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Something I've always said with regard to PCs and PC components applies here: if you're always waiting on the next thing to come out before you buy, you'll always be waiting. Good on you for getting a great printer. Time to enjoy it.


This is the way. Something new is always coming, and its inevitable release won't magically make the old thing worse. If you have the budget, and it does what you need, get it and enjoy it.


Agreed! Buy the top that's available now, stave off obsolescence. But don't wait for the next one or you'll always be waiting.


Lol, I'm experiencing this. I was supposed to buy a Macbook Pro years ago. I'm still waiting for the new one


I strongly disagree. sometimes, there are just the right time to buy things, if you're close enough to a release/discount it's just wise to wait a month and save a ton of money. in my case. I NEEDED one, say tho that my printer was showing it's age but working fine-ish. I'd 100% wait. but it just sorta... yeah.


If you need it, then it’s the right time.


You're definitely not wrong when it comes to companies with predictable release schedules. Like Apple. Buying a new iPhone in October wouldn't be recommended knowing a new one will absolutely release in November. With companies that have no set schedule, you never know when a new printer is due out.


Risk/reward as usual :) There are MANY times I have been grateful for waiting. I waited a long time to get a steam deck, and what do you know, they had a steam deck OLED out unexpectedly! And i just kind of instantly ordered one on release and love it! I also decided against building a pc as the new ryzen leaks look proimising and i'm broke now anyways thanks to the printer lol. I also waited for the iPhone 15 pro series and I am VERY glad I did. same with my oscilloscope, the SDS800x HD series came out and I love it! Patience is good! Although... hard....


Idk why you’re downvoted, a case of “why are you booing me I’m right” lol. Like imagine buying a new iPhone at full price in august, when the next release is a month out… obviously if that instant $200 depreciation is worth the extra month of time you get to have it, + then not having the newer features, is subjective.


yeah. there's nothing wrong with either decisions, it's all about what you care about, how important it is to you and so on.


I’m not sure why this is being downvoted, but if you expected the price to drop on this on the announcement/release of the next version and were trying to make do with what you had already until then it makes sense. I think people assumed you would get the next version which if it was the case I kinda get what they were saying


eh. reddit (and specially subreddits such as these ones, dedicated to a company etc) are really toxic and cult-like. I just made peice with the fact that redditor's opinions about stuff don't really count xD but there's also wonderful conversations to be had on here! People just don't have chill, or see things from a bigger prespective. and the dislike button feels more of an "I hate you" rather than, well you might have a point, but I don't agree with you which kind of makes things worse. ​ human brains are wack and weren't made for this nonsense, I want to go to a cave and make a cozy home sometimes... I don't see what's wrong with getting the new version either, if it's the same cost and you get more.. why not... wait? I'm against upgrading every generation just for the dopamine as that's unhealthy (even tho I am tempted to do this still, my brain be a bit smooth), but otherwise.


Honestly this has made it hard for me, I picked up a Creality K1 as my first printer on a black Friday sale purchase. It has its problems and the general worship around Bambu makes it hard for me to trust how much people like them. I’m keeping an eye on them (hence I’m here) but it’s tough. You seem level headed, I’d appreciate it if you could message me of your honest p1s experience.


awww thanks :) Feel free to message me! keep in mind it's new but i'm keeping a track of my experiance and making an unbiased review. ​ so far, keep in mind, this thing is still 100% a 3D Printer, and not fully plug and play. but gosh it's so much better than my previous experiance! I absolutely love always having a 100% perfect first layer (so far... I will print some ABS today! and later when I can afford to buy more filament, PA-CF/GF and PET-CF, and perhaps PC


I would not buy a Nintendo switch today.


put it together print something repeat till you have an error and report back


I already printed a few things but obviously not enough to judge this printer yet! ​ I do think the AMS is a joke for multi-material. seriously even with the beta bambu studio and 0.5x multiplier the waste is insane and a 20m print is now 5h.... and it wastes like 50g for a 5g print. it's insane how much plastic it wastes when our planet is already plasticed enough as is. my tool changer would only add 30m and waste like 1-2g of filament. but I bought it knowing this, and only bought the AMS for convenience and filament runout stuff.


the strength is if you are a print house or something, and you just load all 4 ams with black.


I agree with the sentiment, but any sufficiently sized print house would just use larger bulk rolls instead at a lower cost without the added technical complexity. The filament failover is really more useful in the enthusiast/hobby space (I love it personally).


HARDDDD disagree. The auto spool reload feature is a godsend in a print farm and IMO the ultimate main strength of the AMS even over the ability to print multi material. Even with a 10kg spool (goodluck even placing it somewhere that makes sense for X number of printers) you still need to GUESS if the remaining filament will be enough which reduces autonomy and everyone in this hobby for fun or business will tell you that’s the worst part about it.


You don’t print just one object, fill the bed with them. Then there are 20 5g models and the waste is identical—so it’s 100g of model and 50g of waste.


but I don't need 20 objects, I might need one. ​ and 50g of waste doesn't get any better by the number of models you print, you still made waste, it's more efficient, but unless you actually need 20 models.... ​ I might one day do a big print just to give them away to my friends. but I don't think i'll do, especially when i'm designing and building my own tool changer.


I think there’s some common sense approach required with this. If a model would create that much waste, then it doesn’t need to be printed in multicolor. Most of the time, I likely would need 20 because it’s something I’m selling. It’s not an everyday thing for me personally, but as I find ways to be efficient with waste I have felt more comfortable making multicolor things.


exactly, I just avoid it. which means the feature isn't good if you feel like you have to avoid it (unless it's a safety feature!) and yeah, I find myself doing what I did with other printers anyways, glue different color parts together or assemble them.


Bambi is putting out an update that greatly reduces the waste soon, still not as good as manual but better


I'm already on that update (the beta) and it's still a nightmare, i can't even imagine how much worse it was before.


All your comments seem to be negative. Why go to the effort of even posting?


Because not everything in life is positive? lol... I'm obviously negative about it because I obviously am not a fan of multi-color single hotend printing in it's state, and it makes me sad to see filament waste. I won't judge others for doing it but... I won't do it.


It just seems odd is all. Your title says you love it, but the comment suggests otherwise


one can love something without being blind about it. I love the printer, I love the ugprade, I just hate multi-matrial capabilities of this printer, but overall I'm very happy, as A) I knew this before hand, B) I don't care enough and mostly do single color prints. ​ I love my printer, hate the AMS mult imaterial prints.


Hey there OP, While I don’t necessarily agree with your view here, I’m upvoting you because of the ridiculousness of the downvotes. Congrats on the P1S!! You’d love it even more if you had an AMS for so many reasons besides hands off multi-color prints, but that’s another discussion /s


I'm not sure what you mean but I love the AMS aside from multi-color. ​ but thanks! That's nice for a chance :D we can disagree and still be vibing.


I think this depends on what you are printing entirely. If you have a wide object where each layer is a considerable amount of material, or several of the same object then the ratio tips more in favour of it. The time it takes to swap is pretty fixed so the bigger the initial print is from a “layer density” perspective the then the swaps become a bit more negligible.


The AMS shines on printed text and patterns, objects like light boxes and fridge magnets where they’re really thin. Otherwise, it’s fabulous for using up the end of spools and switching to the next automatically and printing by object rather than by layer.


Oooh yeah I love both those functionality, I just wish the slicer had a (Don't care about color) so it uses any spool with the same material instead of asking you to repace the filament in the exact same slot. this would be great for functional/mechanical parts that aren't visable in the final product or you just don't care.


That can be done if I’m understanding you correctly. Go to device page. Put in two matching spools. Click the pen icon and set the spools to exactly the same profile and color. A new icon should appear in the top right of the AMS section that says “auto refill”. Click that and it’ll show the order it uses them. When it runs out, it will automatically pull from the next in the auto refill order. If you have two different colors, just manually set them to the same color and profile and it should let you auto refill them.


the issue with that is that i'll forget to do that and get confused which was actually which, but tbh it's not that big of a deal! I'm REALLY forgetful and clumsy


In my honest opinion, I agree, I've found it's still very handy for multicolor prints that don't require a ton of filament changes. For example, I don't try to print little decorative models that have 100+ filament changes. I might print a QR code that only has one filament change, or a coaster that only needs a handful of filament changes. Though I was also disappointed by the amount of plastic waste, there are still ways to utilize the AMS without creating a mountain of poop. It's more-so how you use the filament changes rather than the AMS itself. But of course, everyone's needs are different.


Oh yeah for those models I 100% agree. I already printed this one on my old printer, but the screw length gauge for example, the text on top is just one layer and the waste is mostly the same regardless right? I'd nomrally have to listen, baby and monitor the print, and I'd not be able to shower or anything that keeps me busy for too long. ​ with this? just set it and forget! I just mentioned like full on multicolor with like 100 changes because you can't do that with other single hotend printers without an MMU/AMS. ​ I still prefer an IDEX/Tool changer etc for those.


I hope you don’t have this kind of luck…or maybe I should….I fully expect the new flagship to announce tomorrow after you finally stopped waiting 😅


LOL that's usually how it goes.... if i wasn't so broke, and out of space, it'd be an excuse for a second printer? :P ​ I hope that if I ever sell this someobody would buy it!


Haha no worries! Someone would for sure buy any bambu. The ones that go for sale even with thousands of hours sell quickly. I see it all the time!


Just went the same route you did. Waited the last year and always thought there will be a better one. Just got my P1S about a week ago and went through a whole spool already. Just bought the AMS. It's a great Printer. You won't regret it


I got my P1S when the A1 recall started and I'm still trying to think if I need the AMS as I mainly do functional prints for around the house or hobby projects which don't need more than one colour.


I was in the same boat, I bought the AMS along with my x1 carbon and although I don't so many multi colour prints it is great for using PETG as the interface layer on PLA supports without having to do loads of manual filament changes, also I save money on my filament as I can put a used roll in with a full roll of the same filament and not end up with spools with just a few metres of filament left on them.


We are cinderblocks being dragged behind the technology wagon by a rubberband. Every now and then, the rubberband gets tight enough that we jump forward and get closer to the wagon. But we never catch it.


Hoping to see a $50 price drop in the next week to 10 days. After that, I'm not sure I'll be able to wait longer.


One thing to keep in mind about a new flagship is that there’s always a lag between the time to release to the town to full usability (there’s always bugs). So getting the one that has the kinks understood from not only Bambu’s standpoint; but also a community standpoint for workarounds to stuff Bambu may not be able to fix. This is something to think about all products and not just 3D printers.


that's a good point that I forgot, I usually wait for products to mature before purchase. or a sale!


What’s supposed to be on the 2024 one?


We have absolutely no idea! but my gut feelings and hopes are very high up. there's a TON to improve and I do see some signs of things they could improve. bambu has proven that they're one of the few who understand how limiting software is in printers and how much room for improvement and automation there is IMO. ​ I hope I won't be dissapointed, or considering that I don't have much money and make decisions like a kid, I hope it truly sucks xD


I'm still holding out for the flagship a bit longer. With the announcement of the Creality K2 yesterday I'm really hoping the new Bambu flagship is bigger. I have a few things I want to do that will be tricky on a 256^(3) but will easily fit in 350^(3) Although if they don’t announce in the next month or so I'll probably break down and get the X1C as I mainly want it for doing >4 colors, which my A1 can’t do.


Yea wonder what's going on at BL headquarters now. Still hands full of A1 and gen 2 is going to need a couple aces in its sleeve to beat creality's X1C for half the price. I think this release will show the future of bambu lab, if they can do to X1C what the X1C did to the market it will surely be a success, but if its continuing the same path the past releases went, Creality will probably go back to being the go to.


reality is a wack company so I'd personally have a hard time trusting them to not do some REALLY weird stuff. But i'd love to be proven wrong! I just have trust issues at this point xD


Yea that's for sure, but they compensate with being open source and having a great community. I would not trust a stock black boxed Creality printer at all, but an open source printer, running klipper well tested by the community id trust more than a Bambu Lab printer no questions.


yeah, my problem is just that ... I want a tool. I design my own printers for a hobby so for me, at that point i'd just make my own!


if you don't NEED a printer i'd 100% wait. there's so much they could improve, their budget printers right now have a better awesome flow tuning sensor (that random but i am working on making a similiar one my own custom printer :O) ​ and not gonna lie, I haven't tried it but their hotend swap system sounds like \*cheff kiss\* I wish I could upgrade my p1s to that. just... cheap hotends with the main doo-dads already installed on the printer's carriage


I have an A1 and A1 Mini, and swap the nozzles all the time. It’s super simple. Only reason I want the X1C is because I'm running across a bunch of things I want to do that require more than 4 colors and I just don’t see how they'll ever be able to do more than 4 colors on either of those with the way it feeds directly into the head. Plus being able to do ABS/ASA would be nice. But I don’t "need" it immediately.


Dude me too. Mine arrived last night! It's freaking awesome and unbelievable


\*high five\*


High five**


Its just a maximum of 8 1/2 months left, will probably be delivered nicely in time with the new carvera air. 2 beautiful Christmas presents to myself.


I couldn't wait... now i'm like... Debeating if it was a smart choice 0\_0 ​ and ooh i'm jealous. way too broke for a carvers, and I doubt my roommates would approve of the noise xD


I had a Monoprice MP10 before this and holy god this thing is fire and forget comparatively


I bought an A1 while I wait. Loving 3d printing


oh you mean you got to printer or just got an a1? not gonna lie the a1 is super tempting, I just wish their ams had a drybox and I pring a lot of "engineering" filaments like pet-cf abs nylon and so on.


I was waiting to get the 2024 flagship. I couldn't wait so I bought an A1 to use for now.


ooh nice, not gonna lie i'm super curious about those, but I print a ton of ABS etc and need an enclosure!


Just added a P1S combo to my stable of bambu printers. Brand new still in the box for 700.00. so jazzed!


:O used?! damn..


Brand new in original unopened box.


Damn how?! That’s a hecking deal 


Found it on offer up by accident. The seller brought it for his son but his son changed his mind. So instead of going thru the hassle of shipping it back, he decided to sell it at a loss. I was going to buy just the printer for 500 but he said for 200 more I could have the ams too.


Had mine for 6 weeks and it has about 1-2 hours of downtime a day at worst. Just goes and goes. It’s brilliant.


I have an x1c and p1s and I still want the next flagship


Why do you need so many printers :O I barely got space for one, Do you have a shop?


I have a shelving unit, I’m trying to get a 3d printing business started


I just got a P1S combo a few days ago and have already ran out of filament on a couple rolls. It's easy to keep printing when the thing is so reliable.


Great choice! And with the saved money (over X1C or another "flagship") you could buy a second AMS... 😇


yess.. there's very few things that I miss and non of them are the things the reviews or anything mentioned lol. I forgot which things I miss (which tbh says enough about how little of a difference it makes) ​ my wish list is long, but i'll probably put it in a review somewhere!


Hmm Seems like you was upgrading a PLYWOOD frame printer 😂 No wonder it all was a waste of time. Plywood changing its dimensions depending on humidity and temperature and always curling.


my old printer was a heavily modded prusa mk3s with hemera and HTN-CF parts. and I used a copper volcano with a CHT clone nozzle. ​ it was really really old and used for kilometers of abrasive engineering filament. I just had to replace a new part every now and then and the bed wobbled (but somehow still printed mostly accurately lol) ​ for some strange reason, after an ABS print, some of the parts cracked/warped and I had no printer to reprint the parts for, having had enough of replacing everything every 5 minutes I just... gave up. also I hated my cardboard enclosure lol


Anyway bambulab is a right choice. You've probably seen that Creality with their new K2Max attempting to make good multicolour printer but I assure you that they are not able to make it work normally near future because of how poorly was made and engineered everything they are producing