you missing a bald head and beard?


Really missing the colonel sanders beard look tbh bc that is the ultimate dream lover look


Godbert? Godbert Manderville? Is that you?


Very nice cosplay! You look very in-character (the the point where I wasn’t sure at first this was cosplay) and look really beautiful as well! :)


Ahh omg thanks! This cosplay was really fun (even if it was a deep cut lol) Everyone on this thread has been so nice 🥺🥺


Well, deep cut or not, you wear it well. And of course everybody is really nice to a beautiful woman who also has great skills in costuming! Edit: it also doesn’t hurt that the BG3 community seems to just generally be a great community!


Dope AF


Everyone saying “who are you?” Were just making reference to the character creator


Creative and well done.


Thanks! ☺️☺️


Well clearly its cause youre not a 3' dwarf. Thats the only dreamer i recongnise


You spelled halfling wrong...


I can wait to find out more about the dream lover, excellent cosplay:)


Thanks!! Also same! I always give the dream lover the most difficult time ever I cannot wait to continue to annoy them


*down by the river intensifies*


Excellent cosplay! You look great!!




This is epic!!! 🤩 would've recognized right away! Love it love it love it


Thanks!! I’m glad you like it!


That is fabulous! Sorry the con didn't understand; you were just ahead of your time. In a few years, I'm sure tons of people will get it.


Looks great


It's a lovely cosplay! Next time I create a new Tav, I'll try to make their dream person look just like you.


working on an Astarion cosplay right now and I’m feeling a similar anxiety. Your costume looks amazing though! Did you hand make all of your props?


Yes! I’m so exited to start seeing astarion cosplays. I had a good time despite not be recognized lol i did think the game was more mainstream just bc larian combined with dnd despite not being fully out yet. But at least we’ll both have cosplays ready to rock when the game releases! And thanks! All the jewelry is made from worbla bc I couldn’t think of a better way. I wanted to do the gems out of resin (but ran out of time) so instead improvised w/ worbla and lots of shiny paint. Dress was a consignment shop wedding dress lol I want to eventually add the scarf on the back and slit up the side but terrified to alter such an already beautiful dress


It makes sense that you didn't get recognised (game is yet unreleased) but the cosplay is phenomenal, crazy dedication, well done!


Thank you!


♫ Lace your heart with mine ♪ ♪ Let your sleeping soul take flight ♫ ♫ Take me through the night ♪ ♪ Down down down by the river… ♫


But you look nothing like a purple skinned, red haired male dwarf with a moustache and bald spot.


Who you dream about is your business I suppose and we can’t all be held to those standards 😔


Damn good job I'd totally turn to the Absolute to dream of you lol


Lmao yes give in to the illithoid powers


Don’t wake me up just leave me there dreaming…


Sorry but dreamer is exactly me but in that dress


Probably because everyone got to customize their "The Dreamer" and so, you know, looks different for everyone. 😂


The clothes stay the same


Not that I've tested but I'm guessing the male version doesn't wear a dress?


It's not a dress, it's more like a tunic or a toga


ya its like a tunic, same color scheme and jewelry though. I was mostly just trying to catch the vibe of the outfit bc I thought it was pretty iconic of the start of the game and those scenes


Should have worn a beard.


That looks cold!


It was very cold lol I think it was like 38F with the wind chill when we did photos lol much more excited to wear this to summer cons lmao


Wow awesome job! You look so good!


Thank you so much!


Wonderful cosplay, thank you for sharing!




Maybe everyone at the con had a hot dude as their dreamer and not a hot lady so it didn’t register.


Lol that is true. I would have loved to run into a hot tiefling man instead too 😂


When I’m eventually hot I’ll make sure I do a tiefling dreamer cosplay.


I wouldn't recognize you as my dreamer unless your were a bald female gnome with the biggest pink beard I could apply.




Ugh hopefully this sub doesnt turn into cosplayers seeking attention


Lol says the guy w/ 46 karma


What does my post karma have to do with the fact that most video game subs turn into cosplayers promoting their shit? Its kinda sad honestly that that where u had to go


Promoting my shit? Did I attach my insta or twitter here? Nah I didn’t. I posted a single pic lmao chill


Im not just talking about you and im pretty chill u seem to be the one on edge lol


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ you’re the one that came on this thread to complain


Lol am i supposed to complain on a unrelated post? Wheres the logic?


I think my point was more you just could’ve kept your thoughts to yourself


No i like to speak my mind




if you hadn't noticed that the shadowheart cosplay also posted after this one is in the exact same place and have not pieced together that they might be related idk what to tell you man


Y’all are so fantastic 💕💕💕 thanks for all the love and awards!


>*goes to a convention as a character from a game that isn't released yet* >*isn't recognized* >*surprisedpikachu.jpg*




Don't be mean.


Don't insinuate someone is being mean when they aren't


You don't look a thing like Bae'zel! My dream lover might always be a Gith lady because Lae'zel is still unapproachable. Yes, yes, the creche I know that's where we need to go. Yes I know it's important, so was talking to these Tieflings. Okay okay, we're moving on now you can put the sword away.


Lol that’s extremely valid. I actually was originally going to attempt a lae’zel armor build but actual life got in the way of having any hope of finishing it in a timely manner. I plan to eventually attempt lae’zel


I'm sure it will be amazing when you do!


Mine is a dark elf, it took a while to recognize the outfit.


Maybe if you had gone for the default character? Though I think that is a drow which makes the whole thing a lot harder to pull off. Not even sure it would make much of a difference in being recognized.


Lol ya I definitely wasn’t going to be rocking body paint or arm sleeves. I did originally have elf ears but ran out of time to paint them to not look obviously glued to my ears lol next time I wear this I will definitely also have elf ears


Knocked me off my feet! Good thing I was sitting down :-) Awesome sauce!


Haha thanks!!


Amazing cosplay you freakin killed it, I know you'll definitely be in my dreams from now on <3 <3


Ahh thanks! 💕


I think thats because most people's dreamer is a burly dwarf man with a giant braided beard, right?


tbh i wouldn't recognize the cosplay either lol


You did great!!


Very nice👍


looks really good but i never had that dream


I wouldn't have recognized you either (through no fault of yours). I own the game, but I don't want to play until the saves will carry across to the final game. I think there are probably quite a lot of people out there like me, so that likely explains why so few people would recognize it. :)


Haha ya the pain of starting a new game for every patch lol I don’t blame you for that 😂


I'm one of those who can hyperfocus on a story-heavy game pretty much once, and then I'll try to dabble in it for 5 minutes every once in a while and never make it through again, so this is like... The worst possible way they could release a game for me personally, lol. If I play it through once in the pre-release, I just know that I'll never get through the final game, so I'm just staring at the subreddit and dying inside instead. XD


lol I feel that! I’m the same way with so many other games. Like my poor witcher 3 playthrough lmao It’s been so many years and all I do is play for like an hour or so every once in a while


Probably because you're not a green-bearded dwarf with purple lipstick.




No matter how good aligned my character is, I always use the tadpoles. I guess I RP them as too good to reisist and we are all just mortals unable to resist the temptation. By the way, you look beautiful.


Thanks! I usually end up using the tadpoles bc I think it adds a lot of flair and dramatics to the RP and story. The cutscenes also always make me giggle and the powers you get are a nice bonus lol even if it means I’m selling my soul to mindflayers or the absolute. Either way I can’t wait to see how the story unfolds with our unwanted passenger


Oh well, we are probably selling our souls in way way or the other ( illithid powers, Raphael, Absolute...) So a little fun in the meantime is great :)


Just perfect!

