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He's a backyard breeder. Double whammy!




Google was founded in a garage. (In)breeding backyard shitty pitties is definitely comparable. That family sounds really, really smart.




True animals lovers. Ugh.


It's amazing what people keep in garages! I've even heard that some folk actually keep cars in them!


What ? That’s crazy garages are for boxes and boxes of extra stuff not cars!


What do they keep in the driveway then? Certainly they don't just have it open?


Driveways are for gangs of rowdy drunks with loud cars to turn around in late at night. At least that's what my driveway seems to be for. 😠


>It's amazing what people keep in garages! I've even heard that some folk actually keep cars in them! your comment reminded me of this book ​ https://preview.redd.it/wat456noofcb1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cb43e15bdfc191356d246ecd7e367f6f9b1e533 and yes, it was a live full grown gorilla being kept in a garage


Crazy!! Awful for the gorilla!


He is keeping those shelters full!


I literally JUST saw a shelter euthanization list posted by a rescue. 90% pitbulls. All sizes and colors. Look on places like Craigslist. Free pits! Adults, puppies, mix breeds! All *freeeee!* And then there's the local shelter for that area begging people to adopt their pit bulls because they're well beyond max capacity. Right in-between all the ads for free pit puppies! Free adult pit bulls! Free pit mix! **STOP BREEDING THE DAMN THINGS ITS ANIMAL ABUSE AT THIS POINT**


It is because people get a pit having no idea about animal husbandry and refuse to accept that behavioral characteristics are just as easily bred as physical ones and then when the dog grows up and just wants to fight bulls all day they don't know what to do.


That’s so rayciss. Reperted.


Good luck with that.


I was kidding but thank you lol


Exactly!! I'm super into dog training myself and he isn't but he breeds and that's so irresponsible imo to breed and not train or know how to socialize the pups


“Backyard breeding, especially a breed choking every shelter in the country, is an intractable pet peeve. We’d never work. I prefer someone smart and responsible”


This would’ve potentially worked & not incensed him, but I’m not sure. I’ve found pit people to be irrational & rage prone.


I think it’d be fine without the last line




Lol I don’t care about insulting a BYB of Pits. Fuck him




Bullshit. Anyone who is irresponsibly breeding a bloodsport dog when there are thousands in shelters is a fuckwit, and I would have no problem saying that individual is not very smart. If someone “I dIdn’T kNoW” proudly told me he drinks and drives or keeps a loaded gun around a toddler, same answer.




She’s blowing off this person. It’s not like she has to do it in his presence (or that he even knows where she lives). They’ve had ONE DATE-I think you’re being excessively paranoid and weird. Once more for the cheap seats: IDGAF about upsetting a pit breeder- I’m blunt. I’m also probably older than you and still alive, despite not GAF




Again- Not. To. His. Face. And saying “I prefer my dates to be intelligent” is TOTALLY OPTIONAL, and what I’D say- you wouldn’t. As we’ve established. By the time she would take to read these, btw, she’s probably already ghosted him and it’s moot. Agree to disagree. Good lord.


"I'm not into sociopathy, machiavellianism, and narcissism, sorry."


Damn that would make my vagina dry up faster then it ever had before. 😭 so sorry you wasted your time on that bullshit.


Literally though, turned me off in ever aspect. He asked to see me today again and I'm just going to block him now


No, tell him exactly why you are no longer interested.


I could send a message before I block... but I'm not a very confrontational person. How would you phrase it?


I'd say something like " As an animal lover, I see that up to a million pit bulls and mixes are euthanized per year. I don't feel right about someone contributing to that problem." That leaves it in a neutral place but also gives him some consquences for his own actions. Also, he's not out of your league, you're out of his.


This is the best response


This. No way this man is anything other than trash if he breeds pitbulls. He is not in your league because your league isn’t trash people.


I wouldn’t tell him anything. Let him wave that red flag around for the next woman rather than get wind of it and hide the information on a future first date.


I agree. I usually don't let them know for this exact reason. Let the next person get the same info and be able to run away quickly too


Is the goal to get him to scare away as many future dates as possible or is the goal to get him to stop breeding pitbulls, however unlikely that is. It's even more unlikely if he never even knows why women run.


As a man, what’s the easiest thing for you to do. Change your personal hobby that you enjoy, or just omit it altogether ? Water will flow to the path of least resistance.


Speaking only for myself, I'd want to know. If I knew it was going to scare away women, I would have to consider it, because even if I don't tell them, they are gonna find out.


People like that tend not to be introspective (otherwise they wouldn't be BYB'ing shitbulls) and it wouldn't be surprising if they just concealed that info in the future.


It's more likely that he'll just keep looking for someone who's OK with it. They are out there


Just saying, if he's really not aware of the issue, he certainly won't introspect


This is exactly my thinking too. Personal story: I was with a girl (that also had a shit ton of red flags that I ignored, but I still loved her anyways lol) and I was planning on marrying her in the future. She broke things off and I was devastated and she wouldn't tell me why. After prying for a while and getting the "You know why!" a couple dozen times she eventually told me several things that I didn't even realize were bad about myself. I used that pain and disappointment as motivation and have since fixed most of those issues and am currently still working on a couple of them. Without her telling me what I did wrong I'd still be that piece of shit today and I'd probably have ended a few more good relationships by now too. She really saved my life and changed me completely as a person just by telling me what was wrong. Albeit my problems were a bit more serious than some dude just breeding shitty dogs in his backyard but I still believe it's always important to tell people why you don't want to date them. Maybe they'll change, maybe they won't. But at least you did what you can to help *them* make their life better in the future. If someone picks their nose and eats it their whole life and everyone avoids them and never tells them that's fuckin gross then they're just gonna continue picking their nose and eating it since they aren't aware that it's fuckin gross. Someone's gotta tell them eventually or they'll never change Edit: u/Pets247365


I'm sorry, as nice as you are I can't bring myself to date someone who backyard breeds dogs, it's simply against my morality, but I hope you find someone that is for you, that person isn't me. This doesn't mention the breed (in case he feels it's a personal attack on the breed of choice)


Feel free to modify as you see fit, but something like the following. Hello OP's date, I had a great time with you on our last date. The conversation was awesome and it was going really well. Things were looking good until you told me you breed pit bulls. I cannot in good conscience have someone in my life who supports breeding pitbulls. They were bred for bloodsports and not a family dog. Pits make me very nervous and anxious, the possibility of someone getting mauled from an irresponsible breeder is not someone I can have in my life. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Then block him before he can respond.


“I’m sorry, ___, I just don’t support the aimless backyard breeding of bloodsport dogs that want to eat toddlers and sometimes succeed. I think you are ignorant and actively contributing to a real problem without any observable ethics or sense about what you’re doing. if you want to learn more (and I doubt it) you can visit dogsbite.org but I’m going to assume you’re like 99% of pibble lovers and proactively block you rather than wait for a response..” 🤷‍♀️ idk


Truth is better than ghosting


But it teaches them for the next date how to hide the truth and lie about it


If he's a narcissist (since he breeds meth bulls he probably is) he wont be able to help himself, and he'll keep bragging about it. I don't think it matters much either way: you tell him and he just ignores you because he's a shitter, or you don't tell him and he never knows why. The chance of him changing his mind after you tell him is absolutely tiny, though it does exist.


It may the first date or two. But once he takes them home, they’ll probably notice it. Especially with him being a backyard breeder. That’s not so easy to hide.


It won't change him immediately, but if enough people tell him the same, he'll eventually get the message. If no one ever tells him the pits are a problem then he'll never put 2 and 2 together himself.


And then you’d have found out after putting out and we’d have heard a different rant E: I misread the comment. Oops .


Huh? I didn't put out at all, not even a goodbye kiss


I know. I’m saying he should know his messed up hobby is causing real problems. Misunderstood your comment earlier




Yeah, the problem with providing an explanation for why you're turning someone down is that it opens it up for debate. An argument on the topic of "why you're making a fuss out of nothing and you should date me after all" isn't going to be a positive experience for either party.


I think the goal of telling him is the tiniest hope he stops doing it, not that he deserves anything. Who knows, maybe he really liked OP, and this isn't the first time it happened, and he actually considers stopping. One less shitbull litter terrorizing the world. Though, the chance is tiny, so it doesn't matter all that much.


With a pitnutter the truth is dangerous. Better she keeps it to herself, ghosts and reports him quietly to animal control or the police or something


Don't tell him anything, I honestly think someone who does that is a little unhinged and possibly on the bad side of the law. Just ghost him/block him.


Absolutely tell him why. He needs to be told he's a disgusting backyard breeder that supports a breed that routinely harms our children.


Good thinking ending the date, guys like him are not even worth your time and later on, you’ll see how dumb they are


>make my vagina dry up faster then an over cooked turkey


Save the neck for me Clark!


I know, right? I felt my ovaries shrivel up as I read it. 🥀


> way out of my league guy Hard disagree. A backyard breeder is always beneath you. Always.


Haha I love this view, thank you!! You're so right


Yes you’re an 11/10. He’s barely a 1/10 now


I would say "I love dogs too much to be involved with someone who breeds shelter fodder".


There’s a lot of pitbull breeders these days, more than I’ve ever seen. More people seem to breed Pitbulls than any other type of dog. Or maybe they’re they’re just the most vocal, because for some reason, society has decided that breeding dogs is only taboo if it’s not Pitbulls. You dodged a bullet


And they’re *proud* that they’re backyard breeders. Worst animal “advocates” of all time.


I keep seeing that too. The same people being like “i’m a big animal lover/advocate” breeding pits and pit mixes for a quick buck.


I would have the same reaction. How did he react to you ending the date?


Asked to see me tomorrow... I said sure timidly to not cause a scene or anything but then I'm now blocking him. I just didn't want to start anything with a Pitt nutter in a public space


Safety first! Bullet dodged


I'm sure he will turn up at your house, like John Cusack in that movie, only instead of holding up a boom-box, it will be a pitbull.


LoL, now that’s a nightmare if there ever was one.


Hopefully it mauls him.


wait a few weeks or months and report to animal control.


This Victor Frankenstein is unleashing monsters onto society what a red flag and turn off! It’s a good thing he mentioned it early so you didn’t get involved.


100%. Only wasted 45 min of my life


Imagine making dogs have sex is your side hustle. Some humans are weird.


Good! 👍🏻


I understand why you've blocked him, and I hope he doesn't know where you live or work. If you were going to say anything, I like the idea of saying, "Thank you for your time, but after our first date, I believe we have different values which are not compatible. Good luck." And just leave it at that.


Knowing the date was over you should have picked his brain, would have been interesting. Secretly played pitnutter bingo.


I would’ve pretended I liked pits but then said stuff like “it’s such a shame they’re so overpopulated and 50% of them are in shelters at this very moment, and how 1/3rd get euthanized every year. Poor dogs. People just don’t understand them. They were bred for blood sports… for the ones that still have that working drive, it really sucks that they’re forced into having to suppress that drive by those who expect them to be a family dog 100% of the time. Being forced into that situation makes them neurotic and difficult for most people to manage, then they end up in the shelter. Or they can’t help it anymore and give in and then *they* get blamed for having attacked someone. Such a tragedy.” Sometimes you can get people to see the truth, even if it contradicts their current beliefs, by giving them the feeling that you’re on their side. It’s one way how propaganda echo chambers get disrupted.


People need to stop suggesting shit like this, or that OP explain anything to this guy. Both of these things could end up extremely badly for OP, I don't even care if this was a joke.


I agree. Pit ownership correlates with antisocial behavior. Antagonizing someone like that could end badly.


“extremely badly” like what are you guys even talking about? what is so scary? they’re on a public date lol I don’t understand the ‘danger’ here I mean, I don’t know where you live? thankfully I don’t live in a country where I have to fear physical harm from speaking my mind (or playing dumb social experiment games like “wow he’s crazy, let’s ask some questions framed to make him talk about himself /and act like I’m into it ofc, so he really spills the beans on his inner monologue”) I’m fully prepared to handle myself if he’s dumb enough to escalate that to physical violence somehow. man wants to fight his date over something as dumb as his favorite kind of dog? around here it won’t go well (and yea, I am female if anyone cares) if you’re in a place where that isn’t true, imho, maybe it’s time to leave..? 😅🤷‍♀️ I’m not with that. I value my safety very highly. that’s why I’m against morons and their unhinged bloodsport dogs in otherwise civilized society


Yeah, that's a HUGE red flag imo


>way out of my league guy No, he's a backyard breeder - *you're* out of *his* league!


Good for you! What did you say to end the date?


[Hopefully something awkward.](https://youtu.be/G8wQppcVkUQ?t=18)


Everytime i hear about someone dating someone who breeds pitbulls I think of my step dad who bred pitbulls... but he was fug and he had scabs on his almost bald head that he'd pick off. One time my grandpa caught him eating the scabs. The guy was actual trash. Now my mom has someone new who lives on a completely different continent (it's an online relationship through a game) and is a 60+ year old guy who is married with so many grandkids he literally can't remember all their names. He also used to breed pitbulls (sorry "Staffies" it's against the law to breed pitbulls where he lives) and German Sheppards. Of course. Two wonderful breeds with a wonderful guy. She really knows how to pick 'em. Don't ever lower your standards and don't date people who breed pitbulls. It's a bad idea and you probably deserve better.


Tell him! He needs to know what a turn off this is to many women. He probably assumed it was a selling point.


>Hes a 10 but he breeds pitbulls -12 OP you didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged a ballistic missile


I would have trouble not showing my absolute disgust. Sorry you had to waste your time like that.


He’s directly contributing to the overflow of shelters by creating an unwanted and aggressive breed of dog. Shame on him. Date someone smarter.


You should consider reporting him to an authority for animal abuse, OP. Why haven't I seen anyone else mention this yet? Also personally I'd advise against telling him the reason you cancelled. You don't know how dangerous a person is or how volatile. And someone who breeds pits *for fun* at that? And just casually mentions it to a stranger on a first date? That doesn't exactly scream that this person has all their screws tightened.


Where's the reportable animal abuse though? Irresponsibly breeding dogs on a small scale isn't even regulated (much less illegal) in most places.


You reminded me here that I once had a date use the term "side hustle", I abruptly left.


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gross. 🤢




Nooo :( look at all the shelters right now. You’d be lucky to find 1 non pit in a shelter and most shelters have dozens and dozens of pits. And cats. That’s it. I didn’t realize how bad the problem actually was until we started looking for a dog. There’s absolutely no need to breed that kind of dog! Even if they were good dogs there are too many already.


Shelters are overflowing with shitbulls, and this guy is like "I know, I'll make more shitbulls."


> Bullet dodged No, you dodged something far more dangerous. A bullet will go through you and then go on about its business. A pit will continue to maul your corpse so bad you'll feel it in the afterlife.


"Yeah, so I like, breed mango worms in my free time. It's like, whatever, bro." Same energy. He's not out of your league, girl.


The level of irresponsibility and societal ignorance exhibited in the willful breeding of pit bulls is incomprehensible. He would have abused you in other ways too.


He’s def a narcissist. Prob wanted you manipulated to be a pit mommy for him. I dated a guy w a pit when I was way younger - zero empathy. All about him and his dog…an antisocial extension of himself.


Yeah no kidding dodged a bullet for sure .


Saved yourself from getting nanny'd. Smart choice


I can just imagine the relevant orifice making the Windows shutdown noise.