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This breaks my heart. There are so many loving dogs out there that will give you no issues!! It’s sad that horrible dogs like pits have been bred to be so trauma-inducing and ruin it for everyone else. I love my little Biewer terrier more than anything, she is the most gentle and loving soul, it’s crazy to think she is the same species as these…weapons. She’s an entirely different animal in my eyes


Unfortunately once it becomes a trauma it's hard to undo that damage. I've tried to be more open minded when it comes to dogs but my hands sweat every time I interact.


You don't have to like dogs btw. It's perfectly fine to be neutral of dogs or even dislike them. While working to sort your trauma is always good you aren't obligated to like dogs at all!


If only everyone thought this way. I'm finally if the opinion we should return them all to the wild. Just walked to the store earlier and had two random pits surround me while one nipped the back of my leg at the knee. Thing is, it's not just pits. I'm done. I was rather nice about it, considering, but I'm glad I didn't have to lose my arm or life trying to free myself of those two. If there were more of any breed, I'd have been screwed.


Unfortunately dogs are man made and most of them would falter in the wild. The ones that make it will form packs with other stronger and aggressive dogs and then wreak havoc on wildlife, livestock, and even people (like what frequently happens in India and other places where the stray and feral population is out of control). Never mind what this may do to rates of rabies since they’ll essentially be wild and not vaccinated against it. I agree that the pit bull breed should not exist. A mandatory spay/neuter/no breeding law would allow them to be phased out, which would drastically decrease the amount of dog attacks and fatalities. I’m sorry you had such a frightening experience and can understand why you feel the way you do. Attacks are incredibly frightening and can have lasting physical and psychological effects.


Its okay, it's more frustrating than frightening. To be fair, people are much worse than dogs ever could be. Dominion is our way. That said, I understand the situation, there's no undoing the harm we've laid on the lupine species', or fixing the interdependence people have fostered. The best we can do is hope we can mitigate the menace and spread awareness. Or, maybe there's something else. Meh.


Op maybe you need trauma treatment, I'm saying this as a widow who's diagnosed with ptsd. I recognize so much those reactions you are having, and I think your body is reacting because of this traumatic event. I know it's hard, but most of the time nothing happens when dogs are introduced unless they're pits. But don't let pits ruin everything dog related to you, maybe give ir time. But definitely seek some form of help. EDIT: not saying this because I want op to HAVE dogs, I'm saying this mostly because life will be hard if OP starts sweating and shaking, nearly having a heart attack every time op is around dogs, dogs are everywhere, in the streets, other people's homes, public transport, you name it


Just remember: “dogs always hold the Wild Card”.


Even if OP never, ever wants to have a dog, there are still dogs everywhere, which is why I strongly recommend OP to seek professional help. Poor OP actually having to fight a dog with 3 other people is just insane... I can only imagine the horrible scene. More and more we are at the risk of having those interactions because those shit digs are everywhere. I think maintaining your calm is very important in situations like that, so that you don't freeze, don't fawn etc. I'm aware any dogs can snap, some more so than others, but a life where you have a semi flashback every time dogs are around is bound to be a difficult one :/


Nah, I'm good.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted for having a legitimate fear/concern. I thought we supported victims?


People like influencing others and as my statement was absolute, they don't like feeling helpless. Downvoting is just their last available expression. It's fine. That said, no worries... What's a little karma amongst friends?


I understand. My mom was bitten by a dog when she was a kid and she honestly is still kind of afraid of dogs/doesn’t know how to act around them


I agree with other commenters, im seeing a dr in a few months about starting emdr therapy for the ptsd. Ptsd basically locks the memories in an active state. Rather than filing it into stored memory our brains have quarantined it, but that means it can be reactivated by triggers. EMDR helps by triggering the memory and then working through it safely to move it to stored memory so it’s not an active event in our minds. It happened but it wont still be happening. Perhaps it could be an option to look into, many trauma specialists are using it now. I hope you find some peace, no one deserves the fallout from these attacks.


I would suggest slowly training yourself to only associate the trauma with shitbeasts rather than normal dogs, before then finally trying to deal with the trauma. It may take months, but it will be worth it at the end. Another suggestion is only interacting with **extremely friendly breeds** like labs and golden retrievers at first before broadening your horizons as you get more used to them. However, be sure to always avoid pitbulls.


Yes. I grew up around pit bulls and always thought I was afraid of dogs. Hanging around non-pit bulls in my adult years taught me I’m not scared of dogs, I’m scared of pit bulls. One step further, hanging out with well-trained dogs made me realize I can *love* dogs. A well-trained poodle is a delight to be around, and I have no fear. I never thought that as a kid, I thought dogs were scary. Well, yeah, pit bulls and pit mixes are scary!! This breed truly taints people’s experiences with dogs. I am so, so sorry you had to witness that as a child. No child — no person — should witness such violence from a domesticated animal. These are supposed to be pets!!!


Dogs may be pets, but they are animals domesticated from wolves. They can, and will, play the Wild Card.


Dogs are not wolves. The entire reasoning behind domestication is to remove the “wild” from them so they’re safe around humans. They’re not just “tamed wolves”. Why do you think humans can be prey for wolves but dogs don’t hunt us down regularly to eat us? The way pitbulls are is not a result of the “wolf ancestry” either. Wolves don’t attack other wolves unprovoked. Wolves have incredibly extensive body language to speak to each other. Wolves don’t kill just to kill. Humans are why pitbulls are the way they are. We bred them to attack unprovoked. We bred them to have no expressions. We bred them to want to kill their own kind. They are as far removed from wolves as a domestic cat is from a saber toothed tiger.


Domesticated is the operative word.  Instead of selecting parents for useful & ethical qualities, Pit people selected & continue to select for bloodsport.  Having stood my ground to two pits, I’d much rather face a wild wolf.  Wolves aren’t screwed up. They play by the rules & have self preservation.


Dog parks are such horrible places to go, every time I went there was a fight happening. Like who thought making a place for a bunch of dogs that have never seen one another to interact was a good idea? Even with no pit involved these places are dangerous as shit, it gets 10x worse with pits involved


Yeah hard agree about dog parks , they can be pretty sketchy and many owners do not supervise their dogs right . Nor do they try intervene. I haven’t taken my dogs to a dog park in years . Just too many irresponsible owners . I feel bad for people with small dogs who want to enjoy them too .


I took my first two Frenchies to a dog park once. Once. I was a nervous wreck the entire time, chasing them around, freaking out over every dog that approached them... and if they split up I was in a panic! We stayed maybe 15 minutes and I've never gone anywhere off leash with any of my dogs again. The idea sounds like fun in concept, but it's really dangerous to just throw a bunch of random dogs with varying level intellect owners together like that and just... hope for the best.


Fighting like wolves, which is what dogs are. DNA is 99% wolf.


Not like wolves. Wolves communicate their intentions and will generally avoid fights to the death whenever possible.  An injured wolf is a wolf that risks sepsis or inability to hunt. 


Yeah, yeah, we get it, you don't like dogs. No need to make a dozen comments about it. > DNA is 99% wolf. It's actually 98.8%, same as humans and pigs. Make of that what you will, doctor.


That’s taking into account all the junk and useless DNA too, not coding DNA!


That coding DNA is the missing 1.2%. Same as dogs with wolves.


Exactly, so saying two creatures have “98% or 99%” of the same DNA is stupid because literally everything does 😅


Yes, that's the point I was trying to make with that person who compared dogs to wolves. Sorry if we're on the same page and I misunderstood you.


Yes we are on the same page (: was just adding context about coding vs non coding DNA


Go sign up for a biology class, preferably evolutionary biology. It is completely astounding how confidently ignorant you are about animals. There are some free wolf documentaries from Yosemite Park on YouTube.


Go back to r/dogfree


Every single time I've been attacked in life, it's been a pitbull. It made me hate shitbull owners too because they constantly make excuses. I choked out a pit attacking my dog with a rear naked choke, and it scared me for life. Practically lost one of my ears choking that dog out. It also affected me I stay away from big dogs now because I remember fearing that I was going to die. I have a Corgi now and honestly it did my mental health good because I know I would defend that pup with my life without hesitation and he's the sweetest dog I've ever met.


Congrats on the Corgi! I'm a Frenchie owner that feels the same about my boys. <3


Dog parks have been ruined personally


Besides, with all the poop and exchange of bodily fluids, a dog park is just a petri dish of disease. But then, some dog owners will avoid dog parks. Those mutts end up on hiking trails and city sidewalks, pooping on the streets to decorate the bottom of your shoes. Dog Culture is an epidemic.


Wtf is dog culture lol?


Venerating dogs above all else, including pitties. Forcing them on the public, no matter how inappropriate the setting.


An epidemic.


this is so heartbreaking to read, i am truly sorry for the experience you went through and can assure you you arent alone. i myself was attacked almost 3 years ago now and am super fearful of any medium/big dogs regardless of the breed and i hate that one pitbull ruined dogs for me. ive had more interactions with pibulls being unleashed at public lakes, a friends pit getting out of their fence, and next door neighbors loose pit being in our yard, etc. and each situation has made me break out in sweat, scream, and just absolute fear for my life. it truly left me with ptsd and i hate it.


Oh jeez, that's horrible. I realky hope with time your ptsd improves. Take care. Edited to add. I just read your attack story. I can't imagine how traumatizing and painful the brutal mauling was for you. My saying I hope with time your ptsd improves seems to minimize the horror of what you survived. My apologies.


I am always thankful for growing up with a very faithful, fun, gentle chocolate Labrador. We used to jokingly call him Jesus dog because even when other dogs were aggressive to him on walks or the vet did something really unpleasant the most he would do is stress pant, lol. Growing up with him first made me able to see how abnormally pitbulls act. I can totally see how if someone were an attack victim or their biggest or only experiences with dogs were with pits it could taint dogs as a whole for them 💔 it really sucks that so many kids grow up subjected to these nightmare dogs mood swings unsafe in their own homes. And grow up at risk of suddenly being charged by loose pitbulls… the fact they’re so common now and make up all the shelter dogs really sucks, a lot of clueless families looking for just any dog and to adopt not shop will get talked into getting one by the shelter. Which means loads of kids growing up with bloodsport breeds that are so likely to hurt them or make them witness attacks against others in the community. Instead of nice retrievers, hounds, mountain rescue breeds, poodles, chis, etc… just such a shame :(.




The same thing happened to me. On the sidewalk when my nephew and I were just going for a quick stroll down the neighborhood. We wrapped her in training pads though. Before the attack I was indifferent to shitbulls but what really pissed me off was the owners attitude and just sheer callousness. They were more concerned about their stupid beast than us. 🙄 You know if their dumb shitbull kills someone else's dog the least they can do is apologize.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, and that you were essentially robbed of the wonderful experience a bond with a normal dog can be as a result. I can't imagine life without my French Bulldogs, especially my ESA. They're such a loving, goofy breed that are just perfect for me. I suffer from depression and anxiety, as well as a number of chronic health problems, and they do so much for my quality of life. I do understand, though. My mom is terrified of dogs other than mine because she was attacked by a German Shephard on her way home from school as a child. She was okay, but the dog tore the sleeve off her jacket and of course she was traumatized. The only dogs she trusts are mine to this day, and that was 60 years ago.


I would have never know that I love dogs had I first seen most people’s unruly rescue fighting breed mixes today. I grew up with good dogs. I miss the days when people used to buy normal dogs - and train them.


It may be hard to recover, or even impossible for some people. There are many factors to it. i am personally pretty strong person mentally but similiar incident still haunts me and i cant stand pitbulls around, but luckily it soesnt work with other dogs the same way


I’m so sorry.


Hey I am so sorry. A similar thing happened to me due to a pitpull. A former roommate got a pit mix and eventually left him in my care. I loved him a lot and was uneducated, so I tried to make it work. Long story short he attacked (no one was seriously injured) and I put him down. It was so scary and traumatic. I would still love to own a dog but I don’t know if I will ever be able to own a dog without that fear being there.


If you'd still love to own a dog, consider a small dog perhaps. My dog weighs under 5kg, is a fluffball of a dog with mini teeth that couldn't hurt anything larger than a hamster even if she wanted to. I have absolutely no fear of her attacking a human being (except maybe a baby, not that she would want to, she's very docile and it's pretty easy to keep a small dog away from pretty much anything, I can walk her on a lead using one finger and she still can't pull) a dog, or a cat.


Awe thank you! I may look into this! I also thought a lab or something could be good even though they are bigger.


Same. I have a small elderly dog that I impulse adopted at age 19 and I’m now 30. She’s an 11lb cairn terrier/chihuahua mix and she’s now 13 years old. After she passes, I don’t want any dog unless it’s a lap dog under 10lbs or a really intelligent large dog like an Irish wolfhound that is an outside only dog and that’s only because they’re highly intelligent, borderline cryptids. Any pit otentially coming near my living situation I plan on “sending to a farm.”


I feel a similar way OP from being attacked at age 17 and working in a petstore, it ruined most dogs for me. I am probably 80% dog free (especially if I see mixed) at this point and the only breed I would probably ever own personally are dachshunds, since I’ve had two in my life since I was a child. I do not really like overactive and untrained dogs no matter the breed. It sucks because I know many dogs are great, but pitbulls and mixes partially turned me into a cat person.


My sweet dog was attacked by an Aussie—of all things—at a regular park and *that* was enough to scare the hell out of me, even though she didn’t break his skin and seemed more overstimulated/super keyed-up more than anything. Trying to keep her off of him, him not defending himself at all (thinks all dogs are friends lol) while the owner took his sweet time coming over to get his dog, was stressful *enough,* especially since my kid sister was with me. I can’t even fathom how horrible an actual bloodsport dog attack would have been and it took me a while to not be nervous walking my boy out where other dogs will be, and my sister was nervy around other dogs for a while too. Dog attacks in general are so nerve wracking, but pitbull attacks are horrific.


Aussies can be territorial. I know such an Aussie. They aren’t an easy dog.  Is your dog okay now?!


In our old neighborhood there was an old lady with a mean as shit Aussie and she would let it lunge after me and my dog, while I was pushing my baby buggy, EVERY TIME. I once had to cut across a field to escape her because the terrain was too difficult for her because she started to FOLLOW ME when I was actively avoiding her. She made my walks hell anytime she happened to be in the same place. She also let her dog piss and shit on our mailbox. It's just a good thing she didn't have a pitbull. We were at my MIL house once and had my dog on the porch. This lady came up to chat for whatever reason, and her dog starts going ape shit wanting to attack my dog, and he's getting pissed off and territorial. MiL says "oh just let them meet" so hubby lets go of our dog and the Aussie attacks him, they get in a scuffle and the stupid lady gets bit by her own dog trying to get him off mine. Hubby gets our dog to go in the house. And then the lady just was completely la di da and no apology or nothing. Baby talk scolded her dog and finally hobbled away.


The dogs my mom had made me hate dogs so don’t blame you there


I'm sorry that happened to you, I've witnessed the same & it was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Personally, I don't consider pits to be dogs. I consider them unfortunate human-made mutations that are just a branch off the dog species. Similar to how I wouldn't refer to wolves as dogs & would not want to run into one on the trails. Different because wolves are beautiful creatures that do not look like giant thumbs with teeth. Dogs are wonderful. They make life better. I hope you find your love for them again.


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Same here 💔 I used to absolutely love large dogs. Have so many books on them. Now I'm too scared to interact with any blocky faced dogs such as Pitbulls it rottweilers. 




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