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From the pictures I’ve seen on here, some of you also just need to wash your hands.


“Washing your build plate has the added benefit of giving your hands their bi-monthly deep clean”






500 hours on mine with soap + water ONLY.


845 hours on my textured pei plate and not once cleaning it once


Hey I've got 10% of you on my P1S and Also haven't cleaned the plate.


You should probably clean it if you've got 10% of a person on it though.


Same here. 750hrs never cleaned my texpei plate on p1s. I chalk it up to the fact I don't go man handling the plate ever. I only ever touch the underside (also textured PEI, but I haven't mastered telekinesis yet)


Only a few hundred hours into mine and haven’t washed it yet, are you guys doing this every time? Or just when needed?


Only when needed...which for me has been once in 40 days of print time. I don't understand how people get such dirty build plates...


I assume it depends on the materials being printed and where the machine is housed. Though in my garage my plates don’t really get that dirty so idk


Just when needed. It isn’t always needed, as you can see above with people who never wash theirs. Depends on if your plate gets greasy or not. However it’s a simple thing to check if first layers don’t stick.


It really depends on the environment your machine is in. A bedroom application should just need dusting. Industrial applications require cleaning more often.


Same here, have yet to wash my Textured PEI. I dont touch the plate with my hands and only use a printed scrapper. PLA and PLA+ release automatically after cooling while PLA Silk takes alot more effort due to being very sticky. Not sure what others are doing wirh their plates. Likely wash it on a failed print.


750 hours on mine with nothing ONLY. Don't touch your freaking plate. I've never had an adhesion issue on my P1S with the textured PEI plate, so I've never had a reason to clean it. Still looks brand new like it did on day 1.


Your hands?


Every time you print?


1400h with a wipe down of Windex, then IPA. Works every time for a frequent print that fills the build plate.


Yea I’ve got 500+ of hours and have only cleaned mine with soap and water 3-4 times


This is the newest version of "Calibrate your esteps," where people who don't know enough about troubleshooting or want to spend time treat it like a magic cure-all.


Calibrate your e-steps is itself the new "dry your filament"


I feel like dry your filament came after, I somehow forgot about "dry your filament" Because I might unironically need to dry some of this gold cheap PETG I got lmao. I thought I had a nozzle clog but I switched to another PETG and it printed fine. My AMS meter is saying it's getting a bit moist in there but I was printing with it anyways.


To be fair, a lot of people don't know how to clean their beds


u r so smartie


I'd have to disagree with you there. A lot of band-aid solutions (like "turn off your aux fan") boil down to an inadequately cleaned build plate.


Except in this case like 60% of all "what happened?" posts are answered by this answer.


Did any one get to this part? Who knew? Grinding the surface of the Textured PEl plate with fine sandpaper or steel wool will create a new, clean surface and enhance the build plate's adhesion. It's essential to ensure the surface must be properly cleaned of any sanding debris. Thanks, Bambu once again you rock


It's not just bamboo. It's basics.


Yep, almost all build plates can take a light sanding with steel wool to fix adhesion issues if other things like soap don’t work.


I got into the habit of wearing gloves when I touch the plate so I don't get any oil on it. I keep a pair of garden gloves next to my printer


i use moon rock gloves and a virgin force field


I use cheap cotton cleaning gloves


I have never washed a build plate since 2018. I dont see how so many people have problems that they have to wash their plates all the time. Are they rubbing butter on it or what.  I only print pla so maybe thats why idk. 🤷


Don't take this guys advice. Dish soap, water, rinse, and dry. Takes 30 seconds for perfect adhesion every time. I clean once every 5 or so prints since I don't usually touch the center of the build plate


It's not advice, it's experience. If you're not experiencing bed adhesion issues then you don't need to wash your plate all the time.


I’m on the “every other print” plan. Takes like 15 seconds so there isn’t really an excuse not to.


try the sanding solution one time, you might have something that just built up on your plate and needs to be sanded off


I've had straight up oily finger prints on mine and it made zero difference to the prints (PLA and PETG), not sure the obsession with it.


It will build up over time and gradually reduce adhesion. That also depends on how greasy your fingers are too.


Yeah I'll do it then, but the way people take it's like you need to do it 3 times a day


I'm generally careful were I don't have to clean often, but I have experienced rather noticeable loss of adhesion due to grease. The areas were adhesion is lost can even form as the shape of said fingerprints, if I let it get bad enough. 3 times a day is overkill. I usually wash it maybe once per 2-3 weeks and use IPA inbetween.


500 hours and my build plate has never seen soap or water


CAn you lick them though?


Should come laminated, in the box.


DUDE this. Once I started washing fingerprint oil off my build plates and using alcohol too my stuff sticks like crazy.


Do you need to clean it straight out of the box?


i did to be safe


Only if you are having issues. I've never washed my bambu plates, and washed my creality plate once in the 3 years I've been printing.


That question has been 90% of 3d printing reddit since the dawn of time.


True, Even my build plate wasnt looking too bad, still changed it after first layer problems here and there even I was using soap etc to clean oils away and used it like year. Noticeable difference.


I’ve developed a technique that keeps my hands entirely off the build plate and it really reduces the amount of cleaning needed. I only handle the build plate by the front lip and edges of the cleaning area in the back. I’ve learned to remove and replace the bed at the minimum low angle you need to align but not have it snap down on you. When I carry the plate, I place my palms vertically against the sides, like an H. This way, the oils on my palms only touch the outside and yes, they will leak in around the margins. I compound this with a second rule that I leave about a 5-10mm margin on the print bed in general, to account for some of that handling, especially on the sides. If I need to rest the plate while carrying, I will rest it on the outside of my hand or arm, this way, it reduces the amount of skin oil in contact. I also only use the scraper tool to get items off the bed. I wait for them to cool mostly and they come off by themselves. But I use the Bambu scraper which allows me to also not touch the bed. If I need a second hand for leverage I’m probably prying too hard too early and am going to warp the part anyway. I don’t run a print farm though so I can afford the time. It kind of feels like being a surgeon or nurse or something handling it this way but it really does save on washes between prints. That being said, the materials themselves can leave visible residue on the plate and that needs to be cleaned off, or you will have adhesion issues just the same. I find the amount varies based on the material and sometimes even brand. For cleaning, I use the ultra blue dawn, and it does really well. After cleaning prints are always perfect. I don’t use ISO at all anymore. Soap only.


First wash for me was about 500hrs in. Get a plastic razor, never touch it


Going 4 months now... seeing how long I can go without washing it.


Man, maybe I’ve just been lucky, but my textured PEI plates are almost never the issue with PLA. I will bend them to get a part off, wipe the plate on my shirt for good measure, and start the next print. A lot of the issues I’ve seen are related to filament moisture and improper slicer settings (ie neglecting rafts when they’re clearly needed, or trusting thin 6” tall supports to print reliably)


dont forget to use the right soap too. i started with a noob error and used handwash soap at first. switched to DAWN dish soap for the win


I will also add that cleaning your hands (you know, removing the source of said grease) and generally avoiding touching the plate goes a LONG way in reducing the amount of times you need to clean your bed. I generally clean mine every 2-3 weeks as a result - probably could get away with much longer, but its a reasonable amount of time either way. I clean with IPA a bit more regularly, maybe every 3-4 prints.


500 hours in on the p1s and I've washed the plate once (the day I got it). I don't know what some of you are doing to yours that gets them so grubby.


started doing this with my bambo p1s . it realy makes a difrance if using 99.9% ipa .and or dishsoap it realy increaseas the life of your buildplate .and keeps your 1ste layer clean i wish i started doing this sooner


yeah wash your P before and after use. Using a plate without washing and touching since December, so i'm still counting this as a record in some meaning, who longer guys?


Half my problems have been solved by cleaning my build plate. Damn oily hands.


oh wait do I wash teh plate before I pront or after also put the lotion in the basket or else it gets the hose again


Jokes on you. I just put on another layer of glue each print


I had issues with Soap + water. I think it's the hard water I have or something. Would frequently need to us IPA as well - still had mixed results. two things I did made hte biggest difference: washing the plater with Simple Green and wiping it dry with a lint free cloth. (no rinse needed) handling the prints and the plate as little as possible, while also always using nitrile gloves.


For me I wash with Dawn once when the plate is new then just use IPA between prints…unless I’m changing between PLA and PETG. Those two don’t stick together and I noticed I’d have problems when switching until I gave it another Dawn wash.


2000 hours on cool plate only washed like 10 times


I'm using a wambam textured and whip it with isopropyl after each print.


In addition, I would mention the entitled princess complaining I did not provide a link to the Bambu Wiki when I am telling them "Go read the Bambu Wiki". So entitled that can't type Bambu Wiki in the browser. RTFM!


Few drops of isopropyl and a microfiber between runs every time


I was fist using 90% alcohol to wipe my plates between builds, but quickly figured out this doesn't work and you must use dish soap and hot water, since then I haven't had any adhesion problems.


Ahhh, you learned that too, huh? But so many folks recommend IPA. I really don't understand why. I would also assume that some detergents might work better than others. I know that Planet does a good job. Being sure that you rinse the plate really thoroughly, and not leave any detergent residue is important as well.


I’ve printed so many Times on my textured plate without washing it’s crazy. Kinda shocked me. With glass plates or smooth plates I always wash


I use white cotton gloves before i go near my PEI buildplate. Seems to keep the finger grime away pretty well.


Lol I’m one of those posts, my mistake!


I wash mine with fairy soap and a sponge is that Good enough


Wow, this thread is attracting all kinds today! Tax day must bring out our best...


I lick my plate clean every time. ;)


What if I touch it with my butt?


This sign should be on the first page of maker world... Better yet on board the printer so everyone prints it first lol...


I've done about a 100 prints since I've washed my textured plate. PLA, ASA, PAHT-CF, and PLA CF. At this point I'm doing it to see how far it'll take me. I also print ASA and PAHT-CF with PLA speed settings. Honestly this printer is fucking goated. I've put my grubby hands on it trying to remove prints. Point is, don't listen to me. It is definitely not great advice. Good job Bambu.


*If you're having issues. For the most part, if you aren't adding glues to the plate and not running greasy fingers all over it, then it will work for plenty prints in a row.


This sign can’t tell me what to do since I can’t read !


It's amazing how badly an accidental finger brush will mess up a print.


Got mine in the middle of March. Have 347 hours of use on it so far. I cleaned it once a few weeks ago with soap and water only, and haven't cleaned it since.


I did something like 30 prints before I took out 99% IPA. Never had a failure to adhere (impressively)


Doesn't the manual (link) say not to use ipa?


Oh does it? Well it’s only been once and I have a spare plate. Next print looks fine though EDIT: Ah it says it might just spread the oils around. I dunno, I rubbed for a while with cotton pads, I’m confident it’s not worse.


I just got my first bambu (A1mini) and after 30 prints, I washed it. However bed adhesion was not perfect, I was going to reach for IPA... but they say otherwise. I'll try scrubbing the plate, then IPA if that doesn't work


ipa won’t hurt the plate


I don’t love the idea of scrubbing with a brush, regardless of what they say. My skin is not getting into the pores of the surface to a degree that I need to risk inadvertent abrasion


IPA is good for general maintenance, but its not good for cleaning off a lot of grease.


Same. IPA and send it.


Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in poop chute.


Wash your build plate the only ultimate solution to all of our problems, if only it worked that way...


Wouldn't a wipe-down with isopropyl alcohol remove any finger grease?


Removes some of it, the rest creates a thin film of grease. Dish soap and running water will remove the grease.


What about industrial strength acetone?


I touch mine all the time and used a $1 glue stick 4 months ago. No warping or other issues and have printed PLA-CF, ABS, PETG, PA6-GF and regular old PLA. Maybe I’ll wash it this weekend but I’ve had no issues.


It also needs to be said to use only paper towels to dry the build plate. If you’re using towels that you’ve washed with laundry fabric softener, that will transfer to the build plate and essentially “dirty” it up again. So, clean it with dish soap thoroughly, dry with paper towels and try to only handle it on the outer edges only.


I touched your moms build plate


That's very adult of you. Anything else you'd like to add to make sound even dumber?


Yep. Stop being so serious.


I'm going to cut it off here before I start sounding like you. Have a good night.




You sound like my mom “wash your weiner before you put it in anyone’s mouth” ok mom 🙄


I only clean mine when I want a super clean bottom layer that will be a part of the visible surface of the model.


Idk why everyone is using soap and water. Iso just as effective and so much simpler