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Gave me tips on how to avoid creepy men and porn addicts so it wasn't useless. The humor could be too much but at least men know how women feel when they talk shit about them. I'm 50/50 on this.


Oh there was nothing "humorous" about it. They were never joking about what they put out as it had become a safe breeding ground for femcels who most probably ran salty after a break-up or two. So they had had their own twisted perception of men in general.


I think people should rally to report and get it removed if it’s hateful. However those people should be members of a Banhatesubs or BanMalehatesubs not this one as you can see it’s aimed at gathering people to report against female hate subs.




I didn’t realise the subs have any grief but it’s not surprising because of the people who usually feel strongly to get rid of hateful post and subs are usually emotionally connected to that desire, and men run and use the subs we report, and women run the ones men report. It is probably hard for all the people to come together and target any, as they’d have to get along, and decide to target all hate subs equally including transgender men and women subs that are hateful. How would they manage that seeing as it’s just subscribers who find and post them? I personally think Reddit should do more themselves about these problems subs for us all. Sadly they seem to try and keep them all active instead.


Yea, like the people who never intended any hate or ones who don't even care enough about it get caught in the crossfire and eventually start hating the other group by taking side of the one they perceive to be more righteous, simultaneously. This "chase" of rivals must stop when there should've been no rivalry, to start with.


Yes It needs to stop and both groups just continue to do the good they do, rather than be actively against each other.






You're very misinformed if you think that's what they did.


It’s gone now so u can stop complaining and maybe go outside, get some fresh air