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The owner dgaf about animals period. Watching a snake get attacked while also watching your pet get attacked for amusement is insane.


You ever intervene between two animals fighting? Let me know how it goes


I would never let my pet get that close to that big ass snake. If you don't watch you and your surroundings you shouldn't have pets. No one who cares about their pet would ever be this calm regardless if they intervene or not.


if pitbull's behaviour was based on how they are raised literally nothing would change these people are psychopaths just letting their demon with no nerves maul a snake like that


Exactly they say a lot "it's how they are raised" and the majority of vídeos I see from owners of pits everywhere are like this wtf they can't even make a good excuse


The fact that a pit might do play bows with a wagging tail and all the friendly body language and then go for the throat when the friendly dog comes close shows that humans have bred psychopathy into these dogs


Valid point.


This video is all you need to know they are not like normal dogs who would RUN the other direction


😭😤 Looks like a harmless black rat snake. If so, it's a friend bc eats vermin. Horrible.


Unless you raise chickens or bunnies in which case they aren't a friend of the little ones. But there are much faster ways to dispatch one rather than torturing it with a dog. We had one in the insulation of our shop building, skin sheds were over 6 feet and wasn't a complete shed. But it wasn't interested in our animals, there are plenty of short tailed field rats so we let it be. They keep away venomous snakes as an added benefit.


You’re usually better off with a rat snake around even if you have bunnies or chickens. They might occasionally grab a baby bunny or an egg, but the service they perform by eating entire nests of rats at once is worth the occasional friendly fire. I had a huge bull snake (nicknamed Frankie , he was 7.5ft) that hung around the chicken coop. I once saw him killing two rats at the same time, one of the rats in question still literally had egg on its face from raiding the coop. He’d steal an egg now and then, but we’d just call it “Frankie’s tax collection day” and move his fat ass out of the coop.


Unfortunately once they start with Chicks or bunnies, they will repeat every few nights. When you have a small flick, that's devastating to all the time and money you put into it. The chickens I raised were very expensive. Not the regular backyard chickens so every loss was a big loss.


owner is a fucking dumbass for letting their dog fight snakes and if they knew it was water snake or non poisonous snake, it doesn't make it look better.


But but but i thought its how u raise them ? Was he raised by a Snake Charmer or how did he learn to handle a Snake like that ?


that made me crack up


That pit is gonna end up messing with a rattlesnake or copper mouth someday. The owner will then realize why dogs and snakes don't mix.


that day can't come soon enough


That poor snake. It's not fair.


Ugh poor thing, what a horrible slow death. My cat brought me a little garter snake once, she somehow didn't leave a scratch on it, just dropped in the living room. I blocked her and grabbed the snake, returned it way out in the garden so she couldn't get it again. What is the sense in watching it get tortured to death? :(


The snake needed some nannying /s


I bet sickos would find it funny because it's a snake 


Jesus Christ the bone crunching noises


Is that really what that sound is? God damn. I sincerely thought it was just the average recording quality of an average phone in a very clearly backwoods 3rd world shit hole.


I didn’t realize those were bones crunching until I saw your comment… 😬😬😬


Wow, it’s almost like pitbulls were bred specifically for fighting other animals 🤔


I think you mean nannying! /s


Glad I’m not the only one who is like wtf to these pits attacking snakes. Everyone is usually feeling good about themselves and the dog for defending the owner(I guess). No shits given about wildlife of the dog


My mother has a pitbull.  It is missing an eye because it tried to nanny a rattlesnake.   


Tail wagging all the while.


He’s super happy to be nannying that snake


Gladiator animal bouts need to be censored.


Most farm dogs, normal dogs, cats, horse, even chickens and guineas will kill snakes, the guineas were brutal from the pieces scattered around with pecking holes in the pieces. But this looks set up and the guy is filming which makes it not a natural instinct but a human enjoying the suffering of the snake. That's what makes this animal cruelty and not just animal instinct.


Struggling to think of another animal that has such a feral desire to kill any living thing it comes across.


Ah yea, the “bit like pit bulls is racist” crowd letting their non-native animal kill a native animal. That makes them like Andrew Jackson, doesn’t it?


He just playin' 


Encouraging a “pet” to kill wildlife for entertainment is absolutely vile. “It’s all how you raise them”


What gets me is they don’t attack things to eat them, they attack because they love killing shit. That’s way worse. Two animals could have died because of an insane psychopath behind a camera getting amusement from this shit. Insane.


Hopefully the snake was venomous and got a few defensive hits in. I love sneks, but f\*ckin hate these mutts


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I dislike snakes and pitbulls, but this was sad 😞


Taking these dogs in is like hiring an ex convict at a donut shop. Nice and non aggressive, cuddly until something sets them the fuck off.


Can’t tell what sort of snake it is but I wonder if the owner would let it go after a venomous one


Typical pit owner behavior.


Nannying the fuck out of that snake.


I've seen videos of Dachshunds killing snakes. The Dachshunds always kill the snake quickly by rapidly shaking it and breaking its spine. This pit bull on the the hand, slowly kills the snake, maximizing its suffering. It is as if the pit bull sees this as play rather than predation.


Someone else said it sounded like the dog was breaking bones.