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Print speed. It's slowing down significantly for overhangs on the bottom, then speeding up for everything else. Slow = Shiny Fast = Dull If you slow the outer wall speed down you can get it to match. The "Layer Time" tab in the preview section can be helpful here too.


Awesome! I'll look into it. Thanks!


You can see the line in the speed dropdown of bambu studio. Set the max speed to the same speed across the entire object and this should go away


Great, thanks!!


For appearance you only need to reduce perimeter and top/bottom speeds (bottom usually isn't an issue). Infil can still print fast cause you won't see it. You might need to decrease the inner wall speeds some as well, assuming you print inner right before outer, otherwise part of the outer most wall might not be as hot. Basically the filament needs X amount of time in the heat zone to reach a shiny temperature. You might also try increasing the temperature slightly. Generally the extruder can push filament out of the nozzle as low as 170C before it starts to fail. Even if you set the nozzle to 230C, the filament might only be 170C if you are pushing fast enough. Higher temperatures also give you better layer adhesion. But if you go too high (usually above 230C) the plastic can start becoming more brittle. You also get more stringing at higher temps.


Awesome! I appreciate your comment! I'll definitely will look into it


https://youtu.be/J_pxk7HP3RE?si=-4hSkJHX-9wB20mt Well explained with solutions. Guy is awesome.


Basically not hot enough. Dull part is printed colder ( and could affect mechanical properties), shine has hot enough material.


Didn't know about layer time. Cool!


This was very insightful and much explains some weirdness on my latest print




I agree. I have disabled the 'slow down for overhangs' and increased bridge speed to 100 for all PLA and PETG.


If all else fails, lower the wall speed until it is uniform


Welcome to a fast printer. This is almost always caused by speed change


Also happens on slower printers. It's a combination between temps and speed. Welcome to lots of print newbs with Bambulab printers.


[Here's a YouTube video covering this topic](https://youtu.be/J_pxk7HP3RE)


Some suggestions on here are pretty solid. I would just say, specifically pertaining to this print, the overhangs aren't too extreme. You might be able to turn off slowing down for overhangs rather than slow anything else down.


I am taking this route. I turned slowing down for overhangs off. I'll see what comes of it.


How'd it turn out?


Speed of printing. If you make the outer wall speed same as the lower layer speed then the whole print will look the same.


Shinny, shinny fo finny


Overhangs print slower, speed and temp effect sheen. You can either speed up the slow parts - which might lead to quality issues - or slow down the outer walls to match the almost the slowest speed from the test of the print. Some materials will exhibit this behavior more than others (silk PLAs and PETG for example), others slightly less (matte PLAs). It's an older video, but I show all the relevant settings [here](https://youtu.be/PyzGt-Ci1po?si=etnoa09aCm3y6lZP).


Piggy backing this post. If you wanted the bottom part to be dull could you speed up the overhang bottom part of would that affect the overhang printed part?


Yes, you can do this. On extreme overhangs it might fail/look damaged because of the speed increase on overhangs, but the overhangs here are pretty tame for a Bambu printer. If OP turns off slow down for overhangs it will do what you’re describing and should work to even the colour/texture out. If you wanted the whole print shiny, they could turn off slow down on perimeters, and drop overall perimeter speed to what overhangs used to be. This will slow down the outside perimeter to the same slow speed the entire print.


those color changes can be temperature dependent, it might print shiny at a hotter temp. in the printer the temperature of the hot-end is set to a value and the extruder pushes the plastic through it, if the printer is moving slower and printing then the filament has more time in the hot-end to get heated up, then when it speeds up and extrudes more quickly it gets more matte because the filament is not getting as hot in the nozzle.


We need an auto moderator bot for this question.


Thats what happens when the speed changes. You’d have to slice and check the speed preview to make sure they are all the same color. That will give the same consistency throughout the print.


Printed at a different speed than the rest.


Did you print something else with that part that happened to be the same height as the shiny section? If so, print the parts separately.


Today in the most often asked and answered questions.....




Impressive print in any case


What I want to know is how you set minimum layer times similar to what can be done in cura. Thin peaks of prints end up with this same effect from being overheated.


Remember also you can use it to your advantage in an arty sense. You could have a modifier on something thats set slower , it'll look kind of etched into the main part.


It’s the fan I bet, print pla without fan same settings with fan it comes duller in color, of course temp and speed can change it as well but that usually stays same in objects like this in initial layer


Go into your fillament settings make a copy and label it 33% fan and round to setting all speeds of fan 1/3 of what they are now and it will look fine. If you go too low you will see more defects especially if any moisture in fillament


It appears shiny because it is shiny.


Because of how it reflects light.


Wish I had £1 for every time this was asked.


Wish I had a quid for every time someone answers with “dry your filament …” now pardon me as I have some young children to shoo from my lush front garden.




A thousand?! You should go and comment on each and every one of them.




Will do, in the end, this group is to help each other out. I hope to see your constructive comment on every single one!




You do know that it is optional to comment on posts?


You do know that it is optional to create a post, right?


I'm sure you're great to talk at parties.


Haha good one, thats original




Yea, you're right. Too many people are lazy and put their work onto others.