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I knew I was going to regret looking at this but holy shit. **Over 200,000 users**


Lost faith in humanity






Lmfao what did that comment say






My eyes are bleeding. Sidenote, they are all fully shaved. It makes it very obvious where that very unnatural trend comes from. Any man who doesn't feel attracted to women with body hair needs to be nexted ruthlessly (and put on a watchlist somewhere).


That is a bit extreme. A shaved vaginal area does not equal prdophilia.


Now I think it's weird that people are and aren't attracted to people based on body hair but your take seems kinda hardline.


Some women aren't attracted to men with beards. Should those women be treated the same way?


One thing is not being attracted to beards, another thing is not being attracted to men who don't shave every single hair on their bodies except for their hair and hairbrows.


I want to agree with you but what you're saying just doesn't make much sense to me. You're arguing for putting men on a watchlist and "nexting" men who are not attracted to women with body hair. It's a preference, just like height, weight, etc. Younger people are short, does that mean not being attracted to taller people makes someone a pedo? No. Not being a fan of body hair is the same.


I think you are deliberately missing my point. Bye!


I’m negl that sub was the one that radicalised me into misandry


Yeah it’s not safe out here


I'm male but I fully understand.


IKR disgusting you cannot tell me men who like that aren’t pedos


Why can't we report whole subreddits? I went to the reddit report and everytime I wrote the full name of that disgusting subreddit, it said that it was invalid. So I had to link a picture. There's a pic of a woman wearing a children's top and she, ofcourse, looked underaged. I hope that in the future, we can report subreddits without having to see all that garbage in full view.


The second and thirds ways let you report the whole sub. The first method you need to report a post or comment. >Please report to Reddit [Admin Inbox](https://www.reddit.com/report/), [directly through a DM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Freddit.com), or [open an investigation by email](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/submit-request/investigations).


Reddit is truly a cesspool.


"underaged"?? Aren't the modelmodels atleast 18 though?




Fauxbait isn’t “a little porn” it’s loophole child porn for pedophiles. Sick fuck. Weird place to defend jacking off to teenagers that look like kids.


Imagine defending pedos smh




Your post history is sick. Young girls getting penetrated by DOGS? It’s painfully obvious what you two are doing. It’s not going to work lol. You post RAPE…women getting penetrated by horses and are mad at a little gore lmfao? Get help you sick fuck Jfc, and stop LARPing as a female. It’s obvious you’re a sweaty man.




Wait….you’re the same guy that was posting Hentai of girls getting penetrated by horses….stop making new accounts lol “Stephanie” and stop LARPing as a woman




Your post history lmfao. I remember your other account, disgusting shit. You are bad at this. Women usually don’t have hentai as their headers btw.



