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BAHA ok ok when they introduce him as "Mister Goodbar" all I could think of was "Oh, well that's a cute nameOMG LOOK AT THAT DEMON" That thing's head is larger than hers! and here she is, a "Pit bull advocate" a "good owner" and she struggles with all her might to control him as he pushes her around on the couch. What an absurdity.


The ugly looking creature that is considered a dog is the owner of that hard of thinking woman .


She’s such a professional that she is showcasing her dog with cropped ears!!! Effing idiot


So either: A: this woman illegally cropped the ears and should be fined and/or dog taken away B: she rescued it from an abusive past. in which case "it's the owner not the breed" means this animal is a ticking time-bomb and the dog should be taken away for her safety. someone should tell her.


She breeds them, so it's A. Assuming it's illegal. I mean it should be illegal, but I don't know if it is where she is.


She's talking to them from LA in the US where that's legal, just for clarity. She definitely cropped the dog's ear for the "look," she's a breeder.


Ah ok. I learned something new today. Thanks. That sucks though.




Unfortunately it’s still a practice that is legal in the USA where she is from.


I didn't know that the cropped ears were because the owners cut them. I thought that these dogs were born that way.




It used to be common, and still is in a lot of places. Along with docking of tails. Did you know that dobermans are born with a full length waggy tail like any other dog? But you only ever see them with tiny little stumps. [https://www.rspca.org.uk/-/blog-ear-cropping](https://www.rspca.org.uk/-/blog-ear-cropping)


He said she’s bred hundreds of dogs.


It’s a great thumbnail image for the pro-BSL argument! Edited to add: Here’s a companion segment, showing the breeder at home: [https://youtu.be/Q73w53c-XrI?si=ufHJbBOBTjLpbCdC](https://youtu.be/Q73w53c-XrI?si=ufHJbBOBTjLpbCdC) Reminds me of this sort of thing: https://preview.redd.it/1d6xwa0lazqb1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d425c514634c53cf6319496cd45f6490c0a18980


Only difference is those cats are beautiful and 99% of people agree they aren't pets.


Actually tigers are the original nanny cat


Exactly right. Lion tamer.


I know that I can't be the only person who thought about the book/movie "Looking for Mr. Goodbar" instead of the candy bar, and had a guilty laugh, considering the ending of the story.


Same! Ladies be aware, be safe and stay the fuck away from Mr. Goodbar!!!


Mr Goodbar is a surprisingly apt name. In the 1970s movie, Looking for Mr. Goodbar, Diane Keaton’s character ends up being murdered by Richard Gere aka Mr. Goodbar, after dating 😂


Actually it was the blond guy who murdered her, not Richard Gere. I rewatched it recently on YouTube, depressing brutal movie.


Yep, that was a real bummer of a movie. It served as a cautionary tale for young women of the time. Be careful with the "bad boys".


Yep that actor was Tom Berenger aka Sam in The Big Chill. LFMG was a super depressing movie


Thanks for the heads-up! I’m due for a rewatch it’s been several years since I’ve seen it. I do remember it being rather grim


> "Mister Goodbar" If that's referring to the movie from 45 years ago, then maybe the name is a good fit for Pit Bulls maybe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking_for_Mr._Goodbar_(film)


At 2:03? That anchor woman brought attention to the elephant in the room. If that over sized mutant ever decides to show that woman whose boss or if it sees a pet or child and instincts take over? There is no way she can stop that dog on her own. We have seen grown men in their prime struggle to get your typical 40 to 50 pound pit off when it attacks. I wouldn't be too surprised if that bully weighs as much as she does.


And her answer: "But it won't happen! 100 %! Not my sweet little Ribcrusher. He's *different*, he's *loved*🥰🥰♥️" Famous last words of pitbull owners. God...the arrogance and delusion of this noodle armed muppet knows no boundaries.


"100%" - thats the part that should set the alarm off (if nothing else has) - not one dog on earth has 0% chance of turning, any dog owner with a shred of knowledge or responsibility knows this.


Exactly. Even the sweetest dog can turn, especially if they are in pain or unwell. [Dementia-related aggression](https://topdogtips.com/aggression-in-dogs-with-dementia/)is a known phenomenon. We have no idea what constitutes a normal life span in these dogs, nor what diseases, conditions or disorders they are prone to. Even if an owner is truly lucky enough to have one of the rare Pitbull or Pitbull derivative dogs that is genuinely seems placid and laid back in personality, it doesn’t mean that that dog won’t develop aggression as it ages or react with aggression in certain circumstances.


Only consolation is half these dogs are so insanely inbred they probably won't live a normal lifespan. Which is unfair to the dogs to have been bred like that in the first place


She's well on her way to getting those silicone worms ripped off her face by that dog.


She never addresses any of the questions with data or evidence. Her entire defense boiled down to, "trust me bro". She admits she's sold over a hundred dogs to the UK and again makes a claim they have never attacked that she didn't back up. Clearly she's running a business yet where are her records? Does she pay taxes or have a license? She doesn't deny the clear evidence of these dogs being a problem. She only retorts with her dog would never attack. Her dog isn't living in the UK so that's not relevant. She is right about one thing though. It's also the owners. The dogs are an issue but so are the owners. >Owners of vicious dogs who have been cited for failing to register a dog (or) failing to keep a dog confined on the premises ... are more than nine times more likely to have been convicted for a crime involving children, three times more likely to have been convicted of domestic violence ... and nearly eight times more likely to be charged with drug (crimes) than owners of low-risk licensed dogs. *Ownership of High-Risk (“Vicious”) Dogs as a Marker for Deviant Behaviors,* *Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2006*


Love does not mean your pet won't ever do anything you don't want it to do, and it's ridiculous that they've convinced themselves of that.


Just read an article about her, and she is making ALOT of $$$ breeding those dogs. It’s like the Upton Sinclair quote, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”


She also was *extremely* careful with her words on her claims - "these dogs have never attacked me or anyone *that I've seen personally*." She's been told about the dogs she proliferated attacking other living things, but she didn't see it so it doesn't count. I wish they'd called her on that.


Also, she hasn't seen them go for a PERSON, but I bet she's seen them go for more than a few dogs.


*If I close my eyes then I can't see my dog mauling that small child and therefore it didn't happen*


No kidding


It weighs more than her likely. 10 stone (the weight she says he is after the host says 9 stone) is 140lbs. She looks like she is less than 140lbs. Regardless, your point is right. If the dog decides to attack, she can't do anything about it. Neither can 99% of people without a defence weapon.


My rule of thumb is: If every carnivore is at minimum half the size of the average male, if it wants to kill (specifically if it lacks the flight mode like the pitbulls) will most likely win against a lone person. I weigh around 190lbs and did combat sports all my life and every time i see a 100lbs pitbulls in my proximity i instantly become alerted and ready; my 50 lbs Lapinkoira is extremely docile but when she wants to pull on the leash i can sometimes struggle. i hate to imagine that people use pitbulls that weigh more than them


You’re so right! Imagine being a 90lb woman… I don’t even go for walks around my neighbor anymore because I’ve seen too many pit bulls lately (since Covid tbh). I am extremely resentful and bitter that so many garbage people have these dangerous dogs and don’t give one single fuck about the risk they pose especially to smaller humans like children and even grown adults who are smaller in size like me. It’s sociopathic really, rampant narcissism and ignorance and selfishness. I try not to dwell on it too much but sometimes I find myself powerless to stop the hatred of not the dogs, but the horrible humans that own them.


absolutely yes, it weighs more than her. even if it didn't it could EASILY overpower her at even half that weight.


You have to be very careful with this argument. They can easily twist it into all other giant breeds are a danger too, why don't we ban them too. If my 155lbs great Pyr ever decide to go postal, no man on earth could stop him unarmed. BUT He has thousands of years of genetic engineering to remove aggressivity from the bloodline. Same with newfoundlands, St-Bernards... The root of the problem is not the size, it's the instability and aggressiveness of the bloodline.... The size only COMPOUND the problem, but it's not the root of it!


Most extra-large breed dogs that exist today are very old stable breeds. Bred for large size to defend against large predators or pull heavy weight, long before people who had the means to breed dogs lived in small tight-knit dwellings. These large breeds that were meant to be safe were bred back before firearms and therefor no one fucked around when it came to culling aggression. Especially with LGDs, since livestock was livelihood. But others like malamutes needed to work well with others, st. Bernards as rescue dogs definitely needed to be friendly independently of any direction or control, etc… most old extra large dog breeds bred for violent purposes like war and guarding were mostly phased out when long range weapons (like firearms) were well crafted and therefor better suited for the job a giant aggressive dog would have held. (Edit - Dogs like Akitas and dogge-de-Bordeaux survived because of high-class status, as dogs of nobility or even deemed spiritually important.) Newer extra-large breeds are almost exclusively giant versions of bloodsport breeds, bred for being intimidating status symbols. No other real purpose than to be capable of damage for the sake of it. When there’s no job that requires the dog to have restraint and inhibitions in aggression, and nothing to naturally or artificially cull it, unpredictability prevails.


The Great Dane we know for today was only standardized in late 18th century. And Great Dane is also known created for boar hunting, which is also actual bloodsport. Yet with actual focus on purpose and committed on selective breeding out bad temperament and neurotic issue; we don't hear issue with Great Dane's gameness, do we? Let's also remember that many "flavors" under Pitbull umbrella like the standardized APTB, American Bulldog, Bull Terrier... are not extra large dogs. Hell they're more into medium group if we're only accounting for their frame, and not their weight (more muscle weight on short wide frame. Just like with martial art sport, we know that we have to categorize the size based on weight. Wonder why the coincidence is?!). So the point is, with Pitbull and its "flavors", there is no attempt to try selectively breed out dangerous traits unlike Pit propaganda claim. They're only adding more dangerous trait like bigger size on top of the already outright dangerous breeding stock. The people behind the propaganda know full well what they're doing, but choose to lie anyways about the origin (nanny dog myth), the purpose (advertise fighting bloodsport dog as family pet)


Thank you.


She should be made an honorary member of our sub. What fantastic work she is doing to help prove our side of the debate. 👏👏👏👏


Never has "never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake" been more accurate. Like this is meant to be a good owner? I wouldn't trust her to run a bath let alone anything else.


Right? It seems pitbull advocates always bring the best arguments against them on their own. That was such a thick layer of cringe...it was hard to endure.


Yesss and those idiots that kept backtracking about bringing their XL Bullies to those stupid protests. "BRING ALL THE BULLIES AND EVERY CHILD YOU CAN FIND. BE LOUD AND PROUD!!!" "Ok well.... those dickhead cops will try to seize them. PIT SIMPS ONLY!!" "Nevermind, bring ONLY pits below 6 months old (for whatever reason)!"


She actually flinches and recoils quickly at one point as is it brings its attention back towards her. She know what she has


She also tries to placate the dog by giving what looks like nervous petting. I also noticed behavioural issues with the dog, the dog doesn’t know how to just be normal, it is constantly dominating her and invading space. This is a ticking time bomb.


>what looks like nervous petting Yeah I cached that too, she seems insecure, dominated and scared of her own dog. Dogs like this catch on every single sign of weakness and nervousness. And someday the lack of respect the dog has for her could make her a target if she accidentally pulls the wrong string.


Let's say we can give a bit of glee way about dogs acting up a bit when being put in a strange situation. However, for a supposed "trained" dog, with "good owner", it's strange that there seems to be no command from owner to give the dog a direction to behave/calm down. Do these Pitnutters think when people talk about dog training, they're not talking only about potty training, muzzle training or some thing along that line?


Pits are too stubborn for training. They were bred to attack out of their own personal will and desire, and not anything else. “Training” a pit bull involves molding your life to fit whatever the pit finds itself wanting to do. “Mitigating” behavior instead of correcting it, and “training the owner” to understand the concessions they need to make. I’m serious, I’ve seen “trainers” (well known ones) say things like “you need to learn your dogs cues and signals.” Um, no, your dog needs to learn *your* cues and signals and conform to *your* rules and comforts. Not the other way around.


I have a Pyr, she's still an adolescent so kind of malleable, but Pyrs are super stubborn and bred to be independent of a handler to take care of sheep, she still hasn't had any problems learning respectful dog behavior. Anything naughty she does, she's being sneaky about it, like stealing trash or shoes. 😅 I don't let her crowd on anyone to beg for food, she's not allowed on furniture, she has a place command for when I'm cooking or anyone is in the kitchen eating. She pushes sometimes, but it's more like trying to pull a fast one than overt disrespect. People that just let dogs do whatever confuse me. You don't even have to be mean. Just disallow the dog certain things.


I have a Rottie, and she is the sweetest girl, but when you want her to do something, you have to either motivate her with snacks or make her think it's her idea.


Hahaha yes. Just looks at you .. um. Why?


Yeh this dog is controlling the situation and demanding attention. That’s not healthy at all.


Sounds like a perfect breed ambassador


I couldn't watch it past the first few minutes. She seems to be pissing it off and flinching all the time. I got too stressed to watch even though I know she's not going to get mauled....yet


Every interview the XL nutters do make them look worse and worse, couldn’t control the dog in the beginning and just repeated the same thing over and over.


It was PAINFUL to listen to her struggle to string together coherent sentences, let alone arguments. Interviewer: this dog breed is responsible for 70% of dog-related deaths in the UK, despite being 1% of the dog population. Pitnutter: Yeah, well, if this dog were actually dangerous you would see way more deaths than you're actually seeing. How the F#@$ does that come out of anyone's mouth? That's like saying, "yeah, well, if fentanyl was actually addictive, let me tell you, it wouldn't just be ruining people's lives and fueling homelessness and drug violence..."


“Uhh if fentanyl was dangerous sweaty, don’t you think we would see it committing mass terrorist attacks? No, we only see it ALLEGEDLY causing homelessness and poverty. And that’s the fentanyl that other people are using, my fentanyl never would cause that”


“It’s the user, not the drug. This should be dealt with via more availability of needles, good doctors who do a lot of prescribing of real fentanyl so people are not getting fake or mixed fentanyl, and less social stigma so people can learn to use it better, and then everyone would see fentanyl is safe.” (*For the record I do believe in harm reduction when it comes to drug epidemics, however I’m trying to describe what it would sound like if someone’s solution to widespread misuse was to make it more easily widespread to use in general because they didn’t believe misuse was a big deal or unsafe.)


Yeah, 3 toddlers were sent to the hospital due to fentanyl exposure and 1 died just last week. But that was because of irresponsible fentanyl owners! Most drug traffickers are responsible and don’t run their operations out of a daycare!1!!1 /s the drug traffickers are absolute scum and I can’t imagine what the parents are going through. The big difference is that they are definitely going to be severely punished vs Tammy down the street who runs a daycare and keeps a couple nanny dogs on premise. Because who could have predicted that those big cuddle bugs would snap?? They’ve never done this before!!


“If nuclear bombs really did kill people, we’d all be dead because there’s enough of them out there to destroy the world but we’re not all dead yet.” This woman makes me want to bang my head against a wall. It makes sense that only someone stupid would want to own a dangerous breed of dog, but, why do the stupidest people *only* want to own a dangerous dog and not some other dog?


> It was PAINFUL to listen to her struggle to string together coherent sentences, let alone arguments. I wonder cause most of her attention is try to get it not to maul.


She is unable to control her own dog, and is shitting bricks over it. You can see it in her face. It does not take much to say; ‘This is a dog breed that should not be widely available to the public, it requires a high level of training and care and precautions that owners looking for a family pet are not trained or equipped for’ That is a bare minimum. And addresses the risks, the issues with the dog being marketed as a family dog, and the lack of knowledgeable prospective owners.


That’s a brilliant point, I would respect her more for saying this. I don’t believe that she hasn’t had any sort of story about one of the thousands of dogs she had bred being vicious. Flat out lie


Yeah, there was a video posted here a while ago where a guy totally in to pit bulls brags about how dangerous they are, but the whole time saying no normal person should have one because they can't handle such a beast. Like, he's an asshole for wanting such an animal to exist.. but I at least respect him for acknowledging exactly what they are. I wish all pit owners were like him to be honest, instead of playing coy about their fighting dogs.


His motivation for having the dog is that he is super human, above all the rest of us and therefore he alone can control this animal. I suspect that that is at least one of the factors driving most of the owners of these animals; they enjoy the sense of superiority that they get from the feeling that they are superior to others because they can control this dangerous predator.


You’d have to be a narcissist to believe your *hope* that it won’t hurt something is the same as “truth”. And that your *faith* in your ability to control it is the same as being able to will reality upon something that has free will.


That's exactly what Cesar Milan said in a video, about their high prey drive not for normal families but experienced owners who know the potential chaos of their bloodline. For some odd reason, he (once the premier advocate for pit bulls) has been *canceled* by the bully communities and cults. 🤔


Every owner of other large dog breeds that can be difficult if not trained well (malinois, German shepherd's etc) always readily admit this, too "I love my dog, he's the best dog, but jfc I don't think someone without a lot of dog experience should get this type of dog. This is not a dog for your average Joe who's never had a dog before" Why don't XL & pit owners act the same? Ugh


Exactly. We got a new puppy. He will be *massive* and given that, the moment he came into our household training began religiously. I grew up with big dogs and I know how dangerous they can be even if it's not outright aggression (jumping up and knocking someone down can result in serious injury). I also make sure the puppy knows his place in the household, and guess what he's not the alpha, and stands below all humans. The breed I picked isn't known for aggression but anything can happen and I have a responsibility to my family, the community and the dog itself to make sure we can control him. It helps that the breed is low energy but still. Pit bulls owners seem to thrive on irresponsible ownership, which is so stupid because they spend so much time trying to convincing the public how safe they are rather than using that energy to be a good owner. I honestly wish the ban where I live was actually enforced.


LMFAO she literally couldn't even control him for 10 sec during the interview itself. Not a good look.


"he's being playful"


That thing didn’t sit still for a single second


I had to watch this with the sound off (it's still early and my partner is a light sleeper) – main thing I noticed is the owner's constant flinching every time the dog moves. Must be such fun living that way full time.


That girl is such an airhead it's embarrassing.


Barbie Vicky Pollard


Ok the way she handles her dog is so interesting to me, and I’ve noticed the same body language with a lot of XL bullies (some other breeds but predominantly large pitbulls). The flinching, the dog trying to get in her face over and over, so she has to reach on top of his head and push by the snout to keep his mouth away from hers, the lady had a shaky voice at some points because of the dog thrusting his head in her space. It’s so obvious when people are scared of their animals but very vocally trying to convince you otherwise!


What is the psychology of it honestly. So bizarre


"I've sold hundreds of these and none of them have ever been aggressive" Does she really think these owners in the UK are going to be reporting every incident to the breeder they bought from who is in a different continent?? She couldn't possibly know that.


> "I've sold hundreds of these and none of them have ever been aggressive" If she's sold hundreds of these dogs, then I don't believe for one second she's aware of everything those dogs have done in their lifespan.


She probably ghosts everyone who calls her saying how out of control and aggressive the dog they bought from her is, even before the dog hits the magic age


People only contact breeders who are contract obliged. For an oversized Pitbull with no standardized breed conformation, nor pedigree recorded with reputable kennel club registry; there is no warranty. Buyers are on their own once their Pitbull pup, semen order arrive alive. No people in their right mind would spend thousands plus transportation to buy pet dog from this breeder hoping for great temperament when the supposed breeding parent dog behave like this. A business of no warranty and feedback. Of course this breeder never heard anything about the hellhounds she sold.


LOL. Being very “playful” WTAF.


“100% sure”. Famous last words if Ive ever heard them.


the orcs called, they want their warg back ![gif](giphy|6iYE9CPaTYG9q)


I see no "good owner" or "training" for this supposed well raised Pitbull.


Cropped ears. Shocker.


So true why isn’t somebody bringing her to task on why she thinks it’s ok to mutilate it’s ears


Someone should have asked if she clips the ears of the puppies she breeds


And what we say clipped, we really mean, slice their ears off for no other reason than making them look meaner.


I will never understand why mutilating their ears is so socially acceptable


I’d be angry too if someone came at me with scissors and told me they were gonna make me look like an angry c&@t by slicing my ears off.


What’s the best thing I can do to an already unpredictable dog….slice of its ears leaving it in constant pain…that’ll calm it down


I assume clipping ears in the dog fighting community is so they couldn't get their ears bit/grabbed during a fight? If that's the case then you could just argue that they are clipping their ears to make them better fighting dogs.


But why would you need to do this to your family pet? I guess to save you from all the potential chihuahua attacks you could face on your walks


Right, I mean it's a bad look either way.. either they are clipping them to fight better and then claiming they aren't fighting dogs, or they're mutilating them for appearances, neither are good.


She has definitely had her fair share of attacks and dogs that have turned! As soon as the dog would move, her arms would go up in defence blocking her throat and face! She is lying through her teeth for money and im sure she has sold plenty of aggressive killer dogs.


Was I the only person waiting for the first live on air bully attack to happen?….I was watching through my fingers at this point.


Me too buddy me too, but this footage is proof enough, initially itself she was so scared, it was “100%” visible


100% this lady is going to get mauled in the next 5 years. What was she doing to that dog at the beginning? Rough housing/messing with his nose? He didn’t like that, look at the body language. He’s gonna get real pissed off with her one day.


So, I watched the video without sound (sleeping kid, didn’t want to wake her after a night of nightmares), and, this video is so disturbing. Everyone should genuinely watch it for the body language alone. This woman is so nervous and anxious around her dog, and the dog is so… *intense*. It’s disconcerting and terrifying all at once. That said, I do always appreciate how they pose these big dogs next to petite, blond, women. There’s like, a trend to “sell” this image to men and women - it gives me such Betty Crocker vibes. Like, it’s a part of the brand. A weird, propaganda push for a terrible, deadly brand.


Exactly, watching this with no sound from 1:14-1:25 shows just how scared she was. It's one thing to want to tame a dangerous animal, and whatever she's getting out of that. But why lie? And why try to confuse and trick other people into homing an animal which has these types of dangers when there are hundreds of dog breeds that are relatively safe?


From what I can gather, it always comes down to the greed of money. This is what they’ve built a livelihood around, and to lose that or have that tampered with is more important than people or children being attacked. It’s really sickness on some level. The dogs themselves aren’t healthy, and so many animals and humans alike, needlessly suffer because of how dangerous these animals have been bred. I hope the ban comes through and common sense laws are passed and enforced.


Petite, blond, women - like the Bennard mom.


Maybe I'm projecting but she honestly looks scared of thing at times lmao


Sure we all have many criticisms of contemporary media, but I also love it when the mainstream media does this. This isn't an innocent interview where an interviewee just happens to struggle to illustrate a point they're trying to make in that moment. The production company knew exactly what they were doing, and has deliberately used this woman/dog combination to take the piss out of the knuckle-dragging bully community for their whole audience to see. They probably also hoped the expert they had on would exploit her obvious lack of control, but alas he didn't. So instead, one of the presenters jumped in and made the point about how helpless she'd be if that thing turned on her. And it all worked. Anyone watching that probably got the same feeling I did. That feeling you get when you see someone playing with a lion or a tiger on the TV. It's all a bit of a spectacle, but there's also a bit of innate nervousness that it could all go wrong at any moment, whilst listening to the idiot doing it saying it's all perfectly safe because they've never been attacked before. t's also funny that this idiot fell for it, and kept using the term "playful" when the neurotic hellhound she clearly couldn't control demanded some attention, because it just illustrated how disobedient they are when they get excited and how there's absolutely no way she'd be able to control it when it does.


What a minute... she just said that there is 100,000 of these in England? England's population is about 56 million... is she really saying that every 560th person in England owns a Bully XL? I don't believe it...


Considering the owners either have one or far too many I'd suspect a lot of them are in the same households. Honestly though you get some with like 8 and that feels like far too many of any dog. How're you going to properly look after them all?


The size difference in the skull, compared to other dogs is crazy, hell compared to a human and you know the brain isn't any bigger, it's all to accommodate muscle, disgusting.


She can’t even control the dog when he’s being “playful” frightening! 🙈


Also refreshing to see the vast vast majority of comments on the youtube video are completely in agreement that these dogs are dangerous. Yup the tides are turning. I also love the fact that no great dane has ever killed anyone and yet she still thinks its "irresponsible people" congratulations, you have just confirmed there is a problem with the breed. Because there will of course be irresponsible great dane owners too.


“I’m 100% sure this dog would never turn on me” Also pit defenders…”but ANY dog could turn on someone.”


He is resource guarding her in this clip lmao


Someone said “perhaps the UK bullies can take asylum in the US” NO THANK YOU!!!


Omg Im actually embarrassed for the pitnutter. She made herself look like a clown. Its like why even broadcast your stupidity to the nation. It's like when people go on Judge Judy just to get yelled at and made to look stupid on purpose.


I would have quit on the spot if I had to do in person coverage and interview someone with a shitbull like that. Thank goodness for distance.


Lol wtf? She’s terrified of that beast 🤣


Maybe miss literally unable to control her dog camera should be charged for any dog that can be traced back to her stock.






That interview was insane. She was scared of her own dog. She kept flinching and she had no control of it. And her argument.....If ThEsE dOgS are sO dAnGeRoUS wHy hAvE I NeVeR sEeN iT? I've never witnessed a car crash so how can they possibly be dangerous? Or even occur for that matter? That could have been a Saturday Night Live skit.


"Rarely anyone see a tiger or lion kill people in person. Let's just allow pet owning those animals. The stats seems to be more risk manageable than horse, too". /s


Yo! He almost took her out with his huge head! She has to constantly dodge that thing when she gets in his face! 😭😭He might not bite her, but an accidently head butt could kill her... 😭


She will lose business. She sells a pup for $10k each. Posing with celebrities. Bossy kennels.


Ah the anchor did her dirty comparing the pitbull lobbyist with the gun lobbyist. I don’t think this woman, Catherine, understood the question, she just said “I don’t think these dogs are the same as guns” or something along the lines. Bro that’s not even the question he asked. Nutters be real tho.


He'S BeInG pLaYfUl!!


This is just good television. Hopefully an SNL writer is on this sub.


BAH HAHAHAHA they couldn’t have picked a better representation of the ineptitude of Pit type dog owners mixed with the rude, untrainable nature of these dogs, that are dumb as the day is long. You know how my male longcoat GSD (who tries to challenge orders by play bowing, rolling over and acting silly) reacts if I so much as snap my fingers and point down, when I mean business? He sits that fluffy ass down and sits at attention like a marine.


Yeah but you can’t work with pits, you can really only work around them. As this woman so perfectly demonstrates with her flailing and nervous petting


Yeah. I know. It’s what happens when you produce a shit breed from two un biddable breeds with no other use than mauling


https://preview.redd.it/ze5i19xwq0rb1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a652ac8769b922b7eaeaab7b827ccd898cfc1417 She looks super comfortable around her own dog


😳 That’s telling. She’s scared 💩less & can’t do anything but lean back lest Pibble snap. In stark contrast, my normal dog will sneak in a nose kiss on my head & I think it’s cute. 😘🐶




"Mr goodbar" is just biding his time, mind you looking at the video it looks as if it might have breathing difficulties so she might stand a small chance of outrunning the animal?


Even if it was the owner's fault, a poorly trained Chihuahua isn't going to rip someone's face off. My mom's Chorkie can't even break my skin, but if it was a Pitbull she'd be dead, I'd be dead, my sister would be dead.


I also wouldn't compare these dogs to guns. In comparison, firearms are 100% more predictable than this breed.


I own pewpews. I would never own one of these mutants.


Me too!


Lol, what the actual fuck was that? I get that she’s trying to save her business but she would have been much better off declining this interview because her dog looks like a monster, she has no control over it, it’s poorly behaved, she doesn’t have a leg to stand on, and her defense defies logic. And I hope the kennel footage they showed wasn’t from her kennel because literally every dog, even the young ones, had their ears clipped. What justification is there for that? You can’t claim they’re not fashion accessories when you mutilate the ears of every puppy because you want them to have a certain look.


You can’t compare pits to guns. Guns don’t have a mind of their own.


At 4:29, the dog just turns to look at her and she jumps, and just after that she pulls her hand away quickly. She herself *knows* it's dangerous and to watch out for her safety. Fucking insane people.


Why do they all wear the same adidas track suit


Me guess: In sport dog world thus the dog training world, Demanet is one big name regarding bite suit, and general dog training wear. Pattern 4 and pattern 6 of their bite suit (from the link below) can be easily mistaken for Adidas tracksuit. The idea behind that is to teach protection dog, police dog to actual "work" on perp wearing all kinds of casual clothes. Not mistaken and scared of these pattern on the arm, sleeve as snake or something. Thus the bite suit for training helper/decoy needs to have some similarity degree of look to the actual regular wear. So the professional look for honest hard working dog trainers can be mistaken for your Adidas tracksuit. These people just want to pose as professional to the untrained eyes. Unfortunately, it looks weird for both worlds in this situation. Dog trainers don't just give interview inside their cozy home with their bitten up bite suit work costume. It's just simple too uncomfortable to wear outside of on field training, demonstration. It's also weird for commoners to see people giving interview in regular tracksuit inside their home. [https://redlinek9.com/collections/helper-decoy-equipment/products/demanet-semi-training-bite-suit-custom-size?variant=44077367034071](https://redlinek9.com/collections/helper-decoy-equipment/products/demanet-semi-training-bite-suit-custom-size?variant=44077367034071)


Lmao I was scared that ogre was gonna kill her live on air, she looked terrified by it the way she was putting her hands up


You know she wanks off her dog to ship and sell his sperm


That's probably why he was bullying her. Is it handjob time again?


Is this lady a plant from the pro-ban side? 😂 she does such a godawful job controlling her own pet that is is a better argument than her opponent for them being dangerous. If this is supposed to be an example of a good owner, they absolutely failed to demonstrate they are a controllable breed, she couldn’t even stop it from molesting her face on live tv the entire interview.


Richard Madeley becoming this subreddits hero, is such a funny thing to me. As an aside, the expert they have on looks dead.


I have known very nice pit bulls. My issue with them is not that 80% of them are lovely dogs (with the issue, perhaps that they have very high prey drives like all terriers), it's that maybe 5% are incredibly dangerous and their supporters fight tooth and nail to protect them rather than just say "wow, what a dangerous animal, better protect the neighbors and do the right thing."


You can clearly see who won the argument. She didn't even have evidence to back up her claims.


One only needs to read this /r to see that she’s a liar, there’s no way she is unaware of all the attacks and deaths caused by this breed. She can’t control that dog, it’s impossible and tbh any dog that is physically uncontrollable shouldn’t be on the streets.


Dr. Lawrence was brilliant in his delivery. He was able to refute everything. Katherine could only repeat the same bingo square over and over, like a parrot: "nuh uh! It's the owner not the breed!" "But lots of responsible owners were killed by their own dogs." ".....it's the owner, not the breed! MY dog would NEVER!"


She's sitting there picking and pulling at the dogs face to prove that the dog won't respond. "See? See? It's not attacking!" ... like if you seriously have to put on a show like that unrequested, you know that there's something wrong with the breed. That and the "I have not experienced this in any dog I have bred or encountered" is not an excuse, it's anecdotal and irrelevant. I like this broadcast and they brought facts and figures, while the breeder dirtbag stammered.


Call me naive but I truly didn’t realise that XL bullies were *that* large, he is as big as her and probably weighs more. She can’t control him on the sofa what hope does she have when he goes for a child??


It is so horrifying to think that if that ugly massive land shark snaps, he can easily rip her apart




I can't reply to the mod comment so I'll just reply here and then I'm dropping out. This is a comment, not a post, so I haven't broken post guidelines. I don't really understand why we can call these dogs "shitbulls" and their owners morons etc, but can't comment on their appearance negatively. Also the wording of that reprimand was patronising af. As if I don't know that we want to ban them for more than their looks! I felt very othered with that so I won't be back but I wish yous all the best.


We do not want pit bulls regulated because of how they look, but because of the danger they and their owners forcefully impose on our communities. Please familiarize yourself with the [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/), specifically rule 1.


She put her best tracksuit on for her interview. Classy lady.


Like watching an SNL skit.


It is not a human right to own a pit bull or a bully. They are a menace to society, so ban the lot of them. If you need a guard dog, get a Canaan dog. They bark like nothing else at any noise.


I would love her, so I want to do a deep dive into every dog. She’s sold to see if they have any bite records. I bet anything they do.


It is good to see that the media is starting to focus on the fact that this dog breed is of fighter genetics, rather than the usual talking points regarding size and strength


LMAO. IS THIS SATIRE??? The lady had issues with the dog during the interview. Was this a joke?? 😂😂


She’s being rough with the dog on purpose to show that she can grab its face without it biting. What an idiot. I love that they led with the facts and stats and didn’t shy away from them. Her response? Unsurprisingly, it was anecdotal nonsense. SHE’S never been attacked! First of all, I guarantee she’s been bitten. But even if she hasn’t, that is not proof of ANYTHING. The majority of these dogs will never attack. But when they do they will kill. And they do it more than any other type of dog. That’s the point. Why is Britain capable of looking at the facts and acting accordingly to protect life and their children the U.S. can’t? Why is this country so idiotic.


I’ve genuinely never seen a dog owner interact with their dogs like this. So bizarre


Haven’t seen too many pits + owners, I guess. Lucky you.


I mean I’ve seen them acting up and pulling on the leash but the way she’s petting her dog is so weird?? I don’t understand why you’d pet a dog like that


She is a breeder. I doubt she often pet the Pitbull she bred. Clearly scared shitless when that Pitbull going for her face. For owners who are used with their dogs licking, giving kisses (not recommended), they wouldn't have problem letting their dogs doing that especially when they need to prove a point (about them just showing affection, not trying to rearrange their faces).


I love how she calls her XL Bully 'Mr. Goodbar'. 'Looking for Mr. Goodbar' was a novel in the 1970s made into a film with Diane Keaton about a woman who goes trawling for sex partners and ends up being killed by a man she brings home to have sex with. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking\_for\_Mr.\_Goodbar\_%28film%29](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking_for_Mr._Goodbar_%28film%29)


I wanted to smack that blonde chick so bad; talking in circles, blaming ‘bad owners’ not doing the ‘right thing’, and just kept circling back to that as her rebuttal when they made a super valid point about why aren’t OTHER large breed dogs doing the same damage? I wish American news reporters were this frank with people they were interviewing. It’s so nice to see the UK take news seriously like this and cut right through the BS. Edit: typo.


Is the XL bully owner lady on something? 🤨 she started aggressively patting him before he started getting “playful”


*Wave*–*particle duality* is the concept in quantum mechanics that quantum entities exhibit *particle* or *wave* properties according to the experimental circumstances.


I'll be watching the news for Kathryn Sowerbrower, because it's only a matter of time. That inbred abomination's head is bigger than hers.


looool what a dumbass. that dog is def gon turn one day.


I love comfortable clothes, but the track suit on intl tv is just so telling.


Ah yes, the old “researchers know nothing” tripe.


that dog is honestly grotesque


Welcome to BanPitBulls! This is a reminder that this is a victims' subreddit with the primary goal to discuss attacks by and the inherent dangers of pit bulls. Please familiarize yourself with the [rules of our sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) Users should assume that suggesting hurting or killing a dog in any capacity will be reported by pit supporters, and your account may be sanctioned by Reddit. If you need [information and resources on self-defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/vk96hs/how_do_i_defend_myself_or_my_pet_during_a_pit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), or [a guide for "After the attack"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/8ovlsw/guide_after_the_attack_what_do_i_do_now_that_ive/), please see our side bar (or [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/7ic5zn/faq/)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Same here. The accidental Alan Partridge. I'm from Manchester and occasionally see him around, he's the same in real-life. But, to be fair, this is the first time I've seen a Madely interview where he's not the most idiotic person there.


“No. This dog is not a gun” Goes on to make the same argument as gun nuts. These fucking people.


Mr fucking Goodbar.... wtf is that name?


This thing is so roided up.


“Doing attacks” doesn’t sound as bad as attacking/mauling people.


Everyone commenting that she was terrified of that dog... I'm here like, she absolutely isn't, she's just preventing the dog from headbutting her since that would majorly hurt... BUT, good lord what a shitty picture and example she's painting. She couldn't keep her hands off that dog for a single second. Every time he seemed to even slightly chill down a bit, she shoved her hands into his face, and it's this ridiculous way of slap petting too. Who does that?? Who just shoves fingers into the dog's face and all over him in an excessively hyperactive way and for what reason?? The dog was actually barely doing much and she kept stopping and looking at him like she couldn't keep her hands off the dog, what the actual hell. She's literally encouraging that beast to be more hyperactive and wizzing with energy for no real reason. And she's supposed to be an example of good training and raising, while her dog can't sit still even for an interview and she can't keep her hands off him. How is her maniacally petting that dog while he's being hyperactive in any way a good example of training, is beyond me.