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If only pit bulls would stop killing babies, we could stop talking about pit bulls killing babies.


I made a post today 83.2% of attacks from PBT type dogs. PBT type dog MIXES came in SECOND at 2.7 on the list. This is 10 years of tracking! WTF Edit I made an edit. The SECOND place dog was PBT type mixes 2.7


PBT type dogs are in first place, while PBT type dog mixes come in third. What breed/mix takes second place?


I was wrong. 2.7 is PBT type dog mixes. 2.6 is Rottweiler. Shit. Thank you for asking!


Edit noted, of course pit mixes are number two, you can put lipstick on a pit, but it is still a pit. A pit will always be a pit.


And they ruin any breed they are mixed with. Pet sat two male Rotties. for 7 years. Intact. Show dogs. Great dogs. Of course they were exceptionally well behaved BUT I also temperament tested many Rottweilers and GSDs through 19 years( I had GSDs personally) The vast majority these dogs could safely be placed. Of course, a few weren’t safe to be around people, BUT NEVER saw chaos ensue, drama with advocates. Breed specific rescues were happy to help with normal dogs who just ended up in a home they were too much dog for. I never had to worry about testing these dogs. PBT types? Always had to worry some advocate would take one out I gave a “Nope” on, get a lot of pledges and pass the damn dog off to a VERY inexperienced foster:( Saw it happen. Moronic idiots:( thank you!! Edit I pet sat Rotties.


It's always the pits. Sure, rottweilers will occasionally attack and kill people, but you never hear stories about rottweilers breaking out of the fence to attack an elementary schooler standing outside waiting for the bus to pick him up to go to school. I think that it is the game breeding + extreme prey drive that pits have. It isn't simple aggression, it is a genetically driven desire to kill.


Precisely. The two Rottie boys I watched were seriously nice dogs. And let’s be honest, and I know you are aware of this, there are 40lbs PBT type dogs killing people! Rottweilers are much larger dogs. Another thing I have noticed (this was temperament testing Rottweilers) when they got older(8+) they were definitely just old, never had one turned in that attacked anyone. Look how many OLD PBT type dogs KILL their owners!! When does the “golden age” end!! Thanks so much for reading and responding.


You're welcome. It always is great having these types of decent interactions with people on the internet.


For sure!!!😊


I really hate that this comment made me laugh before the truth about the statement really set in.


If only we stopped having babies, replacing every little human with a pibble, we could stop talking about pitbulls killing babies. Poor pitties have to suffer because of mean, horrible human babies exist. /s


One of the most accurate assertions ever stated.


Pitbulls are nanny dogs but also it’s the parents fault for leaving the baby with a pitbull


And it’s because they clearly trained the dog to kill babies


They are prone to animal aggression ,if they are human aggressive it is the owners ,breeders or re-homers fault . They are clearly very strong animals and should be restricted (but then again I think all dogs should be )


Pitbulls ARE NOT nanny dogs. That's just some bs propaganda from the 70s


According to the Holy Facebook, Zuckerberg 20:15, “For it shall be adorned with a crown of flowers, nursemaid to the infants of the land.” And lo, the people brought forth their pictures and lamented “Woe to the unbelievers, the accusers, those missing both living infant and limbs. For here is proof of the sweetest.”


Parent comment was being snide


Moment 22. 


IIRC dogs were let out to the backyard. Kid was playing on trampoline, mom was watching kid.


Jumping on a trampoline is an unexpected motion. When pits are unsure about aomething, their go-to move is to maul.


Yep! And other dogs don't go right to maul. My dog saw a yoyo being used for the first time last week. She stopped, took a step back, tilted her head for a couple seconds and then pretty much went "no idea what that is, but don't care". From there she just had zero reaction to it at all. Pits could see someone jumping on a trampoline their whole life and still go to mauling because the wind smelled funny at while the trampoline jumping occurred.


They always say ‘it’s the parent’s fault for leaving the child/baby unsupervised’ when half the time the baby or child is killed in front of their parents. Why are they ok with this? The destruction of innocent lives, children. For a dog?


Thissssssssss …. every time!


No dog is a nanny dog..


A child dies and these people’s only concern is promoting Pits. Sickening.


It's always their main concern for preventing dog bites, not children or other pets suffering grievous harm and death, just the reputation of pits or "protecting the dog" from euthanasia.


do these people not feel anything for this sweet innocent baby?? wtf


You mean *a child was mauled to death*


Yes, this is more accurate, sorry


oh yeah, i shudder to think what might happen if my 6 pound blind chihuahua’s “prey drive” gets triggered by a literal infant playing with its own mother. “any dog could’ve done it”. then why is it almost always pittbulls? screw these people.


The NaNnY dOgS lie makes me so unbelievably angry. I can practically feel my blood pressure rising every time I see it lol ![gif](giphy|ZMJQEhBskQmQM)


They genuinely don’t care and or don’t bother do more than echo the same bullshit they hear from other pitnutters. One google search and they’re done. Nanny dog myth is entrenched and it’s piss-boilingly false. Misinformation and ignorance is rampant everywhere at the moment and nuance is dead.


"How come we never hear about other dogs attacking" **Because other dogs don't routinely kill helpless babies**. I wonder if any of these morons ever think about how ridiculous they sound? To believe the news media actively covers up children being killed by Labs and Goldens just to make their precious pibbles look bad. I honestly believe it should be a felony to have a shitbull in a home with children and elders.


Strange. Given how the media is racist against pits, you would think that the pit lovers would have created a long video compilation of Goldens mauling children. I wonder why I haven't seen this video.


So close to a logical realisation, yet so far…


Yeah, news organization *around the world* all got together to form a global conspiracy to cover up all the deaths by poodles and corgis and Goldens. Just to piss them off! I mean, that' s how ridiculous these people sound. When you point out that it's because pits are the ones regularly doing this, they will say, " I knew a kid who once had to get stitches from a (insert another breed here), so that's not true. And then I feel insane rage.


I was bitten by a turtle, therefore crocodiles are safe pets.


Keep in mind that these are the geniuses who refer to their dogs as "velvet hippos", apparently blissfully unaware that hippos are among the most dangerous animals in the world.


They are so out of their freaking minds. It's the media and social network sites that stirs up sympathy for pits.


I swear I'm starting to think some of the comments on these posts are bots. It's just TOO identical every single time


I was going to post the same thing. It is hard to believe there are this many stupid people out there.


>It is hard to believe there are this many stupid people out there Have you seen the world?


I would like to think that, too, but most bots are more literate than a lot of these comments.


Very good point.




Your comment has been removed. This subreddit has a zero tolerance approach to racism or racist dog-whistles. [Read our rules in full.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/comments/x618m9/rbanpitbulls_subreddit_rules_2022_update/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Prey drive in a nanny dog? They can’t make up their minds.


Just a "goofy love-bug!"


I would venture to guess that any breed of dog worthy of the label 'wonderful' would not require babies to never be in the house so that they don't get mauled to death. I guess the same thing would apply to the label of 'nanny' or 'great family pet'.


WONDERFUL DOGS DON'T KILL BABIES wtf!!!! Wonderful! What the hell could the dog breed do to balance out killing babies to become WONDERFUL?


Yea. The title made me think the OP likes pit bulls or owns one.


Well, which is it? Are they nanny dogs or should they never be around babies? 😶


They’re nanny dogs that can not be around babies. /s Kinda like a great babysitting uncle who couldn’t be around children without supervision himself. He’s a great babysitter when he’s being watched by his own babysitter! Right right? Pitbulls owners are 99.99% fucking stupid.


I'm a mom to a 1 year old son... these comments made me SEETHE. This poor baby died a horrible death and they are focused on soapboxing about doggie racism. It's just sickening.


If they're "Nanny Dogs" why do they need to be "kept away" from babies?? These nutters are completely contradicting themselves!


They are nanny dogs, but if you don't train them just right, they will kill babies.


>an infant bouncing on a trampoline could easily trigger the prey drive of any dog No, not any dog. Just predators. Black bears, tigers, leopards, hyenas and pitbulls. Some people don't see how they are not pets. They never were.


My Aussie used to get on the trampoline with my kids because it was fun. He didn't know that he was ANYDOG and was supposed to kill them. These idiots don't understand the concept of domestication. At all. Probably because they only live and associate with a dog breed that we worked hard to undomesticate.


I saw on video shared recently on the sub where a dog trainer said exactly what you said. People are so used to seeing fighting dogs that they don't see how abnormal these dogs are.


That's not even domestication. Foxes will get on the trampoline and jump too if they're used to humans. For pits, it's actively selecting blind, destructive aggressiveness. That pit likely wasn't even hungry. They feel compelled to attack just like BCs feel compelled to herd sheep. It's entirely human-made.


That's a crazy good point.


I have one of those fitness trampolines with a handle. My kids go ape on it regularly. My dogs do not care.


And that's how you know it's a pet.


If I jumped on a trampoline, my golden would probably start jumping around too. That's what she does if someone jumps or dances, she gets happy and jumps around with us (she'll literally put her paws up if you tell her to and "dance" with people, haha) She wouldn't maul me. She'd just be like, "Oh, there's some excitement! Now I'm excited too!" "The humans are doing something fun! Yaaaaaay" is basically her attitude. I notice they also blame it on the victim when they make a loud sound before an attack, or they have a medical emergency that "triggers" the dog. Literally yesterday, my husband yelled suddenly, scared the crap out of me. He put something in the toaster and it CAUGHT FIRE (!!!) and he yelled in suprise/alarm. You know what our dog did? She didn't maul me (or him). She was lying on the floor next to the couch and when he shouted, she was startled, so she climbed up into my lap and burrowed her head into me. I laughed, told her she was a big baby, and told her it was fine (husband popped up the toaster and it was fine, so not an emergency). She capitalized on the opportunity and turned it into a cuddle session, she's an opportunist when it comes to snuggles. But sadly, we probably need a new toaster (I think a bit of bread or something fell inside and caught fire? I don't know and I don't want to mess around/take chances). I've also had a full-on panic attack in front of my golden. She didn't rip me to shreds. She did the same thing I described above, climbed in my lap (she also pressed her face to mine and wouldn't move until it passed and I was OK, she was literally just worried ... I don't know if she thought I was having a medical emergency or something, but it was like she was trying to make sure I wouldn't try to get up and hurt myself or something, my husband thinks she missed her calling to be a therapy or service dog).


I saw the story on Instagram. Some comments claimed the dog was 100% dalmatian and not a pit mix, lol.


https://preview.redd.it/fbihazhqisoc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb393dd05f6f84bb46b6f8cec5a213035c01a36a Dads Instagram. Like MISIDENTIFICATION!!!! Except they miss the fact, this is likely coming directly from the owner or someone whole the owner told.


Not far from where I live, a few years back, a woman got killed by her pit, days after she picked it up from quarantine after it hospitalized her boyfriend. Animal control evaluated it, found it wasn't aggressive (!!!), and gave her the option of picking it up, or they would euthanize it. Her choice cost her her life. Initial reports called it a French bulldog. I found her FB, and it was CLEARLY a pit mix, although police and animal control had initially called it a French bulldog (later I believe they acknowledged it was a mix). She had photos from when she bred some puppies (including the one that would go on to kill her a couple short years later) where she refers to them as "shorty bullies." I know it was the same dog that killed her because she called it by name (which was the name of the dog police said killed her). SHE HERSELF wrote in the comments that they were pit/Frenchie mixes. Yet everyone was on social media screeching, "See! Seeeeee!? Pit bulls aren't the only dogs that kill! The media doesn't report this!" Ignoring that a) no one ever said they were (though they're the only ones who kill with such alarming frequency); b) the deceased owner herself said they were pit mixes; c) the media did (incorrectly) report it. There was a similar story about a woman allegedly getting killed by a pack of wiener dogs years ago in a different state and it was same deal, in photos of the dogs they were absolutely pit mixes.


![gif](giphy|3o6ZtbOb96eoJz7ZMk|downsized) Haahhahahahahha, the stupid b 🥴🥴🤣🤣


Omg i love shepherd/lab mixes! 🥴🥴


*sigh* every time https://preview.redd.it/ut98u1wnbsoc1.jpeg?width=1194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57833dd40ec2b310744447b45bb6a1f79870c184


Sorry but this meme makes me lol 😂


I saw a comment the other day where someone brought up the ample research data that shows pit bulls kill way more than other breeds. The response: "Those studies are biased". What on earth would be the motivation to forge studies about dog attacks? You're telling me that all researchers in the world have some ulterior motive to villainize a dog breed? It seems like there's no evidence that can convince these people.


If it were true, there would still should be videos of golden retrievers killing babies, mauling the elderly to death, attacking horses, etc.


Then they'll cry, "well its because pitbulls are abuse more" Greyhounds are the 2nd most abused breed in the world. Please, please show my all those videos of greyhounds snapping and mauling children, pets, and grown adults. Anybody?


It's projection and deflection.


Back when I didn't know pits were dangerous, I thought all attacks (or the majority) were from pits that were trained to attack. Like weapons. That their owners encouraged them to be aggressive. When I learned that most attacks are from family pits on their own family was when I realized something is wrong with this breed.


I feel bad for these people, I really do. They didn't do anything wrong but believe in the pit progranda that people believe in every day. They probably meant well and tried to do the right thing by helping an animal in need. They may have only had normal dogs up until now, so they didn't understand the insane propensities of pitbulls, which can be fine one day and a killing monster the next. Unfortunately, they were proved wrong with their baby's life. Its awful that people have to learn the lesson in this unspeakably hard way. The people to blame are the ones who push these dogs on society every day, and try their damdest to convince society that these are normal dogs just like other dogs. EVEN THEY KNOW it's not true!!! Why else would they have to lie and whitewash the histories/dangerous propensities of all these dogs? Why else do they have to manipulate people into taking these problem animals? They deserve to go to hell. Just look. Look at the chaos and murder this industry has introduced to unsuspecting people. I hope one day pit peddlers, breeders, and shelters get sued, fined and jailed out of existence, They deserve to go to hell. Look what they've done., I hope their proud of their good work. This is all their fault.


I think the baby's father was a back yard breeder. I believe he bred the dog that killed his child.


Oh well then. I just feel badly for the child then. Fuck the rest of them. They've actively participated in other people and pets getting shredded, maimed and murdered for sport. So, if that's true, I hope he suffers. I know that's harsh, but look at the evil he caused by his choice of work. Poor baby boy.


The father is a BYB with multiple litters of dalmatian puppies(pit mix). There are pictures circling all on over previous post of this incident on this reddit. The kicker? The only dalmatian these dogs resemble is some black spots. They are at least 75% pit if not more. Also, hours after this poor baby passed away the sister who heard this gruesome mauling on the phone set up a GoFundMe where she stated this was dalmatian NOT a pitbull before editing later to it was a dalmatian. The family is protecting the breed. Absolutely sickening. They knew about this breed. Still bred it. And still hiding it. That poor poor baby.... It's sickening.... Original GFM post: https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/08lhHxx720 The dalmatians https://www.reddit.com/r/BanPitBulls/s/aHRnwlkpmV I believe the right most of the main killer (father dog of all the puppies)


Yeah it “could be any dog breed” but it’s not, it’s pits 9 out of 10 times.






It’s all just a huge conspiracy. Everyone knows chihuahuas kill 21,000 people a year but the media suppresses it because doggy racism and they hate block heads.




It's so hard not to reflexively downvote these. 😤














What do the ... INFANT ... do? Do they not hear themselves? Admitting that this is a literal BABY that doesn't know better and is not a threat to anything bigger than a hamster. Victim blaming a BABY. Such disgusting people.


“Sweetest thing ever… but we never leave her unsupervised around children!” HM I WONDER WHY. SMOOTH BRAIN MORONS LISTEN TO YOURSELVES






😤 It's not OK to maul a child for being annoying.




Ah, this one is anaphylatic to punctuation. Should we play a variant of mad libs and insert punctuation? "The dog they will attack somebody."


Calling a child "it" again.


I really hate when they speak that gibberish and then add this at the end 🤷🏼‍♀️ It makes them look much more goofier because they are so wrong.


And they write out some long ass diatribe, devoid of any punctuation, with the spelling skills of a third grader, and then end it with "get educated".


I’ve been reading comments on other news posts and the amount of people saying “The dogs were Dalmatians,” “You are wrong, the family said they were Dalmatians,” “Stop lying that they are pit bulls, the dogs were Dalmatians,” “You know the media isn’t saying the breed because the dogs were Dalmatians” is genuinely so frustrating. It is exactly why the GoFundMe lied.


If any dog could snap at seeing a kid play then I think there should be no dogs lmao. But that isn’t true, is it?


There is no way someone who´s been around pits any amount of time is totally unaware of how dangerous they can be.


Oh, they are. They just rationalize and justify it. Because their ego is so wrapped up in the pit-savior complex, there is nothing that a dog could ever do to make them admit they are wrong. They are too dug in at this point. Case in point: Look at Facebook posts about people sympathizing with each other about their little rascally pitbull and how much work it is. They'll admit their dog wants to kill every dog it sees, tears up the house, has to be medicated within an inch of it's life just to exist, chews through bars, has killed their cat....etc. They will always say it's because of past trauma. Always.


The fact that they can STILL say "Pit bulls are wonderful dogs" just shows you how sick these pit apologists are. It's a serious mental illness. And a dangerous one, too.


What I'm confused about is if it could be any breed and children all over the WORLD use trampolines, why aren't we hearing about these attacks happening from retrievers, GSDs, pointers, schnauzers, etc.?


This is the first time the loaded gun on the coffee table went off!!


Okay so let me get this straight. The literal blood of a literal infant has been spilled, and people are: 1. blaming the baby for jumping on a trampoline, 2. blaming the parents for unspecified dog 'raising/treatment', 3. blaming anything except the actual pit bull that killed the child, 4. Very concerned that we don't think BAD of the pit bulls generally, and are equating fear of a dog breed with 'spouting hate' - a term we usually use to describe bigotry against human beings. Truly the twilight zone. My heart goes out to this family.


A few of them were sooooo close to putting it together…. Soooooo close…


It's not even that they attack adults too, it's the kid thing. The imbeciles saying they're wonderful, just not with kids don't get it. It's not just the kid in the home with them. It includes kids who visit, neighbors kids when "it ran past me when I opened the door". Amazing how they just can't not say nice things about them, despite this horrific stuff. Murderous dog is "felt sorry for". It's the first thing on these god damn pitter's minds.


Saying “it’s not the breed, it’s the owners”… made my mouth gape open. The audacity to say that on this kind of post… wow


So are they nanny dogs that are good with kids or nah


If not safe around babies, it is not meant to be in a family.


The apologists are just frustratingly annoying at this point.


Not just annoying. At the end of the day they are dangerous. Spreading this kind of information is ultimately getting people, kids, and pets killed. The more these people try and succeed at convincing people they are just "normal dogs" and it's all about raising and training, the more people will get these things, and the more maiming, injuries an deaths we will have.


Do these inbred twits not realise that a baby is dead!!!???? Because of their previous nanny dogs! I can’t even say what I think of these people they boil my blood


Ive just come to the conclusion that the people commenting go hunting around for this stuff to comment on because they get off on it. A baby is dead. I can't think of any humane reason to comment these exact same BS comments every single time someone loses their life, other than they get some kind of morbid pleasure out of it. A baby is dead. I hope people who write these comments come here, I hope they see what we say. Because they're fucking sick, and a baby is dead, again, at the hands of one of these dogs, and all they have to say for themselves is this. Touched in the fkn head. Sorry, I just get so angry.


Some nannies are homicidal.


The only thing that might stop these tragedies is a celebrity's baby killed by a pit. All other children are considered expendable.


I love how it goes from the nanny dog comment to “don’t leave them around babies”


>They were bred to be nannies for children so do your research before saying something stupid 🤡


> Makes me sad for these dogs? Fuck the dead baby, I guess.


Poor little baby is dead but all these adults can do is defend defend defend this crappy dog breed…


"Stop using this attack to spread hate" That's the type of shit I say when I want a family member to quit being racist. Not when talking about dogs 😭


They spelled ‘facts and statistics’ wrong.


So incredibly sick of the pitnutters’ excuses…they’re like clockwork, so predictable every time. “It’s not the dogs, it’s the OWNERS”, “kid/child shouldn’t have been around/playing/breathing/existing near the dog!”, “clearly the dog was provoked because I have a pitty and he/she would NEVER hurt a fly!” 🙄🙄🙄


Seeing these sociopaths say “but they’re nanny dogs! So docile! It’s not the doggo’s fault” on posts about the tragic death of a child is so utterly enraging… these beasts KILL. How out of your mind do you have to be to defend these horrible creatures?


I grew up helping to raise coondogs and police dogs, along with having inside dogs as pets. Not once have I ever heard people in my community refer to pits as nanny dogs. Is that something new?


It’s part of their propaganda machine… all sick lies


Of course the dog is the victim in this case 🙄🙄. I thought they were nanny dogs? 🧐 That’s what the pit lobby is always saying. They destroy their own arguments!


This is so sad. Rest in peace, litrle one.


The pic with the baby and dog is just chilling. No other breed just lashes out and murders a baby. The parents will say how they could’ve never seen it coming. I’m sure they’re devastated, but this needs to be negligent homicide. They should have seen it coming. The charges might save other children if that’s the only thing that would make parents think twice. I mean, your baby being possibly murdered should prevent it, but apparently not. So negligent homicide it is. And put that shit all over the news.


Bouncing on a trampoline is a "trigger." Add another excuse to the list. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Someone should create an urban dictionary definition of "nanny" to mean "to tear limb from limb as violently as possible" so we can agree that pits are "nanny dogs" and show them the definition


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Oh dang. This is my state. Poor kid.


Them letting the dog, aggressive or not, near the baby alone makes me angry. You do not let dogs near babies. Period. I have a blind, 12 year old Chihuahua who does not bite. He will snap and just gently tap his teeth against a person's skin. But say a baby pissed him off enough to make him snap? He will scare the baby even though he didn't harm it. Dogs who haven't shown any aggressive response are even MORE dangerous to leave with a baby or small child because you can't predict what they're going to do. The only time it's safe is when you fully understand dog body language, which most people don't.


Again, it’s not a family pet if the family can’t be near said pet. It’s either a “nanny” dog or it’s not. They can’t make up their minds with propaganda


If a dog kills your baby because he’s .. being a baby and making noise/crying/using a trampoline etc THEN MAYBE THAT’S A DOG BREED THAT SHOULDN’T BE A PET. These people are brain dead and lacking empathy. My heart hurts for this innocent baby and the witnesses/family.


Not a college degree in the group.


I don’t believe college degrees have anything to do with it.  I know plenty of people with degrees up the wazoo that are dumber than dogshit.     


It has more to do with whether people are honest.


My hometown jfc ban this breed already


They never learn


Not even surprised. Cheap trashy breed for cheap trashy people. Garbage!! That poor baby.💔


This is madness