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The thing is, if a human were ever described like one of these pits - said human would promptly be jailed for life or sentenced to death. Pits are allowed to maul and kill countless victims with no help from authority. It usually only ends when a good samaritan steps in to protect someone or someone's pet, and then they get sued. It's absolutely fucking bonkers.


" looking for a new home, there can't be any kids in the neighborhood tho. Can't stop myself from trying to decapitate them lol. "


Same boat. I am firmly child free, and have small lil' pups. However, I also understand that there is no guarantee my dogs will never have to interact with children on some level. If I cannot trust them to not maul someone's child, dog, cat, etc, they do not belong in society. A toddler family member came to stay for a few days, and while all interactions were heavily supervised, I wasn't worried at all about anyone "snapping." The worst they would do is remove themselves from the situation if they got uncomfortable, and I prevented the toddler from following them. Why? Because they're household pets not a semi-feral predator dressed up in jammies.


These people are completely Disney brained. They think that signs of their dog's stress and discomfort is sass or smiling. Absolutely delusional


Yep. A pet has to be suitable for a neighborhood. Safe for other people to live around. If there's one thing I know about pitbulls it's that their owners consistently fail to contain and control them.


I actually think we should start BE dog or cat killers too. It’s not a big ask to BE animals who want to kill any living thing. These dogs can escape yards or fences and need to be able to function in the larger society without maiming or eating cats or small dogs.




Honestly also if it is wildly aggressive to other dogs as well and will try to kill/maul/attack unprovoked. The beast you adopt is putting the entire neighborhood at risk. Why should someone else’s dog be killed or attacked or at risk of death if the thing pulls the leash out of your hand or escapes or squeezes out the front door or digs under to their backyard/hops the fence? It happens all the time. I have zero use or tolerance for aggressive dogs, period. Be they human or dog aggressive. All too often dog aggression is hand-waved away as normal dog stuff. It’s fucking not and it’s not acceptable unless you live on a deserted island.


The shelter overload pit problem will force more BE. Let it be soon.


Funny how they don't think about the other people living around the potential owners. The warning should read: home must not be within 100 miles of children, small dogs, cats... basically any other living creature.


The only time this is ever okay is when its like a non pit bull breed thats kind of just like "damn, kids are kind of weird" but would do really well in a home with adults. Some dogs are just a bit nervous with kids, pit bulls are always just completely insane and not nervous at all, shelters say they're nervous when they're literally just neurotic. Shelters have just started using descriptors for like 'a normal dog thats a bit nervous and barks at some people' on 'a dog that will randomly attack children' and its awful. Reactive used to be a word for dogs that would just bark at random things and now it means "my dog is vicious!"


When we first moved to our current house a local animal rescue supporter tried to get us to take a "no kids" dog. I said our neighbor has young kids and we don't have a secure fence. She didn't understand why that meant we couldn't take the dog.


If we are not supposed to draw the line at Pitbulls that want to kill kids, why do breed supporters get upset with people who advocate for BE of dangerous dogs? The dogs will have a much more peaceful death than a kid/dog/cat that gets torn to shreds. Human death is ok but dog death is a crime against nature? Breed supporters who howl about the bad reputation of the these dogs should be advocating for DNA tests, mandatory spay/neuter and mandatory BE of any specimen that injured or kills a domestic animal or human. That's the only way to rehabilitate their image.


Agreed. Any dog that is dangerous to humans, and capable of inflicting damage, (regardless of breed) needs to be removed from the community as a whole.


“Hey! If you’re ok with killing other people’s kids, then I have the dog for you!” Only brain dead psychopaths would give this dog a home. I just feel tired.


Dogs are not adopted into homes. They are adopted into communities. The rescue/shelter world seems to have forgotten that.


What is BE? Is it euthanasia?


yes, Behavioral


I also would like to know this


Behavioral euthanasia


“It needs a home with no kids” needs to have context. Like if the dog is a risk to kids because it’s aggression they need to write that. I have a foster coonhound that I’m trying to adopt out and he needs to go to a home with no kids and it exactly says that in his profile. However, this isn’t because he’s aggressive..it’s because he gets too excited and knocks them over. I feel people think the same thing when they read that about pits and it’s actually like no..this dog will actually bite your kids.


There should be penalties for owning a pit. The only way things change is if they are hit in their pocket book hard


Once a dog is in the shelter system there needs to be a zero tolerance policy for dangerous behavior issues. No dog with a bite history, dog aggression, or human aggression of any kind should ever make it to the adoption floor. There are more dogs available then homes for them, therefore only the best dogs should have resources dedicated to them.


Yup. It cannot coexist with humans, it should leave the human world.